PNGJ:  Release Notes  & History

Version 0.85  (1 April 2012)
 - More robust Chunk management (ChunkGroup is now inside PngChunk; both PngReader and PngWriter have a ChunkList...)    
 - PngMetadata: both  PngReader and PngWriter have an instance to deal with metadata (chunks) at high level. eg: setDpi()/getDpi 
 - Added sPLT chunk
 - The test of all testsuite images now copies all chunks ok.
 - Deprecated Pngwrite.writeRow(ImageLine), use better Pngwrite.writeRow(ImageLine,rown)
 - remove PngReader.foundChunksInfo 
Version 0.80  (28 March 2012)
 - Roll back auto increment of ImageLine rownumber at writing. Define some new PngWrite.writeLine() methods with slight change in semantics  
 - Fix bad chunk-id in PngChunkITXT
Version 0.71  (March 2012)
 - Full support for all Chunk types (bKGD CHRM ICCP ITXT TRNS ZTXT - some yet untested)  
 - is now empty: PngFileHelper is back to main jar
 - Lossy compression - (very EXPERIMENTAL yet, undocumented, lots of rough edges) 

Version 0.62  (Jun 2011)
- Added Javadocs
- Implemented ImageLineHelper.tf_palIdx2RGB()
- Several code and comment polishing

Version 0.61  (Jun 2011)
- Better PNG filter strategies (different filters in same writer).
- Fixed issue with compression level (zip stream), it had no effect before.
- More chunks implemented (cHRM  , sRGB , sBIT)
- Restricted visibility of some methods/fields

Version 0.6  (May 2011)
- Full support for indexed and grayscale, with  any bitdepth 
- The only non supported PNG images are the interlaced now.
- Chunk management fully reimplemented. (package
- Decouple google-appengine-unfriendy code in package package. See PngFileHelper.
- Constructors PngReader/PngWriter now use streams. See factory methods 
in if you want to use files.
- Added test images from PNG suite - see MirrorTest
- Polished code, translated some spanish comments 

Version 0.2  (Apr 2011)
- Issue with extra trailing IDAT chunks fixed.  

Version 0.1  (January 2009)
- Full reading/writing capabilities for truecolor formats: RGB/RGBA , 8 and 16 bpp
- Other formats: paletted and grayscale images implemented (almost no testing), 
only with 8bitdepth resolution (1,2,4 bits not implemented). 
- Palette handling: very rudimentary: PngReader only reads the raw chunk and 
PngWriter -if applicable- writes it back.
- Special color transformations (ICC) : unvisible for the API. The chunks are
read and write 'raw'. 
- Special chunks: limited support for Physical resolution (DPI) and textual chunks.
All other ancillary chunks are blindly read and write.


Hernan J. Gonzalez