/* * This is a modified version of the original header as provided by * NVidia; original copyright appears below. * * Modified by Christopher Kline, May 2003: Stripped down and hacked to get * around macro interpretation problems. */ /* * * Copyright (c) 2002, NVIDIA Corporation. * * * * NVIDIA Corporation("NVIDIA") supplies this software to you in consideration * of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, * modification or redistribution of this NVIDIA software constitutes * acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please do * not use, install, modify or redistribute this NVIDIA software. * * * * In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and * subject to these terms, NVIDIA grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, * under NVIDIA’s copyrights in this original NVIDIA software (the "NVIDIA * Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the NVIDIA * Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; * provided that if you redistribute the NVIDIA Software, you must retain the * copyright notice of NVIDIA, this notice and the following text and * disclaimers in all such redistributions of the NVIDIA Software. Neither the * name, trademarks, service marks nor logos of NVIDIA Corporation may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from the NVIDIA Software without * specific prior written permission from NVIDIA. Except as expressly stated * in this notice, no other rights or licenses express or implied, are granted * by NVIDIA herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be * infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the NVIDIA * Software may be incorporated. No hardware is licensed hereunder. * * * * THE NVIDIA SOFTWARE IS BEING PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ITS USE AND OPERATION * EITHER ALONE OR IN COMBINATION WITH OTHER PRODUCTS. * * * * IN NO EVENT SHALL NVIDIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * EXEMPLARY, CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOST * PROFITS; PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) OR ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE, * REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE NVIDIA SOFTWARE, * HOWEVER CAUSED AND WHETHER UNDER THEORY OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF NVIDIA HAS BEEN ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #ifndef _cg_h #define _cg_h #ifndef CG_DEPRECATED_API // Set up for either Win32 import/export/lib. #ifndef CGDLL_API #ifdef WIN32 #ifdef CGDLL_EXPORTS #define CGDLL_API /*__declspec(dllexport) */ #elif defined (CG_LIB) #define CGDLL_API #else #define CGDLL_API __declspec(dllimport) #endif #else #define CGDLL_API #endif #endif /*************************************************************************/ /*** CG Run-Time Library API ***/ /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /*** Data types and enumerants ***/ /*************************************************************************/ typedef int CGbool; #define CG_FALSE ((CGbool)0) #define CG_TRUE ((CGbool)1) // typedef struct _CGcontext *CGcontext; // typedef struct _CGprogram *CGprogram; // typedef struct _CGparameter *CGparameter; // hack: until typedef resolution is fixed, change the typedef from *CGContext // to CGContext, and change all references to CGContext in functions to CGContext* typedef struct _CGcontext CGcontext; typedef struct _CGprogram CGprogram; typedef struct _CGparameter CGparameter; typedef enum { CG_UNKNOWN_TYPE, CG_STRUCT, CG_ARRAY, CG_TYPE_START_ENUM = 1024, //# define CG_DATATYPE_MACRO(name, compiler_name, enum_name, ncols, nrows) enum_name , #include } CGtype; typedef enum { //# define CG_BINDLOCATION_MACRO(name,enum_name,compiler_name,enum_int,addressable,param_type) enum_name = enum_int, #include CG_UNDEFINED, } CGresource; typedef enum { CG_PROFILE_START = 6144, CG_PROFILE_UNKNOWN, //# define CG_PROFILE_MACRO(name, compiler_id, compiler_id_caps, compiler_opt,int_id,vertex_profile) CG_PROFILE_##compiler_id_caps = int_id, #include CG_PROFILE_MAX, } CGprofile; typedef enum { //# define CG_ERROR_MACRO(code, enum_name, new_enum_name, message) new_enum_name = code, # include } CGerror; typedef enum { CG_UNKNOWN = 4096, CG_IN, CG_OUT, CG_INOUT, CG_MIXED, CG_VARYING, CG_UNIFORM, CG_CONSTANT, CG_PROGRAM_SOURCE, CG_PROGRAM_ENTRY, CG_COMPILED_PROGRAM, CG_PROGRAM_PROFILE, CG_GLOBAL, CG_PROGRAM, CG_DEFAULT, CG_ERROR, CG_SOURCE, CG_OBJECT, } CGenum; #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef void (*CGerrorCallbackFunc)(void); /*************************************************************************/ /*** Functions ***/ /*************************************************************************/ /*** Context functions ***/ CGDLL_API /*CGcontext*/CGcontext* cgCreateContext(void); CGDLL_API void cgDestroyContext(/*CGcontext*/CGcontext* ctx); CGDLL_API CGbool cgIsContext(/*CGcontext*/CGcontext* ctx); CGDLL_API const char *cgGetLastListing(/*CGcontext*/CGcontext* ctx); /*** Program functions ***/ CGDLL_API /*CGprogram*/CGprogram* cgCreateProgram(/*CGcontext*/CGcontext* ctx, CGenum program_type, const char *program, CGprofile profile, const char *entry, const char **args); CGDLL_API /*CGprogram*/CGprogram* cgCreateProgramFromFile(/*CGcontext*/CGcontext* ctx, CGenum program_type, const char *program_file, CGprofile profile, const char *entry, const char **args); CGDLL_API /*CGprogram*/CGprogram* cgCopyProgram(/*CGprogram*/CGprogram* program); CGDLL_API void cgDestroyProgram(/*CGprogram*/CGprogram* program); CGDLL_API /*CGprogram*/CGprogram* cgGetFirstProgram(/*CGcontext*/CGcontext* ctx); CGDLL_API /*CGprogram*/CGprogram* cgGetNextProgram(/*CGprogram*/CGprogram* current); CGDLL_API /*CGcontext*/CGcontext* cgGetProgramContext(/*CGprogram*/CGprogram* prog); CGDLL_API CGbool cgIsProgram(/*CGprogram*/CGprogram* program); CGDLL_API void cgCompileProgram(/*CGprogram*/CGprogram* program); CGDLL_API CGbool cgIsProgramCompiled(/*CGprogram*/CGprogram* program); CGDLL_API const char *cgGetProgramString(/*CGprogram*/CGprogram* prog, CGenum pname); CGDLL_API CGprofile cgGetProgramProfile(/*CGprogram*/CGprogram* prog); /*** Parameter functions ***/ CGDLL_API /*CGparameter*/CGparameter* cgGetNamedParameter(/*CGprogram*/CGprogram* prog, const char *name); CGDLL_API /*CGparameter*/CGparameter* cgGetFirstParameter(/*CGprogram*/CGprogram* prog, CGenum name_space); CGDLL_API /*CGparameter*/CGparameter* cgGetNextParameter(/*CGparameter*/CGparameter* current); CGDLL_API /*CGparameter*/CGparameter* cgGetFirstLeafParameter(/*CGprogram*/CGprogram* prog, CGenum name_space); CGDLL_API /*CGparameter*/CGparameter* cgGetNextLeafParameter(/*CGparameter*/CGparameter* current); CGDLL_API /*CGparameter*/CGparameter* cgGetFirstStructParameter(/*CGparameter*/CGparameter* param); CGDLL_API /*CGparameter*/CGparameter* cgGetFirstDependentParameter(/*CGparameter*/CGparameter* param); CGDLL_API /*CGparameter*/CGparameter* cgGetArrayParameter(/*CGparameter*/CGparameter* aparam, int index); CGDLL_API int cgGetArrayDimension(/*CGparameter*/CGparameter* param); CGDLL_API int cgGetArraySize(/*CGparameter*/CGparameter* param, int dimension); CGDLL_API /*CGprogram*/CGprogram* cgGetParameterProgram(/*CGparameter*/CGparameter* prog); CGDLL_API CGbool cgIsParameter(/*CGparameter*/CGparameter* param); CGDLL_API const char *cgGetParameterName(/*CGparameter*/CGparameter* param); CGDLL_API CGtype cgGetParameterType(/*CGparameter*/CGparameter* param); CGDLL_API const char *cgGetParameterSemantic(/*CGparameter*/CGparameter* param); CGDLL_API CGresource cgGetParameterResource(/*CGparameter*/CGparameter* param); CGDLL_API CGresource cgGetParameterBaseResource(/*CGparameter*/CGparameter* param); CGDLL_API unsigned long cgGetParameterResourceIndex(/*CGparameter*/CGparameter* param); CGDLL_API CGenum cgGetParameterVariability(/*CGparameter*/CGparameter* param); CGDLL_API CGenum cgGetParameterDirection(/*CGparameter*/CGparameter* param); CGDLL_API CGbool cgIsParameterReferenced(/*CGparameter*/CGparameter* param); CGDLL_API const double *cgGetParameterValues(/*CGparameter*/CGparameter* param, CGenum value_type, int *nvalues); CGDLL_API int cgGetParameterOrdinalNumber(/*CGparameter*/CGparameter* param); /*** Type Functions ***/ CGDLL_API const char *cgGetTypeString(CGtype type); CGDLL_API CGtype cgGetType(const char *type_string); /*** Resource Functions ***/ CGDLL_API const char *cgGetResourceString(CGresource resource); CGDLL_API CGresource cgGetResource(const char *resource_string); /*** Profile Functions ***/ CGDLL_API const char *cgGetProfileString(CGprofile profile); CGDLL_API CGprofile cgGetProfile(const char *profile_string); /*** Error Functions ***/ CGDLL_API CGerror cgGetError(void); CGDLL_API const char *cgGetErrorString(CGerror error); CGDLL_API void cgSetErrorCallback(CGerrorCallbackFunc func); CGDLL_API CGerrorCallbackFunc cgGetErrorCallback(void); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #else #define cgCreateContext cgGL_DEPRECATEDAPI_CreateContext #define cgGetNextProgram cgGL_DEPRECATEDAPI_GetNextProgram #define cgGetLastListing cgGL_DEPRECATEDAPI_GetLastListing #define cgGetProgramProfile cgGL_DEPRECATEDAPI_ProgramProfile # include #endif #endif