// Define __gl_h_ so that GL/gl.h doesn't get bound as part of CgGL.java
// because cgGL.h tries to include it
#define __gl_h_

// Define some types so that cgGL.h has the types it expected to get by
// including GL/gl.h (which we disabled above)
typedef unsigned int    GLenum;
typedef unsigned char   GLboolean;
typedef unsigned int    GLbitfield;
typedef void            GLvoid;
typedef signed char     GLbyte;         /* 1-byte signed */
typedef short           GLshort;        /* 2-byte signed */
typedef int             GLint;          /* 4-byte signed */
typedef unsigned char   GLubyte;        /* 1-byte unsigned */
typedef unsigned short  GLushort;       /* 2-byte unsigned */
typedef unsigned int    GLuint;         /* 4-byte unsigned */
typedef int             GLsizei;        /* 4-byte signed */
typedef float           GLfloat;        /* single precision float */
typedef float           GLclampf;       /* single precision float in [0,1] */
typedef double          GLdouble;       /* double precision float */
typedef double          GLclampd;       /* double precision float in [0,1] */

#define CGDLL_API 
#include <CG/cgGL.h>