package com.sun.opengl.util.glsl.sdk; import*; import*; /** Precompiles a shader into NVidia binary format. Input is the resource name of the shader, such as "com/sun/opengl/impl/glsl/fixed/shader/a.fp". Output is "com/sun/opengl/impl/glsl/fixed/shader/bin/nvidia/a.bfp". */ public class CompileShaderNVidia extends CompileShader { private static final String NVAPSDK; static { String nvapSDKProp = System.getProperty("NVAPSDK"); if (nvapSDKProp != null) { NVAPSDK = nvapSDKProp; } else { NVAPSDK = "C:\\nvap_sdk_0_3_x"; } } public int getBinaryFormat() { return GLES2.GL_NVIDIA_PLATFORM_BINARY_NV; } public File getSDKCompilerDir() { File compilerDir = new File( NVAPSDK + File.separator + "tools" + File.separator ); File compilerFile = new File( compilerDir, getVertexShaderCompiler()); if(!compilerFile.exists()) { compilerDir = new File( NVAPSDK ); compilerFile = new File( compilerDir, getVertexShaderCompiler()); } if(!compilerFile.exists()) { throw new GLException("Can't find compiler: "+getVertexShaderCompiler() + " in : " + NVAPSDK+", "+NVAPSDK + File.separator + "tools"); } return compilerDir; } public String getVertexShaderCompiler() { return "glslv.bat"; } public String getFragmentShaderCompiler() { return "glslf.bat"; } public static void main(String[] args) { new CompileShaderNVidia().run(args); } }