package com.jogamp.opengl.util; import*; import jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.fixedfunc.*; import java.nio.*; public class GLArrayDataWrapper implements GLArrayData { /** * Create a VBO, using a predefined fixed function array index, wrapping the given data. * * @param gl the current GL instance * @param index The GL array index * @param comps The array component number * @param dataType The array index GL data type * @param normalized Whether the data shall be normalized * @param stride * @param buffer the user define data * @param vboName * @param vboOffset * @param vboUsage {@link GL2ES2#GL_STREAM_DRAW}, {@link GL#GL_STATIC_DRAW} or {@link GL#GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW} * @param vboTarget either {@link GL#GL_ARRAY_BUFFER} or {@link GL#GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER} * @return the new create instance * @throws GLException */ public static GLArrayDataWrapper createFixed(GL gl, int index, int comps, int dataType, boolean normalized, int stride, Buffer buffer, int vboName, long vboOffset, int vboUsage, int vboTarget) throws GLException { gl.getGLProfile().isValidArrayDataType(index, comps, dataType, false, true); GLArrayDataWrapper adc = new GLArrayDataWrapper(); adc.init(null, index, comps, dataType, normalized, stride, buffer, false, vboName, vboOffset, vboUsage, vboTarget); return adc; } /** * Create a VBO, using a custom GLSL array attribute name, wrapping the given data. * * @param gl the current GL instance * @param name The custom name for the GL attribute, maybe null if gpuBufferTarget is {@link GL#GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER} * @param comps The array component number * @param dataType The array index GL data type * @param normalized Whether the data shall be normalized * @param stride * @param buffer the user define data * @param vboName * @param vboOffset * @param vboUsage {@link GL2ES2#GL_STREAM_DRAW}, {@link GL#GL_STATIC_DRAW} or {@link GL#GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW} * @param vboTarget either {@link GL#GL_ARRAY_BUFFER} or {@link GL#GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER} * @return the new create instance * @throws GLException */ public static GLArrayDataWrapper createGLSL(GL gl, String name, int comps, int dataType, boolean normalized, int stride, Buffer buffer, int vboName, long vboOffset, int vboUsage, int vboTarget) throws GLException { if(!gl.hasGLSL()) { throw new GLException("GLArrayDataWrapper.GLSL not supported: "+gl); } gl.getGLProfile().isValidArrayDataType(-1, comps, dataType, true, true); GLArrayDataWrapper adc = new GLArrayDataWrapper(); adc.init(name, -1, comps, dataType, normalized, stride, buffer, true, vboName, vboOffset, vboUsage, vboTarget); return adc; } // // Data read access // public final boolean isVertexAttribute() { return isVertexAttribute; } public final int getIndex() { return index; } public final int getLocation() { return location; } public final void setLocation(int v) { location = v; } public final String getName() { return name; } public final long getVBOOffset() { return vboEnabled?vboOffset:-1; } public final int getVBOName() { return vboEnabled?vboName:-1; } public final boolean isVBO() { return vboEnabled; } public final int getVBOUsage() { return vboEnabled?vboUsage:-1; } public final int getVBOTarget() { return vboEnabled?vboTarget:-1; } public final Buffer getBuffer() { return buffer; } public final int getComponentNumber() { return components; } public final int getComponentType() { return dataType; } public final int getComponentSize() { if(clazz==ByteBuffer.class) { return GLBuffers.SIZEOF_BYTE; } if(clazz==ShortBuffer.class) { return GLBuffers.SIZEOF_SHORT; } if(clazz==IntBuffer.class) { return GLBuffers.SIZEOF_INT; } if(clazz==FloatBuffer.class) { return GLBuffers.SIZEOF_FLOAT; } throw new GLException("Given Buffer Class not supported: "+clazz+":\n\t"+this); } public final int getElementNumber() { if(null==buffer) return 0; return ( buffer.position()==0 ) ? ( buffer.limit() / components ) : ( buffer.position() / components ) ; } public final boolean getNormalized() { return normalized; } public final int getStride() { return stride; } public final Class getBufferClass() { return clazz; } public void destroy(GL gl) { buffer = null; vboName=0; vboEnabled=false; vboOffset=-1; valid = false; } public String toString() { return "GLArrayDataWrapper["+name+ ", index "+index+ ", location "+location+ ", isVertexAttribute "+isVertexAttribute+ ", dataType "+dataType+ ", bufferClazz "+clazz+ ", elements "+getElementNumber()+ ", components "+components+ ", stride "+stride+"u "+strideB+"b "+strideL+"c"+ ", buffer "+buffer+ ", offset "+vboOffset+ ", vboUsage 0x"+Integer.toHexString(vboUsage)+ ", vboTarget 0x"+Integer.toHexString(vboTarget)+ ", vboEnabled "+vboEnabled+ ", vboName "+vboName+ ", valid "+valid+ "]"; } public static final Class getBufferClass(int dataType) { switch(dataType) { case GL.GL_BYTE: case GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: return ByteBuffer.class; case GL.GL_SHORT: case GL.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: return ShortBuffer.class; case GL2ES1.GL_FIXED: return IntBuffer.class; case GL.GL_FLOAT: return FloatBuffer.class; default: throw new GLException("Given OpenGL data type not supported: "+dataType); } } public void setName(String newName) { location = -1; name = newName; } /** * Enable or disable use of VBO. * Only possible if a VBO buffer name is defined. * @see #setVBOName(int) */ public void setVBOEnabled(boolean vboEnabled) { this.vboEnabled=vboEnabled; } /** * Set the VBO buffer name, if valid (>0) enable use of VBO * @see #setVBOEnabled(boolean) */ public void setVBOName(int vboName) { this.vboName=vboName; setVBOEnabled(vboName>0); } /** * @param vboUsage {@link GL2ES2#GL_STREAM_DRAW}, {@link GL#GL_STATIC_DRAW} or {@link GL#GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW} */ public void setVBOUsage(int vboUsage) { this.vboUsage = vboUsage; } /** * @param vboTarget either {@link GL#GL_ARRAY_BUFFER} or {@link GL#GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER} */ public void setVBOTarget(int vboTarget) { this.vboTarget = vboTarget; } protected void init(String name, int index, int comps, int dataType, boolean normalized, int stride, Buffer data, boolean isVertexAttribute, int vboName, long vboOffset, int vboUsage, int vboTarget) throws GLException { this.isVertexAttribute = isVertexAttribute; this.index = index; this.location = -1; // We can't have any dependence on the FixedFuncUtil class here for build bootstrapping reasons if( GL.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER == vboTarget ) { // ok .. } else if( GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER == vboTarget ) { // check name .. = ( null == name ) ? FixedFuncPipeline.getPredefinedArrayIndexName(index) : name ; if(null == ) { throw new GLException("Not a valid array buffer index: "+index); } } else if( 0 <= vboTarget ) { throw new GLException("Invalid GPUBuffer target: 0x"+Integer.toHexString(vboTarget)); } this.dataType = dataType; this.clazz = getBufferClass(dataType); switch(dataType) { case GL.GL_BYTE: case GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: case GL.GL_SHORT: case GL.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: case GL2ES1.GL_FIXED: this.normalized = normalized; break; default: this.normalized = false; } int bpc = getComponentSize(); if(0= comps) { throw new GLException("Invalid number of components: " + comps); } this.components = comps; this.stride=stride; this.strideB=(0==stride)?comps*bpc:stride; this.strideL=(0==stride)?comps:strideB/bpc; this.vboName=vboName; this.vboEnabled=vboName>0; this.vboOffset=vboOffset; switch(vboUsage) { case -1: // nop case GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW: case GL.GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW: case GL2ES2.GL_STREAM_DRAW: break; default: throw new GLException("invalid gpuBufferUsage: "+vboUsage+":\n\t"+this); } switch(vboTarget) { case -1: // nop case GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER: case GL.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER: break; default: throw new GLException("invalid gpuBufferTarget: "+vboTarget+":\n\t"+this); } this.vboUsage=vboUsage; this.vboTarget=vboTarget; this.valid=true; } protected GLArrayDataWrapper() { } protected boolean valid; protected int index; protected int location; protected String name; protected int components; protected int dataType; protected boolean normalized; protected int stride; // user given stride protected int strideB; // stride in bytes protected int strideL; // stride in logical components protected Class clazz; protected Buffer buffer; protected boolean isVertexAttribute; protected long vboOffset; protected int vboName; protected boolean vboEnabled; protected int vboUsage; protected int vboTarget; }