/* * Copyright (c) 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (c) 2010 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * - Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. ALL * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. SUN * MICROSYSTEMS, INC. ("SUN") AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR * DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. IN NO EVENT WILL SUN OR * ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE * DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * SUN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * * You acknowledge that this software is not designed or intended for use * in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear * facility. * * Sun gratefully acknowledges that this software was originally authored * and developed by Kenneth Bradley Russell and Christopher John Kline. */ package jogamp.opengl.x11.glx; import java.nio.*; import java.util.*; import javax.media.opengl.*; import javax.media.nativewindow.*; import javax.media.nativewindow.x11.X11GraphicsDevice; import com.jogamp.common.nio.Buffers; import com.jogamp.common.util.VersionNumber; import jogamp.opengl.*; import com.jogamp.gluegen.runtime.ProcAddressTable; import com.jogamp.gluegen.runtime.opengl.GLProcAddressResolver; import jogamp.nativewindow.x11.X11Util; public abstract class X11GLXContext extends GLContextImpl { protected static final boolean TRACE_CONTEXT_CURRENT = false; // true; private static final Map functionNameMap; private static final Map extensionNameMap; private VersionNumber glXVersion; private boolean glXVersionOneThreeCapable; private boolean glXQueryExtensionsStringInitialized; private boolean glXQueryExtensionsStringAvailable; private GLXExt glXExt; // Table that holds the addresses of the native C-language entry points for // GLX extension functions. private GLXExtProcAddressTable glXExtProcAddressTable; private int hasSwapIntervalSGI = 0; // This indicates whether the context we have created is indirect // and therefore requires the toolkit to be locked around all GL // calls rather than just all GLX calls protected boolean isDirect; static { functionNameMap = new HashMap(); functionNameMap.put("glAllocateMemoryNV", "glXAllocateMemoryNV"); functionNameMap.put("glFreeMemoryNV", "glXFreeMemoryNV"); extensionNameMap = new HashMap(); extensionNameMap.put("GL_ARB_pbuffer", "GLX_SGIX_pbuffer"); extensionNameMap.put("GL_ARB_pixel_format", "GLX_SGIX_pbuffer"); // good enough } X11GLXContext(GLDrawableImpl drawable, GLContext shareWith) { super(drawable, shareWith); } protected void resetState() { glXVersion = null; glXVersionOneThreeCapable = false; glXQueryExtensionsStringInitialized=false; glXQueryExtensionsStringAvailable=false; // no inner state glXExt=null; glXExtProcAddressTable = null; hasSwapIntervalSGI = 0; isDirect = false; } public final ProcAddressTable getPlatformExtProcAddressTable() { return getGLXExtProcAddressTable(); } public final GLXExtProcAddressTable getGLXExtProcAddressTable() { return glXExtProcAddressTable; } public Object getPlatformGLExtensions() { return getGLXExt(); } public GLXExt getGLXExt() { if (glXExt == null) { glXExt = new GLXExtImpl(this); } return glXExt; } protected Map getFunctionNameMap() { return functionNameMap; } protected Map getExtensionNameMap() { return extensionNameMap; } public final boolean isGLXVersionGreaterEqualOneThree() { if(null == glXVersion) { X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration config = (X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration)drawable.getNativeSurface().getGraphicsConfiguration().getNativeGraphicsConfiguration(); X11GraphicsDevice device = (X11GraphicsDevice) config.getScreen().getDevice(); glXVersion = X11GLXDrawableFactory.getGLXVersion(device); glXVersionOneThreeCapable = ( null != glXVersion ) ? glXVersion.compareTo(X11GLXDrawableFactory.versionOneThree) >= 0 : false ; } return glXVersionOneThreeCapable; } public final boolean isGLReadDrawableAvailable() { return isGLXVersionGreaterEqualOneThree(); } private final boolean glXMakeContextCurrent(long dpy, long writeDrawable, long readDrawable, long ctx) { boolean res = false; try { if(TRACE_CONTEXT_CURRENT) { Throwable t = new Throwable(Thread.currentThread()+" - glXMakeContextCurrent("+toHexString(dpy)+", "+ toHexString(writeDrawable)+", "+toHexString(readDrawable)+", "+toHexString(ctx)+") - GLX >= 1.3 "+ glXVersionOneThreeCapable); t.printStackTrace(); } if ( glXVersionOneThreeCapable ) { res = GLX.glXMakeContextCurrent(dpy, writeDrawable, readDrawable, ctx); } else if ( writeDrawable == readDrawable ) { res = GLX.glXMakeCurrent(dpy, writeDrawable, ctx); } else { // should not happen due to 'isGLReadDrawableAvailable()' query in GLContextImpl throw new InternalError("Given readDrawable but no driver support"); } } catch (RuntimeException re) { if(DEBUG) { System.err.println("Warning: X11GLXContext.glXMakeContextCurrent failed: "+re+", with "+ "dpy "+toHexString(dpy)+ ", write "+toHexString(writeDrawable)+ ", read "+toHexString(readDrawable)+ ", ctx "+toHexString(ctx)); re.printStackTrace(); } } return res; } protected void destroyContextARBImpl(long ctx) { X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration config = (X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration)drawable.getNativeSurface().getGraphicsConfiguration().getNativeGraphicsConfiguration(); long display = config.getScreen().getDevice().getHandle(); glXMakeContextCurrent(display, 0, 0, 0); GLX.glXDestroyContext(display, ctx); } private static final int ctx_arb_attribs_idx_major = 0; private static final int ctx_arb_attribs_idx_minor = 2; private static final int ctx_arb_attribs_idx_flags = 6; private static final int ctx_arb_attribs_idx_profile = 8; private static final int ctx_arb_attribs_rom[] = { /* 0 */ GLX.GLX_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB, 0, /* 2 */ GLX.GLX_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB, 0, /* 4 */ GLX.GLX_RENDER_TYPE, GLX.GLX_RGBA_TYPE, // default /* 6 */ GLX.GLX_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB, 0, /* 8 */ 0, 0, /* 10 */ 0 }; protected long createContextARBImpl(long share, boolean direct, int ctp, int major, int minor) { updateGLXProcAddressTable(); GLXExt _glXExt = getGLXExt(); if(DEBUG) { System.err.println("X11GLXContext.createContextARBImpl: "+getGLVersion(major, minor, ctp, "@creation") + ", handle "+toHexString(drawable.getHandle()) + ", share "+toHexString(share)+", direct "+direct+ ", glXCreateContextAttribsARB: "+toHexString(glXExtProcAddressTable._addressof_glXCreateContextAttribsARB)); Thread.dumpStack(); } boolean ctBwdCompat = 0 != ( CTX_PROFILE_COMPAT & ctp ) ; boolean ctFwdCompat = 0 != ( CTX_OPTION_FORWARD & ctp ) ; boolean ctDebug = 0 != ( CTX_OPTION_DEBUG & ctp ) ; long ctx=0; IntBuffer attribs = Buffers.newDirectIntBuffer(ctx_arb_attribs_rom); attribs.put(ctx_arb_attribs_idx_major + 1, major); attribs.put(ctx_arb_attribs_idx_minor + 1, minor); if ( major > 3 || major == 3 && minor >= 2 ) { attribs.put(ctx_arb_attribs_idx_profile + 0, GLX.GLX_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB); if( ctBwdCompat ) { attribs.put(ctx_arb_attribs_idx_profile + 1, GLX.GLX_CONTEXT_COMPATIBILITY_PROFILE_BIT_ARB); } else { attribs.put(ctx_arb_attribs_idx_profile + 1, GLX.GLX_CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT_ARB); } } if ( major >= 3 ) { int flags = attribs.get(ctx_arb_attribs_idx_flags + 1); if( !ctBwdCompat && ctFwdCompat ) { flags |= GLX.GLX_CONTEXT_FORWARD_COMPATIBLE_BIT_ARB; } if( ctDebug) { flags |= GLX.GLX_CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_ARB; } attribs.put(ctx_arb_attribs_idx_flags + 1, flags); } X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration config = (X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration)drawable.getNativeSurface().getGraphicsConfiguration().getNativeGraphicsConfiguration(); AbstractGraphicsDevice device = config.getScreen().getDevice(); long display = device.getHandle(); try { // critical path, a remote display might not support this command, // hence we need to catch the X11 Error within this block. X11Util.XSync(display, false); ctx = _glXExt.glXCreateContextAttribsARB(display, config.getFBConfig(), share, direct, attribs); X11Util.XSync(display, false); } catch (RuntimeException re) { if(DEBUG) { Throwable t = new Throwable("Info: X11GLXContext.createContextARBImpl glXCreateContextAttribsARB failed with "+getGLVersion(major, minor, ctp, "@creation"), re); t.printStackTrace(); } } if(0!=ctx) { if (!glXMakeContextCurrent(display, drawable.getHandle(), drawableRead.getHandle(), ctx)) { if(DEBUG) { System.err.println("X11GLXContext.createContextARBImpl couldn't make current "+getGLVersion(major, minor, ctp, "@creation")); } // release & destroy glXMakeContextCurrent(display, 0, 0, 0); GLX.glXDestroyContext(display, ctx); ctx = 0; } else { if (DEBUG) { System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": createContextARBImpl: OK "+getGLVersion(major, minor, ctp, "@creation")+", share "+share+", direct "+direct); } // the following is issued by the caller 'GLContextImpl.createContextARB()' // setGLFunctionAvailability(true, major, minor, ctp); } } else if (DEBUG) { System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": createContextARBImpl: NO "+getGLVersion(major, minor, ctp, "@creation")); } return ctx; } protected boolean createImpl() { // covers the whole context creation loop incl createContextARBImpl and destroyContextARBImpl X11Util.setX11ErrorHandler(true, true); try { return createImplRaw(); } finally { X11Util.setX11ErrorHandler(false, false); } } private boolean createImplRaw() { boolean direct = true; // try direct always isDirect = false; // fall back X11GLXDrawableFactory factory = (X11GLXDrawableFactory)drawable.getFactoryImpl(); X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration config = (X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration)drawable.getNativeSurface().getGraphicsConfiguration().getNativeGraphicsConfiguration(); AbstractGraphicsDevice device = config.getScreen().getDevice(); X11GLXContext sharedContext = (X11GLXContext) factory.getOrCreateSharedContextImpl(device); long display = device.getHandle(); isGLReadDrawableAvailable(); // trigger setup glXVersionOneThreeCapable X11GLXContext other = (X11GLXContext) GLContextShareSet.getShareContext(this); long share = 0; if (other != null) { share = other.getHandle(); if (share == 0) { throw new GLException("GLContextShareSet returned an invalid OpenGL context"); } direct = GLX.glXIsDirect(display, share); } GLCapabilitiesImmutable glCaps = (GLCapabilitiesImmutable) config.getChosenCapabilities(); GLProfile glp = glCaps.getGLProfile(); if(config.getFBConfigID()<0) { // not able to use FBConfig if(glp.isGL3()) { throw new GLException("Unable to create OpenGL >= 3.1 context"); } contextHandle = GLX.glXCreateContext(display, config.getXVisualInfo(), share, direct); if (contextHandle == 0) { throw new GLException("Unable to create context(0)"); } if (!glXMakeContextCurrent(display, drawable.getHandle(), drawableRead.getHandle(), contextHandle)) { throw new GLException("Error making temp context(0) current: display "+toHexString(display)+", context "+toHexString(contextHandle)+", drawable "+drawable); } setGLFunctionAvailability(true, 0, 0, CTX_PROFILE_COMPAT|CTX_OPTION_ANY); // use GL_VERSION isDirect = GLX.glXIsDirect(display, contextHandle); if (DEBUG) { System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": createContextImpl: OK (old-1) share "+share+", direct "+isDirect+"/"+direct); } return true; } boolean createContextARBTried = false; // utilize the shared context's GLXExt in case it was using the ARB method and it already exists if(null!=sharedContext && sharedContext.isCreatedWithARBMethod()) { contextHandle = createContextARB(share, direct); createContextARBTried = true; if (DEBUG && 0!=contextHandle) { System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": createContextImpl: OK (ARB, using sharedContext) share "+share); } } long temp_ctx = 0; if(0==contextHandle) { // To use GLX_ARB_create_context, we have to make a temp context current, // so we are able to use GetProcAddress temp_ctx = GLX.glXCreateNewContext(display, config.getFBConfig(), GLX.GLX_RGBA_TYPE, share, direct); if (temp_ctx == 0) { throw new GLException("Unable to create temp OpenGL context(1)"); } if (!glXMakeContextCurrent(display, drawable.getHandle(), drawableRead.getHandle(), temp_ctx)) { throw new GLException("Error making temp context(1) current: display "+toHexString(display)+", context "+toHexString(temp_ctx)+", drawable "+drawable); } setGLFunctionAvailability(true, 0, 0, CTX_PROFILE_COMPAT|CTX_OPTION_ANY); // use GL_VERSION boolean isCreateContextAttribsARBAvailable = isFunctionAvailable("glXCreateContextAttribsARB"); glXMakeContextCurrent(display, 0, 0, 0); // release temp context if( !createContextARBTried ) { if ( isCreateContextAttribsARBAvailable && isExtensionAvailable("GLX_ARB_create_context") ) { // initial ARB context creation contextHandle = createContextARB(share, direct); createContextARBTried=true; if (DEBUG) { if(0!=contextHandle) { System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": createContextImpl: OK (ARB, initial) share "+share); } else { System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": createContextImpl: NOT OK (ARB, initial) - creation failed - share "+share); } } } else if (DEBUG) { System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": createContextImpl: NOT OK (ARB, initial) - extension not available - share "+share); } } } if(0!=contextHandle) { if(0!=temp_ctx) { glXMakeContextCurrent(display, 0, 0, 0); GLX.glXDestroyContext(display, temp_ctx); if (!glXMakeContextCurrent(display, drawable.getHandle(), drawableRead.getHandle(), contextHandle)) { throw new GLException("Cannot make previous verified context current"); } } } else { if(glp.isGL3()) { glXMakeContextCurrent(display, 0, 0, 0); GLX.glXDestroyContext(display, temp_ctx); throw new GLException("X11GLXContext.createContextImpl failed, but context > GL2 requested "+getGLVersion()+", "); } if(DEBUG) { System.err.println("X11GLXContext.createContextImpl failed, fall back to !ARB context "+getGLVersion()); } // continue with temp context for GL <= 3.0 contextHandle = temp_ctx; if (!glXMakeContextCurrent(display, drawable.getHandle(), drawableRead.getHandle(), contextHandle)) { glXMakeContextCurrent(display, 0, 0, 0); GLX.glXDestroyContext(display, temp_ctx); throw new GLException("Error making context(1) current: display "+toHexString(display)+", context "+toHexString(contextHandle)+", drawable "+drawable); } if (DEBUG) { System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": createContextImpl: OK (old-2) share "+share); } } isDirect = GLX.glXIsDirect(display, contextHandle); if (DEBUG) { System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": createContextImpl: OK direct "+isDirect+"/"+direct); } return true; } protected void makeCurrentImpl(boolean newCreated) throws GLException { long dpy = drawable.getNativeSurface().getDisplayHandle(); if (GLX.glXGetCurrentContext() != contextHandle) { X11Util.setX11ErrorHandler(true, true); try { if (!glXMakeContextCurrent(dpy, drawable.getHandle(), drawableRead.getHandle(), contextHandle)) { throw new GLException("Error making context current: "+this); } } finally { X11Util.setX11ErrorHandler(false, false); } if (DEBUG && newCreated) { System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": glXMakeCurrent(display " + toHexString(dpy)+ ", drawable " + toHexString(drawable.getHandle()) + ", drawableRead " + toHexString(drawableRead.getHandle()) + ", context " + toHexString(contextHandle) + ") succeeded"); } } } protected void releaseImpl() throws GLException { long display = drawable.getNativeSurface().getDisplayHandle(); X11Util.setX11ErrorHandler(true, true); try { if (!glXMakeContextCurrent(display, 0, 0, 0)) { throw new GLException("Error freeing OpenGL context"); } } finally { X11Util.setX11ErrorHandler(false, false); } } protected void destroyImpl() throws GLException { long display = drawable.getNativeSurface().getDisplayHandle(); if (DEBUG) { System.err.println("glXDestroyContext(dpy " + toHexString(display)+ ", ctx " + toHexString(contextHandle) + ")"); } GLX.glXDestroyContext(display, contextHandle); if (DEBUG) { System.err.println("!!! Destroyed OpenGL context " + contextHandle); } } protected void copyImpl(GLContext source, int mask) throws GLException { long dst = getHandle(); long src = source.getHandle(); long display = drawable.getNativeSurface().getDisplayHandle(); if (0 == display) { throw new GLException("Connection to X display not yet set up"); } GLX.glXCopyContext(display, src, dst, mask); // Should check for X errors and raise GLException } protected final void updateGLXProcAddressTable() { final AbstractGraphicsConfiguration aconfig = drawable.getNativeSurface().getGraphicsConfiguration().getNativeGraphicsConfiguration(); final AbstractGraphicsDevice adevice = aconfig.getScreen().getDevice(); final String key = "GLX-"+adevice.getUniqueID(); if (DEBUG) { System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": !!! Initializing GLX extension address table: "+key); } glXQueryExtensionsStringInitialized = false; glXQueryExtensionsStringAvailable = false; ProcAddressTable table = null; synchronized(mappedContextTypeObjectLock) { table = mappedGLXProcAddress.get( key ); } if(null != table) { glXExtProcAddressTable = (GLXExtProcAddressTable) table; if(DEBUG) { System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": !!! GLContext GLX ProcAddressTable reusing key("+key+") -> "+table.hashCode()); } } else { if (glXExtProcAddressTable == null) { glXExtProcAddressTable = new GLXExtProcAddressTable(new GLProcAddressResolver()); } resetProcAddressTable(getGLXExtProcAddressTable()); synchronized(mappedContextTypeObjectLock) { mappedGLXProcAddress.put(key, getGLXExtProcAddressTable()); if(DEBUG) { System.err.println(getThreadName() + ": !!! GLContext GLX ProcAddressTable mapping key("+key+") -> "+getGLXExtProcAddressTable().hashCode()); Thread.dumpStack(); } } } } public synchronized String getPlatformExtensionsString() { if (!glXQueryExtensionsStringInitialized) { glXQueryExtensionsStringAvailable = getDrawableImpl().getGLDynamicLookupHelper().dynamicLookupFunction("glXQueryExtensionsString") != 0; glXQueryExtensionsStringInitialized = true; } if (glXQueryExtensionsStringAvailable) { NativeSurface ns = drawable.getNativeSurface(); String ret = GLX.glXQueryExtensionsString(ns.getDisplayHandle(), ns.getScreenIndex()); if (DEBUG) { System.err.println("!!! GLX extensions: " + ret); } return ret; } else { return ""; } } public boolean isExtensionAvailable(String glExtensionName) { if (glExtensionName.equals("GL_ARB_pbuffer") || glExtensionName.equals("GL_ARB_pixel_format")) { return getGLDrawable().getFactory().canCreateGLPbuffer( drawable.getNativeSurface().getGraphicsConfiguration().getNativeGraphicsConfiguration().getScreen().getDevice() ); } return super.isExtensionAvailable(glExtensionName); } protected void setSwapIntervalImpl(int interval) { X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration config = (X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration)drawable.getNativeSurface().getGraphicsConfiguration().getNativeGraphicsConfiguration(); GLCapabilitiesImmutable glCaps = (GLCapabilitiesImmutable) config.getChosenCapabilities(); if(!glCaps.isOnscreen()) return; GLXExt glXExt = getGLXExt(); if(0==hasSwapIntervalSGI) { try { hasSwapIntervalSGI = glXExt.isExtensionAvailable("GLX_SGI_swap_control")?1:-1; } catch (Throwable t) { hasSwapIntervalSGI=1; } } if (hasSwapIntervalSGI>0) { try { if( 0 == glXExt.glXSwapIntervalSGI(interval) ) { currentSwapInterval = interval; } } catch (Throwable t) { hasSwapIntervalSGI=-1; } } } public ByteBuffer glAllocateMemoryNV(int arg0, float arg1, float arg2, float arg3) { return getGLXExt().glXAllocateMemoryNV(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); } public int getOffscreenContextPixelDataType() { throw new GLException("Should not call this"); } public int getOffscreenContextReadBuffer() { throw new GLException("Should not call this"); } public boolean offscreenImageNeedsVerticalFlip() { throw new GLException("Should not call this"); } public void bindPbufferToTexture() { throw new GLException("Should not call this"); } public void releasePbufferFromTexture() { throw new GLException("Should not call this"); } public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(getClass().getName()); sb.append(" ["); super.append(sb); sb.append(", direct "); sb.append(isDirect); sb.append("] "); return sb.toString(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Internals only below this point // }