/** * Copyright 2011 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JogAmp Community ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JogAmp Community OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of JogAmp Community. */ #include "X11Common.h" #define USE_SENDIO_DIRECT 1 jclass X11NewtWindowClazz = NULL; jmethodID insetsChangedID = NULL; jmethodID visibleChangedID = NULL; static const char * const ClazzNameX11NewtWindow = "jogamp/newt/driver/x11/WindowDriver"; static jmethodID displayCompletedID = NULL; static jmethodID getCurrentThreadNameID = NULL; static jmethodID dumpStackID = NULL; static jmethodID sizeChangedID = NULL; static jmethodID positionChangedID = NULL; static jmethodID focusChangedID = NULL; static jmethodID reparentNotifyID = NULL; static jmethodID windowDestroyNotifyID = NULL; static jmethodID windowRepaintID = NULL; static jmethodID enqueueMouseEventID = NULL; static jmethodID sendMouseEventID = NULL; static jmethodID enqueueKeyEventID = NULL; static jmethodID sendKeyEventID = NULL; static jmethodID requestFocusID = NULL; /** * Keycode */ #define IS_WITHIN(k,a,b) ((a)<=(k)&&(k)<=(b)) static jint X11KeySym2NewtVKey(KeySym keySym) { if(IS_WITHIN(keySym,XK_F1,XK_F12)) return (keySym-XK_F1)+J_VK_F1; if(IS_WITHIN(keySym,XK_KP_0,XK_KP_9)) return (keySym-XK_KP_0)+J_VK_NUMPAD0; switch(keySym) { case XK_Return: case XK_KP_Enter: return J_VK_ENTER; case XK_BackSpace: return J_VK_BACK_SPACE; case XK_Tab: case XK_KP_Tab: case XK_ISO_Left_Tab: return J_VK_TAB; case XK_Cancel: return J_VK_CANCEL; case XK_Clear: return J_VK_CLEAR; case XK_Shift_L: case XK_Shift_R: return J_VK_SHIFT; case XK_Control_L: case XK_Control_R: return J_VK_CONTROL; case XK_Alt_L: case XK_Alt_R: return J_VK_ALT; case XK_Pause: return J_VK_PAUSE; case XK_Caps_Lock: return J_VK_CAPS_LOCK; case XK_Escape: return J_VK_ESCAPE; case XK_space: case XK_KP_Space: return J_VK_SPACE; case XK_Page_Up: case XK_KP_Page_Up: return J_VK_PAGE_UP; case XK_Page_Down: case XK_KP_Page_Down: return J_VK_PAGE_DOWN; case XK_End: case XK_KP_End: return J_VK_END; case XK_Home: case XK_KP_Home: return J_VK_HOME; case XK_Left: case XK_KP_Left: return J_VK_LEFT; case XK_Up: case XK_KP_Up: return J_VK_UP; case XK_Right: case XK_KP_Right: return J_VK_RIGHT; case XK_Down: case XK_KP_Down: return J_VK_DOWN; case XK_KP_Multiply: return J_VK_MULTIPLY; case XK_KP_Add: return J_VK_ADD; case XK_KP_Separator: return J_VK_SEPARATOR; case XK_KP_Subtract: return J_VK_SUBTRACT; case XK_KP_Decimal: return J_VK_DECIMAL; case XK_KP_Divide: return J_VK_DIVIDE; case XK_Delete: case XK_KP_Delete: return J_VK_DELETE; case XK_Num_Lock: return J_VK_NUM_LOCK; case XK_Scroll_Lock: return J_VK_SCROLL_LOCK; case XK_Print: return J_VK_PRINTSCREEN; case XK_Insert: case XK_KP_Insert: return J_VK_INSERT; case XK_Help: return J_VK_HELP; case XK_grave: return J_VK_BACK_QUOTE; case XK_apostrophe: return J_VK_QUOTE; } return keySym; } static jint X11InputState2NewtModifiers(unsigned int xstate, KeySym keySym) { jint modifiers = 0; if ( (ControlMask & xstate) != 0 || J_VK_CONTROL == keySym ) { modifiers |= EVENT_CTRL_MASK; } if ( (ShiftMask & xstate) != 0 || J_VK_SHIFT == keySym ) { modifiers |= EVENT_SHIFT_MASK; } if ( (Mod1Mask & xstate) != 0 || J_VK_ALT == keySym ) { modifiers |= EVENT_ALT_MASK; } if ( (Button1Mask & xstate) != 0 ) { modifiers |= EVENT_BUTTON1_MASK; } if ( (Button2Mask & xstate) != 0 ) { modifiers |= EVENT_BUTTON2_MASK; } if ( (Button3Mask & xstate) != 0 ) { modifiers |= EVENT_BUTTON3_MASK; } return modifiers; } /** * Keycode */ /* * Class: jogamp_newt_driver_x11_DisplayDriver * Method: initIDs * Signature: (Z)Z */ JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_jogamp_newt_driver_x11_DisplayDriver_initIDs0 (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jboolean debug) { jclass c; NewtCommon_init(env); if(NULL==X11NewtWindowClazz) { c = (*env)->FindClass(env, ClazzNameX11NewtWindow); if(NULL==c) { NewtCommon_FatalError(env, "NEWT X11Display: can't find %s", ClazzNameX11NewtWindow); } X11NewtWindowClazz = (jclass)(*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, c); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, c); if(NULL==X11NewtWindowClazz) { NewtCommon_FatalError(env, "NEWT X11Display: can't use %s", ClazzNameX11NewtWindow); } } displayCompletedID = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, clazz, "displayCompleted", "(JJ)V"); getCurrentThreadNameID = (*env)->GetStaticMethodID(env, X11NewtWindowClazz, "getCurrentThreadName", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); dumpStackID = (*env)->GetStaticMethodID(env, X11NewtWindowClazz, "dumpStack", "()V"); insetsChangedID = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, X11NewtWindowClazz, "insetsChanged", "(ZIIII)V"); sizeChangedID = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, X11NewtWindowClazz, "sizeChanged", "(ZIIZ)V"); positionChangedID = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, X11NewtWindowClazz, "positionChanged", "(ZII)V"); focusChangedID = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, X11NewtWindowClazz, "focusChanged", "(ZZ)V"); visibleChangedID = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, X11NewtWindowClazz, "visibleChanged", "(ZZ)V"); reparentNotifyID = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, X11NewtWindowClazz, "reparentNotify", "(J)V"); windowDestroyNotifyID = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, X11NewtWindowClazz, "windowDestroyNotify", "(Z)Z"); windowRepaintID = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, X11NewtWindowClazz, "windowRepaint", "(ZIIII)V"); enqueueMouseEventID = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, X11NewtWindowClazz, "enqueueMouseEvent", "(ZIIIIIF)V"); sendMouseEventID = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, X11NewtWindowClazz, "sendMouseEvent", "(IIIIIF)V"); enqueueKeyEventID = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, X11NewtWindowClazz, "enqueueKeyEvent", "(ZIIIC)V"); sendKeyEventID = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, X11NewtWindowClazz, "sendKeyEvent", "(IIIC)V"); requestFocusID = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, X11NewtWindowClazz, "requestFocus", "(Z)V"); if (displayCompletedID == NULL || getCurrentThreadNameID == NULL || dumpStackID == NULL || insetsChangedID == NULL || sizeChangedID == NULL || positionChangedID == NULL || focusChangedID == NULL || visibleChangedID == NULL || reparentNotifyID == NULL || windowDestroyNotifyID == NULL || windowRepaintID == NULL || enqueueMouseEventID == NULL || sendMouseEventID == NULL || enqueueKeyEventID == NULL || sendKeyEventID == NULL || requestFocusID == NULL) { return JNI_FALSE; } return JNI_TRUE; } /* * Class: jogamp_newt_driver_x11_DisplayDriver * Method: CompleteDisplay * Signature: (J)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jogamp_newt_driver_x11_DisplayDriver_CompleteDisplay0 (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong display) { Display * dpy = (Display *)(intptr_t)display; jlong javaObjectAtom; jlong windowDeleteAtom; if(dpy==NULL) { NewtCommon_FatalError(env, "invalid display connection.."); } javaObjectAtom = (jlong) XInternAtom(dpy, "NEWT_JAVA_OBJECT", False); if(None==javaObjectAtom) { NewtCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "could not create Atom NEWT_JAVA_OBJECT, bail out!"); return; } windowDeleteAtom = (jlong) XInternAtom(dpy, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False); if(None==windowDeleteAtom) { NewtCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "could not create Atom WM_DELETE_WINDOW, bail out!"); return; } // XSetCloseDownMode(dpy, RetainTemporary); // Just a try .. DBG_PRINT("X11: X11Display_completeDisplay dpy %p\n", dpy); (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, obj, displayCompletedID, javaObjectAtom, windowDeleteAtom); } /* * Class: jogamp_newt_driver_x11_DisplayDriver * Method: DisplayRelease0 * Signature: (JJJ)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jogamp_newt_driver_x11_DisplayDriver_DisplayRelease0 (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong display, jlong javaObjectAtom, jlong windowDeleteAtom) { Display * dpy = (Display *)(intptr_t)display; Atom wm_javaobject_atom = (Atom)javaObjectAtom; Atom wm_delete_atom = (Atom)windowDeleteAtom; if(dpy==NULL) { NewtCommon_FatalError(env, "invalid display connection.."); } // nothing to do to free the atoms ! (void) wm_javaobject_atom; (void) wm_delete_atom; XSync(dpy, True); // discard all pending events DBG_PRINT("X11: X11Display_DisplayRelease dpy %p\n", dpy); } /* * Class: jogamp_newt_driver_x11_DisplayDriver * Method: DispatchMessages * Signature: (JIJJ)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jogamp_newt_driver_x11_DisplayDriver_DispatchMessages0 (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong display, jlong javaObjectAtom, jlong windowDeleteAtom) { Display * dpy = (Display *) (intptr_t) display; Atom wm_delete_atom = (Atom)windowDeleteAtom; int num_events = 100; int autoRepeatModifiers = 0; if ( NULL == dpy ) { return; } // Periodically take a break while( num_events > 0 ) { jobject jwindow = NULL; XEvent evt; KeySym keySym = 0; jint modifiers = 0; char keyChar = 0; char text[255]; // XEventsQueued(dpy, X): // QueuedAlready == XQLength(): No I/O Flush or system call doesn't work on some cards (eg ATI) ?) // QueuedAfterFlush == XPending(): I/O Flush only if no already queued events are available // QueuedAfterReading : QueuedAlready + if queue==0, attempt to read more .. if ( 0 >= XEventsQueued(dpy, QueuedAfterFlush) ) { // DBG_PRINT( "X11: DispatchMessages 0x%X - Leave 1\n", dpy); return; } XNextEvent(dpy, &evt); num_events--; if(dpy!=evt.xany.display) { NewtCommon_throwNewRuntimeException(env, "wrong display, bail out!"); return ; } if( 0==evt.xany.window ) { DBG_PRINT( "X11: DispatchMessages dpy %p, Event %d - Window NULL, ignoring\n", (void*)dpy, (int)evt.type); continue; } // DBG_PRINT( "X11: DispatchMessages dpy %p, win %p, Event %d\n", (void*)dpy, (void*)evt.xany.window, (int)evt.type); jwindow = getJavaWindowProperty(env, dpy, evt.xany.window, javaObjectAtom, #ifdef VERBOSE_ON True #else False #endif ); if(NULL==jwindow) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: NEWT X11 DisplayDispatch %p, Couldn't handle event %d for X11 window %p\n", (void*)dpy, evt.type, (void*)evt.xany.window); continue; } switch(evt.type) { case KeyRelease: if (XEventsQueued(dpy, QueuedAfterReading)) { XEvent nevt; XPeekEvent(dpy, &nevt); if (nevt.type == KeyPress && nevt.xkey.time == evt.xkey.time && nevt.xkey.keycode == evt.xkey.keycode) { autoRepeatModifiers |= EVENT_AUTOREPEAT_MASK; } else { autoRepeatModifiers &= ~EVENT_AUTOREPEAT_MASK; } } else { autoRepeatModifiers &= ~EVENT_AUTOREPEAT_MASK; } // fall through intended case KeyPress: if(XLookupString(&evt.xkey,text,255,&keySym,0)==1) { KeySym lower_return = 0, upper_return = 0; keyChar=text[0]; XConvertCase(keySym, &lower_return, &upper_return); // always return upper case, set modifier masks (SHIFT, ..) keySym = X11KeySym2NewtVKey(upper_return); } else { keyChar=0; keySym = X11KeySym2NewtVKey(keySym); } modifiers |= X11InputState2NewtModifiers(evt.xkey.state, keySym) | autoRepeatModifiers; break; case ButtonPress: case ButtonRelease: case MotionNotify: modifiers |= X11InputState2NewtModifiers(evt.xbutton.state, 0); break; default: break; } switch(evt.type) { case ButtonPress: (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, requestFocusID, JNI_FALSE); #ifdef USE_SENDIO_DIRECT (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, sendMouseEventID, (jint) EVENT_MOUSE_PRESSED, modifiers, (jint) evt.xbutton.x, (jint) evt.xbutton.y, (jint) evt.xbutton.button, 0.0f /*rotation*/); #else (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, enqueueMouseEventID, JNI_FALSE, (jint) EVENT_MOUSE_PRESSED, modifiers, (jint) evt.xbutton.x, (jint) evt.xbutton.y, (jint) evt.xbutton.button, 0.0f /*rotation*/); #endif break; case ButtonRelease: #ifdef USE_SENDIO_DIRECT (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, sendMouseEventID, (jint) EVENT_MOUSE_RELEASED, modifiers, (jint) evt.xbutton.x, (jint) evt.xbutton.y, (jint) evt.xbutton.button, 0.0f /*rotation*/); #else (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, enqueueMouseEventID, JNI_FALSE, (jint) EVENT_MOUSE_RELEASED, modifiers, (jint) evt.xbutton.x, (jint) evt.xbutton.y, (jint) evt.xbutton.button, 0.0f /*rotation*/); #endif break; case MotionNotify: #ifdef USE_SENDIO_DIRECT (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, sendMouseEventID, (jint) EVENT_MOUSE_MOVED, modifiers, (jint) evt.xmotion.x, (jint) evt.xmotion.y, (jint) 0, 0.0f /*rotation*/); #else (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, enqueueMouseEventID, JNI_FALSE, (jint) EVENT_MOUSE_MOVED, modifiers, (jint) evt.xmotion.x, (jint) evt.xmotion.y, (jint) 0, 0.0f /*rotation*/); #endif break; case EnterNotify: DBG_PRINT( "X11: event . EnterNotify call %p %d/%d\n", (void*)evt.xcrossing.window, evt.xcrossing.x, evt.xcrossing.y); #ifdef USE_SENDIO_DIRECT (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, sendMouseEventID, (jint) EVENT_MOUSE_ENTERED, modifiers, (jint) evt.xcrossing.x, (jint) evt.xcrossing.y, (jint) 0, 0.0f /*rotation*/); #else (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, enqueueMouseEventID, JNI_FALSE, (jint) EVENT_MOUSE_ENTERED, modifiers, (jint) evt.xcrossing.x, (jint) evt.xcrossing.y, (jint) 0, 0.0f /*rotation*/); #endif break; case LeaveNotify: DBG_PRINT( "X11: event . LeaveNotify call %p %d/%d\n", (void*)evt.xcrossing.window, evt.xcrossing.x, evt.xcrossing.y); #ifdef USE_SENDIO_DIRECT (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, sendMouseEventID, (jint) EVENT_MOUSE_EXITED, modifiers, (jint) evt.xcrossing.x, (jint) evt.xcrossing.y, (jint) 0, 0.0f /*rotation*/); #else (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, enqueueMouseEventID, JNI_FALSE, (jint) EVENT_MOUSE_EXITED, modifiers, (jint) evt.xcrossing.x, (jint) evt.xcrossing.y, (jint) 0, 0.0f /*rotation*/); #endif break; case KeyPress: #ifdef USE_SENDIO_DIRECT (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, sendKeyEventID, (jint) EVENT_KEY_PRESSED, modifiers, keySym, (jchar) keyChar); #else (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, enqueueKeyEventID, JNI_FALSE, (jint) EVENT_KEY_PRESSED, modifiers, keySym, (jchar) keyChar); #endif break; case KeyRelease: #ifdef USE_SENDIO_DIRECT (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, sendKeyEventID, (jint) EVENT_KEY_RELEASED, modifiers, keySym, (jchar) keyChar); (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, sendKeyEventID, (jint) EVENT_KEY_TYPED, modifiers, keySym, (jchar) keyChar); #else (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, enqueueKeyEventID, JNI_FALSE, (jint) EVENT_KEY_RELEASED, modifiers, keySym, (jchar) keyChar); (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, enqueueKeyEventID, JNI_FALSE, (jint) EVENT_KEY_TYPED, modifiers, keySym, (jchar) keyChar); #endif break; case DestroyNotify: DBG_PRINT( "X11: event . DestroyNotify call %p, parent %p, child-event: %d\n", (void*)evt.xdestroywindow.window, (void*)evt.xdestroywindow.event, evt.xdestroywindow.window != evt.xdestroywindow.event); if ( evt.xdestroywindow.window == evt.xdestroywindow.event ) { // ignore child destroy notification } break; case CreateNotify: DBG_PRINT( "X11: event . CreateNotify call %p, parent %p, child-event: 1\n", (void*)evt.xcreatewindow.window, (void*) evt.xcreatewindow.parent); break; case ConfigureNotify: DBG_PRINT( "X11: event . ConfigureNotify call %p (parent %p, above %p) %d/%d %dx%d %d, child-event: %d\n", (void*)evt.xconfigure.window, (void*)evt.xconfigure.event, (void*)evt.xconfigure.above, evt.xconfigure.x, evt.xconfigure.y, evt.xconfigure.width, evt.xconfigure.height, evt.xconfigure.override_redirect, evt.xconfigure.window != evt.xconfigure.event); if ( evt.xconfigure.window == evt.xconfigure.event ) { // ignore child window change notification { // update insets int left, right, top, bottom; NewtWindows_updateInsets(env, jwindow, dpy, evt.xany.window, &left, &right, &top, &bottom); } (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, sizeChangedID, JNI_FALSE, (jint) evt.xconfigure.width, (jint) evt.xconfigure.height, JNI_FALSE); (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, positionChangedID, JNI_FALSE, (jint) evt.xconfigure.x, (jint) evt.xconfigure.y); } break; case ClientMessage: if (evt.xclient.send_event==True && evt.xclient.data.l[0]==wm_delete_atom) { // windowDeleteAtom jboolean closed; DBG_PRINT( "X11: event . ClientMessage call %p type 0x%X ..\n", (void*)evt.xclient.window, (unsigned int)evt.xclient.message_type); closed = (*env)->CallBooleanMethod(env, jwindow, windowDestroyNotifyID, JNI_FALSE); DBG_PRINT( "X11: event . ClientMessage call %p type 0x%X, closed: %d\n", (void*)evt.xclient.window, (unsigned int)evt.xclient.message_type, (int)closed); // Called by Window.java: CloseWindow(); num_events = 0; // end loop in case of destroyed display } break; case FocusIn: DBG_PRINT( "X11: event . FocusIn call %p\n", (void*)evt.xvisibility.window); (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, focusChangedID, JNI_FALSE, JNI_TRUE); break; case FocusOut: DBG_PRINT( "X11: event . FocusOut call %p\n", (void*)evt.xvisibility.window); (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, focusChangedID, JNI_FALSE, JNI_FALSE); break; case Expose: DBG_PRINT( "X11: event . Expose call %p %d/%d %dx%d count %d\n", (void*)evt.xexpose.window, evt.xexpose.x, evt.xexpose.y, evt.xexpose.width, evt.xexpose.height, evt.xexpose.count); if (evt.xexpose.count == 0 && evt.xexpose.width > 0 && evt.xexpose.height > 0) { (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, windowRepaintID, JNI_FALSE, evt.xexpose.x, evt.xexpose.y, evt.xexpose.width, evt.xexpose.height); } break; case MapNotify: DBG_PRINT( "X11: event . MapNotify call Event %p, Window %p, override_redirect %d, child-event: %d\n", (void*)evt.xmap.event, (void*)evt.xmap.window, (int)evt.xmap.override_redirect, evt.xmap.event!=evt.xmap.window); if( evt.xmap.event == evt.xmap.window ) { // ignore child window notification { // update insets int left, right, top, bottom; NewtWindows_updateInsets(env, jwindow, dpy, evt.xany.window, &left, &right, &top, &bottom); } (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, visibleChangedID, JNI_FALSE, JNI_TRUE); } break; case UnmapNotify: DBG_PRINT( "X11: event . UnmapNotify call Event %p, Window %p, from_configure %d, child-event: %d\n", (void*)evt.xunmap.event, (void*)evt.xunmap.window, (int)evt.xunmap.from_configure, evt.xunmap.event!=evt.xunmap.window); if( evt.xunmap.event == evt.xunmap.window ) { // ignore child window notification (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, visibleChangedID, JNI_FALSE, JNI_FALSE); } break; case ReparentNotify: { jlong parentResult; // 0 if root, otherwise proper value Window winRoot, winTopParent; #ifdef VERBOSE_ON Window oldParentRoot, oldParentTopParent; Window parentRoot, parentTopParent; if( 0 == NewtWindows_getRootAndParent(dpy, evt.xreparent.event, &oldParentRoot, &oldParentTopParent) ) { oldParentRoot=0; oldParentTopParent = 0; } if( 0 == NewtWindows_getRootAndParent(dpy, evt.xreparent.parent, &parentRoot, &parentTopParent) ) { parentRoot=0; parentTopParent = 0; } #endif if( 0 == NewtWindows_getRootAndParent(dpy, evt.xreparent.window, &winRoot, &winTopParent) ) { winRoot=0; winTopParent = 0; } if(evt.xreparent.parent == winRoot) { parentResult = 0; // our java indicator for root window } else { parentResult = (jlong) (intptr_t) evt.xreparent.parent; } #ifdef VERBOSE_ON DBG_PRINT( "X11: event . ReparentNotify: call %d/%d OldParent %p (root %p, top %p), NewParent %p (root %p, top %p), Window %p (root %p, top %p)\n", evt.xreparent.x, evt.xreparent.y, (void*)evt.xreparent.event, (void*)oldParentRoot, (void*)oldParentTopParent, (void*)evt.xreparent.parent, (void*)parentRoot, (void*)parentTopParent, (void*)evt.xreparent.window, (void*)winRoot, (void*)winTopParent); #endif (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jwindow, reparentNotifyID, (jlong)evt.xreparent.parent); } break; // unhandled events .. yet .. default: DBG_PRINT("X11: event . unhandled %d 0x%X call %p\n", (int)evt.type, (unsigned int)evt.type, (void*)evt.xunmap.window); } } }