path: root/tests/com/jsyn/examples/PlayGrains.java
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authorPhil Burk <[email protected]>2014-12-30 16:53:03 -0800
committerPhil Burk <[email protected]>2014-12-30 16:53:03 -0800
commit534969d42ca5168d645678345cd21242fe41f389 (patch)
treee8f5d1cba1ec57685e76ceb923d8da25a7846cfb /tests/com/jsyn/examples/PlayGrains.java
parenta4d8ca95178d2e3acfc3299a4b73e84c2646d24e (diff)
Initial commit of code.
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/com/jsyn/examples/PlayGrains.java')
1 files changed, 212 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/com/jsyn/examples/PlayGrains.java b/tests/com/jsyn/examples/PlayGrains.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b2b11e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/com/jsyn/examples/PlayGrains.java
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+ * Copyright 2011 Phil Burk, Mobileer Inc
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package com.jsyn.examples;
+import java.awt.BorderLayout;
+import java.awt.GridLayout;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
+import javax.swing.JApplet;
+import javax.swing.JLabel;
+import javax.swing.JPanel;
+import com.jsyn.JSyn;
+import com.jsyn.Synthesizer;
+import com.jsyn.data.FloatSample;
+import com.jsyn.ports.UnitInputPort;
+import com.jsyn.scope.AudioScope;
+import com.jsyn.swing.DoubleBoundedRangeModel;
+import com.jsyn.swing.JAppletFrame;
+import com.jsyn.swing.PortModelFactory;
+import com.jsyn.swing.RotaryTextController;
+import com.jsyn.unitgen.ContinuousRamp;
+import com.jsyn.unitgen.GrainFarm;
+import com.jsyn.unitgen.LineOut;
+import com.jsyn.unitgen.SampleGrainFarm;
+import com.jsyn.util.SampleLoader;
+import com.jsyn.util.WaveRecorder;
+ * Play with Granular Synthesis tools.
+ *
+ * @author Phil Burk (C) 2011 Mobileer Inc
+ */
+public class PlayGrains extends JApplet {
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = -8315903842197137926L;
+ private Synthesizer synth;
+ private LineOut lineOut;
+ private AudioScope scope;
+ private GrainFarm grainFarm;
+ private ContinuousRamp ramp;
+ private static final int NUM_GRAINS = 32;
+ private FloatSample sample;
+ private WaveRecorder recorder;
+ private static final boolean useSample = true;
+ private final static boolean useRecorder = false;
+ // File sampleFile = new File( "samples/instructions.wav" );
+ File sampleFile = new File(
+ // "/Users/phil/Work/jsyn/guitar100/Guitar100_Ocean_1#02.aif" );
+ "/Users/phil/Music/samples/ChewyMonkeysWhistle.aiff");
+ /* Can be run as either an application or as an applet. */
+ public static void main(String args[]) {
+ PlayGrains applet = new PlayGrains();
+ JAppletFrame frame = new JAppletFrame("PlayGrains", applet);
+ frame.setSize(840, 500);
+ frame.setVisible(true);
+ frame.test();
+ }
+ private void setupGUI() {
+ setLayout(new BorderLayout());
+ add(BorderLayout.NORTH,
+ new JLabel("PlayGrains in an AudioScope - JSyn V" + synth.getVersion()));
+ scope = new AudioScope(synth);
+ // scope.addProbe( osc.output );
+ scope.addProbe(grainFarm.output);
+ scope.setTriggerMode(AudioScope.TriggerMode.NORMAL);
+ scope.getView().setControlsVisible(true);
+ add(BorderLayout.CENTER, scope.getView());
+ scope.start();
+ // Arrange the knob in a row.
+ JPanel knobPanel = new JPanel();
+ knobPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 0));
+ if (useSample) {
+ SampleGrainFarm sampleGrainFarm = (SampleGrainFarm) grainFarm;
+ knobPanel.add(setupLinearPortKnob(ramp.time, 0.001, 10.0, "Time"));
+ knobPanel.add(setupLinearPortKnob(ramp.input, -1.0, 1.0, "Position"));
+ knobPanel.add(setupLinearPortKnob(sampleGrainFarm.positionRange, 0.0, 0.5, "PosRange"));
+ }
+ knobPanel.add(setupPortKnob(grainFarm.density, 1.0, "Density"));
+ knobPanel.add(setupPortKnob(grainFarm.rate, 4.0, "Rate"));
+ knobPanel.add(setupPortKnob(grainFarm.rateRange, 3.0, "RateRange"));
+ knobPanel.add(setupPortKnob(grainFarm.duration, 0.1, "Duration"));
+ knobPanel.add(setupPortKnob(grainFarm.durationRange, 3.0, "DurRange"));
+ knobPanel.add(setupPortKnob(grainFarm.amplitude, 6.0, "Amplitude"));
+ knobPanel.add(setupPortKnob(grainFarm.amplitudeRange, 1.0, "AmpRange"));
+ add(knobPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
+ validate();
+ }
+ private RotaryTextController setupLinearPortKnob(UnitInputPort port, double min, double max,
+ String label) {
+ port.setMinimum(min);
+ port.setMaximum(max);
+ DoubleBoundedRangeModel model = PortModelFactory.createLinearModel(port);
+ RotaryTextController knob = new RotaryTextController(model, 10);
+ knob.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(label));
+ knob.setTitle(label);
+ return knob;
+ }
+ private RotaryTextController setupPortKnob(UnitInputPort port, double max, String label) {
+ port.setMinimum(0.0);
+ port.setMaximum(max);
+ DoubleBoundedRangeModel model = PortModelFactory.createExponentialModel(port);
+ RotaryTextController knob = new RotaryTextController(model, 10);
+ knob.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(label));
+ knob.setTitle(label);
+ return knob;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void start() {
+ synth = JSyn.createSynthesizer();
+ try {
+ if (useRecorder) {
+ File waveFile = new File("temp_recording.wav");
+ // Record mono 16 bits.
+ recorder = new WaveRecorder(synth, waveFile, 1);
+ System.out.println("Writing to WAV file " + waveFile.getAbsolutePath());
+ }
+ if (useSample) {
+ sample = SampleLoader.loadFloatSample(sampleFile);
+ SampleGrainFarm sampleGrainFarm = new SampleGrainFarm();
+ synth.add(ramp = new ContinuousRamp());
+ sampleGrainFarm.setSample(sample);
+ ramp.output.connect(sampleGrainFarm.position);
+ grainFarm = sampleGrainFarm;
+ } else {
+ GrainFarm sampleGrainFarm = new GrainFarm();
+ grainFarm = sampleGrainFarm;
+ }
+ synth.add(grainFarm);
+ grainFarm.allocate(NUM_GRAINS);
+ // Add an output so we can hear the grains.
+ synth.add(lineOut = new LineOut());
+ grainFarm.getOutput().connect(0, lineOut.input, 0);
+ grainFarm.getOutput().connect(0, lineOut.input, 1);
+ // Start synthesizer using default stereo output at 44100 Hz.
+ synth.start();
+ // Start lineOut so it can pull data from other units.
+ lineOut.start();
+ if (useRecorder) {
+ grainFarm.output.connect(0, recorder.getInput(), 0);
+ // When we start the recorder it will pull data from the
+ // oscillator
+ // and sweeper.
+ recorder.start();
+ }
+ setupGUI();
+ // We only need to start the LineOut. It will pull data from the
+ // oscillator.
+ lineOut.start();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void stop() {
+ try {
+ if (recorder != null) {
+ recorder.stop();
+ recorder.close();
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ scope.stop();
+ synth.stop();
+ }