/* * Copyright 2010 Phil Burk, Mobileer Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.jsyn.data; import com.jsyn.unitgen.EnvelopeDAHDSR; import com.jsyn.unitgen.VariableRateMonoReader; /** * Store an envelope as a series of line segments. Each line is described as a duration and a target * value. The envelope can be played using a {@link VariableRateMonoReader}. Here is an example that * generates an envelope that looks like a traditional ADSR envelope. * *
 * 	// Create an amplitude envelope and fill it with data.
 * 	double[] ampData = {
 * 		0.02, 0.9, // duration,value pair 0, "attack"
 * 		0.10, 0.5, // pair 1, "decay"
 * 		0.50, 0.0  // pair 2, "release"
 * 	};
 * 	SegmentedEnvelope ampEnvelope = new SegmentedEnvelope( ampData );
 * 	// Hang at end of decay segment to provide a "sustain" segment.
 * 	ampEnvelope.setSustainBegin( 1 );
 * 	ampEnvelope.setSustainEnd( 1 );
 * 	// Play the envelope using queueOn so that it uses the sustain and release information.
 * 	synth.add( ampEnv = new VariableRateMonoReader() );
 * 	ampEnv.dataQueue.queueOn( ampEnvelope );
* * As an alternative you could use an {@link EnvelopeDAHDSR}. * * @author Phil Burk (C) 2010 Mobileer Inc * @see VariableRateMonoReader * @see EnvelopeDAHDSR */ public class SegmentedEnvelope extends SequentialDataCommon { private double[] buffer; public SegmentedEnvelope(int maxFrames) { allocate(maxFrames); } public SegmentedEnvelope(double[] pairs) { this(pairs.length / 2); write(pairs); } public void allocate(int maxFrames) { buffer = new double[maxFrames * 2]; this.maxFrames = maxFrames; this.numFrames = 0; } /** * Write frames of envelope data. A frame consists of a duration and a value. * * @param startFrame Index of frame in envelope to write to. * @param data Pairs of duration and value. * @param startIndex Index of frame in data[] to read from. * @param numToWrite Number of frames (pairs) to write. */ public void write(int startFrame, double[] data, int startIndex, int numToWrite) { System.arraycopy(data, startIndex * 2, buffer, startFrame * 2, numToWrite * 2); if ((startFrame + numToWrite) > numFrames) { numFrames = startFrame + numToWrite; } } public void read(int startFrame, double[] data, int startIndex, int numToRead) { System.arraycopy(buffer, startFrame * 2, data, startIndex * 2, numToRead * 2); } public void write(double[] data) { write(0, data, 0, data.length / 2); } public void read(double[] data) { read(0, data, 0, data.length / 2); } /** Read the value of an envelope, not the duration. */ @Override public double readDouble(int index) { return buffer[(index * 2) + 1]; } @Override public void writeDouble(int index, double value) { buffer[(index * 2) + 1] = value; if ((index + 1) > numFrames) { numFrames = index + 1; } } @Override public double getRateScaler(int index, double synthesisPeriod) { double duration = buffer[index * 2]; if (duration < synthesisPeriod) { duration = synthesisPeriod; } return 1.0 / duration; } @Override public int getChannelsPerFrame() { return 1; } }