/* * Copyright 2009 Phil Burk, Mobileer Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.jsyn.ports; import java.util.LinkedList; import com.jsyn.data.SequentialData; import com.jsyn.exceptions.ChannelMismatchException; import com.softsynth.shared.time.ScheduledCommand; import com.softsynth.shared.time.TimeStamp; /** * Queue for SequentialData, samples or envelopes * * @author Phil Burk (C) 2009 Mobileer Inc */ public class UnitDataQueuePort extends UnitPort { private final LinkedList blocks = new LinkedList(); private QueueDataCommand currentBlock; private int frameIndex; private int numChannels = 1; private double normalizedRate; private long framesMoved; private boolean autoStopPending; private boolean targetValid; private QueueDataCommand finishingBlock; private QueueDataCommand loopingBlock; public static final int LOOP_IF_LAST = -1; public UnitDataQueuePort(String name) { super(name); } /** Hold a reference to part of a sample. */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") private class QueuedBlock extends QueueDataCommand { public QueuedBlock(SequentialData queueableData, int startFrame, int numFrames) { super(UnitDataQueuePort.this, queueableData, startFrame, numFrames); } @Override public void run() { synchronized (blocks) { // Remove last block if it can be skipped. if (blocks.size() > 0) { QueueDataEvent lastBlock = blocks.getLast(); if (lastBlock.isSkipIfOthers()) { blocks.removeLast(); } } // If we are crossfading then figure out where to crossfade // from. if (getCrossFadeIn() > 0) { if (isImmediate()) { // Queue will be cleared so fade in from current. if (currentBlock != null) { setupCrossFade(currentBlock, frameIndex, this); } // else nothing is playing so don't crossfade. } else { QueueDataCommand endBlock = getEndBlock(); if (endBlock != null) { setupCrossFade(endBlock, endBlock.getStartFrame() + endBlock.getNumFrames(), this); } } } if (isImmediate()) { clearQueue(); } blocks.add(this); } } } // FIXME - determine crossfade on any transition between blocks or when looping back. protected void setupCrossFade(QueueDataCommand sourceCommand, int sourceStartIndex, QueueDataCommand targetCommand) { int crossFrames = targetCommand.getCrossFadeIn(); SequentialData sourceData = sourceCommand.getCurrentData(); SequentialData targetData = targetCommand.getCurrentData(); int remainingSource = sourceData.getNumFrames() - sourceStartIndex; // clip to end of source if (crossFrames > remainingSource) crossFrames = remainingSource; if (crossFrames > 0) { // The SequentialDataCrossfade should continue to the end of the target // so that we can crossfade from it to the target. int remainingTarget = targetData.getNumFrames() - targetCommand.getStartFrame(); targetCommand.crossfadeData.setup(sourceData, sourceStartIndex, crossFrames, targetData, targetCommand.getStartFrame(), remainingTarget); targetCommand.currentData = targetCommand.crossfadeData; targetCommand.startFrame = 0; } } public QueueDataCommand createQueueDataCommand(SequentialData queueableData) { return createQueueDataCommand(queueableData, 0, queueableData.getNumFrames()); } public QueueDataCommand createQueueDataCommand(SequentialData queueableData, int startFrame, int numFrames) { if (queueableData.getChannelsPerFrame() != UnitDataQueuePort.this.numChannels) { throw new ChannelMismatchException("Tried to queue " + queueableData.getChannelsPerFrame() + " channel data to a " + numChannels + " channel port."); } return new QueuedBlock(queueableData, startFrame, numFrames); } public QueueDataCommand getEndBlock() { if (blocks.size() > 0) { return blocks.getLast(); } else if (currentBlock != null) { return currentBlock; } else { return null; } } public void setCurrentBlock(QueueDataCommand currentBlock) { this.currentBlock = currentBlock; } public void firePendingCallbacks() { if (loopingBlock != null) { if (loopingBlock.getCallback() != null) { loopingBlock.getCallback().looped(currentBlock); } loopingBlock = null; } if (finishingBlock != null) { if (finishingBlock.getCallback() != null) { finishingBlock.getCallback().finished(currentBlock); // FIXME - Should this pass // finishingBlock?! } finishingBlock = null; } } public boolean hasMore() { return (currentBlock != null) || (blocks.size() > 0); } private void checkBlock() { if (currentBlock == null) { synchronized (blocks) { setCurrentBlock(blocks.remove()); frameIndex = currentBlock.getStartFrame(); currentBlock.loopsLeft = currentBlock.getNumLoops(); if (currentBlock.getCallback() != null) { currentBlock.getCallback().started(currentBlock); } } } } private void advanceFrameIndex() { frameIndex += 1; framesMoved += 1; // Are we done with this block? if (frameIndex >= (currentBlock.getStartFrame() + currentBlock.getNumFrames())) { // Should we loop on this block based on a counter? if (currentBlock.loopsLeft > 0) { currentBlock.loopsLeft -= 1; loopToStart(); } // Should we loop forever on this block? else if ((blocks.size() == 0) && (currentBlock.loopsLeft < 0)) { loopToStart(); } // We are done. else { if (currentBlock.isAutoStop()) { autoStopPending = true; } finishingBlock = currentBlock; setCurrentBlock(null); // System.out.println("advanceFrameIndex: currentBlock set null"); } } } private void loopToStart() { if (currentBlock.getCrossFadeIn() > 0) { setupCrossFade(currentBlock, frameIndex, currentBlock); } frameIndex = currentBlock.getStartFrame(); loopingBlock = currentBlock; } public double getNormalizedRate() { return normalizedRate; } public double readCurrentChannelDouble(int channelIndex) { return currentBlock.currentData.readDouble((frameIndex * numChannels) + channelIndex); } public void writeCurrentChannelDouble(int channelIndex, double value) { currentBlock.currentData.writeDouble((frameIndex * numChannels) + channelIndex, value); } public void beginFrame(double synthesisPeriod) { checkBlock(); normalizedRate = currentBlock.currentData.getRateScaler(frameIndex, synthesisPeriod); } public void endFrame() { advanceFrameIndex(); targetValid = true; } public double readNextMonoDouble(double synthesisPeriod) { beginFrame(synthesisPeriod); double value = currentBlock.currentData.readDouble(frameIndex); endFrame(); return value; } /** Write directly to the port queue. This is only called by unit tests! */ protected void addQueuedBlock(QueueDataEvent block) { blocks.add((QueuedBlock) block); } /** Clear the queue. Internal use only. */ protected void clearQueue() { synchronized (blocks) { blocks.clear(); setCurrentBlock(null); targetValid = false; autoStopPending = false; } } class ClearQueueCommand implements ScheduledCommand { @Override public void run() { clearQueue(); } } /** Queue the data to the port at a future time. */ public void queue(SequentialData queueableData, int startFrame, int numFrames, TimeStamp timeStamp) { QueueDataCommand command = createQueueDataCommand(queueableData, startFrame, numFrames); scheduleCommand(timeStamp, command); } /** * Queue the data to the port at a future time. Command will clear the queue before executing. */ public void queueImmediate(SequentialData queueableData, int startFrame, int numFrames, TimeStamp timeStamp) { QueueDataCommand command = createQueueDataCommand(queueableData, startFrame, numFrames); command.setImmediate(true); scheduleCommand(timeStamp, command); } /** Queue the data to the port at a future time. */ public void queueLoop(SequentialData queueableData, int startFrame, int numFrames, TimeStamp timeStamp) { queueLoop(queueableData, startFrame, numFrames, LOOP_IF_LAST, timeStamp); } /** * Queue the data to the port at a future time with a specified number of loops. */ public void queueLoop(SequentialData queueableData, int startFrame, int numFrames, int numLoops, TimeStamp timeStamp) { QueueDataCommand command = createQueueDataCommand(queueableData, startFrame, numFrames); command.setNumLoops(numLoops); scheduleCommand(timeStamp, command); } /** Queue the entire data object for looping. */ public void queueLoop(SequentialData queueableData) { queueLoop(queueableData, 0, queueableData.getNumFrames()); } /** Queue the data to the port for immediate use. */ public void queueLoop(SequentialData queueableData, int startFrame, int numFrames) { queueLoop(queueableData, startFrame, numFrames, LOOP_IF_LAST); } /** * Queue the data to the port for immediate use with a specified number of loops. */ public void queueLoop(SequentialData queueableData, int startFrame, int numFrames, int numLoops) { QueueDataCommand command = createQueueDataCommand(queueableData, startFrame, numFrames); command.setNumLoops(numLoops); queueCommand(command); } /** * Queue the data to the port at a future time. Request that the unit stop when this block is * finished. */ public void queueStop(SequentialData queueableData, int startFrame, int numFrames, TimeStamp timeStamp) { QueueDataCommand command = createQueueDataCommand(queueableData, startFrame, numFrames); command.setAutoStop(true); scheduleCommand(timeStamp, command); } /** Queue the data to the port through the command queue ASAP. */ public void queue(SequentialData queueableData, int startFrame, int numFrames) { QueueDataCommand command = createQueueDataCommand(queueableData, startFrame, numFrames); queueCommand(command); } /** * Queue entire amount of data with no options. * * @param queueableData */ public void queue(SequentialData queueableData) { queue(queueableData, 0, queueableData.getNumFrames()); } /** Schedule queueOn now! */ public void queueOn(SequentialData queueableData) { queueOn(queueableData, getSynthesisEngine().createTimeStamp()); } /** Schedule queueOff now! */ public void queueOff(SequentialData queueableData) { queueOff(queueableData, false); } /** Schedule queueOff now! */ public void queueOff(SequentialData queueableData, boolean ifStop) { queueOff(queueableData, ifStop, getSynthesisEngine().createTimeStamp()); } /** * Convenience method that will queue the attack portion of a channelData and the sustain loop * if it exists. This could be used to implement a NoteOn method. */ public void queueOn(SequentialData queueableData, TimeStamp timeStamp) { if (queueableData.getSustainBegin() < 0) { // no sustain loop, handle release if (queueableData.getReleaseBegin() < 0) { // No loops queueImmediate(queueableData, 0, queueableData.getNumFrames(), timeStamp); } else { queueImmediate(queueableData, 0, queueableData.getReleaseEnd(), timeStamp); int size = queueableData.getReleaseEnd() - queueableData.getReleaseBegin(); queueLoop(queueableData, queueableData.getReleaseBegin(), size, timeStamp); } } else { // yes sustain loop if (queueableData.getSustainEnd() > 0) { int frontSize = queueableData.getSustainBegin(); int loopSize = queueableData.getSustainEnd() - queueableData.getSustainBegin(); // Is there an initial portion before the sustain loop? if (frontSize > 0) { queueImmediate(queueableData, 0, frontSize, timeStamp); } loopSize = queueableData.getSustainEnd() - queueableData.getSustainBegin(); if (loopSize > 0) { queueLoop(queueableData, queueableData.getSustainBegin(), loopSize, timeStamp); } } } } /** * Convenience method that will queue the decay portion of a SequentialData object, or the gap * and release loop portions if they exist. This could be used to implement a NoteOff method. * * @param ifStop Will setAutostop(true) if release portion queued without a release loop. This will * stop execution of the unit. */ public void queueOff(SequentialData queueableData, boolean ifStop, TimeStamp timeStamp) { if (queueableData.getSustainBegin() >= 0) /* Sustain loop? */ { int relSize = queueableData.getReleaseEnd() - queueableData.getReleaseBegin(); if (queueableData.getReleaseBegin() < 0) { /* Sustain loop, no release loop. */ int susEnd = queueableData.getSustainEnd(); int size = queueableData.getNumFrames() - susEnd; // System.out.println("queueOff: size = " + size ); if (size <= 0) { // always queue something so that we can stop the loop // 20001117 size = 1; susEnd = queueableData.getNumFrames() - 1; } if (ifStop) { queueStop(queueableData, susEnd, size, timeStamp); } else { queue(queueableData, susEnd, size, timeStamp); } } else if (queueableData.getReleaseBegin() > queueableData.getSustainEnd()) { // Queue gap between sustain and release loop. queue(queueableData, queueableData.getSustainEnd(), queueableData.getReleaseEnd() - queueableData.getSustainEnd(), timeStamp); if (relSize > 0) queueLoop(queueableData, queueableData.getReleaseBegin(), relSize, timeStamp); } else if (relSize > 0) { // No gap between sustain and release. queueLoop(queueableData, queueableData.getReleaseBegin(), relSize, timeStamp); } } /* If no sustain loop, then nothing to do. */ } public void clear(TimeStamp timeStamp) { ScheduledCommand command = new ClearQueueCommand(); scheduleCommand(timeStamp, command); } public void clear() { ScheduledCommand command = new ClearQueueCommand(); queueCommand(command); } public void writeNextDouble(double value) { checkBlock(); currentBlock.currentData.writeDouble(frameIndex, value); advanceFrameIndex(); } public long getFrameCount() { return framesMoved; } public boolean testAndClearAutoStop() { boolean temp = autoStopPending; autoStopPending = false; return temp; } public boolean isTargetValid() { return targetValid; } public void setNumChannels(int numChannels) { this.numChannels = numChannels; } public int getNumChannels() { return numChannels; } }