/* * Copyright 1997 Phil Burk, Mobileer Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.jsyn.swing; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Edit a list of ordered duration,value pairs suitable for use with a SegmentedEnvelope. * * @author (C) 1997-2013 Phil Burk, SoftSynth.com * @see SynthEnvelope */ /* ========================================================================== */ public class EnvelopeEditorBox extends XYController implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener { EnvelopePoints points; ArrayList listeners = new ArrayList(); int dragIndex = -1; double dragLowLimit; double dragHighLimit; double draggedPoint[]; double xBefore; // WX value before point double xPicked; // WX value of picked point double dragWX; double dragWY; int maxPoints = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int radius = 4; double verticalBarSpacing = 1.0; boolean verticalBarsEnabled = false; double maximumXRange = Double.MAX_VALUE; double minimumXRange = 0.1; int rangeStart = -1; // gx coordinates int rangeEnd = -1; int mode = EDIT_POINTS; public final static int EDIT_POINTS = 0; public final static int SELECT_SUSTAIN = 1; public final static int SELECT_RELEASE = 2; Color rangeColor = Color.RED; Color sustainColor = Color.BLUE; Color releaseColor = Color.YELLOW; Color overlapColor = Color.GREEN; Color firstLineColor = Color.GRAY; public interface EditListener { public void objectEdited(Object editor, Object edited); } public EnvelopeEditorBox() { addMouseListener(this); addMouseMotionListener(this); } public void setMaximumXRange(double maxXRange) { maximumXRange = maxXRange; } public double getMaximumXRange() { return maximumXRange; } public void setMinimumXRange(double minXRange) { minimumXRange = minXRange; } public double getMinimumXRange() { return minimumXRange; } public void setSelection(int start, int end) { switch (mode) { case SELECT_SUSTAIN: points.setSustainLoop(start, end); break; case SELECT_RELEASE: points.setReleaseLoop(start, end); break; } // System.out.println("start = " + start + ", end = " + end ); } /** Set mode to either EDIT_POINTS or SELECT_SUSTAIN, SELECT_RELEASE; */ public void setMode(int mode) { this.mode = mode; } public int getMode() { return mode; } /** * Add a listener to receive edit events. Listener will be passed the editor object and the * edited object. */ public void addEditListener(EditListener listener) { listeners.add(listener); } public void removeEditListener(EditListener listener) { listeners.remove(listener); } /** Send event to every subscribed listener. */ public void fireObjectEdited() { for (EditListener listener : listeners) { listener.objectEdited(this, points); } } public void setMaxPoints(int maxPoints) { this.maxPoints = maxPoints; } public int getMaxPoints() { return maxPoints; } public int getNumPoints() { return points.size(); } public void setPoints(EnvelopePoints points) { this.points = points; setMaxWorldY(points.getMaximumValue()); } public EnvelopePoints getPoints() { return points; } /** * Return index of point before this X position. */ private int findPointBefore(double wx) { int pnt = -1; double px = 0.0; xBefore = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) { px += points.getDuration(i); if (px > wx) break; pnt = i; xBefore = px; } return pnt; } private int pickPoint(double wx, double wxAperture, double wy, double wyAperture) { double px = 0.0; double wxLow = wx - wxAperture; double wxHigh = wx + wxAperture; // System.out.println("wxLow = " + wxLow + ", wxHigh = " + wxHigh ); double wyLow = wy - wyAperture; double wyHigh = wy + wyAperture; // System.out.println("wyLow = " + wyLow + ", wyHigh = " + wyHigh ); double wxScale = 1.0 / wxAperture; // only divide once, then multiply double wyScale = 1.0 / wyAperture; int bestPoint = -1; double bestDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) { double dar[] = points.getPoint(i); px += dar[0]; double py = dar[1]; // System.out.println("px = " + px + ", py = " + py ); if ((px > wxLow) && (px < wxHigh) && (py > wyLow) && (py < wyHigh)) { /* Inside pick range. Calculate distance squared. */ double ndx = (px - wx) * wxScale; double ndy = (py - wy) * wyScale; double dist = (ndx * ndx) + (ndy * ndy); // System.out.println("dist = " + dist ); if (dist < bestDistance) { bestPoint = i; bestDistance = dist; xPicked = px; } } } return bestPoint; } private void clickDownRange(boolean shiftDown, int gx, int gy) { setSelection(-1, -1); rangeStart = rangeEnd = gx; repaint(); } private void dragRange(int gx, int gy) { rangeEnd = gx; repaint(); } private void clickUpRange(int gx, int gy) { dragRange(gx, gy); if (rangeEnd < rangeStart) { int temp = rangeEnd; rangeEnd = rangeStart; rangeStart = temp; } // System.out.println("clickUpRange: gx = " + gx + ", rangeStart = " + // rangeStart ); double wx = convertGXtoWX(rangeStart); int i0 = findPointBefore(wx); wx = convertGXtoWX(rangeEnd); int i1 = findPointBefore(wx); if (i1 == i0) { // set single point at zero so there is nothing played for queueOn() if (gx < 0) { setSelection(0, 0); } // else clear any existing loop } else if (i1 == (i0 + 1)) { setSelection(i1 + 1, i1 + 1); // set to a single point } else if (i1 > (i0 + 1)) { setSelection(i0 + 1, i1 + 1); // set to a range of two or more } rangeStart = -1; rangeEnd = -1; fireObjectEdited(); } private void clickDownPoints(boolean shiftDown, int gx, int gy) { dragIndex = -1; double wx = convertGXtoWX(gx); double wy = convertGYtoWY(gy); // calculate world values for aperture double wxAp = convertGXtoWX(radius + 2) - convertGXtoWX(0); // System.out.println("wxAp = " + wxAp ); double wyAp = convertGYtoWY(0) - convertGYtoWY(radius + 2); // System.out.println("wyAp = " + wyAp ); int pnt = pickPoint(wx, wxAp, wy, wyAp); // System.out.println("pickPoint = " + pnt); if (shiftDown) { if (pnt >= 0) { points.removePoint(pnt); repaint(); } } else { if (pnt < 0) // didn't hit one so look for point to left of click { if (points.size() < maxPoints) // add if room { pnt = findPointBefore(wx); // System.out.println("pointBefore = " + pnt); dragIndex = pnt + 1; if (pnt == (points.size() - 1)) { points.add(wx - xBefore, wy); } else { points.insert(dragIndex, wx - xBefore, wy); } dragLowLimit = xBefore; dragHighLimit = wx + (maximumXRange - points.getTotalDuration()); repaint(); } } else // hit one so drag it { dragIndex = pnt; if (dragIndex <= 0) dragLowLimit = 0.0; // FIXME else dragLowLimit = xPicked - points.getPoint(dragIndex)[0]; dragHighLimit = xPicked + (maximumXRange - points.getTotalDuration()); // System.out.println("dragLowLimit = " + dragLowLimit ); } } // Set up drag point if we are dragging. if (dragIndex >= 0) { draggedPoint = points.getPoint(dragIndex); } } private void dragPoint(int gx, int gy) { if (dragIndex < 0) return; double wx = convertGXtoWX(gx); if (wx < dragLowLimit) wx = dragLowLimit; else if (wx > dragHighLimit) wx = dragHighLimit; draggedPoint[0] = wx - dragLowLimit; // duration double wy = convertGYtoWY(gy); wy = clipWorldY(wy); draggedPoint[1] = wy; dragWY = wy; dragWX = wx; points.setDirty(true); repaint(); } private void clickUpPoints(int gx, int gy) { dragPoint(gx, gy); fireObjectEdited(); dragIndex = -1; } // Implement the MouseMotionListener interface for AWT 1.1 @Override public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { int x = e.getX(); int y = e.getY(); if (points == null) return; if (mode == EDIT_POINTS) { dragPoint(x, y); } else { dragRange(x, y); } } @Override public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { } // Implement the MouseListener interface for AWT 1.1 @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { int x = e.getX(); int y = e.getY(); if (points == null) return; if (mode == EDIT_POINTS) { clickDownPoints(e.isShiftDown(), x, y); } else { clickDownRange(e.isShiftDown(), x, y); } } @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { } @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { int x = e.getX(); int y = e.getY(); if (points == null) return; if (mode == EDIT_POINTS) { clickUpPoints(x, y); } else { clickUpRange(x, y); } } @Override public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { } @Override public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { } /** * Draw selected range. */ private void drawRange(Graphics g) { if (rangeStart >= 0) { int height = getHeight(); int gx0 = 0, gx1 = 0; if (rangeEnd < rangeStart) { gx0 = rangeEnd; gx1 = rangeStart; } else { gx0 = rangeStart; gx1 = rangeEnd; } g.setColor(rangeColor); g.fillRect(gx0, 0, gx1 - gx0, height); } } private void drawUnderSelection(Graphics g, int start, int end) { if (start >= 0) { int height = getHeight(); int gx0 = 0, gx1 = radius; double wx = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i <= (end - 1); i++) { double dar[] = (double[]) points.elementAt(i); wx += dar[0]; if (start == (i + 1)) { gx0 = convertWXtoGX(wx) + radius; } if (end == (i + 1)) { gx1 = convertWXtoGX(wx) + radius; } } if (gx0 == gx1) gx0 = gx0 - radius; g.fillRect(gx0, 0, gx1 - gx0, height); } } private void drawSelections(Graphics g) { int sus0 = points.getSustainBegin(); int sus1 = points.getSustainEnd(); int rel0 = points.getReleaseBegin(); int rel1 = points.getReleaseEnd(); g.setColor(sustainColor); drawUnderSelection(g, sus0, sus1); g.setColor(releaseColor); drawUnderSelection(g, rel0, rel1); // draw overlapping sustain and release region if (sus1 >= rel0) { int sel1 = (rel1 < sus1) ? rel1 : sus1; g.setColor(overlapColor); drawUnderSelection(g, rel0, sel1); } } /** * Override this to draw a grid or other stuff under the envelope. */ public void drawUnderlay(Graphics g) { if (dragIndex < 0) { drawSelections(g); drawRange(g); } if (verticalBarsEnabled) drawVerticalBars(g); } public void setVerticalBarsEnabled(boolean flag) { verticalBarsEnabled = flag; } public boolean areVerticalBarsEnabled() { return verticalBarsEnabled; } /** * Set spacing in world coordinates. */ public void setVerticalBarSpacing(double spacing) { verticalBarSpacing = spacing; } public double getVerticalBarSpacing() { return verticalBarSpacing; } /** * Draw vertical lines. */ private void drawVerticalBars(Graphics g) { int width = getWidth(); int height = getHeight(); double wx = verticalBarSpacing; int gx; // g.setColor( getBackground().darker() ); g.setColor(Color.lightGray); while (true) { gx = convertWXtoGX(wx); if (gx > width) break; g.drawLine(gx, 0, gx, height); wx += verticalBarSpacing; } } public void drawPoints(Graphics g, Color lineColor) { double wx = 0.0; int gx1 = 0; int gy1 = getHeight(); for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) { double dar[] = (double[]) points.elementAt(i); wx += dar[0]; double wy = dar[1]; int gx2 = convertWXtoGX(wx); int gy2 = convertWYtoGY(wy); if (i == 0) { g.setColor(isEnabled() ? firstLineColor : firstLineColor.darker()); g.drawLine(gx1, gy1, gx2, gy2); g.setColor(isEnabled() ? lineColor : lineColor.darker()); } else if (i > 0) { g.drawLine(gx1, gy1, gx2, gy2); } int diameter = (2 * radius) + 1; g.fillOval(gx2 - radius, gy2 - radius, diameter, diameter); gx1 = gx2; gy1 = gy2; } } public void drawAllPoints(Graphics g) { drawPoints(g, getForeground()); } /* Override default paint action. */ @Override public void paint(Graphics g) { double wx = 0.0; int width = getWidth(); int height = getHeight(); // draw background and erase all values g.setColor(isEnabled() ? getBackground() : getBackground().darker()); g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); if (points == null) { g.setColor(getForeground()); g.drawString("No EnvelopePoints", 10, 30); return; } // Determine total duration. if (points.size() > 0) { wx = points.getTotalDuration(); // Adjust max X so that we see entire circle of last point. double radiusWX = this.convertGXtoWX(radius) - this.getMinWorldX(); double wxFar = wx + radiusWX; if (wxFar > getMaxWorldX()) { if (wx > maximumXRange) wxFar = maximumXRange; setMaxWorldX(wxFar); } else if (wx < (getMaxWorldX() * 0.7)) { double newMax = wx / 0.7001; // make slightly larger to prevent // endless jitter, FIXME - still // needed after repaint() // removed from setMaxWorldX? // System.out.println("newMax = " + newMax ); if (newMax < minimumXRange) newMax = minimumXRange; setMaxWorldX(newMax); } } // System.out.println("total X = " + wx ); drawUnderlay(g); drawAllPoints(g); /* Show X,Y,TotalX as text. */ g.drawString(points.getName() + ", len=" + String.format("%7.3f", wx), 5, 15); if ((draggedPoint != null) && (dragIndex >= 0)) { String s = "i=" + dragIndex + ", dur=" + String.format("%7.3f", draggedPoint[0]) + ", y = " + String.format("%8.4f", draggedPoint[1]); g.drawString(s, 5, 30); } } }