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Welcome to the Java Game Technology Utilities Project!

The JUtils Project hosts an implementation of a set of APIs utilized by other Java Game Technology Group projects (eg JInput,JOAl, JOGL). Some of those other projects may have build and/or run-time dependancies on the jutils.jar file which is built from the source hosted here.

Project Status
The intial implementation of the JUtils library is available for download from CVS.

The initial release contains support classes for a plug-in system that handles an arbitrary number of arbotrarily compelx plugins that each consist of a JAR file and support files (other jar files, native libs, etc.)

For more information, see the docs for the Plugins class in the CVS tree.

Getting Started

This project has been built in the following environment:

    This project has been built in the follwing environment.
  • Win32 (Win 2000 in the case of our machine)
  • Sun J2SDK 1.4.2 (available at
  • MinGW 2.0.0 plus the following updates: (all available at
    • binutils 2.13.90
    • w32api-2.2
    • mingw-runtime-2.4
  • ANT 1.4.1 (available at


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