path: root/LibOVR/Src/OVR_CAPI.cpp
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authorBrad Davis <[email protected]>2014-04-14 21:25:09 -0700
committerBrad Davis <[email protected]>2014-04-14 21:25:09 -0700
commit07d0f4d0bbf3477ac6a9584f726e8ec6ab285707 (patch)
tree1854d0c690eff32e77b137567c88a52d56d8b660 /LibOVR/Src/OVR_CAPI.cpp
parentf28388ff2af14b56ef2d973b2f4f9da021716d4c (diff)
Adding windows 0.3.1 SDK
Diffstat (limited to 'LibOVR/Src/OVR_CAPI.cpp')
1 files changed, 911 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/LibOVR/Src/OVR_CAPI.cpp b/LibOVR/Src/OVR_CAPI.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..253bb3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LibOVR/Src/OVR_CAPI.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,911 @@
+Filename : OVR_CAPI.cpp
+Content : Experimental simple C interface to the HMD - version 1.
+Created : November 30, 2013
+Authors : Michael Antonov
+Copyright : Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, Inc. All Rights reserved.
+Licensed under the Oculus VR Rift SDK License Version 3.1 (the "License");
+you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License,
+which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which
+otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#include "OVR_CAPI.h"
+#include "Kernel/OVR_Timer.h"
+#include "Kernel/OVR_Math.h"
+#include "Kernel/OVR_System.h"
+#include "OVR_Stereo.h"
+#include "OVR_Profile.h"
+#include "CAPI/CAPI_GlobalState.h"
+#include "CAPI/CAPI_HMDState.h"
+#include "CAPI/CAPI_FrameTimeManager.h"
+using namespace OVR;
+using namespace OVR::Util::Render;
+// Math
+namespace OVR {
+// ***** FovPort
+// C-interop support: FovPort <-> ovrFovPort
+FovPort::FovPort(const ovrFovPort &src)
+ : UpTan(src.UpTan), DownTan(src.DownTan), LeftTan(src.LeftTan), RightTan(src.RightTan)
+{ }
+FovPort::operator const ovrFovPort () const
+ ovrFovPort result;
+ result.LeftTan = LeftTan;
+ result.RightTan = RightTan;
+ result.UpTan = UpTan;
+ result.DownTan = DownTan;
+ return result;
+// Converts Fov Tan angle units to [-1,1] render target NDC space
+Vector2f FovPort::TanAngleToRendertargetNDC(Vector2f const &tanEyeAngle)
+ ScaleAndOffset2D eyeToSourceNDC = CreateNDCScaleAndOffsetFromFov(*this);
+ return tanEyeAngle * eyeToSourceNDC.Scale + eyeToSourceNDC.Offset;
+// ***** SensorState
+SensorState::SensorState(const ovrSensorState& s)
+ Predicted = s.Predicted;
+ Recorded = s.Recorded;
+ Temperature = s.Temperature;
+ StatusFlags = s.StatusFlags;
+SensorState::operator const ovrSensorState() const
+ ovrSensorState result;
+ result.Predicted = Predicted;
+ result.Recorded = Recorded;
+ result.Temperature = Temperature;
+ result.StatusFlags = StatusFlags;
+ return result;
+} // namespace OVR
+using namespace OVR::CAPI;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+// Used to generate projection from ovrEyeDesc::Fov
+OVR_EXPORT ovrMatrix4f ovrMatrix4f_Projection(ovrFovPort fov, float znear, float zfar, ovrBool rightHanded)
+ return CreateProjection(rightHanded ? true : false, fov, znear, zfar);
+OVR_EXPORT ovrMatrix4f ovrMatrix4f_OrthoSubProjection(ovrMatrix4f projection, ovrVector2f orthoScale,
+ float orthoDistance, float eyeViewAdjustX)
+ float orthoHorizontalOffset = eyeViewAdjustX / orthoDistance;
+ // Current projection maps real-world vector (x,y,1) to the RT.
+ // We want to find the projection that maps the range [-FovPixels/2,FovPixels/2] to
+ // the physical [-orthoHalfFov,orthoHalfFov]
+ // Note moving the offset from M[0][2]+M[1][2] to M[0][3]+M[1][3] - this means
+ // we don't have to feed in Z=1 all the time.
+ // The horizontal offset math is a little hinky because the destination is
+ // actually [-orthoHalfFov+orthoHorizontalOffset,orthoHalfFov+orthoHorizontalOffset]
+ // So we need to first map [-FovPixels/2,FovPixels/2] to
+ // [-orthoHalfFov+orthoHorizontalOffset,orthoHalfFov+orthoHorizontalOffset]:
+ // x1 = x0 * orthoHalfFov/(FovPixels/2) + orthoHorizontalOffset;
+ // = x0 * 2*orthoHalfFov/FovPixels + orthoHorizontalOffset;
+ // But then we need the sam mapping as the existing projection matrix, i.e.
+ // x2 = x1 * Projection.M[0][0] + Projection.M[0][2];
+ // = x0 * (2*orthoHalfFov/FovPixels + orthoHorizontalOffset) * Projection.M[0][0] + Projection.M[0][2];
+ // = x0 * Projection.M[0][0]*2*orthoHalfFov/FovPixels +
+ // orthoHorizontalOffset*Projection.M[0][0] + Projection.M[0][2];
+ // So in the new projection matrix we need to scale by Projection.M[0][0]*2*orthoHalfFov/FovPixels and
+ // offset by orthoHorizontalOffset*Projection.M[0][0] + Projection.M[0][2].
+ Matrix4f ortho;
+ ortho.M[0][0] = projection.M[0][0] * orthoScale.x;
+ ortho.M[0][1] = 0.0f;
+ ortho.M[0][2] = 0.0f;
+ ortho.M[0][3] = -projection.M[0][2] + ( orthoHorizontalOffset * projection.M[0][0] );
+ ortho.M[1][0] = 0.0f;
+ ortho.M[1][1] = -projection.M[1][1] * orthoScale.y; // Note sign flip (text rendering uses Y=down).
+ ortho.M[1][2] = 0.0f;
+ ortho.M[1][3] = -projection.M[1][2];
+ /*
+ if ( fabsf ( zNear - zFar ) < 0.001f )
+ {
+ ortho.M[2][0] = 0.0f;
+ ortho.M[2][1] = 0.0f;
+ ortho.M[2][2] = 0.0f;
+ ortho.M[2][3] = zFar;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ortho.M[2][0] = 0.0f;
+ ortho.M[2][1] = 0.0f;
+ ortho.M[2][2] = zFar / (zNear - zFar);
+ ortho.M[2][3] = (zFar * zNear) / (zNear - zFar);
+ }
+ */
+ // MA: Undo effect of sign
+ ortho.M[2][0] = 0.0f;
+ ortho.M[2][1] = 0.0f;
+ //ortho.M[2][2] = projection.M[2][2] * projection.M[3][2] * -1.0f; // reverse right-handedness
+ ortho.M[2][2] = 0.0f;
+ ortho.M[2][3] = 0.0f;
+ //projection.M[2][3];
+ // No perspective correction for ortho.
+ ortho.M[3][0] = 0.0f;
+ ortho.M[3][1] = 0.0f;
+ ortho.M[3][2] = 0.0f;
+ ortho.M[3][3] = 1.0f;
+ return ortho;
+OVR_EXPORT double ovr_GetTimeInSeconds()
+ return Timer::GetSeconds();
+// Waits until the specified absolute time.
+OVR_EXPORT double ovr_WaitTillTime(double absTime)
+ volatile int i;
+ double initialTime = ovr_GetTimeInSeconds();
+ double newTime = initialTime;
+ while(newTime < absTime)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 50; j++)
+ i = 0;
+ newTime = ovr_GetTimeInSeconds();
+ }
+ // How long we waited
+ return newTime - initialTime;
+// 1. Init/shutdown.
+static ovrBool CAPI_SystemInitCalled = FALSE;
+OVR_EXPORT ovrBool ovr_Initialize()
+ if (OVR::CAPI::GlobalState::pInstance)
+ return TRUE;
+ // We must set up the system for the plugin to work
+ if (!OVR::System::IsInitialized())
+ {
+ OVR::System::Init(OVR::Log::ConfigureDefaultLog(OVR::LogMask_All));
+ CAPI_SystemInitCalled = TRUE;
+ }
+ // Constructor detects devices
+ GlobalState::pInstance = new GlobalState;
+ return TRUE;
+OVR_EXPORT void ovr_Shutdown()
+ if (!GlobalState::pInstance)
+ return;
+ delete GlobalState::pInstance;
+ GlobalState::pInstance = 0;
+ // We should clean up the system to be complete
+ if (CAPI_SystemInitCalled)
+ {
+ OVR::System::Destroy();
+ CAPI_SystemInitCalled = FALSE;
+ }
+ return;
+// There is a thread safety issue with ovrHmd_Detect in that multiple calls from different
+// threads can corrupt the global array state. This would lead to two problems:
+// a) Create(index) enumerator may miss or overshoot items. Probably not a big deal
+// as game logic can easily be written to only do Detect(s)/Creates in one place.
+// The alternative would be to return list handle.
+// b) TBD: Un-mutexed Detect access from two threads could lead to crash. We should
+// probably check this.
+OVR_EXPORT int ovrHmd_Detect()
+ if (!GlobalState::pInstance)
+ return 0;
+ return GlobalState::pInstance->EnumerateDevices();
+// ovrHmd_Create us explicitly separated from StartSensor and Configure to allow creation of
+// a relatively light-weight handle that would reference the device going forward and would
+// survive future ovrHmd_Detect calls. That is once ovrHMD is returned, index is no longer
+// necessary and can be changed by a ovrHmd_Detect call.
+OVR_EXPORT ovrHmd ovrHmd_Create(int index)
+ if (!GlobalState::pInstance)
+ return 0;
+ Ptr<HMDDevice> device = *GlobalState::pInstance->CreateDevice(index);
+ if (!device)
+ return 0;
+ HMDState* hmds = new HMDState(device);
+ if (!hmds)
+ return 0;
+ return hmds;
+OVR_EXPORT ovrHmd ovrHmd_CreateDebug(ovrHmdType type)
+ if (!GlobalState::pInstance)
+ return 0;
+ HMDState* hmds = new HMDState(type);
+ return hmds;
+OVR_EXPORT void ovrHmd_Destroy(ovrHmd hmd)
+ if (!hmd)
+ return;
+ // TBD: Any extra shutdown?
+ HMDState* hmds = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ { // Thread checker in its own scope, to avoid access after 'delete'.
+ // Essentially just checks that no other RenderAPI function is executing.
+ ThreadChecker::Scope checkScope(&hmds->RenderAPIThreadChecker, "ovrHmd_Destroy");
+ }
+ delete (HMDState*)hmd;
+OVR_EXPORT const char* ovrHmd_GetLastError(ovrHmd hmd)
+ using namespace OVR;
+ if (!hmd)
+ {
+ if (!GlobalState::pInstance)
+ return "LibOVR not initialized.";
+ return GlobalState::pInstance->GetLastError();
+ }
+ HMDState* p = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ return p->GetLastError();
+// *** Sensor
+// Sensor APIs are separated from Create & Configure for several reasons:
+// - They need custom parameters that control allocation of heavy resources
+// such as Vision tracking, which you don't want to create unless necessary.
+// - A game may want to switch some sensor settings based on user input,
+// or at lease enable/disable features such as Vision for debugging.
+// - The same or syntactically similar sensor interface is likely to be used if we
+// introduce controllers.
+// - Sensor interface functions are all Thread-safe, unlike the frame/render API
+// functions that have different rules (all frame access functions
+// must be on render thread)
+OVR_EXPORT ovrBool ovrHmd_StartSensor(ovrHmd hmd, unsigned int supportedCaps, unsigned int requiredCaps)
+ HMDState* p = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ // TBD: Decide if we null-check arguments.
+ return p->StartSensor(supportedCaps, requiredCaps);
+OVR_EXPORT void ovrHmd_StopSensor(ovrHmd hmd)
+ HMDState* p = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ p->StopSensor();
+OVR_EXPORT void ovrHmd_ResetSensor(ovrHmd hmd)
+ HMDState* p = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ p->ResetSensor();
+OVR_EXPORT ovrSensorState ovrHmd_GetSensorState(ovrHmd hmd, double absTime)
+ HMDState* p = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ return p->PredictedSensorState(absTime);
+// Returns information about a sensor. Only valid after SensorStart.
+OVR_EXPORT ovrBool ovrHmd_GetSensorDesc(ovrHmd hmd, ovrSensorDesc* descOut)
+ HMDState* p = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ return p->GetSensorDesc(descOut) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+// *** General Setup
+OVR_EXPORT void ovrHmd_GetDesc(ovrHmd hmd, ovrHmdDesc* desc)
+ HMDState* hmds = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ *desc = hmds->RenderState.GetDesc();
+ desc->Handle = hmd;
+// Per HMD -> calculateIdealPixelSize
+OVR_EXPORT ovrSizei ovrHmd_GetFovTextureSize(ovrHmd hmd, ovrEyeType eye, ovrFovPort fov,
+ float pixelsPerDisplayPixel)
+ if (!hmd) return Sizei(0);
+ HMDState* hmds = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ return hmds->RenderState.GetFOVTextureSize(eye, fov, pixelsPerDisplayPixel);
+ovrBool ovrHmd_ConfigureRendering( ovrHmd hmd,
+ const ovrRenderAPIConfig* apiConfig,
+ unsigned int hmdCaps,
+ unsigned int distortionCaps,
+ const ovrEyeDesc eyeDescIn[2],
+ ovrEyeRenderDesc eyeRenderDescOut[2] )
+ if (!hmd) return FALSE;
+ return ((HMDState*)hmd)->ConfigureRendering(eyeRenderDescOut, eyeDescIn,
+ apiConfig, hmdCaps, distortionCaps);
+// TBD: MA - Deprecated, need alternative
+void ovrHmd_SetVsync(ovrHmd hmd, ovrBool vsync)
+ if (!hmd) return;
+ return ((HMDState*)hmd)->TimeManager.SetVsync(vsync? true : false);
+OVR_EXPORT ovrFrameTiming ovrHmd_BeginFrame(ovrHmd hmd, unsigned int frameIndex)
+ HMDState* hmds = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ if (!hmds)
+ {
+ ovrFrameTiming f;
+ memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f));
+ return f;
+ }
+ // Check: Proper configure and threading state for the call.
+ hmds->checkRenderingConfigured("ovrHmd_BeginFrame");
+ OVR_ASSERT_LOG(hmds->BeginFrameCalled == false, ("ovrHmd_BeginFrame called multiple times."));
+ ThreadChecker::Scope checkScope(&hmds->RenderAPIThreadChecker, "ovrHmd_BeginFrame");
+ hmds->BeginFrameCalled = true;
+ hmds->BeginFrameThreadId = OVR::GetCurrentThreadId();
+ return ovrHmd_BeginFrameTiming(hmd, frameIndex);
+// Renders textures to frame buffer
+OVR_EXPORT void ovrHmd_EndFrame(ovrHmd hmd)
+ HMDState* hmds = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ if (!hmds) return;
+ // Debug state checks: Must be in BeginFrame, on the same thread.
+ hmds->checkBeginFrameScope("ovrHmd_EndFrame");
+ ThreadChecker::Scope checkScope(&hmds->RenderAPIThreadChecker, "ovrHmd_EndFrame");
+ // TBD: Move directly into renderer
+ bool dk2LatencyTest = (hmds->HMDInfo.HmdType == HmdType_DK2) &&
+ (hmds->SensorCaps & ovrHmdCap_LatencyTest);
+ if (dk2LatencyTest)
+ {
+ hmds->LatencyTest2DrawColor[0] = hmds->TimeManager.GetFrameLatencyTestDrawColor();
+ hmds->LatencyTest2DrawColor[1] = hmds->LatencyTest2DrawColor[0];
+ hmds->LatencyTest2DrawColor[2] = hmds->LatencyTest2DrawColor[0];
+ }
+ if (hmds->pRenderer)
+ {
+ hmds->pRenderer->EndFrame(true,
+ hmds->LatencyTestActive ? hmds->LatencyTestDrawColor : NULL,
+ // MA: Use this color since we are running DK2 test all the time.
+ dk2LatencyTest ? hmds->LatencyTest2DrawColor : 0
+ //hmds->LatencyTest2Active ? hmds->LatencyTest2DrawColor : NULL
+ );
+ }
+ // Call after present
+ ovrHmd_EndFrameTiming(hmd);
+ if (dk2LatencyTest)
+ {
+ hmds->TimeManager.UpdateFrameLatencyTrackingAfterEndFrame(
+ hmds->LatencyTest2DrawColor[0], hmds->LatencyUtil2.GetLocklessState());
+ }
+ // Out of BeginFrame
+ hmds->BeginFrameThreadId = 0;
+ hmds->BeginFrameCalled = false;
+OVR_EXPORT ovrPosef ovrHmd_BeginEyeRender(ovrHmd hmd, ovrEyeType eye)
+ HMDState* hmds = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ if (!hmds) return ovrPosef();
+ return hmds->BeginEyeRender(eye);
+OVR_EXPORT void ovrHmd_EndEyeRender(ovrHmd hmd, ovrEyeType eye,
+ ovrPosef renderPose, ovrTexture* eyeTexture)
+ HMDState* hmds = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ if (!hmds) return;
+ hmds->EndEyeRender(eye, renderPose, eyeTexture);
+// ***** Frame Timing logic
+OVR_EXPORT ovrFrameTiming ovrHmd_GetFrameTiming(ovrHmd hmd, unsigned int frameIndex)
+ ovrFrameTiming f;
+ memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f));
+ HMDState* hmds = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ if (hmds)
+ {
+ FrameTimeManager::Timing frameTiming = hmds->TimeManager.GetFrameTiming(frameIndex);
+ f.ThisFrameSeconds = frameTiming.ThisFrameTime;
+ f.NextFrameSeconds = frameTiming.NextFrameTime;
+ f.TimewarpPointSeconds = frameTiming.TimewarpPointTime;
+ f.ScanoutMidpointSeconds= frameTiming.MidpointTime;
+ f.EyeScanoutSeconds[0] = frameTiming.EyeRenderTimes[0];
+ f.EyeScanoutSeconds[1] = frameTiming.EyeRenderTimes[1];
+ // Compute DeltaSeconds.
+ f.DeltaSeconds = (hmds->LastGetFrameTimeSeconds == 0.0f) ? 0.0f :
+ (float) (f.ThisFrameSeconds - hmds->LastFrameTimeSeconds);
+ hmds->LastGetFrameTimeSeconds = f.ThisFrameSeconds;
+ if (f.DeltaSeconds > 1.0f)
+ f.DeltaSeconds = 1.0f;
+ }
+ return f;
+OVR_EXPORT ovrFrameTiming ovrHmd_BeginFrameTiming(ovrHmd hmd, unsigned int frameIndex)
+ ovrFrameTiming f;
+ memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f));
+ HMDState* hmds = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ if (!hmds) return f;
+ // Check: Proper state for the call.
+ OVR_ASSERT_LOG(hmds->BeginFrameTimingCalled == false,
+ ("ovrHmd_BeginFrameTiming called multiple times."));
+ hmds->BeginFrameTimingCalled = true;
+ double thisFrameTime = hmds->TimeManager.BeginFrame(frameIndex);
+ const FrameTimeManager::Timing &frameTiming = hmds->TimeManager.GetFrameTiming();
+ f.ThisFrameSeconds = thisFrameTime;
+ f.NextFrameSeconds = frameTiming.NextFrameTime;
+ f.TimewarpPointSeconds = frameTiming.TimewarpPointTime;
+ f.ScanoutMidpointSeconds= frameTiming.MidpointTime;
+ f.EyeScanoutSeconds[0] = frameTiming.EyeRenderTimes[0];
+ f.EyeScanoutSeconds[1] = frameTiming.EyeRenderTimes[1];
+ // Compute DeltaSeconds.
+ f.DeltaSeconds = (hmds->LastFrameTimeSeconds == 0.0f) ? 0.0f :
+ (float) (thisFrameTime - hmds->LastFrameTimeSeconds);
+ hmds->LastFrameTimeSeconds = thisFrameTime;
+ if (f.DeltaSeconds > 1.0f)
+ f.DeltaSeconds = 1.0f;
+ return f;
+OVR_EXPORT void ovrHmd_EndFrameTiming(ovrHmd hmd)
+ HMDState* hmds = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ if (!hmds) return;
+ // Debug state checks: Must be in BeginFrameTiming, on the same thread.
+ hmds->checkBeginFrameTimingScope("ovrHmd_EndTiming");
+ // MA TBD: Correct chek or not?
+ // ThreadChecker::Scope checkScope(&hmds->RenderAPIThreadChecker, "ovrHmd_EndFrame");
+ hmds->TimeManager.EndFrame();
+ hmds->BeginFrameTimingCalled = false;
+OVR_EXPORT void ovrHmd_ResetFrameTiming(ovrHmd hmd, unsigned int frameIndex, bool vsync)
+ HMDState* hmds = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ if (!hmds) return;
+ hmds->TimeManager.ResetFrameTiming(frameIndex, vsync, false,
+ hmds->RenderingConfigured);
+ hmds->LastFrameTimeSeconds = 0.0;
+ hmds->LastGetFrameTimeSeconds = 0.0;
+OVR_EXPORT ovrPosef ovrHmd_GetEyePose(ovrHmd hmd, ovrEyeType eye)
+ HMDState* hmds = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ if (!hmds) return ovrPosef();
+ hmds->checkBeginFrameTimingScope("ovrHmd_GetEyePose");
+ return hmds->TimeManager.GetEyePredictionPose(hmd, eye);
+OVR_EXPORT void ovrHmd_GetEyeTimewarpMatrices(ovrHmd hmd, ovrEyeType eye,
+ ovrPosef renderPose, ovrMatrix4f twmOut[2])
+ HMDState* hmds = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ if (!hmd)
+ return;
+ // Debug checks: BeginFrame was called, on the same thread.
+ hmds->checkBeginFrameTimingScope("ovrHmd_GetTimewarpEyeMatrices");
+ hmds->TimeManager.GetTimewarpMatrices(hmd, eye, renderPose, twmOut);
+ /*
+ // MA: Took this out because new latency test approach just sames
+ // the sample times in FrameTimeManager.
+ // TODO: if no timewarp, then test latency in begin eye render
+ if (eye == 0)
+ {
+ hmds->ProcessLatencyTest2(hmds->LatencyTest2DrawColor, -1.0f);
+ }
+ */
+OVR_EXPORT ovrEyeRenderDesc ovrHmd_GetRenderDesc(ovrHmd hmd, const ovrEyeDesc eyeDesc)
+ ovrEyeRenderDesc erd;
+ HMDState* hmds = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ if (!hmds)
+ {
+ memset(&erd, 0, sizeof(erd));
+ return erd;
+ }
+ return hmds->RenderState.calcRenderDesc(eyeDesc);
+#define OVR_OFFSET_OF(s, field) ((size_t)&((s*)0)->field)
+// Generate distortion mesh per eye.
+// scaleAndOffsetOut - this will be needed for shader
+OVR_EXPORT ovrBool ovrHmd_CreateDistortionMesh( ovrHmd hmd, ovrEyeDesc eyeDesc,
+ unsigned int distortionCaps,
+ ovrVector2f uvScaleOffsetOut[2],
+ ovrDistortionMesh *meshData )
+ if (!meshData)
+ return FALSE;
+ HMDState* hmds = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ // Not used now, but Chromatic flag or others could possibly be checked for in the future.
+ OVR_UNUSED1(distortionCaps);
+ // TBD: We should probably be sharing some C API structures with C++ to avoid this mess...
+ OVR_COMPILER_ASSERT(sizeof(DistortionMeshVertexData) == sizeof(ovrDistortionVertex));
+ OVR_COMPILER_ASSERT(OVR_OFFSET_OF(DistortionMeshVertexData, ScreenPosNDC) == OVR_OFFSET_OF(ovrDistortionVertex, Pos));
+ OVR_COMPILER_ASSERT(OVR_OFFSET_OF(DistortionMeshVertexData, TimewarpLerp) == OVR_OFFSET_OF(ovrDistortionVertex, TimeWarpFactor));
+ OVR_COMPILER_ASSERT(OVR_OFFSET_OF(DistortionMeshVertexData, Shade) == OVR_OFFSET_OF(ovrDistortionVertex, VignetteFactor));
+ OVR_COMPILER_ASSERT(OVR_OFFSET_OF(DistortionMeshVertexData, TanEyeAnglesR) == OVR_OFFSET_OF(ovrDistortionVertex, TexR));
+ OVR_COMPILER_ASSERT(OVR_OFFSET_OF(DistortionMeshVertexData, TanEyeAnglesG) == OVR_OFFSET_OF(ovrDistortionVertex, TexG));
+ OVR_COMPILER_ASSERT(OVR_OFFSET_OF(DistortionMeshVertexData, TanEyeAnglesB) == OVR_OFFSET_OF(ovrDistortionVertex, TexB));
+ // *** Calculate a part of "StereoParams" needed for mesh generation
+ // Note that mesh distortion generation is invariant of RenderTarget UVs, allowing
+ // render target size and location to be changed after the fact dynamically.
+ // eyeToSourceUV is computed here for convenience, so that users don't need
+ // to call ovrHmd_GetRenderScaleAndOffset unless changing RT dynamically.
+ const HmdRenderInfo& hmdri = hmds->RenderState.RenderInfo;
+ StereoEye stereoEye = (eyeDesc.Eye == ovrEye_Left) ? StereoEye_Left : StereoEye_Right;
+ const DistortionRenderDesc& distortion = hmds->RenderState.Distortion[eyeDesc.Eye];
+ // Find the mapping from TanAngle space to target NDC space.
+ ScaleAndOffset2D eyeToSourceNDC = CreateNDCScaleAndOffsetFromFov(eyeDesc.Fov);
+ // Find the mapping from TanAngle space to textureUV space.
+ ScaleAndOffset2D eyeToSourceUV = CreateUVScaleAndOffsetfromNDCScaleandOffset(
+ eyeToSourceNDC,
+ Recti(eyeDesc.RenderViewport), eyeDesc.TextureSize );
+ uvScaleOffsetOut[0] = eyeToSourceUV.Scale;
+ uvScaleOffsetOut[1] = eyeToSourceUV.Offset;
+ int triangleCount = 0;
+ int vertexCount = 0;
+ DistortionMeshCreate((DistortionMeshVertexData**)&meshData->pVertexData, (UInt16**)&meshData->pIndexData,
+ &vertexCount, &triangleCount,
+ (stereoEye == StereoEye_Right),
+ hmdri, distortion, eyeToSourceNDC);
+ if (meshData->pVertexData)
+ {
+ // Convert to index
+ meshData->IndexCount = triangleCount * 3;
+ meshData->VertexCount = vertexCount;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// Frees distortion mesh allocated by ovrHmd_GenerateDistortionMesh. meshData elements
+// are set to null and 0s after the call.
+OVR_EXPORT void ovrHmd_DestroyDistortionMesh(ovrDistortionMesh* meshData)
+ if (meshData->pVertexData)
+ DistortionMeshDestroy((DistortionMeshVertexData*)meshData->pVertexData,
+ meshData->pIndexData);
+ meshData->pVertexData = 0;
+ meshData->pIndexData = 0;
+ meshData->VertexCount = 0;
+ meshData->IndexCount = 0;
+// Computes updated 'uvScaleOffsetOut' to be used with a distortion if render target size or
+// viewport changes after the fact. This can be used to adjust render size every frame, if desired.
+OVR_EXPORT void ovrHmd_GetRenderScaleAndOffset( ovrHmd hmd, ovrEyeDesc eyeDesc,
+ unsigned int distortionCaps,
+ ovrVector2f uvScaleOffsetOut[2] )
+ OVR_UNUSED2(hmd, distortionCaps);
+ // TBD: We could remove dependency on HMD here, but what if we need it in the future?
+ //HMDState* hmds = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ // Find the mapping from TanAngle space to target NDC space.
+ ScaleAndOffset2D eyeToSourceNDC = CreateNDCScaleAndOffsetFromFov(eyeDesc.Fov);
+ // Find the mapping from TanAngle space to textureUV space.
+ ScaleAndOffset2D eyeToSourceUV = CreateUVScaleAndOffsetfromNDCScaleandOffset(
+ eyeToSourceNDC,
+ eyeDesc.RenderViewport, eyeDesc.TextureSize );
+ uvScaleOffsetOut[0] = eyeToSourceUV.Scale;
+ uvScaleOffsetOut[1] = eyeToSourceUV.Offset;
+// ***** Latency Test interface
+OVR_EXPORT ovrBool ovrHmd_GetLatencyTestDrawColor(ovrHmd hmd, unsigned char rgbColorOut[3])
+ HMDState* p = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ rgbColorOut[0] = p->LatencyTestDrawColor[0];
+ rgbColorOut[1] = p->LatencyTestDrawColor[1];
+ rgbColorOut[2] = p->LatencyTestDrawColor[2];
+ return p->LatencyTestActive;
+OVR_EXPORT const char* ovrHmd_GetLatencyTestResult(ovrHmd hmd)
+ HMDState* p = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ return p->LatencyUtil.GetResultsString();
+OVR_EXPORT double ovrHmd_GetMeasuredLatencyTest2(ovrHmd hmd)
+ HMDState* p = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ // MA Test
+ float latencies[3];
+ p->TimeManager.GetLatencyTimings(latencies);
+ return latencies[2];
+ // return p->LatencyUtil2.GetMeasuredLatency();
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ***** Property Access
+OVR_EXPORT float ovrHmd_GetFloat(ovrHmd hmd, const char* propertyName, float defaultVal)
+ HMDState* hmds = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ if (hmds)
+ {
+ return hmds->getFloatValue(propertyName, defaultVal);
+ }
+ return defaultVal;
+OVR_EXPORT ovrBool ovrHmd_SetFloat(ovrHmd hmd, const char* propertyName, float value)
+ HMDState* hmds = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ if (hmds)
+ {
+ return hmds->setFloatValue(propertyName, value);
+ }
+ return false;
+OVR_EXPORT unsigned int ovrHmd_GetFloatArray(ovrHmd hmd, const char* propertyName,
+ float values[], unsigned int arraySize)
+ HMDState* hmds = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ if (hmds)
+ {
+ return hmds->getFloatArray(propertyName, values, arraySize);
+ }
+ return 0;
+// Modify float[] property; false if property doesn't exist or is readonly.
+OVR_EXPORT ovrBool ovrHmd_SetFloatArray(ovrHmd hmd, const char* propertyName,
+ float values[], unsigned int arraySize)
+ HMDState* hmds = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ if (hmds)
+ {
+ return hmds->setFloatArray(propertyName, values, arraySize);
+ }
+ return 0;
+OVR_EXPORT const char* ovrHmd_GetString(ovrHmd hmd, const char* propertyName,
+ const char* defaultVal)
+ HMDState* hmds = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ if (hmds)
+ {
+ return hmds->getString(propertyName, defaultVal);
+ }
+ return defaultVal;
+/* Not needed yet.
+// Get array of strings, i.e. const char* [] property.
+// Returns the number of elements filled in, 0 if property doesn't exist.
+// Maximum of arraySize elements will be written.
+// String memory is guaranteed to exist until next call to GetString or GetStringArray, or HMD is destroyed.
+unsigned int ovrHmd_GetStringArray(ovrHmd hmd, const char* propertyName,
+ const char* values[], unsigned int arraySize)
+ HMDState* hmds = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ if (hmds && hmds->pHMD && arraySize)
+ {
+ Profile* p = hmds->pHMD->GetProfile();
+ hmds->LastGetStringValue[0] = 0;
+ if (p && p->GetValue(propertyName, hmds->LastGetStringValue, sizeof(hmds->LastGetStringValue)))
+ {
+ values[0] = hmds->LastGetStringValue;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+// Returns array size of a property, 0 if property doesn't exist.
+// Can be used to check existence of a property.
+OVR_EXPORT unsigned int ovrHmd_GetArraySize(ovrHmd hmd, const char* propertyName)
+ HMDState* hmds = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ if (hmds && hmds->pHMD)
+ {
+ // For now, just access the profile.
+ Profile* p = hmds->pHMD->GetProfile();
+ if (p)
+ return p->GetNumValues(propertyName);
+ }
+ return 0;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} // extern "C"
+// ****** Special access for VRConfig
+// Return the sensor fusion object for the purposes of magnetometer calibration. The
+// function is private and is only exposed through VRConfig header declarations
+OVR::SensorFusion* ovrHmd_GetSensorFusion(ovrHmd hmd)
+ HMDState* p = (HMDState*)hmd;
+ return &p->SFusion;