path: root/LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorFusion.cpp
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authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2015-03-21 23:01:12 +0100
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2015-03-21 23:01:12 +0100
commit0c5c4be020c2d55540058a49b2a879f46d5a1e13 (patch)
tree00f84c2ca18cc233b826014094b9cad0769a3ea5 /LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorFusion.cpp
parentcbbd775b6c754927632c333ff01424a0d2048c7c (diff)
parente490c3c7f7bb5461cfa78a214827aa534fb43a3e (diff)
Merge branch 'vanilla_0.4.4' and resolve conflicts
TODO: Validate for removed patches due to relocation Resolved Conflicts: LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_ThreadsWinAPI.cpp LibOVR/Src/OVR_Linux_HMDDevice.cpp LibOVR/Src/OVR_OSX_HMDDevice.cpp LibOVR/Src/OVR_Profile.cpp LibOVR/Src/OVR_Sensor2Impl.cpp LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorFusion.cpp LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorImpl.cpp LibOVR/Src/OVR_Win32_DeviceStatus.cpp LibOVR/Src/OVR_Win32_HIDDevice.cpp LibOVR/Src/OVR_Win32_HIDDevice.h LibOVR/Src/OVR_Win32_HMDDevice.cpp
Diffstat (limited to 'LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorFusion.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 904 deletions
diff --git a/LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorFusion.cpp b/LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorFusion.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9918250..0000000
--- a/LibOVR/Src/OVR_SensorFusion.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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-Filename : OVR_SensorFusion.cpp
-Content : Methods that determine head orientation from sensor data over time
-Created : October 9, 2012
-Authors : Michael Antonov, Steve LaValle, Dov Katz, Max Katsev, Dan Gierl
-Copyright : Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, Inc. All Rights reserved.
-Licensed under the Oculus VR Rift SDK License Version 3.1 (the "License");
-you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License,
-which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which
-otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-#include "OVR_SensorFusion.h"
-#include "Kernel/OVR_Log.h"
-#include "Kernel/OVR_System.h"
-#include "OVR_JSON.h"
-#include "OVR_Profile.h"
-#include "OVR_Stereo.h"
-#include "OVR_Recording.h"
-// Temporary for debugging
-bool Global_Flag_1 = true;
-//Convenient global variables to temporarily extract this data.
-float TPH_CameraPoseOrientationWxyz[4];
-double TPH_CameraPoseConfidence;
-double TPH_CameraPoseConfidenceThresholdOverrideIfNonZero = 0;
-bool TPH_IsPositionTracked = false;
-namespace OVR {
-const Transformd DefaultWorldFromCamera(Quatd(), Vector3d(0, 0, -1));
-// ***** Sensor Fusion
-SensorFusion::SensorFusion(SensorDevice* sensor)
- : ExposureRecordHistory(100), LastMessageExposureFrame(NULL),
- FocusDirection(Vector3d(0, 0, 0)), FocusFOV(0.0),
- FAccelInImuFrame(1000), FAccelInCameraFrame(1000), FAngV(20),
- EnableGravity(true), EnableYawCorrection(true), MagCalibrated(false),
- EnableCameraTiltCorrection(true),
- MotionTrackingEnabled(true), VisionPositionEnabled(true),
- CenterPupilDepth(0.0)
- pHandler = new BodyFrameHandler(this);
- // And the clock is running...
- LogText("*** SensorFusion Startup: TimeSeconds = %f\n", Timer::GetSeconds());
- if (sensor)
- AttachToSensor(sensor);
- Reset();
- delete(pHandler);
-bool SensorFusion::AttachToSensor(SensorDevice* sensor)
- pHandler->RemoveHandlerFromDevices();
- Reset();
- if (sensor != NULL)
- {
- // cache mag calibration state
- MagCalibrated = sensor->IsMagCalibrated();
- // Load IMU position
- Array<PositionCalibrationReport> reports;
- bool result = sensor->GetAllPositionCalibrationReports(&reports);
- if (result)
- {
- PositionCalibrationReport imu = reports[reports.GetSize() - 1];
- OVR_ASSERT(imu.PositionType == PositionCalibrationReport::PositionType_IMU);
- // convert from vision to the world frame
- // TBD convert rotation as necessary?
- imu.Position.x *= -1.0;
- imu.Position.z *= -1.0;
- ImuFromScreen = Transformd(Quatd(imu.Normal, imu.Angle), imu.Position).Inverted();
- Recording::GetRecorder().RecordLedPositions(reports);
- Recording::GetRecorder().RecordDeviceIfcVersion(sensor->GetDeviceInterfaceVersion());
- }
- // Repopulate CPFOrigin
- SetCenterPupilDepth(CenterPupilDepth);
- // Subscribe to sensor updates
- sensor->AddMessageHandler(pHandler);
- // Initialize the sensor state
- // TBD: This is a hack to avoid a race condition if sensor status is checked immediately
- // after sensor creation but before any data has flowed through. We should probably
- // not depend strictly on data flow to determine capabilities like orientation and position
- // tracking, or else use some sort of synchronous method to wait for data
- LocklessState init;
- init.StatusFlags = Status_OrientationTracked;
- UpdatedState.SetState(init);
- }
- return true;
-// Resets the current orientation
-void SensorFusion::Reset()
- Lock::Locker lockScope(pHandler->GetHandlerLock());
- UpdatedState.SetState(LocklessState());
- WorldFromImu = PoseState<double>();
- WorldFromImu.Pose = ImuFromCpf.Inverted(); // place CPF at the origin, not the IMU
- CameraFromImu = PoseState<double>();
- VisionError = PoseState<double>();
- WorldFromCamera = DefaultWorldFromCamera;
- WorldFromCameraConfidence = -1;
- ExposureRecordHistory.Clear();
- NextExposureRecord = ExposureRecord();
- LastMessageExposureFrame = MessageExposureFrame(NULL);
- LastVisionAbsoluteTime = 1e9;
- Stage = 0;
- MagRefs.Clear();
- MagRefIdx = -1;
- MagCorrectionIntegralTerm = Quatd();
- AccelOffset = Vector3d();
- FAccelInCameraFrame.Clear();
- FAccelInImuFrame.Clear();
- FAngV.Clear();
- setNeckPivotFromPose ( WorldFromImu.Pose );
-// Vision & message processing
-void SensorFusion::OnVisionFailure()
- // do nothing
- Recording::GetRecorder().RecordVisionSuccess(false);
-void SensorFusion::OnVisionPreviousFrame(const Transform<double>& cameraFromImu)
- // simply save the observation for use in the next OnVisionSuccess call;
- // this should not have unintended side-effects for position filtering,
- // since the vision time is not updated and the system keeps thinking we don't have vision yet
- CameraFromImu.Pose = cameraFromImu;
-void SensorFusion::OnVisionSuccess(const Transform<double>& cameraFromImu, UInt32 exposureCounter)
- Lock::Locker lockScope(pHandler->GetHandlerLock());
- Recording::GetRecorder().RecordVisionSuccess(true);
- LastVisionAbsoluteTime = GetTime();
- // ********* LastVisionExposureRecord *********
- // Skip old data and use the record that matches the exposure counter
- while (!ExposureRecordHistory.IsEmpty() &&
- (ExposureRecordHistory.PeekFront().ExposureCounter <= exposureCounter))
- {
- LastVisionExposureRecord = ExposureRecordHistory.PopFront();
- }
- // Use current values if we don't have historical data
- // Right now, this will happen if we get first frame after prediction failure,
- // and this exposure wasn't in the buffer. (TBD: Unlikely.. unless IMU message wasn't sent?)
- if (LastVisionExposureRecord.ExposureCounter != exposureCounter)
- LastVisionExposureRecord = ExposureRecord(exposureCounter, GetTime(), WorldFromImu, PoseState<double>());
- // ********* CameraFromImu *********
- // This is stored in the camera frame, so need to be careful when combining with the IMU data,
- // which is in the world frame
- Transformd cameraFromImuPrev = CameraFromImu.Pose;
- CameraFromImu.Pose = cameraFromImu;
- CameraFromImu.TimeInSeconds = LastVisionExposureRecord.ExposureTime;
- // Check LastVisionExposureRecord.Delta.TimeInSeconds to avoid divide by zero, which we could (rarely)
- // get if we didn't have exposures delta for history (skipped exposure counters
- // due to video mode change that stalls USB, etc).
- if (LastVisionExposureRecord.ImuOnlyDelta.TimeInSeconds > 0.001)
- {
- Vector3d visionVelocityInImuFrame = (cameraFromImu.Translation - cameraFromImuPrev.Translation) /
- LastVisionExposureRecord.ImuOnlyDelta.TimeInSeconds;
- // Use the accel data to estimate the velocity at the exposure time
- // (as opposed to the average velocity between exposures)
- Vector3d imuVelocityInWorldFrame = LastVisionExposureRecord.ImuOnlyDelta.LinearVelocity -
- LastVisionExposureRecord.ImuOnlyDelta.Pose.Translation / LastVisionExposureRecord.ImuOnlyDelta.TimeInSeconds;
- CameraFromImu.LinearVelocity = visionVelocityInImuFrame +
- WorldFromCamera.Inverted().Rotate(imuVelocityInWorldFrame);
- }
- else
- {
- CameraFromImu.LinearVelocity = Vector3d(0,0,0);
- }
-PoseStated SensorFusion::computeVisionError()
- PoseStated worldFromImuVision = WorldFromCamera * CameraFromImu;
- // Here we need to compute the difference between worldFromImuVision and WorldFromImu.
- // However this difference needs to be represented in the World frame, not IMU frame.
- // Therefore the computation is different from simply worldFromImuVision.Pose * WorldFromImu.Pose.Inverted().
- PoseStated err;
- err.Pose.Rotation = worldFromImuVision.Pose.Rotation *
- LastVisionExposureRecord.WorldFromImu.Pose.Rotation.Inverted();
- err.Pose.Translation = worldFromImuVision.Pose.Translation -
- LastVisionExposureRecord.WorldFromImu.Pose.Translation;
- err.LinearVelocity = worldFromImuVision.LinearVelocity -
- LastVisionExposureRecord.WorldFromImu.LinearVelocity;
- return err;
-Transform<double> SensorFusion::GetVisionPrediction(UInt32 exposureCounter)
- Lock::Locker lockScope(pHandler->GetHandlerLock());
- // Combine the small deltas together
- // Should only be one iteration, unless we are skipping camera frames
- ExposureRecord record;
- PoseState<double> delta = PoseState<double>();
- while (!ExposureRecordHistory.IsEmpty() &&
- (ExposureRecordHistory.PeekFront().ExposureCounter <= exposureCounter))
- {
- record = ExposureRecordHistory.PopFront();
- delta.AdvanceByDelta(record.ImuOnlyDelta);
- }
- // Put the combine exposure record back in the history, for use in HandleVisionSuccess(...)
- record.ImuOnlyDelta = delta;
- ExposureRecordHistory.PushFront(record);
- Transformd result;
- if (record.VisionTrackingAvailable)
- {
- // if the tracking is working normally, use the change in the main state (SFusion output)
- // to compute the prediction
- result = CameraFromImu.Pose *
- LastVisionExposureRecord.WorldFromImu.Pose.Inverted() * record.WorldFromImu.Pose;
- }
- else
- {
- // if we just acquired vision, the main state probably doesn't have the correct position,
- // so can't rely on it for prediction
- // solution: use the accelerometer and vision velocity to propagate the previous sample forward
- // (don't forget to transform IMU to the camera frame)
- result = Transform<double>
- (
- CameraFromImu.Pose.Rotation * delta.Pose.Rotation,
- CameraFromImu.Pose.Translation + CameraFromImu.LinearVelocity * delta.TimeInSeconds +
- WorldFromCamera.Inverted().Rotate(delta.Pose.Translation)
- );
- }
- return result;
-void SensorFusion::handleMessage(const MessageBodyFrame& msg)
- if (msg.Type != Message_BodyFrame || !IsMotionTrackingEnabled())
- return;
- // Put the sensor readings into convenient local variables
- Vector3d gyro(msg.RotationRate);
- Vector3d accel(msg.Acceleration);
- Vector3d mag(msg.MagneticField);
- double DeltaT = msg.TimeDelta;
- // Keep track of time
- WorldFromImu.TimeInSeconds = msg.AbsoluteTimeSeconds;
- // We got an update in the last 60ms and the data is not very old
- bool visionIsRecent = (GetTime() - LastVisionAbsoluteTime < 0.07) && (GetVisionLatency() < 0.25);
- Stage++;
- // Insert current sensor data into filter history
- FAngV.PushBack(gyro);
- FAccelInImuFrame.Update(accel, DeltaT, Quatd(gyro, gyro.Length() * DeltaT));
- // Process raw inputs
- // in the future the gravity offset can be calibrated using vision feedback
- Vector3d accelInWorldFrame = WorldFromImu.Pose.Rotate(accel) - Vector3d(0, 9.8, 0);
- // Recompute the vision error to account for all the corrections and the new data
- VisionError = computeVisionError();
- // Update headset orientation
- WorldFromImu.StoreAndIntegrateGyro(gyro, DeltaT);
- // Tilt correction based on accelerometer
- if (EnableGravity)
- applyTiltCorrection(DeltaT);
- // Yaw correction based on camera
- if (EnableYawCorrection && visionIsRecent)
- applyVisionYawCorrection(DeltaT);
- // Yaw correction based on magnetometer
- if (EnableYawCorrection && MagCalibrated) // MagCalibrated is always false for DK2 for now
- applyMagYawCorrection(mag, DeltaT);
- // Focus Correction
- if ((FocusDirection.x != 0.0f || FocusDirection.z != 0.0f) && FocusFOV < Mathf::Pi)
- applyFocusCorrection(DeltaT);
- // Update camera orientation
- if (EnableCameraTiltCorrection && visionIsRecent)
- applyCameraTiltCorrection(accel, DeltaT);
- // The quaternion magnitude may slowly drift due to numerical error,
- // so it is periodically normalized.
- if ((Stage & 0xFF) == 0)
- {
- WorldFromImu.Pose.Rotation.Normalize();
- WorldFromCamera.Rotation.Normalize();
- }
- // Update headset position
- if (VisionPositionEnabled && visionIsRecent)
- {
- // Integrate UMI and velocity here up to a fixed amount of time after vision.
- WorldFromImu.StoreAndIntegrateAccelerometer(accelInWorldFrame + AccelOffset, DeltaT);
- // Position correction based on camera
- applyPositionCorrection(DeltaT);
- // Compute where the neck pivot would be.
- setNeckPivotFromPose(WorldFromImu.Pose);
- }
- else
- {
- // Fall back onto internal head model
- // Use the last-known neck pivot position to figure out the expected IMU position.
- // (should be the opposite of SensorFusion::setNeckPivotFromPose)
- WorldFromNeck.Rotation = WorldFromImu.Pose.Rotation;
- WorldFromImu.Pose = WorldFromNeck * (ImuFromCpf * CpfFromNeck).Inverted();
- // We can't trust velocity past this point.
- WorldFromImu.LinearVelocity = Vector3d(0,0,0);
- WorldFromImu.LinearAcceleration = accelInWorldFrame;
- }
- // Compute the angular acceleration
- WorldFromImu.AngularAcceleration = (FAngV.GetSize() >= 12 && DeltaT > 0) ?
- (FAngV.SavitzkyGolayDerivative12() / DeltaT) : Vector3d();
- // Update the dead reckoning state used for incremental vision tracking
- NextExposureRecord.ImuOnlyDelta.StoreAndIntegrateGyro(gyro, DeltaT);
- NextExposureRecord.ImuOnlyDelta.StoreAndIntegrateAccelerometer(accelInWorldFrame, DeltaT);
- NextExposureRecord.ImuOnlyDelta.TimeInSeconds = WorldFromImu.TimeInSeconds - LastMessageExposureFrame.CameraTimeSeconds;
- NextExposureRecord.VisionTrackingAvailable &= (VisionPositionEnabled && visionIsRecent);
- Recording::GetRecorder().LogData("sfTimeSeconds", WorldFromImu.TimeInSeconds);
- Recording::GetRecorder().LogData("sfStage", (double)Stage);
- Recording::GetRecorder().LogData("sfPose", WorldFromImu.Pose);
- //Recorder::LogData("sfAngAcc", State.AngularAcceleration);
- //Recorder::LogData("sfAngVel", State.AngularVelocity);
- //Recorder::LogData("sfLinAcc", State.LinearAcceleration);
- //Recorder::LogData("sfLinVel", State.LinearVelocity);
- // Store the lockless state.
- LocklessState lstate;
- lstate.StatusFlags = Status_OrientationTracked;
- if (VisionPositionEnabled)
- lstate.StatusFlags |= Status_PositionConnected;
- if (VisionPositionEnabled && visionIsRecent)
- lstate.StatusFlags |= Status_PositionTracked;
- //A convenient means to temporarily extract this flag
- TPH_IsPositionTracked = visionIsRecent;
- lstate.State = WorldFromImu;
- lstate.Temperature = msg.Temperature;
- lstate.Magnetometer = mag;
- UpdatedState.SetState(lstate);
-void SensorFusion::handleExposure(const MessageExposureFrame& msg)
- NextExposureRecord.ExposureCounter = msg.CameraFrameCount;
- NextExposureRecord.ExposureTime = msg.CameraTimeSeconds;
- NextExposureRecord.WorldFromImu = WorldFromImu;
- NextExposureRecord.ImuOnlyDelta.TimeInSeconds = msg.CameraTimeSeconds - LastMessageExposureFrame.CameraTimeSeconds;
- ExposureRecordHistory.PushBack(NextExposureRecord);
- // Every new exposure starts from zero
- NextExposureRecord = ExposureRecord();
- LastMessageExposureFrame = msg;
-// If you have a known-good pose, this sets the neck pivot position.
-void SensorFusion::setNeckPivotFromPose(Transformd const &worldFromImu)
- WorldFromNeck = worldFromImu * ImuFromCpf * CpfFromNeck;
-// These two functions need to be moved into Quat class
-// Compute a rotation required to transform "from" into "to".
-Quatd vectorAlignmentRotation(const Vector3d &from, const Vector3d &to)
- Vector3d axis = from.Cross(to);
- if (axis.LengthSq() == 0)
- // this handles both collinear and zero-length input cases
- return Quatd();
- double angle = from.Angle(to);
- return Quatd(axis, angle);
-// Compute the part of the quaternion that rotates around Y axis
-Quatd extractYawRotation(const Quatd &error)
- if (error.y == 0)
- return Quatd();
- double phi = atan2(error.w, error.y);
- double alpha = Mathd::Pi - 2 * phi;
- return Quatd(Axis_Y, alpha);
-void SensorFusion::applyPositionCorrection(double deltaT)
- // Each component of gainPos is equivalent to a Kalman gain of (sigma_process / sigma_observation)
- const Vector3d gainPos = Vector3d(10, 10, 8);
- const Vector3d gainVel = gainPos.EntrywiseMultiply(gainPos) * 0.5;
- const Vector3d gainAccel = gainVel * 0.5;
- const double snapThreshold = 0.1; // Large value (previously 0.01, which caused frequent jumping)
- Vector3d correctionPos, correctionVel;
- if (VisionError.Pose.Translation.LengthSq() > (snapThreshold * snapThreshold) ||
- !(UpdatedState.GetState().StatusFlags & Status_PositionTracked))
- {
- // high error or just reacquired position from vision - apply full correction
- // to know where we are right now, take the vision pose (which is slightly old)
- // and update it using the imu data since then
- PoseStated worldFromImuVision = WorldFromCamera * CameraFromImu;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ExposureRecordHistory.GetSize(); i++)
- worldFromImuVision.AdvanceByDelta(ExposureRecordHistory.PeekFront(i).ImuOnlyDelta);
- worldFromImuVision.AdvanceByDelta(NextExposureRecord.ImuOnlyDelta);
- correctionPos = worldFromImuVision.Pose.Translation - WorldFromImu.Pose.Translation;
- correctionVel = worldFromImuVision.LinearVelocity - WorldFromImu.LinearVelocity;
- AccelOffset = Vector3d();
- }
- else
- {
- correctionPos = VisionError.Pose.Translation.EntrywiseMultiply(gainPos) * deltaT;
- correctionVel = VisionError.Pose.Translation.EntrywiseMultiply(gainVel) * deltaT;
- AccelOffset += VisionError.Pose.Translation.EntrywiseMultiply(gainAccel) * deltaT;
- }
- WorldFromImu.Pose.Translation += correctionPos;
- WorldFromImu.LinearVelocity += correctionVel;
- // Update the exposure records so that we don't apply the same correction twice
- LastVisionExposureRecord.WorldFromImu.Pose.Translation += correctionPos;
- LastVisionExposureRecord.WorldFromImu.LinearVelocity += correctionVel;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ExposureRecordHistory.GetSize(); i++)
- {
- PoseStated& state = ExposureRecordHistory.PeekBack(i).WorldFromImu;
- state.Pose.Translation += correctionPos;
- state.LinearVelocity += correctionVel;
- }
-void SensorFusion::applyVisionYawCorrection(double deltaT)
- const double gain = 0.25;
- const double snapThreshold = 0.1;
- Quatd yawError = extractYawRotation(VisionError.Pose.Rotation);
- Quatd correction;
- if (Alg::Abs(yawError.w) < cos(snapThreshold / 2)) // angle(yawError) > snapThreshold
- // high error, jump to the vision position
- correction = yawError;
- else
- correction = yawError.Nlerp(Quatd(), gain * deltaT);
- WorldFromImu.Pose.Rotation = correction * WorldFromImu.Pose.Rotation;
- // Update the exposure records so that we don't apply the same correction twice
- LastVisionExposureRecord.WorldFromImu.Pose.Rotation = correction * LastVisionExposureRecord.WorldFromImu.Pose.Rotation;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ExposureRecordHistory.GetSize(); i++)
- {
- PoseStated& state = ExposureRecordHistory.PeekBack(i).WorldFromImu;
- state.Pose.Rotation = correction * state.Pose.Rotation;
- }
-void SensorFusion::applyMagYawCorrection(Vector3d mag, double deltaT)
- const double minMagLengthSq = Mathd::Tolerance; // need to use a real value to discard very weak fields
- const double maxMagRefDist = 0.1;
- const double maxTiltError = 0.05;
- const double proportionalGain = 0.01;
- const double integralGain = 0.0005;
- Vector3d magInWorldFrame = WorldFromImu.Pose.Rotate(mag);
- // verify that the horizontal component is sufficient
- if (magInWorldFrame.x * magInWorldFrame.x + magInWorldFrame.z * magInWorldFrame.z < minMagLengthSq)
- return;
- magInWorldFrame.Normalize();
- // Delete a bad point
- if (MagRefIdx >= 0 && MagRefs[MagRefIdx].Score < 0)
- {
- MagRefs.RemoveAtUnordered(MagRefIdx);
- MagRefIdx = -1;
- }
- // Update the reference point if needed
- if (MagRefIdx < 0 || mag.Distance(MagRefs[MagRefIdx].InImuFrame) > maxMagRefDist)
- {
- // Find a new one
- MagRefIdx = -1;
- double bestDist = maxMagRefDist;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MagRefs.GetSize(); i++)
- {
- double dist = mag.Distance(MagRefs[i].InImuFrame);
- if (bestDist > dist)
- {
- bestDist = dist;
- MagRefIdx = i;
- }
- }
- // Create one if needed
- if (MagRefIdx < 0 && MagRefs.GetSize() < MagMaxReferences)
- {
- MagRefs.PushBack(MagReferencePoint(mag, WorldFromImu.Pose, 1000));
- }
- }
- if (MagRefIdx >= 0)
- {
- Vector3d magRefInWorldFrame = MagRefs[MagRefIdx].WorldFromImu.Rotate(MagRefs[MagRefIdx].InImuFrame);
- magRefInWorldFrame.Normalize();
- // If the vertical angle is wrong, decrease the score and do nothing
- if (Alg::Abs(magRefInWorldFrame.y - magInWorldFrame.y) > maxTiltError)
- {
- MagRefs[MagRefIdx].Score -= 1;
- return;
- }
- MagRefs[MagRefIdx].Score += 2;
-#if 0
- // this doesn't seem to work properly, need to investigate
- Quatd error = vectorAlignmentRotation(magW, magRefW);
- Quatd yawError = extractYawRotation(error);
- // Correction is computed in the horizontal plane
- magInWorldFrame.y = magRefInWorldFrame.y = 0;
- Quatd yawError = vectorAlignmentRotation(magInWorldFrame, magRefInWorldFrame);
- Quatd correction = yawError.Nlerp(Quatd(), proportionalGain * deltaT) *
- MagCorrectionIntegralTerm.Nlerp(Quatd(), deltaT);
- MagCorrectionIntegralTerm = MagCorrectionIntegralTerm * yawError.Nlerp(Quatd(), integralGain * deltaT);
- WorldFromImu.Pose.Rotation = correction * WorldFromImu.Pose.Rotation;
- }
-void SensorFusion::applyTiltCorrection(double deltaT)
- const double gain = 0.25;
- const double snapThreshold = 0.1;
- const Vector3d up(0, 1, 0);
- Vector3d accelInWorldFrame = WorldFromImu.Pose.Rotate(FAccelInImuFrame.GetFilteredValue());
- Quatd error = vectorAlignmentRotation(accelInWorldFrame, up);
- Quatd correction;
- if (FAccelInImuFrame.GetSize() == 1 ||
- ((Alg::Abs(error.w) < cos(snapThreshold / 2) && FAccelInImuFrame.Confidence() > 0.75)))
- // full correction for start-up
- // or large error with high confidence
- correction = error;
- else if (FAccelInImuFrame.Confidence() > 0.5)
- correction = error.Nlerp(Quatd(), gain * deltaT);
- else
- // accelerometer is unreliable due to movement
- return;
- WorldFromImu.Pose.Rotation = correction * WorldFromImu.Pose.Rotation;
-void SensorFusion::applyCameraTiltCorrection(Vector3d accel, double deltaT)
- const double snapThreshold = 0.02; // in radians
- const double maxCameraPositionOffset = 0.2;
- const Vector3d up(0, 1, 0), forward(0, 0, -1);
- // for startup use filtered value instead of instantaneous for stability
- if (FAccelInCameraFrame.IsEmpty())
- accel = FAccelInImuFrame.GetFilteredValue();
- Transformd cameraFromImu = WorldFromCamera.Inverted() * VisionError.Pose * WorldFromImu.Pose;
- // this is what the hypothetical camera-mounted accelerometer would show
- Vector3d accelInCameraFrame = cameraFromImu.Rotate(accel);
- FAccelInCameraFrame.Update(accelInCameraFrame, deltaT);
- Vector3d cameraAccelInWorldFrame = WorldFromCamera.Rotate(FAccelInCameraFrame.GetFilteredValue());
- Quatd error1 = vectorAlignmentRotation(cameraAccelInWorldFrame, up);
- // cancel out yaw rotation
- Vector3d forwardCamera = (error1 * WorldFromCamera.Rotation).Rotate(forward);
- forwardCamera.y = 0;
- Quatd error2 = vectorAlignmentRotation(forwardCamera, forward);
- // combined error
- Quatd error = error2 * error1;
- double confidence = FAccelInCameraFrame.Confidence();
- // penalize the confidence if looking away from the camera
- // TODO: smooth fall-off
- if (CameraFromImu.Pose.Rotate(forward).Angle(forward) > 1)
- confidence *= 0.5;
- //Convenient global variable to temporarily extract this data.
- TPH_CameraPoseConfidence = confidence;
- //Allow override of confidence threshold
- double confidenceThreshold = 0.75f;
- if (TPH_CameraPoseConfidenceThresholdOverrideIfNonZero)
- {
- confidenceThreshold = TPH_CameraPoseConfidenceThresholdOverrideIfNonZero;
- }
- Quatd correction;
- if (FAccelInCameraFrame.GetSize() == 1 ||
- confidence > WorldFromCameraConfidence + 0.2 ||
- // disabled due to false positives when moving side to side
-// (Alg::Abs(error.w) < cos(5 * snapThreshold / 2) && confidence > 0.55) ||
- (Alg::Abs(error.w) < cos(snapThreshold / 2) && confidence > confidenceThreshold))
- {
- // large error with high confidence
- correction = error;
- // update the confidence level
- WorldFromCameraConfidence = confidence;
- }
- else
- {
- // accelerometer is unreliable due to movement
- return;
- }
- Transformd newWorldFromCamera(correction * WorldFromCamera.Rotation, Vector3d());
- // compute a camera position change that together with the camera rotation would result in zero player movement
- newWorldFromCamera.Translation += (WorldFromCamera * CameraFromImu.Pose).Translation -
- (newWorldFromCamera * CameraFromImu.Pose).Translation;
- // if the new position is too far, reset to default
- // (can't hide the rotation, might as well use it to reset the position)
- if (newWorldFromCamera.Translation.DistanceSq(DefaultWorldFromCamera.Translation) > maxCameraPositionOffset * maxCameraPositionOffset)
- newWorldFromCamera.Translation = DefaultWorldFromCamera.Translation;
- WorldFromCamera = newWorldFromCamera;
- //Convenient global variable to temporarily extract this data.
- TPH_CameraPoseOrientationWxyz[0] = (float) WorldFromCamera.Rotation.w;
- TPH_CameraPoseOrientationWxyz[1] = (float) WorldFromCamera.Rotation.x;
- TPH_CameraPoseOrientationWxyz[2] = (float) WorldFromCamera.Rotation.y;
- TPH_CameraPoseOrientationWxyz[3] = (float) WorldFromCamera.Rotation.z;
-void SensorFusion::applyFocusCorrection(double deltaT)
- Vector3d up = Vector3d(0, 1, 0);
- double gain = 0.01;
- Vector3d currentDir = WorldFromImu.Pose.Rotate(Vector3d(0, 0, 1));
- Vector3d focusYawComponent = FocusDirection.ProjectToPlane(up);
- Vector3d currentYawComponent = currentDir.ProjectToPlane(up);
- double angle = focusYawComponent.Angle(currentYawComponent);
- if( angle > FocusFOV )
- {
- Quatd yawError;
- if ( FocusFOV != 0.0f)
- {
- Vector3d lFocus = Quatd(up, -FocusFOV).Rotate(focusYawComponent);
- Vector3d rFocus = Quatd(up, FocusFOV).Rotate(focusYawComponent);
- double lAngle = lFocus.Angle(currentYawComponent);
- double rAngle = rFocus.Angle(currentYawComponent);
- if(lAngle < rAngle)
- {
- yawError = vectorAlignmentRotation(currentDir, lFocus);
- }
- else
- {
- yawError = vectorAlignmentRotation(currentDir, rFocus);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- yawError = vectorAlignmentRotation(currentYawComponent, focusYawComponent);
- }
- Quatd correction = yawError.Nlerp(Quatd(), gain * deltaT);
- WorldFromImu.Pose.Rotation = correction * WorldFromImu.Pose.Rotation;
- }
-// Focus filter setting functions
-void SensorFusion::SetFocusDirection()
- SetFocusDirection(WorldFromImu.Pose.Rotate(Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)));
-void SensorFusion::SetFocusDirection(Vector3d direction)
- FocusDirection = direction;
-void SensorFusion::SetFocusFOV(double fov)
- OVR_ASSERT(fov >= 0.0);
- FocusFOV = fov;
-void SensorFusion::ClearFocus()
- FocusDirection = Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- FocusFOV = 0.0f;
-// Head model functions.
-// Sets up head-and-neck model and device-to-pupil dimensions from the user's profile.
-void SensorFusion::SetUserHeadDimensions(Profile const &profile, HmdRenderInfo const &hmdRenderInfo)
- float neckeye[2];
- int count = profile.GetFloatValues(OVR_KEY_NECK_TO_EYE_DISTANCE, neckeye, 2);
- // Make sure these are vaguely sensible values.
- if (count == 2)
- {
- OVR_ASSERT ( ( neckeye[0] > 0.05f ) && ( neckeye[0] < 0.5f ) );
- OVR_ASSERT ( ( neckeye[1] > 0.05f ) && ( neckeye[1] < 0.5f ) );
- SetHeadModel ( Vector3f ( 0.0, neckeye[1], -neckeye[0] ) );
- }
- // Find the distance from the center of the screen to the "center eye"
- // This center eye is used by systems like rendering & audio to represent the player,
- // and they will handle the offsets needed from there to each actual eye.
- // We know for DK1 the screen->lens surface distance is roughly 0.049f, and that the faceplate->lens is 0.02357f.
- // We're going to assume(!!!!) that all HMDs have the same screen->faceplate distance.
- // Crystal Cove was measured to be roughly 0.025 screen->faceplate which agrees with this assumption.
- // TODO: do this properly! Update: Measured this at 0.02733 with a CC prototype, CES era (PT7), on 2/19/14 -Steve
- float screenCenterToMidplate = 0.02733f;
- float centerEyeRelief = hmdRenderInfo.GetEyeCenter().ReliefInMeters;
- float centerPupilDepth = screenCenterToMidplate + hmdRenderInfo.LensSurfaceToMidplateInMeters + centerEyeRelief;
- SetCenterPupilDepth ( centerPupilDepth );
- Recording::GetRecorder().RecordUserParams(GetHeadModel(), GetCenterPupilDepth());
-Vector3f SensorFusion::GetHeadModel() const
- return (Vector3f)CpfFromNeck.Inverted().Translation;
-void SensorFusion::SetHeadModel(const Vector3f &headModel, bool resetNeckPivot /*= true*/ )
- Lock::Locker lockScope(pHandler->GetHandlerLock());
- // The head model should look something like (0, 0.12, -0.12), so
- // these asserts are to try to prevent sign problems, as
- // they can be subtle but nauseating!
- OVR_ASSERT ( headModel.y > 0.0f );
- OVR_ASSERT ( headModel.z < 0.0f );
- CpfFromNeck = Transformd(Quatd(), (Vector3d)headModel).Inverted();
- if ( resetNeckPivot )
- {
- setNeckPivotFromPose ( WorldFromImu.Pose );
- }
-float SensorFusion::GetCenterPupilDepth() const
- return CenterPupilDepth;
-void SensorFusion::SetCenterPupilDepth(float centerPupilDepth)
- CenterPupilDepth = centerPupilDepth;
- Transformd screenFromCpf(Quatd(), Vector3d(0, 0, centerPupilDepth));
- ImuFromCpf = ImuFromScreen * screenFromCpf;
- setNeckPivotFromPose ( WorldFromImu.Pose );
-// This is a "perceptually tuned predictive filter", which means that it is optimized
-// for improvements in the VR experience, rather than pure error. In particular,
-// jitter is more perceptible at lower speeds whereas latency is more perceptible
-// after a high-speed motion. Therefore, the prediction interval is dynamically
-// adjusted based on speed. Significant more research is needed to further improve
-// this family of filters.
-static Transform<double> calcPredictedPose(const PoseState<double>& poseState, double predictionDt)
- Transform<double> pose = poseState.Pose;
- const double linearCoef = 1.0;
- Vector3d angularVelocity = poseState.AngularVelocity;
- double angularSpeed = angularVelocity.Length();
- // This could be tuned so that linear and angular are combined with different coefficients
- double speed = angularSpeed + linearCoef * poseState.LinearVelocity.Length();
- const double slope = 0.2; // The rate at which the dynamic prediction interval varies
- double candidateDt = slope * speed; // TODO: Replace with smoothstep function
- double dynamicDt = predictionDt;
- // Choose the candidate if it is shorter, to improve stability
- if (candidateDt < predictionDt)
- dynamicDt = candidateDt;
- if (angularSpeed > 0.001)
- pose.Rotation = pose.Rotation * Quatd(angularVelocity, angularSpeed * dynamicDt);
- pose.Translation += poseState.LinearVelocity * dynamicDt;
- return pose;
-Transformf SensorFusion::GetPoseAtTime(double absoluteTime) const
- SensorState ss = GetSensorStateAtTime ( absoluteTime );
- return ss.Predicted.Pose;
-SensorState SensorFusion::GetSensorStateAtTime(double absoluteTime) const
- const LocklessState lstate = UpdatedState.GetState();
- // Delta time from the last available data
- const double pdt = absoluteTime - lstate.State.TimeInSeconds;
- SensorState ss;
- ss.Recorded = PoseStatef(lstate.State);
- ss.Temperature = lstate.Temperature;
- ss.Magnetometer = Vector3f(lstate.Magnetometer);
- ss.StatusFlags = lstate.StatusFlags;
- ss.Predicted = ss.Recorded;
- ss.Predicted.TimeInSeconds = absoluteTime;
- // Do prediction logic and ImuFromCpf transformation
- ss.Recorded.Pose = Transformf(lstate.State.Pose * ImuFromCpf);
- ss.Predicted.Pose = Transformf(calcPredictedPose(lstate.State, pdt) * ImuFromCpf);
- return ss;
-unsigned SensorFusion::GetStatus() const
- return UpdatedState.GetState().StatusFlags;
-void SensorFusion::OnMessage(const MessageBodyFrame& msg)
- OVR_ASSERT(!IsAttachedToSensor());
- handleMessage(msg);
-void SensorFusion::BodyFrameHandler::OnMessage(const Message& msg)
- Recording::GetRecorder().RecordMessage(msg);
- if (msg.Type == Message_BodyFrame)
- pFusion->handleMessage(static_cast<const MessageBodyFrame&>(msg));
- if (msg.Type == Message_ExposureFrame)
- pFusion->handleExposure(static_cast<const MessageExposureFrame&>(msg));
-} // namespace OVR