path: root/LibOVR/Src/CAPI/D3D1X/Shaders/DistortionCS2x2.csh
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Diffstat (limited to 'LibOVR/Src/CAPI/D3D1X/Shaders/DistortionCS2x2.csh')
1 files changed, 389 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/LibOVR/Src/CAPI/D3D1X/Shaders/DistortionCS2x2.csh b/LibOVR/Src/CAPI/D3D1X/Shaders/DistortionCS2x2.csh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c30b32a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LibOVR/Src/CAPI/D3D1X/Shaders/DistortionCS2x2.csh
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+Filename : DistortionCS2x2Pentile.vsh
+Copyright : Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, LLC All Rights reserved.
+Licensed under the Oculus VR Rift SDK License Version 3.2 (the "License");
+you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License,
+which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which
+otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+// Note - the only difference between the various Distortion Compute Shaders is these #defines.
+// The code is otherwise identical, so if you change one, rememeber to change the others!
+#define PENTILE_MODE 0
+#define PINS_PER_EDGE 128
+#define SIMD_SQUARE_SIZE 16
+struct DistortionComputePin
+ float2 TanEyeAnglesR;
+ float2 TanEyeAnglesG;
+ float2 TanEyeAnglesB;
+ int Color;
+ int Padding[1];
+struct DistortionComputePinUnpacked
+ float2 TanEyeAnglesR;
+ float2 TanEyeAnglesG;
+ float2 TanEyeAnglesB;
+ float TimewarpLerp;
+ float Fade;
+struct DistortionComputePinTimewarped
+ float2 HmdSpcTexCoordR;
+ float2 HmdSpcTexCoordG;
+ float2 HmdSpcTexCoordB;
+ float2 OverlayTexCoordR;
+ float2 OverlayTexCoordG;
+ float2 OverlayTexCoordB;
+// Cut'n'pasted from D3DX_DXGIFormatConvert.inl. Obviously we should have #included it, but...
+typedef float4 XMFLOAT4;
+typedef uint UINT;
+#define D3DX11INLINE
+#define hlsl_precise precise
+ hlsl_precise XMFLOAT4 unpackedOutput;
+ unpackedOutput.x = (FLOAT) (packedInput & 0x000000ff) / 255;
+ unpackedOutput.y = (FLOAT)(((packedInput>> 8) & 0x000000ff)) / 255;
+ unpackedOutput.z = (FLOAT)(((packedInput>>16) & 0x000000ff)) / 255;
+ unpackedOutput.w = (FLOAT) (packedInput>>24) / 255;
+ return unpackedOutput;
+DistortionComputePinUnpacked UnpackPin ( DistortionComputePin src )
+ DistortionComputePinUnpacked result;
+ result.TanEyeAnglesR = src.TanEyeAnglesR;
+ result.TanEyeAnglesG = src.TanEyeAnglesG;
+ result.TanEyeAnglesB = src.TanEyeAnglesB;
+ float4 tempColor = D3DX_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_to_FLOAT4 ( src.Color );
+ result.Fade = tempColor.r * 2.0 - 1.0;
+ result.TimewarpLerp = tempColor.a;
+ return result;
+float4x4 Padding1;
+float4x4 Padding2;
+float2 EyeToSourceUVScale;
+float2 EyeToSourceUVOffset;
+float3x3 EyeRotationStart;
+float3x3 EyeRotationEnd;
+float UseOverlay = 1;
+float RightEye = 1;
+float FbSizePixelsX;
+RWTexture2D<float4> Framebuffer : register(u0);
+SamplerState Linear : register(s0);
+// Subtlety - fill->Set stops at the first NULL texture, so make sure you order them by priority!
+Texture2D HmdSpcTexture : register(t0);
+Texture2D OverlayTexture : register(t1);
+// t1, t2, t3 for layers in future.
+// This is set by other calls, so no problem putting it in t4.
+StructuredBuffer<DistortionComputePin> UntransformedGridPins : register(t4);
+// Each eye has a grid of "pins" - spaced every gridSizeInPixels apart in a square grid.
+// You can think of them as vertices in a mesh, but they are regularly
+// distributed in screen space, not pre-distorted.
+// Pins are laid out in a vertical scanline pattern,
+// scanning right to left, then within each scan going top to bottom, like DK2.
+// If we move to a different panel orientation, we may need to flip this around.
+// pinsPerEdge is the pitch of the buffer, and is fixed whatver the resolution
+// - it just needs to be large enough for the largest res we support.
+// The grid size remains fixed, but now each shader invocation does an NxN "tile" of output pixels.
+// This allows it to read, timewarp & project the input pins just once, then interpolate final UV over a number of pixels.
+// The "SIMD square size" is how large the square of dispatched pixels is - it's the
+// thing set in numthreads(N,N,1). For a SIMD size of 64-wide, it needs to be more than 8,
+// otherwise we'll starve the machine.
+// Summary:
+// Each SIMD lane does a tileBlockSizePixels^2 of pixels.
+// Each "CS group" (i.e. a virtualized SIMD thread) will cover a (simdSquareSize*tileBlockSizePixels)^2 block of pixels.
+// The pin grid is unaffected by any of these (except it has to be larger than tileBlockSizePixels).
+static const int gridSizeInPixels = GRID_SIZE_IN_PIXELS;
+static const int pinsPerEdge = PINS_PER_EDGE;
+static const int tileBlockSizePixels = NXN_BLOCK_SIZE_PIXELS;
+static const int simdSquareSize = SIMD_SQUARE_SIZE;
+static const int tilesPerGridSide = gridSizeInPixels / tileBlockSizePixels;
+DistortionComputePinTimewarped WarpAndDistort ( DistortionComputePinUnpacked inp )
+ // Pin inputs are in TanEyeAngle space for the R,G,B channels (i.e. after chromatic aberration and distortion).
+ // These are now "real world" vectors in direction (x,y,1) relative to the eye of the HMD.
+ float3 TanEyeAngle3R = float3 ( inp.TanEyeAnglesR.x, inp.TanEyeAnglesR.y, 1.0 );
+ float3 TanEyeAngle3G = float3 ( inp.TanEyeAnglesG.x, inp.TanEyeAnglesG.y, 1.0 );
+ float3 TanEyeAngle3B = float3 ( inp.TanEyeAnglesB.x, inp.TanEyeAnglesB.y, 1.0 );
+ // Apply the two 3x3 timewarp rotations to these vectors.
+ float3 TransformedRStart = mul ( EyeRotationStart, TanEyeAngle3R );
+ float3 TransformedGStart = mul ( EyeRotationStart, TanEyeAngle3G );
+ float3 TransformedBStart = mul ( EyeRotationStart, TanEyeAngle3B );
+ float3 TransformedREnd = mul ( EyeRotationEnd, TanEyeAngle3R );
+ float3 TransformedGEnd = mul ( EyeRotationEnd, TanEyeAngle3G );
+ float3 TransformedBEnd = mul ( EyeRotationEnd, TanEyeAngle3B );
+ // And blend between them.
+ float3 TransformedR = lerp ( TransformedRStart, TransformedREnd, inp.TimewarpLerp );
+ float3 TransformedG = lerp ( TransformedGStart, TransformedGEnd, inp.TimewarpLerp );
+ float3 TransformedB = lerp ( TransformedBStart, TransformedBEnd, inp.TimewarpLerp );
+ // Project them back onto the Z=1 plane of the rendered images.
+ float RecipZR = rcp ( TransformedR.z );
+ float RecipZG = rcp ( TransformedG.z );
+ float RecipZB = rcp ( TransformedB.z );
+ float2 FlattenedR = float2 ( TransformedR.x * RecipZR, TransformedR.y * RecipZR );
+ float2 FlattenedG = float2 ( TransformedG.x * RecipZG, TransformedG.y * RecipZG );
+ float2 FlattenedB = float2 ( TransformedB.x * RecipZB, TransformedB.y * RecipZB );
+ float2 FlattenedR = inp.TanEyeAnglesR;
+ float2 FlattenedG = inp.TanEyeAnglesG;
+ float2 FlattenedB = inp.TanEyeAnglesB;
+ DistortionComputePinTimewarped result;
+ // These are now still in TanEyeAngle space.
+ // Scale them into the correct [0-1],[0-1] UV lookup space (depending on eye)
+ result.HmdSpcTexCoordR = FlattenedR * EyeToSourceUVScale + EyeToSourceUVOffset;
+ result.HmdSpcTexCoordG = FlattenedG * EyeToSourceUVScale + EyeToSourceUVOffset;
+ result.HmdSpcTexCoordB = FlattenedB * EyeToSourceUVScale + EyeToSourceUVOffset;
+ // Static layer texcoords don't get any time warp offset
+ result.OverlayTexCoordR = inp.TanEyeAnglesR * EyeToSourceUVScale + EyeToSourceUVOffset;
+ result.OverlayTexCoordG = inp.TanEyeAnglesG * EyeToSourceUVScale + EyeToSourceUVOffset;
+ result.OverlayTexCoordB = inp.TanEyeAnglesB * EyeToSourceUVScale + EyeToSourceUVOffset;
+ return result;
+float3 FindPixelColour ( float2 pinFrac,
+ DistortionComputePinUnpacked PinTL,
+ DistortionComputePinUnpacked PinTR,
+ DistortionComputePinUnpacked PinBL,
+ DistortionComputePinUnpacked PinBR,
+ DistortionComputePinTimewarped PinWarpTL,
+ DistortionComputePinTimewarped PinWarpTR,
+ DistortionComputePinTimewarped PinWarpBL,
+ DistortionComputePinTimewarped PinWarpBR)
+ float pinWeightTL = (1.0-pinFrac.x) * (1.0-pinFrac.y);
+ float pinWeightTR = ( pinFrac.x) * (1.0-pinFrac.y);
+ float pinWeightBL = (1.0-pinFrac.x) * ( pinFrac.y);
+ float pinWeightBR = ( pinFrac.x) * ( pinFrac.y);
+ float Fade = ( PinTL.Fade * pinWeightTL ) +
+ ( PinTR.Fade * pinWeightTR ) +
+ ( PinBL.Fade * pinWeightBL ) +
+ ( PinBR.Fade * pinWeightBR );
+ float2 HmdSpcTexCoordR = ( PinWarpTL.HmdSpcTexCoordR * pinWeightTL ) +
+ ( PinWarpTR.HmdSpcTexCoordR * pinWeightTR ) +
+ ( PinWarpBL.HmdSpcTexCoordR * pinWeightBL ) +
+ ( PinWarpBR.HmdSpcTexCoordR * pinWeightBR );
+ float2 HmdSpcTexCoordG = ( PinWarpTL.HmdSpcTexCoordG * pinWeightTL ) +
+ ( PinWarpTR.HmdSpcTexCoordG * pinWeightTR ) +
+ ( PinWarpBL.HmdSpcTexCoordG * pinWeightBL ) +
+ ( PinWarpBR.HmdSpcTexCoordG * pinWeightBR );
+ float2 HmdSpcTexCoordB = ( PinWarpTL.HmdSpcTexCoordB * pinWeightTL ) +
+ ( PinWarpTR.HmdSpcTexCoordB * pinWeightTR ) +
+ ( PinWarpBL.HmdSpcTexCoordB * pinWeightBL ) +
+ ( PinWarpBR.HmdSpcTexCoordB * pinWeightBR );
+ float3 finalColor;
+ // R & B channels have a 0.5 bias because of fewer pels.
+ const float mipBiasRB = 0.5;
+ const float mipBiasRB = 0.0;
+ finalColor.r = HmdSpcTexture.SampleLevel(Linear, HmdSpcTexCoordR, mipBiasRB).r;
+ finalColor.g = HmdSpcTexture.SampleLevel(Linear, HmdSpcTexCoordG, 0 ).g;
+ finalColor.b = HmdSpcTexture.SampleLevel(Linear, HmdSpcTexCoordB, mipBiasRB).b;
+ if(UseOverlay > 0)
+ {
+ float2 OverlayTexCoordR = ( PinWarpTL.OverlayTexCoordR * pinWeightTL ) +
+ ( PinWarpTR.OverlayTexCoordR * pinWeightTR ) +
+ ( PinWarpBL.OverlayTexCoordR * pinWeightBL ) +
+ ( PinWarpBR.OverlayTexCoordR * pinWeightBR );
+ float2 OverlayTexCoordG = ( PinWarpTL.OverlayTexCoordG * pinWeightTL ) +
+ ( PinWarpTR.OverlayTexCoordG * pinWeightTR ) +
+ ( PinWarpBL.OverlayTexCoordG * pinWeightBL ) +
+ ( PinWarpBR.OverlayTexCoordG * pinWeightBR );
+ float2 OverlayTexCoordB = ( PinWarpTL.OverlayTexCoordB * pinWeightTL ) +
+ ( PinWarpTR.OverlayTexCoordB * pinWeightTR ) +
+ ( PinWarpBL.OverlayTexCoordB * pinWeightBL ) +
+ ( PinWarpBR.OverlayTexCoordB * pinWeightBR );
+ float2 overlayColorR = OverlayTexture.SampleLevel(Linear, OverlayTexCoordR, mipBiasRB).ra;
+ float2 overlayColorG = OverlayTexture.SampleLevel(Linear, OverlayTexCoordG, 0 ).ga;
+ float2 overlayColorB = OverlayTexture.SampleLevel(Linear, OverlayTexCoordB, mipBiasRB).ba;
+ // do premultiplied alpha blending - overlayColorX.x is color, overlayColorX.y is alpha
+ finalColor.r = finalColor.r * saturate(1-overlayColorR.y) + overlayColorR.x;
+ finalColor.g = finalColor.g * saturate(1-overlayColorG.y) + overlayColorG.x;
+ finalColor.b = finalColor.b * saturate(1-overlayColorB.y) + overlayColorB.x;
+ }
+ finalColor.rgb = saturate(finalColor.rgb * Fade);
+ return finalColor;
+[numthreads(simdSquareSize, simdSquareSize, 1)]
+void main(uint3 DTid : SV_DispatchThreadID, uint3 GTid : SV_GroupThreadID, uint3 Gid : SV_GroupID)
+// Reminder:
+// GroupThreadID.xy will range from 0 to (simdSquareSize-1).
+// GroupID.xy will range from 0 to (screen_size.xy)/(simdSquareSize*tileBlockSizePixels)
+// DispatchThreadID.xy = GroupID.xy * simdSquareSize + GroupThreadID.xy
+ int2 PixelPosTile = DTid.xy * tileBlockSizePixels;
+ float2 PixelPosFloat = (float2)PixelPosTile;
+ float2 pinFracTileStart = (float2)PixelPosTile * ( 1.0 / gridSizeInPixels );
+ float2 pinWholeTileStart = floor ( pinFracTileStart );
+ pinFracTileStart -= pinWholeTileStart;
+ int2 pinInt = (int2)pinWholeTileStart;
+ pinInt.x = (0.5*FbSizePixelsX/gridSizeInPixels - 1) - pinInt.x;
+ pinFracTileStart.x = 1.0 - pinFracTileStart.x;
+ if ( RightEye > 0.5 )
+ {
+ PixelPosTile.x += 0.5*FbSizePixelsX;
+ }
+ int pinIndexTL = pinInt.x*pinsPerEdge + pinInt.y;
+ int pinIndexTR = pinIndexTL + pinsPerEdge;
+ int pinIndexBL = pinIndexTL + 1;
+ int pinIndexBR = pinIndexTR + 1;
+ DistortionComputePinUnpacked PinTL = UnpackPin ( UntransformedGridPins[pinIndexTL] );
+ DistortionComputePinUnpacked PinTR = UnpackPin ( UntransformedGridPins[pinIndexTR] );
+ DistortionComputePinUnpacked PinBL = UnpackPin ( UntransformedGridPins[pinIndexBL] );
+ DistortionComputePinUnpacked PinBR = UnpackPin ( UntransformedGridPins[pinIndexBR] );
+ if ( ( PinTL.Fade > 0.0 ) ||
+ ( PinTR.Fade > 0.0 ) ||
+ ( PinBL.Fade > 0.0 ) ||
+ ( PinBR.Fade > 0.0 ) )
+ {
+ DistortionComputePinTimewarped PinWarpTL = WarpAndDistort ( PinTL );
+ DistortionComputePinTimewarped PinWarpTR = WarpAndDistort ( PinTR );
+ DistortionComputePinTimewarped PinWarpBL = WarpAndDistort ( PinBL );
+ DistortionComputePinTimewarped PinWarpBR = WarpAndDistort ( PinBR );
+ float2 pinFrac;
+ int2 PixelPos;
+ pinFrac.x = pinFracTileStart.x;
+ pinFrac.y = pinFracTileStart.y;
+ float3 finalColor00 = FindPixelColour ( pinFrac,
+ PinTL,
+ PinTR,
+ PinBL,
+ PinBR,
+ PinWarpTL,
+ PinWarpTR,
+ PinWarpBL,
+ PinWarpBR);
+ pinFrac.x = pinFracTileStart.x - (1.0 / gridSizeInPixels);
+ pinFrac.y = pinFracTileStart.y;
+ float3 finalColor01 = FindPixelColour ( pinFrac,
+ PinTL,
+ PinTR,
+ PinBL,
+ PinBR,
+ PinWarpTL,
+ PinWarpTR,
+ PinWarpBL,
+ PinWarpBR);
+ pinFrac.x = pinFracTileStart.x;
+ pinFrac.y = pinFracTileStart.y + (1.0 / gridSizeInPixels);
+ float3 finalColor10 = FindPixelColour ( pinFrac,
+ PinTL,
+ PinTR,
+ PinBL,
+ PinBR,
+ PinWarpTL,
+ PinWarpTR,
+ PinWarpBL,
+ PinWarpBR);
+ pinFrac.x = pinFracTileStart.x - (1.0 / gridSizeInPixels);
+ pinFrac.y = pinFracTileStart.y + (1.0 / gridSizeInPixels);
+ float3 finalColor11 = FindPixelColour ( pinFrac,
+ PinTL,
+ PinTR,
+ PinBL,
+ PinBR,
+ PinWarpTL,
+ PinWarpTR,
+ PinWarpBL,
+ PinWarpBR);
+ float3 finalOut00;
+ float3 finalOut01;
+ float3 finalOut10;
+ float3 finalOut11;
+ // No pentile, so it's easy.
+ finalOut00 = finalColor00;
+ finalOut01 = finalColor01;
+ finalOut10 = finalColor10;
+ finalOut11 = finalColor11;
+#elif PENTILE_MODE==1
+ // Now the DK2 pentile swizzle. Don't try to understand it; just rope, throw and brand it.
+ finalOut00.g = finalColor10.g;
+ finalOut01.g = finalColor01.g;
+ finalOut10.g = finalColor00.g;
+ finalOut11.g = finalColor11.g;
+ finalOut00.r = finalColor10.r;
+ finalOut01.r = finalColor01.r;
+ finalOut10.r = finalColor00.b;
+ finalOut11.r = finalColor11.b;
+ finalOut00.b = 0.0;
+ finalOut01.b = 0.0;
+ finalOut10.b = 0.0;
+ finalOut11.b = 0.0;
+ PixelPos.x = PixelPosTile.x;
+ PixelPos.y = PixelPosTile.y;
+ Framebuffer[PixelPos.xy] = float4 ( finalOut00, 0.0 );
+ PixelPos.x = PixelPosTile.x + 1;
+ PixelPos.y = PixelPosTile.y;
+ Framebuffer[PixelPos.xy] = float4 ( finalOut01, 0.0 );
+ PixelPos.x = PixelPosTile.x;
+ PixelPos.y = PixelPosTile.y + 1;
+ Framebuffer[PixelPos.xy] = float4 ( finalOut10, 0.0 );
+ PixelPos.x = PixelPosTile.x + 1;
+ PixelPos.y = PixelPosTile.y + 1;
+ Framebuffer[PixelPos.xy] = float4 ( finalOut11, 0.0 );
+ }