path: root/LibOVR/Src/OVR_Profile.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'LibOVR/Src/OVR_Profile.cpp')
1 files changed, 664 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/LibOVR/Src/OVR_Profile.cpp b/LibOVR/Src/OVR_Profile.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7554a28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LibOVR/Src/OVR_Profile.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,664 @@
+PublicHeader: None
+Filename : OVR_Profile.cpp
+Content : Structs and functions for loading and storing device profile settings
+Created : February 14, 2013
+Notes :
+ Profiles are used to store per-user settings that can be transferred and used
+ across multiple applications. For example, player IPD can be configured once
+ and reused for a unified experience across games. Configuration and saving of profiles
+ can be accomplished in game via the Profile API or by the official Oculus Configuration
+ Utility.
+Copyright : Copyright 2013 Oculus VR, Inc. All Rights reserved.
+Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Oculus license
+agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
+otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
+#include "OVR_Profile.h"
+#include "OVR_JSON.h"
+#include "Kernel/OVR_Types.h"
+#include "Kernel/OVR_SysFile.h"
+#include "Kernel/OVR_Allocator.h"
+#include "Kernel/OVR_Array.h"
+#ifdef OVR_OS_WIN32
+#include <Shlobj.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#ifdef OVR_OS_LINUX
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <pwd.h>
+#define PROFILE_VERSION 1.0
+namespace OVR {
+// Returns the pathname of the JSON file containing the stored profiles
+String GetProfilePath(bool create_dir)
+ String path;
+#if defined(OVR_OS_WIN32)
+ PWSTR data_path = NULL;
+ SHGetKnownFolderPath(FOLDERID_LocalAppData, 0, NULL, &data_path);
+ path = String(data_path);
+ CoTaskMemFree(data_path);
+ path += "/Oculus";
+ if (create_dir)
+ { // Create the Oculus directory if it doesn't exist
+ WCHAR wpath[128];
+ OVR::UTF8Util::DecodeString(wpath, path.ToCStr());
+ DWORD attrib = GetFileAttributes(wpath);
+ bool exists = attrib != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && (attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);
+ if (!exists)
+ {
+ CreateDirectory(wpath, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+#elif defined(OVR_OS_MAC)
+ const char* home = getenv("HOME");
+ path = home;
+ path += "/Library/Preferences/Oculus";
+ if (create_dir)
+ { // Create the Oculus directory if it doesn't exist
+ DIR* dir = opendir(path);
+ if (dir == NULL)
+ {
+ mkdir(path, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ closedir(dir);
+ }
+ }
+ passwd* pwd = getpwuid(getuid());
+ const char* home = pwd->pw_dir;
+ path = home;
+ path += "/.config/Oculus";
+ if (create_dir)
+ { // Create the Oculus directory if it doesn't exist
+ DIR* dir = opendir(path);
+ if (dir == NULL)
+ {
+ mkdir(path, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ closedir(dir);
+ }
+ }
+ path += "/Profiles.json";
+ return path;
+// ***** ProfileManager
+ Changed = false;
+ CacheDevice = Profile_Unknown;
+ // If the profiles have been altered then write out the profile file
+ if (Changed)
+ SaveCache();
+ ClearCache();
+ProfileManager* ProfileManager::Create()
+ return new ProfileManager();
+Profile* ProfileManager::CreateProfileObject(const char* user,
+ ProfileType device,
+ const char** device_name)
+ Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);
+ Profile* profile = NULL;
+ switch (device)
+ {
+ case Profile_RiftDK1:
+ *device_name = "RiftDK1";
+ profile = new RiftDK1Profile(user);
+ break;
+ case Profile_RiftDKHD:
+ case Profile_Unknown:
+ break;
+ }
+ return profile;
+// Clear the local profile cache
+void ProfileManager::ClearCache()
+ Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);
+ ProfileCache.Clear();
+ CacheDevice = Profile_Unknown;
+// Poplulates the local profile cache. This occurs on the first access of the profile
+// data. All profile operations are performed against the local cache until the
+// ProfileManager is released or goes out of scope at which time the cache is serialized
+// to disk.
+void ProfileManager::LoadCache(ProfileType device)
+ Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);
+ ClearCache();
+ String path = GetProfilePath(false);
+ Ptr<JSON> root = *JSON::Load(path);
+ if (!root || root->GetItemCount() < 3)
+ return;
+ // First read the file type and version to make sure this is a valid file
+ JSON* item0 = root->GetFirstItem();
+ JSON* item1 = root->GetNextItem(item0);
+ JSON* item2 = root->GetNextItem(item1);
+ if (OVR_strcmp(item0->Name, "Oculus Profile Version") == 0)
+ { // In the future I may need to check versioning to determine parse method
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ DefaultProfile = item1->Value;
+ // Read the number of profiles
+ int profileCount = (int)item2->dValue;
+ JSON* profileItem = item2;
+ for (int p=0; p<profileCount; p++)
+ {
+ profileItem = profileItem->GetNextItem(profileItem);
+ if (!profileItem)
+ break;
+ // Read the required Name field
+ const char* profileName;
+ JSON* item = profileItem->GetFirstItem();
+ if (item && (OVR_strcmp(item->Name, "Name") == 0))
+ {
+ profileName = item->Value;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return; // invalid field
+ }
+ const char* deviceName = 0;
+ bool deviceFound = false;
+ Ptr<Profile> profile = *CreateProfileObject(profileName, device, &deviceName);
+ // Read the base profile fields.
+ while (item = profileItem->GetNextItem(item), item)
+ {
+ if (item->Type != JSON_Object)
+ {
+ profile->ParseProperty(item->Name, item->Value);
+ }
+ else
+ { // Search for the matching device to get device specific fields
+ if (!deviceFound && OVR_strcmp(item->Name, deviceName) == 0)
+ {
+ deviceFound = true;
+ for (JSON* deviceItem = item->GetFirstItem(); deviceItem;
+ deviceItem = item->GetNextItem(deviceItem))
+ {
+ profile->ParseProperty(deviceItem->Name, deviceItem->Value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Add the new profile
+ if (deviceFound)
+ ProfileCache.PushBack(profile);
+ }
+ CacheDevice = device;
+// Serializes the profiles to disk.
+void ProfileManager::SaveCache()
+ String path = GetProfilePath(true);
+ Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);
+ // TODO: Since there is only a single device type now, a full tree overwrite
+ // is sufficient but in the future a selective device branch replacement will
+ // be necessary
+ Ptr<JSON> root = *JSON::CreateObject();
+ root->AddNumberItem("Oculus Profile Version", PROFILE_VERSION);
+ root->AddStringItem("CurrentProfile", DefaultProfile);
+ root->AddNumberItem("ProfileCount", (double) ProfileCache.GetSize());
+ // Generate a JSON subtree for each profile
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<ProfileCache.GetSize(); i++)
+ {
+ Profile* profile = ProfileCache[i];
+ JSON* json_profile = JSON::CreateObject();
+ json_profile->Name = "Profile";
+ json_profile->AddStringItem("Name", profile->Name);
+ const char* gender;
+ switch (profile->GetGender())
+ {
+ case Profile::Gender_Male: gender = "Male"; break;
+ case Profile::Gender_Female: gender = "Female"; break;
+ default: gender = "Unspecified";
+ }
+ json_profile->AddStringItem("Gender", gender);
+ json_profile->AddNumberItem("PlayerHeight", profile->PlayerHeight);
+ json_profile->AddNumberItem("IPD", profile->IPD);
+ if (profile->Type == Profile_RiftDK1)
+ {
+ RiftDK1Profile* riftdk1 = (RiftDK1Profile*)profile;
+ JSON* json_riftdk1 = JSON::CreateObject();
+ json_profile->AddItem("RiftDK1", json_riftdk1);
+ const char* eyecup = "A";
+ switch (riftdk1->EyeCups)
+ {
+ case RiftDK1Profile::EyeCup_A: eyecup = "A"; break;
+ case RiftDK1Profile::EyeCup_B: eyecup = "B"; break;
+ case RiftDK1Profile::EyeCup_C: eyecup = "C"; break;
+ }
+ json_riftdk1->AddStringItem("EyeCup", eyecup);
+ json_riftdk1->AddNumberItem("LL", riftdk1->LL);
+ json_riftdk1->AddNumberItem("LR", riftdk1->LR);
+ json_riftdk1->AddNumberItem("RL", riftdk1->RL);
+ json_riftdk1->AddNumberItem("RR", riftdk1->RR);
+ }
+ root->AddItem("Profile", json_profile);
+ }
+ root->Save(path);
+// Returns the number of stored profiles for this device type
+int ProfileManager::GetProfileCount(ProfileType device)
+ Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);
+ if (CacheDevice == Profile_Unknown)
+ LoadCache(device);
+ return (int)ProfileCache.GetSize();
+// Returns the profile name of a specific profile in the list. The returned
+// memory is locally allocated and should not be stored or deleted. Returns NULL
+// if the index is invalid
+const char* ProfileManager::GetProfileName(ProfileType device, unsigned int index)
+ Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);
+ if (CacheDevice == Profile_Unknown)
+ LoadCache(device);
+ if (index < ProfileCache.GetSize())
+ {
+ Profile* profile = ProfileCache[index];
+ OVR_strcpy(NameBuff, Profile::MaxNameLen, profile->Name);
+ return NameBuff;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+bool ProfileManager::HasProfile(ProfileType device, const char* name)
+ Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);
+ if (CacheDevice == Profile_Unknown)
+ LoadCache(device);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i< ProfileCache.GetSize(); i++)
+ {
+ if (ProfileCache[i] && OVR_strcmp(ProfileCache[i]->Name, name) == 0)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+// Returns a specific profile object in the list. The returned memory should be
+// encapsulated in a Ptr<> object or released after use. Returns NULL if the index
+// is invalid
+Profile* ProfileManager::LoadProfile(ProfileType device, unsigned int index)
+ Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);
+ if (CacheDevice == Profile_Unknown)
+ LoadCache(device);
+ if (index < ProfileCache.GetSize())
+ {
+ Profile* profile = ProfileCache[index];
+ return profile->Clone();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+// Returns a profile object for a particular device and user name. The returned
+// memory should be encapsulated in a Ptr<> object or released after use. Returns
+// NULL if the profile is not found
+Profile* ProfileManager::LoadProfile(ProfileType device, const char* user)
+ if (user == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);
+ if (CacheDevice == Profile_Unknown)
+ LoadCache(device);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<ProfileCache.GetSize(); i++)
+ {
+ if (OVR_strcmp(user, ProfileCache[i]->Name) == 0)
+ { // Found the requested user profile
+ Profile* profile = ProfileCache[i];
+ return profile->Clone();
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// Returns a profile with all system default values
+Profile* ProfileManager::GetDeviceDefaultProfile(ProfileType device)
+ const char* device_name = NULL;
+ return CreateProfileObject("default", device, &device_name);
+// Returns the name of the profile that is marked as the current default user.
+const char* ProfileManager::GetDefaultProfileName(ProfileType device)
+ Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);
+ if (CacheDevice == Profile_Unknown)
+ LoadCache(device);
+ if (ProfileCache.GetSize() > 0)
+ {
+ OVR_strcpy(NameBuff, Profile::MaxNameLen, DefaultProfile);
+ return NameBuff;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+// Marks a particular user as the current default user.
+bool ProfileManager::SetDefaultProfileName(ProfileType device, const char* name)
+ Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);
+ if (CacheDevice == Profile_Unknown)
+ LoadCache(device);
+// TODO: I should verify that the user is valid
+ if (ProfileCache.GetSize() > 0)
+ {
+ DefaultProfile = name;
+ Changed = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+// Saves a new or existing profile. Returns true on success or false on an
+// invalid or failed save.
+bool ProfileManager::Save(const Profile* profile)
+ Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);
+ if (OVR_strcmp(profile->Name, "default") == 0)
+ return false; // don't save a default profile
+ // TODO: I should also verify that this profile type matches the current cache
+ if (CacheDevice == Profile_Unknown)
+ LoadCache(profile->Type);
+ // Look for the pre-existence of this profile
+ bool added = false;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<ProfileCache.GetSize(); i++)
+ {
+ int compare = OVR_strcmp(profile->Name, ProfileCache[i]->Name);
+ if (compare == 0)
+ {
+ // TODO: I should do a proper field comparison to avoid unnecessary
+ // overwrites and file saves
+ // Replace the previous instance with the new profile
+ ProfileCache[i] = *profile->Clone();
+ added = true;
+ Changed = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!added)
+ {
+ ProfileCache.PushBack(*profile->Clone());
+ if (ProfileCache.GetSize() == 1)
+ CacheDevice = profile->Type;
+ Changed = true;
+ }
+ return true;
+// Removes an existing profile. Returns true if the profile was found and deleted
+// and returns false otherwise.
+bool ProfileManager::Delete(const Profile* profile)
+ Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);
+ if (OVR_strcmp(profile->Name, "default") == 0)
+ return false; // don't delete a default profile
+ if (CacheDevice == Profile_Unknown)
+ LoadCache(profile->Type);
+ // Look for the existence of this profile
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<ProfileCache.GetSize(); i++)
+ {
+ if (OVR_strcmp(profile->Name, ProfileCache[i]->Name) == 0)
+ {
+ if (OVR_strcmp(profile->Name, DefaultProfile) == 0)
+ DefaultProfile.Clear();
+ ProfileCache.RemoveAt(i);
+ Changed = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+// ***** Profile
+Profile::Profile(ProfileType device, const char* name)
+ Type = device;
+ Gender = Gender_Unspecified;
+ PlayerHeight = 1.778f; // 5'10" inch man
+ IPD = 0.064f;
+ OVR_strcpy(Name, MaxNameLen, name);
+bool Profile::ParseProperty(const char* prop, const char* sval)
+ if (OVR_strcmp(prop, "Name") == 0)
+ {
+ OVR_strcpy(Name, MaxNameLen, sval);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (OVR_strcmp(prop, "Gender") == 0)
+ {
+ if (OVR_strcmp(sval, "Male") == 0)
+ Gender = Gender_Male;
+ else if (OVR_strcmp(sval, "Female") == 0)
+ Gender = Gender_Female;
+ else
+ Gender = Gender_Unspecified;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (OVR_strcmp(prop, "PlayerHeight") == 0)
+ {
+ PlayerHeight = (float)atof(sval);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (OVR_strcmp(prop, "IPD") == 0)
+ {
+ IPD = (float)atof(sval);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+// Computes the eye height from the metric head height
+float Profile::GetEyeHeight()
+ const float EYE_TO_HEADTOP_RATIO = 0.44538f;
+ const float MALE_AVG_HEAD_HEIGHT = 0.232f;
+ const float FEMALE_AVG_HEAD_HEIGHT = 0.218f;
+ // compute distance from top of skull to the eye
+ float head_height;
+ if (Gender == Gender_Female)
+ head_height = FEMALE_AVG_HEAD_HEIGHT;
+ else
+ head_height = MALE_AVG_HEAD_HEIGHT;
+ float skull = EYE_TO_HEADTOP_RATIO * head_height;
+ float eye_height = PlayerHeight - skull;
+ return eye_height;
+// ***** RiftDK1Profile
+RiftDK1Profile::RiftDK1Profile(const char* name) : Profile(Profile_RiftDK1, name)
+ EyeCups = EyeCup_A;
+ LL = 0;
+ LR = 0;
+ RL = 0;
+ RR = 0;
+bool RiftDK1Profile::ParseProperty(const char* prop, const char* sval)
+ if (OVR_strcmp(prop, "EyeCup") == 0)
+ {
+ switch (sval[0])
+ {
+ case 'C': EyeCups = EyeCup_C; break;
+ case 'B': EyeCups = EyeCup_B; break;
+ default: EyeCups = EyeCup_A; break;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (OVR_strcmp(prop, "LL") == 0)
+ {
+ LL = atoi(sval);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (OVR_strcmp(prop, "LR") == 0)
+ {
+ LR = atoi(sval);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (OVR_strcmp(prop, "RL") == 0)
+ {
+ RL = atoi(sval);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (OVR_strcmp(prop, "RR") == 0)
+ {
+ RR = atoi(sval);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return Profile::ParseProperty(prop, sval);
+Profile* RiftDK1Profile::Clone() const
+ RiftDK1Profile* profile = new RiftDK1Profile(*this);
+ return profile;
+} // OVR