path: root/LibOVR/Src/OVR_Win32_HIDDevice.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'LibOVR/Src/OVR_Win32_HIDDevice.h')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/LibOVR/Src/OVR_Win32_HIDDevice.h b/LibOVR/Src/OVR_Win32_HIDDevice.h
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index 0000000..efe308d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LibOVR/Src/OVR_Win32_HIDDevice.h
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+Filename : OVR_Win32_HIDDevice.h
+Content : Win32 HID device implementation.
+Created : February 22, 2013
+Authors : Lee Cooper
+Copyright : Copyright 2013 Oculus VR, Inc. All Rights reserved.
+Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Oculus license
+agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
+otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
+#ifndef OVR_Win32_HIDDevice_h
+#define OVR_Win32_HIDDevice_h
+#include "OVR_HIDDevice.h"
+#include "OVR_Win32_DeviceManager.h"
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <setupapi.h>
+// Define needed "hidsdi.h" functionality to avoid requiring DDK installation.
+// #include "hidsdi.h"
+#ifndef _HIDSDI_H
+#define _HIDSDI_H
+#include <pshpack4.h>
+#define HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS (0x11 << 16)
+ ULONG Size; // = sizeof (struct _HIDD_ATTRIBUTES)
+ USHORT VendorID;
+ USHORT ProductID;
+ USHORT VersionNumber;
+struct HIDP_CAPS
+ USHORT Usage;
+ USHORT UsagePage;
+ USHORT InputReportByteLength;
+ USHORT OutputReportByteLength;
+ USHORT FeatureReportByteLength;
+ USHORT Reserved[17];
+ USHORT NumberLinkCollectionNodes;
+ USHORT NumberInputButtonCaps;
+ USHORT NumberInputValueCaps;
+ USHORT NumberInputDataIndices;
+ USHORT NumberOutputButtonCaps;
+ USHORT NumberOutputValueCaps;
+ USHORT NumberOutputDataIndices;
+ USHORT NumberFeatureButtonCaps;
+ USHORT NumberFeatureValueCaps;
+ USHORT NumberFeatureDataIndices;
+#include <poppack.h>
+namespace OVR { namespace Win32 {
+class HIDDeviceManager;
+class DeviceManager;
+// ***** Win32 HIDDevice
+class HIDDevice : public OVR::HIDDevice, public DeviceManagerThread::Notifier
+ HIDDevice(HIDDeviceManager* manager);
+ // This is a minimal constructor used during enumeration for us to pass
+ // a HIDDevice to the visit function (so that it can query feature reports).
+ HIDDevice(HIDDeviceManager* manager, HANDLE device);
+ ~HIDDevice();
+ bool HIDInitialize(const String& path);
+ void HIDShutdown();
+ // OVR::HIDDevice
+ bool SetFeatureReport(UByte* data, UInt32 length);
+ bool GetFeatureReport(UByte* data, UInt32 length);
+ // DeviceManagerThread::Notifier
+ void OnOverlappedEvent(HANDLE hevent);
+ UInt64 OnTicks(UInt64 ticksMks);
+ bool OnDeviceMessage(DeviceMessageType messageType, const String& devicePath, bool* error);
+ bool openDevice();
+ bool initInfo();
+ bool initializeRead();
+ bool processReadResult();
+ void closeDevice();
+ void closeDeviceOnIOError();
+ bool inMinimalMode;
+ HIDDeviceManager* HIDManager;
+ HANDLE Device;
+ HIDDeviceDesc DevDesc;
+ OVERLAPPED ReadOverlapped;
+ bool ReadRequested;
+ enum { ReadBufferSize = 96 };
+ UByte ReadBuffer[ReadBufferSize];
+ UInt16 InputReportBufferLength;
+ UInt16 OutputReportBufferLength;
+ UInt16 FeatureReportBufferLength;
+// ***** Win32 HIDDeviceManager
+class HIDDeviceManager : public OVR::HIDDeviceManager
+ friend class HIDDevice;
+ HIDDeviceManager(DeviceManager* manager);
+ virtual ~HIDDeviceManager();
+ virtual bool Initialize();
+ virtual void Shutdown();
+ virtual bool Enumerate(HIDEnumerateVisitor* enumVisitor);
+ virtual OVR::HIDDevice* Open(const String& path);
+ // Fills HIDDeviceDesc by using the path.
+ // Returns 'true' if successful, 'false' otherwise.
+ bool GetHIDDeviceDesc(const String& path, HIDDeviceDesc* pdevDesc) const;
+ GUID GetHIDGuid() { return HidGuid; }
+ static HIDDeviceManager* CreateInternal(DeviceManager* manager);
+ DeviceManager* Manager; // Back pointer can just be a raw pointer.
+ HMODULE hHidLib;
+ GUID HidGuid;
+ // Macros to declare and resolve needed functions from library.
+#define OVR_DECLARE_HIDFUNC(func, rettype, args) \
+typedef rettype (__stdcall *PFn_##func) args; \
+PFn_##func func;
+#define OVR_RESOLVE_HIDFUNC(func) \
+func = (PFn_##func)::GetProcAddress(hHidLib, #func)
+ OVR_DECLARE_HIDFUNC(HidD_GetHidGuid, void, (GUID *hidGuid));
+ OVR_DECLARE_HIDFUNC(HidD_SetNumInputBuffers, BOOLEAN, (HANDLE hidDev, ULONG numberBuffers));
+ OVR_DECLARE_HIDFUNC(HidD_GetFeature, BOOLEAN, (HANDLE hidDev, PVOID buffer, ULONG bufferLength));
+ OVR_DECLARE_HIDFUNC(HidD_SetFeature, BOOLEAN, (HANDLE hidDev, PVOID buffer, ULONG bufferLength));
+ OVR_DECLARE_HIDFUNC(HidD_GetManufacturerString, BOOLEAN, (HANDLE hidDev, PVOID buffer, ULONG bufferLength));
+ OVR_DECLARE_HIDFUNC(HidD_GetProductString, BOOLEAN, (HANDLE hidDev, PVOID buffer, ULONG bufferLength));
+ OVR_DECLARE_HIDFUNC(HidD_GetSerialNumberString, BOOLEAN, (HANDLE hidDev, PVOID buffer, ULONG bufferLength));
+ OVR_DECLARE_HIDFUNC(HidD_GetPreparsedData, BOOLEAN, (HANDLE hidDev, HIDP_PREPARSED_DATA **preparsedData));
+ HANDLE CreateHIDFile(const char* path, bool exclusiveAccess = true) const
+ {
+ return ::CreateFileA(path, GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ,
+ (!exclusiveAccess) ? (FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE) : 0x0,
+ }
+ // Helper functions to fill in HIDDeviceDesc from open device handle.
+ bool initVendorProductVersion(HANDLE hidDev, HIDDeviceDesc* desc) const;
+ bool initUsage(HANDLE hidDev, HIDDeviceDesc* desc) const;
+ void initStrings(HANDLE hidDev, HIDDeviceDesc* desc) const;
+ bool getFullDesc(HANDLE hidDev, HIDDeviceDesc* desc) const;
+}} // namespace OVR::Win32
+#endif // OVR_Win32_HIDDevice_h