path: root/LibOVR/Src
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5 files changed, 0 insertions, 2075 deletions
diff --git a/LibOVR/Src/Displays/OVR_OSX_Display.cpp b/LibOVR/Src/Displays/OVR_OSX_Display.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cd9307..0000000
--- a/LibOVR/Src/Displays/OVR_OSX_Display.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-Filename : OVR_OSX_Display.cpp
-Content : OSX-specific Display declarations
-Created : July 2, 2014
-Authors : James Hughes
-Copyright : Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, Inc. All Rights reserved.
-Licensed under the Oculus VR Rift SDK License Version 3.1 (the "License");
-you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License,
-which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which
-otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-#include "OVR_OSX_Display.h"
-#include "../Kernel/OVR_Log.h"
-#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
-#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
-#include <CoreFoundation/CFString.h>
-#include <IOKit/graphics/IOGraphicsLib.h>
-// ***** Display enumeration Helpers
-namespace OVR {
-// FIXME Code duplication with windows.
-#define EDID_LENGTH 0x80
-#define EDID_HEADER 0x00
-#define EDID_HEADER_END 0x07
-#define ESTABLISHED_TIMING_1 0x23
-#define ESTABLISHED_TIMING_2 0x24
-#define MONITOR_NAME 0xfc
-#define MONITOR_LIMITS 0xfd
-#define MONITOR_SERIAL 0xff
-const UByte edid_v1_header[] = { 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
- 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00 };
-const UByte edid_v1_descriptor_flag[] = { 0x00, 0x00 };
-// FIXME Code duplication with windows. Refactor.
-static int blockType( UByte* block )
- if ( !strncmp( (const char*)edid_v1_descriptor_flag, (const char*)block, 2 ) )
- {
- // descriptor
- if ( block[ 2 ] != 0 )
- return block[ 3 ];
- }
- else
- {
- }
-static char* getMonitorName( UByte const* block )
- static char name[ 13 ];
- unsigned i;
- UByte const* ptr = block + DESCRIPTOR_DATA;
- for( i = 0; i < 13; i++, ptr++ )
- {
- if ( *ptr == 0xa )
- {
- name[ i ] = 0;
- return name;
- }
- name[ i ] = *ptr;
- }
- return name;
-// FIXME Code duplication with windows. Refactor.
-static bool parseEdid( UByte* edid, OVR::OSX::DisplayEDID& edidResult )
- unsigned i;
- UByte* block;
- const char* monitor_name = "Unknown";
- UByte checksum = 0;
- for( i = 0; i < EDID_LENGTH; i++ )
- checksum += edid[ i ];
- // Bad checksum, fail EDID
- if ( checksum != 0 )
- return false;
- if ( strncmp( (const char*)edid+EDID_HEADER, (const char*)edid_v1_header, EDID_HEADER_END+1 ) )
- {
- // First bytes don't match EDID version 1 header
- return false;
- }
- // OVR_DEBUG_LOG_TEXT(( "\n# EDID version %d revision %d\n",
- // (int)edid[EDID_STRUCT_VERSION],(int)edid[EDID_STRUCT_REVISION] ));
- // Monitor name and timings
- char serialNumber[14];
- memset( serialNumber, 0, 14 );
- {
- if ( blockType( block ) == MONITOR_NAME )
- {
- monitor_name = getMonitorName( block );
- }
- if( blockType( block ) == MONITOR_SERIAL )
- {
- memcpy( serialNumber, block + 5, 13 );
- break;
- }
- }
- UByte vendorString[4] = {0};
- vendorString[0] = (edid[8] >> 2 & 31) + 64;
- vendorString[1] = ((edid[8] & 3) << 3) | (edid[9] >> 5) + 64;
- vendorString[2] = (edid[9] & 31) + 64;
- edidResult.ModelNumber = *(UInt16*)&edid[10];
- edidResult.MonitorName = OVR::String(monitor_name);
- edidResult.VendorName = OVR::String((const char*)vendorString);
- edidResult.SerialNumber = OVR::String(serialNumber);
- // printf( "\tIdentifier \"%s\"\n", monitor_name );
- // printf( "\tVendorName \"%s\"\n", vendorString );
- // printf( "\tModelName \"%s\"\n", monitor_name );
- // printf( "\tModelNumber %d\n", edidResult.ModelNumber );
- // printf( "\tSerialNumber \"%s\"\n", edidResult.SerialNumber.ToCStr() );
- // FIXME: Get timings as well, though they aren't very useful here
- // except for the vertical refresh rate, presumably
- return true;
-static int discoverExtendedRifts(OVR::OSX::DisplayDesc* descriptorArray, int inputArraySize, bool edidInfo)
- OVR_UNUSED(edidInfo);
- int result = 0;
- static bool reportDiscovery = true;
- OVR_UNUSED(reportDiscovery);
- CGDirectDisplayID Displays[32];
- uint32_t NDisplays = 0;
- CGGetOnlineDisplayList(32, Displays, &NDisplays);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NDisplays; i++)
- {
- io_service_t port = CGDisplayIOServicePort(Displays[i]);
- CFDictionaryRef DispInfo = IODisplayCreateInfoDictionary(port, kNilOptions);
- // Display[i]
- uint32_t vendor = CGDisplayVendorNumber(Displays[i]);
- uint32_t product = CGDisplayModelNumber(Displays[i]);
- CGRect desktop = CGDisplayBounds(Displays[i]);
- Vector2i desktopOffset(desktop.origin.x, desktop.origin.y);
- if (vendor == 16082 && ( (product == 1)||(product == 2)||(product == 3) ) ) // 7" or HD
- {
- if( result >= inputArraySize ) { return result; }
- Sizei monitorResolution(1280, 800);
- // Obtain and parse EDID data.
- CFDataRef data =
- (CFDataRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(DispInfo, CFSTR(kIODisplayEDIDKey));
- if (!data)
- {
- CFRelease(DispInfo);
- OVR::LogError("[OSX Display] Unable to obtain EDID for Oculus product %d", product);
- continue;
- }
- UByte* edid = (UByte*)CFDataGetBytePtr(data);
- OSX::DisplayEDID edidResult;
- parseEdid( edid, edidResult );
- OVR::OSX::DisplayDesc& desc = descriptorArray[result++];
- desc.DisplayID = Displays[i];
- desc.ModelName = edidResult.MonitorName; // User friendly string.
- desc.EdidSerialNumber = edidResult.SerialNumber;
- desc.LogicalResolutionInPixels = monitorResolution;
- desc.DesktopDisplayOffset = desktopOffset;
- switch (product)
- {
- case 3: desc.DeviceTypeGuess = HmdType_DK2; break;
- case 2: desc.DeviceTypeGuess = HmdType_DKHDProto; break;
- case 1: desc.DeviceTypeGuess = HmdType_DK1; break;
- default:
- case 0: desc.DeviceTypeGuess = HmdType_Unknown; break;
- }
- // Hard-coded defaults in case the device doesn't have the data itself.
- // DK2 prototypes (0003) or DK HD Prototypes (0002)
- if (product == 3 || product == 2)
- {
- desc.LogicalResolutionInPixels = Sizei(1920, 1080);
- desc.NativeResolutionInPixels = Sizei(1080, 1920);
- }
- else
- {
- desc.LogicalResolutionInPixels = monitorResolution;
- desc.NativeResolutionInPixels = monitorResolution;
- }
- //OVR_DEBUG_LOG_TEXT(("Display Found %x:%x\n", vendor, product));
- }
- CFRelease(DispInfo);
- }
- return result;
-// ***** Display
-bool Display::Initialize()
- // Nothing to initialize. OS X only supports compatibility mode.
- return true;
-DisplaySearchHandle* Display::GetDisplaySearchHandle()
- return new OSX::OSXDisplaySearchHandle();
-bool Display::InCompatibilityMode( bool displaySearch )
- OVR_UNUSED( displaySearch );
- return true;
-int Display::GetDisplayCount( DisplaySearchHandle* handle, bool extended, bool applicationOnly, bool edidInfo )
- OVR_UNUSED(applicationOnly);
- static int extendedCount = -1;
- OSX::OSXDisplaySearchHandle* localHandle = (OSX::OSXDisplaySearchHandle*)handle;
- if (localHandle == NULL)
- {
- OVR::LogError("[OSX Display] No search handle passed into GetDisplayCount. Return 0 rifts.");
- return 0;
- }
- if (extendedCount == -1 || extended)
- {
- extendedCount = discoverExtendedRifts(localHandle->cachedDescriptorArray, OSX::OSXDisplaySearchHandle::DescArraySize, edidInfo);
- }
- localHandle->extended = true;
- localHandle->extendedDisplayCount = extendedCount;
- int totalCount = extendedCount;
- /// FIXME: Implement application mode for OS X.
- localHandle->application = false;
- localHandle->applicationDisplayCount = 0;
- localHandle->displayCount = totalCount;
- return totalCount;
-Ptr<Display> Display::GetDisplay( int index, DisplaySearchHandle* handle )
- Ptr<Display> result = NULL;
- if (index < 0)
- {
- OVR::LogError("[OSX Display] Invalid index given to GetDisplay.");
- return NULL;
- }
- OSX::OSXDisplaySearchHandle* localHandle = (OSX::OSXDisplaySearchHandle*)handle;
- if (localHandle == NULL)
- {
- OVR::LogError("[OSX Display] No search handle passed into GetDisplay. Return 0 rifts.");
- return NULL;
- }
- if (localHandle->extended)
- {
- if (index >= 0 && index < (int)localHandle->extendedDisplayCount)
- {
- return *new OSX::OSXDisplayGeneric(localHandle->cachedDescriptorArray[index]);
- }
- index -= localHandle->extendedDisplayCount;
- }
- if (localHandle->application)
- {
- OVR::LogError("[OSX Display] Mac does not support application displays.");
- }
- return result;
-} // namespace OVR
diff --git a/LibOVR/Src/Displays/OVR_OSX_Display.h b/LibOVR/Src/Displays/OVR_OSX_Display.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1401121..0000000
--- a/LibOVR/Src/Displays/OVR_OSX_Display.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-Filename : OVR_OSX_Display.h
-Content : OSX-specific Display declarations
-Created : July 2, 2014
-Authors : James Hughes
-Copyright : Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, Inc. All Rights reserved.
-Licensed under the Oculus VR Rift SDK License Version 3.1 (the "License");
-you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License,
-which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which
-otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-#ifndef OVR_OSX_Display_h
-#define OVR_OSX_Display_h
-#include "OVR_Display.h"
-namespace OVR { namespace OSX {
-// DisplayDesc
-// Display information enumerable through OS .
-// TBD: Should we just move this to public header, so it's a const member of Display?
-struct DisplayDesc
- DisplayDesc() :
- DeviceTypeGuess(HmdType_None),
- DisplayID(0),
- LogicalResolutionInPixels(0),
- NativeResolutionInPixels(0)
- {}
- HmdTypeEnum DeviceTypeGuess;
- uint32_t DisplayID; // This is the device identifier string from MONITORINFO (for app usage)
- String ModelName; // This is a "DK2" type string
- String EdidSerialNumber;
- Sizei LogicalResolutionInPixels;
- Sizei NativeResolutionInPixels;
- Vector2i DesktopDisplayOffset;
-// DisplayEDID
-// Describes EDID information as reported from our display driver.
-struct DisplayEDID
- DisplayEDID() :
- ModelNumber(0)
- {}
- String MonitorName;
- UInt16 ModelNumber;
- String VendorName;
- String SerialNumber;
-// OSX Display Search Handle
-class OSXDisplaySearchHandle : public DisplaySearchHandle
- OSXDisplaySearchHandle() :
- extended(false),
- application(false),
- extendedDisplayCount(0),
- applicationDisplayCount(0),
- displayCount(0)
- {}
- virtual ~OSXDisplaySearchHandle() {}
- static const int DescArraySize = 16;
- OSX::DisplayDesc cachedDescriptorArray[DescArraySize];
- bool extended;
- bool application;
- int extendedDisplayCount;
- int applicationDisplayCount;
- int displayCount;
-// OSXDisplayGeneric
-// Describes OSX display in Compatibility mode, containing basic data
-class OSXDisplayGeneric : public Display
- OSXDisplayGeneric( const DisplayDesc& dd ) :
- Display(dd.DeviceTypeGuess,
- dd.DisplayID,
- dd.ModelName,
- dd.EdidSerialNumber,
- dd.LogicalResolutionInPixels,
- dd.NativeResolutionInPixels,
- dd.DesktopDisplayOffset,
- 0,
- 0,
- false)
- {
- }
- virtual ~OSXDisplayGeneric()
- {
- }
- virtual bool InCompatibilityMode() const
- {
- return true;
- }
- // Generic displays are not capable of mirroring
- virtual MirrorMode SetMirrorMode( MirrorMode newMode )
- {
- OVR_UNUSED( newMode );
- return MirrorDisabled;
- }
-}} // namespace OVR::OSX
-#endif // OVR_OSX_Display_h
diff --git a/LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_ThreadsPthread.cpp b/LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_ThreadsPthread.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 83d3606..0000000
--- a/LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_ThreadsPthread.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,842 +0,0 @@
-Filename : OVR_ThreadsPthread.cpp
-Content :
-Created :
-Notes :
-Copyright : Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, Inc. All Rights reserved.
-Licensed under the Oculus VR Rift SDK License Version 3.1 (the "License");
-you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License,
-which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which
-otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-#include "OVR_Threads.h"
-#include "OVR_Hash.h"
-#include "OVR_Timer.h"
-#include "OVR_Log.h"
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-namespace OVR {
-// ***** Mutex implementation
-// *** Internal Mutex implementation structure
-class MutexImpl : public NewOverrideBase
- // System mutex or semaphore
- pthread_mutex_t SMutex;
- bool Recursive;
- unsigned LockCount;
- pthread_t LockedBy;
- friend class WaitConditionImpl;
- // Constructor/destructor
- MutexImpl(Mutex* pmutex, bool recursive = 1);
- ~MutexImpl();
- // Locking functions
- void DoLock();
- bool TryLock();
- void Unlock(Mutex* pmutex);
- // Returns 1 if the mutes is currently locked
- bool IsLockedByAnotherThread(Mutex* pmutex);
- bool IsSignaled() const;
-pthread_mutexattr_t Lock::RecursiveAttr;
-bool Lock::RecursiveAttrInit = 0;
-// *** Constructor/destructor
-MutexImpl::MutexImpl(Mutex* pmutex, bool recursive)
- OVR_UNUSED(pmutex);
- Recursive = recursive;
- LockCount = 0;
- if (Recursive)
- {
- if (!Lock::RecursiveAttrInit)
- {
- pthread_mutexattr_init(&Lock::RecursiveAttr);
- pthread_mutexattr_settype(&Lock::RecursiveAttr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE);
- Lock::RecursiveAttrInit = 1;
- }
- pthread_mutex_init(&SMutex, &Lock::RecursiveAttr);
- }
- else
- pthread_mutex_init(&SMutex, 0);
- pthread_mutex_destroy(&SMutex);
-// Lock and try lock
-void MutexImpl::DoLock()
- while (pthread_mutex_lock(&SMutex))
- ;
- LockCount++;
- LockedBy = pthread_self();
-bool MutexImpl::TryLock()
- if (!pthread_mutex_trylock(&SMutex))
- {
- LockCount++;
- LockedBy = pthread_self();
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-void MutexImpl::Unlock(Mutex* pmutex)
- OVR_UNUSED(pmutex);
- OVR_ASSERT(pthread_self() == LockedBy && LockCount > 0);
- unsigned lockCount;
- LockCount--;
- lockCount = LockCount;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&SMutex);
-bool MutexImpl::IsLockedByAnotherThread(Mutex* pmutex)
- OVR_UNUSED(pmutex);
- // There could be multiple interpretations of IsLocked with respect to current thread
- if (LockCount == 0)
- return 0;
- if (pthread_self() != LockedBy)
- return 1;
- return 0;
-bool MutexImpl::IsSignaled() const
- // An mutex is signaled if it is not locked ANYWHERE
- // Note that this is different from IsLockedByAnotherThread function,
- // that takes current thread into account
- return LockCount == 0;
-// *** Actual Mutex class implementation
-Mutex::Mutex(bool recursive)
- // NOTE: RefCount mode already thread-safe for all waitables.
- pImpl = new MutexImpl(this, recursive);
- delete pImpl;
-// Lock and try lock
-void Mutex::DoLock()
- pImpl->DoLock();
-bool Mutex::TryLock()
- return pImpl->TryLock();
-void Mutex::Unlock()
- pImpl->Unlock(this);
-bool Mutex::IsLockedByAnotherThread()
- return pImpl->IsLockedByAnotherThread(this);
-// ***** Event
-bool Event::Wait(unsigned delay)
- Mutex::Locker lock(&StateMutex);
- // Do the correct amount of waiting
- if (delay == OVR_WAIT_INFINITE)
- {
- while(!State)
- StateWaitCondition.Wait(&StateMutex);
- }
- else if (delay)
- {
- if (!State)
- StateWaitCondition.Wait(&StateMutex, delay);
- }
- bool state = State;
- // Take care of temporary 'pulsing' of a state
- if (Temporary)
- {
- Temporary = false;
- State = false;
- }
- return state;
-void Event::updateState(bool newState, bool newTemp, bool mustNotify)
- Mutex::Locker lock(&StateMutex);
- State = newState;
- Temporary = newTemp;
- if (mustNotify)
- StateWaitCondition.NotifyAll();
-// ***** Wait Condition Implementation
-// Internal implementation class
-class WaitConditionImpl : public NewOverrideBase
- pthread_mutex_t SMutex;
- pthread_cond_t Condv;
- // Constructor/destructor
- WaitConditionImpl();
- ~WaitConditionImpl();
- // Release mutex and wait for condition. The mutex is re-aqured after the wait.
- bool Wait(Mutex *pmutex, unsigned delay = OVR_WAIT_INFINITE);
- // Notify a condition, releasing at one object waiting
- void Notify();
- // Notify a condition, releasing all objects waiting
- void NotifyAll();
- pthread_mutex_init(&SMutex, 0);
- pthread_cond_init(&Condv, 0);
- pthread_mutex_destroy(&SMutex);
- pthread_cond_destroy(&Condv);
-bool WaitConditionImpl::Wait(Mutex *pmutex, unsigned delay)
- bool result = 1;
- unsigned lockCount = pmutex->pImpl->LockCount;
- // Mutex must have been locked
- if (lockCount == 0)
- return 0;
- pthread_mutex_lock(&SMutex);
- // Finally, release a mutex or semaphore
- if (pmutex->pImpl->Recursive)
- {
- // Release the recursive mutex N times
- pmutex->pImpl->LockCount = 0;
- for(unsigned i=0; i<lockCount; i++)
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&pmutex->pImpl->SMutex);
- }
- else
- {
- pmutex->pImpl->LockCount = 0;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&pmutex->pImpl->SMutex);
- }
- // Note that there is a gap here between mutex.Unlock() and Wait().
- // The other mutex protects this gap.
- if (delay == OVR_WAIT_INFINITE)
- pthread_cond_wait(&Condv,&SMutex);
- else
- {
- timespec ts;
- struct timeval tv;
- gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
- ts.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec + (delay / 1000);
- ts.tv_nsec = (tv.tv_usec + (delay % 1000) * 1000) * 1000;
- if (ts.tv_nsec > 999999999)
- {
- ts.tv_sec++;
- ts.tv_nsec -= 1000000000;
- }
- int r = pthread_cond_timedwait(&Condv,&SMutex, &ts);
- OVR_ASSERT(r == 0 || r == ETIMEDOUT);
- if (r)
- result = 0;
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&SMutex);
- // Re-aquire the mutex
- for(unsigned i=0; i<lockCount; i++)
- pmutex->DoLock();
- // Return the result
- return result;
-// Notify a condition, releasing the least object in a queue
-void WaitConditionImpl::Notify()
- pthread_mutex_lock(&SMutex);
- pthread_cond_signal(&Condv);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&SMutex);
-// Notify a condition, releasing all objects waiting
-void WaitConditionImpl::NotifyAll()
- pthread_mutex_lock(&SMutex);
- pthread_cond_broadcast(&Condv);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&SMutex);
-// *** Actual implementation of WaitCondition
- pImpl = new WaitConditionImpl;
- delete pImpl;
-bool WaitCondition::Wait(Mutex *pmutex, unsigned delay)
- return pImpl->Wait(pmutex, delay);
-// Notification
-void WaitCondition::Notify()
- pImpl->Notify();
-void WaitCondition::NotifyAll()
- pImpl->NotifyAll();
-// ***** Current thread
-// Per-thread variable
-static __thread Thread* pCurrentThread = 0;
-// Static function to return a pointer to the current thread
-void Thread::InitCurrentThread(Thread *pthread)
- pCurrentThread = pthread;
-// Static function to return a pointer to the current thread
-Thread* Thread::GetThread()
- return pCurrentThread;
-// *** Thread constructors.
-Thread::Thread(UPInt stackSize, int processor)
- // NOTE: RefCount mode already thread-safe for all Waitable objects.
- CreateParams params;
- params.stackSize = stackSize;
- params.processor = processor;
- Init(params);
-Thread::Thread(Thread::ThreadFn threadFunction, void* userHandle, UPInt stackSize,
- int processor, Thread::ThreadState initialState)
- CreateParams params(threadFunction, userHandle, stackSize, processor, initialState);
- Init(params);
-Thread::Thread(const CreateParams& params)
- Init(params);
-void Thread::Init(const CreateParams& params)
- // Clear the variables
- ThreadFlags = 0;
- ThreadHandle = 0;
- ExitCode = 0;
- SuspendCount = 0;
- StackSize = params.stackSize;
- Processor = params.processor;
- Priority = params.priority;
- // Clear Function pointers
- ThreadFunction = params.threadFunction;
- UserHandle = params.userHandle;
- if (params.initialState != NotRunning)
- Start(params.initialState);
- // Thread should not running while object is being destroyed,
- // this would indicate ref-counting issue.
- //OVR_ASSERT(IsRunning() == 0);
- // Clean up thread.
- ThreadHandle = 0;
-// *** Overridable User functions.
-// Default Run implementation
-int Thread::Run()
- // Call pointer to function, if available.
- return (ThreadFunction) ? ThreadFunction(this, UserHandle) : 0;
-void Thread::OnExit()
-// Finishes the thread and releases internal reference to it.
-void Thread::FinishAndRelease()
- // Note: thread must be US.
- ThreadFlags &= (UInt32)~(OVR_THREAD_STARTED);
- // Release our reference; this is equivalent to 'delete this'
- // from the point of view of our thread.
- Release();
-// *** ThreadList - used to track all created threads
-class ThreadList : public NewOverrideBase
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- struct ThreadHashOp
- {
- size_t operator()(const Thread* ptr)
- {
- return (((size_t)ptr) >> 6) ^ (size_t)ptr;
- }
- };
- HashSet<Thread*, ThreadHashOp> ThreadSet;
- Mutex ThreadMutex;
- WaitCondition ThreadsEmpty;
- // Track the root thread that created us.
- pthread_t RootThreadId;
- static ThreadList* volatile pRunningThreads;
- void addThread(Thread *pthread)
- {
- Mutex::Locker lock(&ThreadMutex);
- ThreadSet.Add(pthread);
- }
- void removeThread(Thread *pthread)
- {
- Mutex::Locker lock(&ThreadMutex);
- ThreadSet.Remove(pthread);
- if (ThreadSet.GetSize() == 0)
- ThreadsEmpty.Notify();
- }
- void finishAllThreads()
- {
- // Only original root thread can call this.
- OVR_ASSERT(pthread_self() == RootThreadId);
- Mutex::Locker lock(&ThreadMutex);
- while (ThreadSet.GetSize() != 0)
- ThreadsEmpty.Wait(&ThreadMutex);
- }
- ThreadList()
- {
- RootThreadId = pthread_self();
- }
- ~ThreadList() { }
- static void AddRunningThread(Thread *pthread)
- {
- // Non-atomic creation ok since only the root thread
- if (!pRunningThreads)
- {
- pRunningThreads = new ThreadList;
- OVR_ASSERT(pRunningThreads);
- }
- pRunningThreads->addThread(pthread);
- }
- // NOTE: 'pthread' might be a dead pointer when this is
- // called so it should not be accessed; it is only used
- // for removal.
- static void RemoveRunningThread(Thread *pthread)
- {
- OVR_ASSERT(pRunningThreads);
- pRunningThreads->removeThread(pthread);
- }
- static void FinishAllThreads()
- {
- // This is ok because only root thread can wait for other thread finish.
- if (pRunningThreads)
- {
- pRunningThreads->finishAllThreads();
- delete pRunningThreads;
- pRunningThreads = 0;
- }
- }
-// By default, we have no thread list.
-ThreadList* volatile ThreadList::pRunningThreads = 0;
-// FinishAllThreads - exposed publicly in Thread.
-void Thread::FinishAllThreads()
- ThreadList::FinishAllThreads();
-// *** Run override
-int Thread::PRun()
- // Suspend us on start, if requested
- {
- Suspend();
- }
- // Call the virtual run function
- ExitCode = Run();
- return ExitCode;
-// *** User overridables
-bool Thread::GetExitFlag() const
- return (ThreadFlags & OVR_THREAD_EXIT) != 0;
-void Thread::SetExitFlag(bool exitFlag)
- // The below is atomic since ThreadFlags is AtomicInt.
- if (exitFlag)
- ThreadFlags |= OVR_THREAD_EXIT;
- else
- ThreadFlags &= (UInt32) ~OVR_THREAD_EXIT;
-// Determines whether the thread was running and is now finished
-bool Thread::IsFinished() const
- return (ThreadFlags & OVR_THREAD_FINISHED) != 0;
-// Determines whether the thread is suspended
-bool Thread::IsSuspended() const
- return SuspendCount > 0;
-// Returns current thread state
-Thread::ThreadState Thread::GetThreadState() const
- if (IsSuspended())
- return Suspended;
- if (ThreadFlags & OVR_THREAD_STARTED)
- return Running;
- return NotRunning;
-// Join thread
-bool Thread::Join(int maxWaitMs) const
- // If polling,
- if (maxWaitMs == 0)
- {
- // Just return if finished
- return IsFinished();
- }
- // If waiting forever,
- else if (maxWaitMs > 0)
- {
- UInt32 t0 = Timer::GetTicksMs();
- while (!IsFinished())
- {
- UInt32 t1 = Timer::GetTicksMs();
- // If the wait has expired,
- int delta = (int)(t1 - t0);
- if (delta >= maxWaitMs)
- {
- return false;
- }
- Thread::MSleep(10);
- }
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- while (!IsFinished())
- {
- pthread_join(ThreadHandle, NULL);
- }
- }
- return true;
-static const char* mapsched_policy(int policy)
- switch(policy)
- {
- return "SCHED_OTHER";
- case SCHED_RR:
- return "SCHED_RR";
- case SCHED_FIFO:
- return "SCHED_FIFO";
- }
- return "UNKNOWN";
- int policy;
- sched_param sparam;
- pthread_getschedparam(pthread_self(), &policy, &sparam);
- int max_prior = sched_get_priority_max(policy);
- int min_prior = sched_get_priority_min(policy);
- printf(" !!!! policy: %s, priority: %d, max priority: %d, min priority: %d\n", mapsched_policy(policy), sparam.sched_priority, max_prior, min_prior);
-#include <stdio.h>
-// ***** Thread management
-// The actual first function called on thread start
-void* Thread_PthreadStartFn(void* phandle)
- Thread* pthread = (Thread*)phandle;
- int result = pthread->PRun();
- // Signal the thread as done and release it atomically.
- pthread->FinishAndRelease();
- // At this point Thread object might be dead; however we can still pass
- // it to RemoveRunningThread since it is only used as a key there.
- ThreadList::RemoveRunningThread(pthread);
- return reinterpret_cast<void*>(result);
-int Thread::InitAttr = 0;
-pthread_attr_t Thread::Attr;
-/* static */
-int Thread::GetOSPriority(ThreadPriority p)
-//static inline int MapToSystemPrority(Thread::ThreadPriority p)
- return -1;
-bool Thread::Start(ThreadState initialState)
- if (initialState == NotRunning)
- return 0;
- if (GetThreadState() != NotRunning)
- {
- OVR_DEBUG_LOG(("Thread::Start failed - thread %p already running", this));
- return 0;
- }
- if (!InitAttr)
- {
- pthread_attr_init(&Attr);
- pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&Attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
- pthread_attr_setstacksize(&Attr, 128 * 1024);
- sched_param sparam;
- sparam.sched_priority = Thread::GetOSPriority(NormalPriority);
- pthread_attr_setschedparam(&Attr, &sparam);
- InitAttr = 1;
- }
- ExitCode = 0;
- SuspendCount = 0;
- ThreadFlags = (initialState == Running) ? 0 : OVR_THREAD_START_SUSPENDED;
- // AddRef to us until the thread is finished
- AddRef();
- ThreadList::AddRunningThread(this);
- int result;
- if (StackSize != 128 * 1024 || Priority != NormalPriority)
- {
- pthread_attr_t attr;
- pthread_attr_init(&attr);
- pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
- pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, StackSize);
- sched_param sparam;
- sparam.sched_priority = Thread::GetOSPriority(Priority);
- pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr, &sparam);
- result = pthread_create(&ThreadHandle, &attr, Thread_PthreadStartFn, this);
- pthread_attr_destroy(&attr);
- }
- else
- result = pthread_create(&ThreadHandle, &Attr, Thread_PthreadStartFn, this);
- if (result)
- {
- ThreadFlags = 0;
- Release();
- ThreadList::RemoveRunningThread(this);
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-// Suspend the thread until resumed
-bool Thread::Suspend()
- OVR_DEBUG_LOG(("Thread::Suspend - cannot suspend threads on this system"));
- return 0;
-// Resumes currently suspended thread
-bool Thread::Resume()
- return 0;
-// Quits with an exit code
-void Thread::Exit(int exitCode)
- // Can only exist the current thread
- // if (GetThread() != this)
- // return;
- // Call the virtual OnExit function
- OnExit();
- // Signal this thread object as done and release it's references.
- FinishAndRelease();
- ThreadList::RemoveRunningThread(this);
- pthread_exit(reinterpret_cast<void*>(exitCode));
-ThreadId GetCurrentThreadId()
- return (void*)pthread_self();
-// *** Sleep functions
-/* static */
-bool Thread::Sleep(unsigned secs)
- sleep(secs);
- return 1;
-/* static */
-bool Thread::MSleep(unsigned msecs)
- usleep(msecs*1000);
- return 1;
-/* static */
-int Thread::GetCPUCount()
- return 1;
-#if defined (OVR_OS_MAC)
-void Thread::SetThreadName( const char* name )
- pthread_setname_np( name );
-void Thread::SetThreadName( const char* name )
- pthread_setname_np( pthread_self(), name );
diff --git a/LibOVR/Src/Net/OVR_Unix_Socket.cpp b/LibOVR/Src/Net/OVR_Unix_Socket.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4320a7c..0000000
--- a/LibOVR/Src/Net/OVR_Unix_Socket.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,586 +0,0 @@
-Filename : OVR_Unix_Socket.cpp
-Content : Berkley sockets networking implementation
-Created : July 1, 2014
-Authors : Kevin Jenkins
-Copyright : Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, Inc. All Rights reserved.
-Licensed under the Oculus VR Rift SDK License Version 3.1 (the "License");
-you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License,
-which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which
-otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-#include "OVR_Unix_Socket.h"
-#include "../Kernel/OVR_Std.h"
-#include "../Kernel/OVR_Allocator.h"
-#include "../Kernel/OVR_Threads.h" // Thread::MSleep
-#include "../Kernel/OVR_Log.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-namespace OVR { namespace Net {
-// BerkleySocket
-void BerkleySocket::Close()
- if (TheSocket != INVALID_SOCKET)
- {
- close(TheSocket);
- }
-SInt32 BerkleySocket::GetSockname(SockAddr *pSockAddrOut)
- struct sockaddr_in6 sa;
- memset(&sa,0,sizeof(sa));
- socklen_t size = sizeof(sa);
- SInt32 i = getsockname(TheSocket, (sockaddr*)&sa, &size);
- if (i>=0)
- {
- pSockAddrOut->Set(&sa);
- }
- return i;
-// BitStream overloads for SockAddr
-BitStream& operator<<(BitStream& out, SockAddr& in)
- out.WriteBits((const unsigned char*) &in.Addr6, sizeof(in.Addr6)*8, true);
- return out;
-BitStream& operator>>(BitStream& in, SockAddr& out)
- bool success = in.ReadBits((unsigned char*) &out.Addr6, sizeof(out.Addr6)*8, true);
- OVR_ASSERT(success);
- OVR_UNUSED(success);
- return in;
-// SockAddr
-SockAddr::SockAddr(SockAddr* address)
- Set(&address->Addr6);
-SockAddr::SockAddr(sockaddr_storage* storage)
- Set(storage);
-SockAddr::SockAddr(sockaddr_in6* address)
- Set(address);
-SockAddr::SockAddr(const char* hostAddress, UInt16 port, int sockType)
- Set(hostAddress, port, sockType);
-void SockAddr::Set(const sockaddr_storage* storage)
- memcpy(&Addr6, storage, sizeof(Addr6));
-void SockAddr::Set(const sockaddr_in6* address)
- memcpy(&Addr6, address, sizeof(Addr6));
-void SockAddr::Set(const char* hostAddress, UInt16 port, int sockType)
- memset(&Addr6, 0, sizeof(Addr6));
- struct addrinfo* servinfo = 0; // will point to the results
- struct addrinfo hints;
- // make sure the struct is empty
- memset(&hints, 0, sizeof (addrinfo));
- hints.ai_socktype = sockType; // SOCK_DGRAM or SOCK_STREAM
- hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; // fill in my IP for me
- hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC ;
- if (SOCK_DGRAM == sockType)
- {
- hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_UDP;
- }
- else if (SOCK_STREAM == sockType)
- {
- hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
- }
- char portStr[32];
- OVR_itoa(port, portStr, sizeof(portStr), 10);
- int errcode = getaddrinfo(hostAddress, portStr, &hints, &servinfo);
- if (0 != errcode)
- {
- OVR::LogError("getaddrinfo error: %s", gai_strerror(errcode));
- }
- OVR_ASSERT(0 != servinfo);
- memcpy(&Addr6, servinfo->ai_addr, sizeof(Addr6));
- freeaddrinfo(servinfo);
-UInt16 SockAddr::GetPort()
- return htons(Addr6.sin6_port);
-String SockAddr::ToString(bool writePort, char portDelineator) const
- char dest[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 1];
- int ret = getnameinfo((struct sockaddr*)&Addr6,
- sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6),
- dest,
- 0,
- if (ret != 0)
- {
- dest[0] = '\0';
- }
- if (writePort)
- {
- unsigned char ch[2];
- ch[0]=portDelineator;
- ch[1]=0;
- OVR_strcat(dest, 16, (const char*) ch);
- OVR_itoa(ntohs(Addr6.sin6_port), dest+strlen(dest), 16, 10);
- }
- return String(dest);
-bool SockAddr::IsLocalhost() const
- static const unsigned char localhost_bytes[] =
- { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 };
- return memcmp(Addr6.sin6_addr.s6_addr, localhost_bytes, 16) == 0;
-bool SockAddr::operator==( const SockAddr& right ) const
- return memcmp(&Addr6, &right.Addr6, sizeof(Addr6)) == 0;
-bool SockAddr::operator!=( const SockAddr& right ) const
- return !(*this == right);
-bool SockAddr::operator>( const SockAddr& right ) const
- return memcmp(&Addr6, &right.Addr6, sizeof(Addr6)) > 0;
-bool SockAddr::operator<( const SockAddr& right ) const
- return memcmp(&Addr6, &right.Addr6, sizeof(Addr6)) < 0;
-// Returns true on success
-static bool SetSocketOptions(SocketHandle sock)
- bool failed = false;
- int sock_opt;
- int sockError = 0;
- // This doubles the max throughput rate
- sock_opt=1024*256;
- sockError = setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, ( char * ) & sock_opt, sizeof ( sock_opt ) );
- if (sockError != 0)
- {
- int errsv = errno;
- OVR::LogError("[Socket] Failed SO_RCVBUF setsockopt, errno: %d", errsv);
- failed = true;
- }
- // This doesn't make much difference: 10% maybe
- // Not supported on console 2
- sock_opt=1024*16;
- sockError = setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, ( char * ) & sock_opt, sizeof ( sock_opt ) );
- if (sockError != 0)
- {
- int errsv = errno;
- OVR::LogError("[Socket] Failed SO_SNDBUF setsockopt, errno: %d", errsv);
- failed = true;
- }
- int value = 1;
- sockError = setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, &value, sizeof(value));
- if (sockError != 0)
- {
- int errsv = errno;
- OVR::LogError("[Socket] Failed SO_NOSIGPIPE setsockopt, errno: %d", errsv);
- failed = true;
- }
- // Reuse address is only needed for posix platforms, as it is the default
- // on Windows platforms.
- int optval = 1;
- sockError = setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &optval, sizeof(int));
- if (sockError != 0)
- {
- int errsv = errno;
- OVR::LogError("[Socket] Failed SO_REUSEADDR setsockopt, errno: %d", errsv);
- failed = true;
- }
- return !failed;
-void _Ioctlsocket(SocketHandle sock, unsigned long nonblocking)
- int flags = fcntl(sock, F_GETFL, 0);
- if (flags < 0) return; // return false
- if (nonblocking == 0) { flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK; }
- else { flags |= O_NONBLOCK; }
- fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, flags);
-static SocketHandle BindShared(int ai_family, int ai_socktype, BerkleyBindParameters *pBindParameters)
- SocketHandle sock;
- struct addrinfo hints;
- memset(&hints, 0, sizeof (addrinfo)); // make sure the struct is empty
- hints.ai_family = ai_family;
- hints.ai_socktype = ai_socktype;
- hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; // fill in my IP for me
- struct addrinfo *servinfo=0, *aip; // will point to the results
- char portStr[32];
- OVR_itoa(pBindParameters->Port, portStr, sizeof(portStr), 10);
- int errcode = 0;
- if (!pBindParameters->Address.IsEmpty())
- errcode = getaddrinfo(pBindParameters->Address.ToCStr(), portStr, &hints, &servinfo);
- else
- errcode = getaddrinfo(0, portStr, &hints, &servinfo);
- if (0 != errcode)
- {
- OVR::LogError("getaddrinfo error: %s", gai_strerror(errcode));
- }
- for (aip = servinfo; aip != NULL; aip = aip->ai_next)
- {
- // Open socket. The address type depends on what
- // getaddrinfo() gave us.
- sock = socket(aip->ai_family, aip->ai_socktype, aip->ai_protocol);
- if (sock != 0)
- {
- SetSocketOptions(sock);
- int ret = bind( sock, aip->ai_addr, (int) aip->ai_addrlen );
- if (ret>=0)
- {
- // The actual socket is always non-blocking
- // I control blocking or not using WSAEventSelect
- _Ioctlsocket(sock, 1);
- freeaddrinfo(servinfo);
- return sock;
- }
- else
- {
- close(sock);
- }
- }
- }
- if (servinfo) { freeaddrinfo(servinfo); }
-// UDPSocket
- RecvBuf = new UByte[RecvBufSize];
- delete[] RecvBuf;
-SocketHandle UDPSocket::Bind(BerkleyBindParameters *pBindParameters)
- SocketHandle s = BindShared(AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, pBindParameters);
- if (s < 0)
- return s;
- Close();
- TheSocket = s;
- return TheSocket;
-void UDPSocket::OnRecv(SocketEvent_UDP* eventHandler, UByte* pData, int bytesRead, SockAddr* address)
- eventHandler->UDP_OnRecv(this, pData, bytesRead, address);
-int UDPSocket::Send(const void* pData, int bytes, SockAddr* address)
- return (int)sendto(TheSocket, (const char*)pData, bytes, 0, (const sockaddr*)&address->Addr6, sizeof(address->Addr6));
-void UDPSocket::Poll(SocketEvent_UDP *eventHandler)
- struct sockaddr_storage win32_addr;
- socklen_t fromlen;
- int bytesRead;
- // FIXME: Implement blocking poll wait for UDP
- // While some bytes are read,
- while (fromlen = sizeof(win32_addr), // Must set fromlen each time
- bytesRead = (int)recvfrom(TheSocket, (char*)RecvBuf, RecvBufSize, 0, (sockaddr*)&win32_addr, &fromlen),
- bytesRead > 0)
- {
- SockAddr address(&win32_addr); // Wrap address
- OnRecv(eventHandler, RecvBuf, bytesRead, &address);
- }
-// TCPSocket
- IsConnecting = false;
- IsListenSocket = false;
-TCPSocket::TCPSocket(SocketHandle boundHandle, bool isListenSocket)
- TheSocket = boundHandle;
- IsListenSocket = isListenSocket;
- IsConnecting = false;
- SetSocketOptions(TheSocket);
- // The actual socket is always non-blocking
- _Ioctlsocket(TheSocket, 1);
-void TCPSocket::OnRecv(SocketEvent_TCP* eventHandler, UByte* pData, int bytesRead)
- eventHandler->TCP_OnRecv(this, pData, bytesRead);
-SocketHandle TCPSocket::Bind(BerkleyBindParameters* pBindParameters)
- SocketHandle s = BindShared(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, pBindParameters);
- if (s < 0)
- return s;
- Close();
- SetBlockingTimeout(pBindParameters->blockingTimeout);
- TheSocket = s;
- return TheSocket;
-int TCPSocket::Listen()
- if (IsListenSocket)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- int i = listen(TheSocket, SOMAXCONN);
- if (i >= 0)
- {
- IsListenSocket = true;
- }
- return i;
-int TCPSocket::Connect(SockAddr* address)
- int retval;
- retval = connect(TheSocket, (struct sockaddr *) &address->Addr6, sizeof(address->Addr6));
- if (retval < 0)
- {
- int errsv = errno;
- // EINPROGRESS should not be checked on windows but should
- // be checked on POSIX platforms.
- if (errsv == EWOULDBLOCK || errsv == EINPROGRESS)
- {
- IsConnecting = true;
- return 0;
- }
- OVR::LogText( "TCPSocket::Connect failed:Error code - %d\n", errsv );
- }
- return retval;
-int TCPSocket::Send(const void* pData, int bytes)
- if (bytes <= 0)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- return (int)send(TheSocket, (const char*)pData, bytes, 0);
- }
-//// TCPSocketPollState
- FD_ZERO(&readFD);
- FD_ZERO(&exceptionFD);
- FD_ZERO(&writeFD);
- largestDescriptor = INVALID_SOCKET;
-bool TCPSocketPollState::IsValid() const
- return largestDescriptor != INVALID_SOCKET;
-void TCPSocketPollState::Add(TCPSocket* tcpSocket)
- if (!tcpSocket)
- {
- return;
- }
- SocketHandle handle = tcpSocket->GetSocketHandle();
- if (handle == INVALID_SOCKET)
- {
- return;
- }
- if (largestDescriptor == INVALID_SOCKET ||
- largestDescriptor < handle)
- {
- largestDescriptor = handle;
- }
- FD_SET(handle, &readFD);
- FD_SET(handle, &exceptionFD);
- if (tcpSocket->IsConnecting)
- {
- FD_SET(handle, &writeFD);
- }
-bool TCPSocketPollState::Poll(long usec, long seconds)
- timeval tv;
- tv.tv_sec = seconds;
- tv.tv_usec = (int)usec;
- return select(largestDescriptor + 1, &readFD, &writeFD, &exceptionFD, &tv) > 0;
-void TCPSocketPollState::HandleEvent(TCPSocket* tcpSocket, SocketEvent_TCP* eventHandler)
- if (!tcpSocket || !eventHandler)
- {
- return;
- }
- SocketHandle handle = tcpSocket->GetSocketHandle();
- if (tcpSocket->IsConnecting && FD_ISSET(handle, &writeFD))
- {
- tcpSocket->IsConnecting = false;
- eventHandler->TCP_OnConnected(tcpSocket);
- }
- if (FD_ISSET(handle, &readFD))
- {
- if (!tcpSocket->IsListenSocket)
- {
- static const int BUFF_SIZE = 8096;
- char data[BUFF_SIZE];
- int bytesRead = (int)recv(handle, data, BUFF_SIZE, 0);
- if (bytesRead > 0)
- {
- tcpSocket->OnRecv(eventHandler, (UByte*)data, bytesRead);
- }
- else // Disconnection event:
- {
- tcpSocket->IsConnecting = false;
- eventHandler->TCP_OnClosed(tcpSocket);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- struct sockaddr_storage sockAddr;
- socklen_t sockAddrSize = sizeof(sockAddr);
- SocketHandle newSock = accept(handle, (sockaddr*)&sockAddr, (socklen_t*)&sockAddrSize);
- if (newSock > 0)
- {
- SockAddr sa(&sockAddr);
- eventHandler->TCP_OnAccept(tcpSocket, &sa, newSock);
- }
- }
- }
- if (FD_ISSET(handle, &exceptionFD))
- {
- tcpSocket->IsConnecting = false;
- eventHandler->TCP_OnClosed(tcpSocket);
- }
-}} // namespace OVR::Net
diff --git a/LibOVR/Src/Net/OVR_Unix_Socket.h b/LibOVR/Src/Net/OVR_Unix_Socket.h
deleted file mode 100644
index faec464..0000000
--- a/LibOVR/Src/Net/OVR_Unix_Socket.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-PublicHeader: n/a
-Filename : OVR_Unix_Socket.h
-Content : Berkley sockets networking implementation
-Created : July 1, 2014
-Authors : Kevin Jenkins
-Copyright : Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, Inc. All Rights reserved.
-Licensed under the Oculus VR Rift SDK License Version 3.1 (the "License");
-you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License,
-which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which
-otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-#ifndef OVR_Unix_Socket_h
-#define OVR_Unix_Socket_h
-#include "OVR_Socket.h"
-#include "OVR_BitStream.h"
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <netdb.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-namespace OVR { namespace Net {
-// SockAddr
-// Abstraction for IPV6 socket address, with various convenience functions
-class SockAddr
- SockAddr();
- SockAddr(SockAddr* sa);
- SockAddr(sockaddr_storage* sa);
- SockAddr(sockaddr_in6* sa);
- SockAddr(const char* hostAddress, UInt16 port, int sockType);
- void Set(const sockaddr_storage* sa);
- void Set(const sockaddr_in6* sa);
- void Set(const char* hostAddress, UInt16 port, int sockType); // SOCK_DGRAM or SOCK_STREAM
- UInt16 GetPort();
- String ToString(bool writePort, char portDelineator) const;
- bool IsLocalhost() const;
- void Serialize(BitStream* bs);
- bool Deserialize(BitStream);
- bool operator==( const SockAddr& right ) const;
- bool operator!=( const SockAddr& right ) const;
- bool operator >( const SockAddr& right ) const;
- bool operator <( const SockAddr& right ) const;
- sockaddr_in6 Addr6;
-// UDP Socket
-// Windows version of TCP socket
-class UDPSocket : public UDPSocketBase
- UDPSocket();
- virtual ~UDPSocket();
- virtual SocketHandle Bind(BerkleyBindParameters* pBindParameters);
- virtual int Send(const void* pData, int bytes, SockAddr* address);
- virtual void Poll(SocketEvent_UDP* eventHandler);
- static const int RecvBufSize = 1048576;
- UByte* RecvBuf;
- virtual void OnRecv(SocketEvent_UDP* eventHandler, UByte* pData,
- int bytesRead, SockAddr* address);
-// TCP Socket
-// Windows version of TCP socket
-class TCPSocket : public TCPSocketBase
- friend class TCPSocketPollState;
- TCPSocket();
- TCPSocket(SocketHandle boundHandle, bool isListenSocket);
- virtual ~TCPSocket();
- virtual SocketHandle Bind(BerkleyBindParameters* pBindParameters);
- virtual int Listen();
- virtual int Connect(SockAddr* address);
- virtual int Send(const void* pData, int bytes);
- virtual void OnRecv(SocketEvent_TCP* eventHandler, UByte* pData,
- int bytesRead);
- bool IsConnecting; // Is in the process of connecting?
-// TCPSocketPollState
-// Polls multiple blocking TCP sockets at once
-class TCPSocketPollState
- fd_set readFD, exceptionFD, writeFD;
- SocketHandle largestDescriptor;
- TCPSocketPollState();
- bool IsValid() const;
- void Add(TCPSocket* tcpSocket);
- bool Poll(long usec = 30000, long seconds = 0);
- void HandleEvent(TCPSocket* tcpSocket, SocketEvent_TCP* eventHandler);
-}} // OVR::Net