path: root/Samples/OculusRoomTiny/OSX_OculusRoomTiny.mm
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Diffstat (limited to 'Samples/OculusRoomTiny/OSX_OculusRoomTiny.mm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 861 deletions
diff --git a/Samples/OculusRoomTiny/OSX_OculusRoomTiny.mm b/Samples/OculusRoomTiny/OSX_OculusRoomTiny.mm
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index 7c5d81f..0000000
--- a/Samples/OculusRoomTiny/OSX_OculusRoomTiny.mm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,861 +0,0 @@
- Filename : OSX_OculusRoomTiny.mm
- Content : Simplest possible first-person view test application for Oculus Rift
- Created : May 7, 2013
- Authors : Michael Antonov, Andrew Reisse, Artem Bolgar
- Copyright : Copyright 2013 Oculus, Inc. All Rights reserved.
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
- *************************************************************************************/
-#import "OSX_OculusRoomTiny.h"
-#include "RenderTiny_GL_Device.h"
-#include "Kernel/OVR_KeyCodes.h"
-using namespace OVR;
-// ***** OculusRoomTiny Class
-// Static pApp simplifies routing the window function.
-OculusRoomTinyApp* OculusRoomTinyApp::pApp = 0;
-OculusRoomTinyApp::OculusRoomTinyApp(OVRApp* nsapp)
- : pRender(0),
- LastUpdate(0),
- NsApp(nsapp),
- Quit(0),
- // Initial location
- EyePos(0.0f, 1.6f, -5.0f),
- EyeYaw(YawInitial), EyePitch(0), EyeRoll(0),
- LastSensorYaw(0),
- SConfig(),
- PostProcess(PostProcess_Distortion),
- ShiftDown(false),
- ControlDown(false)
- pApp = this;
- Width = 1280;
- Height = 800;
- StartupTicks = OVR::Timer::GetTicks();
- MoveForward = MoveBack = MoveLeft = MoveRight = 0;
- RemoveHandlerFromDevices();
- pSensor.Clear();
- pHMD.Clear();
- destroyWindow();
- pApp = 0;
-int OculusRoomTinyApp::OnStartup(const char* args)
- OVR_UNUSED(args);
- // *** Oculus HMD & Sensor Initialization
- // Create DeviceManager and first available HMDDevice from it.
- // Sensor object is created from the HMD, to ensure that it is on the
- // correct device.
- pManager = *DeviceManager::Create();
- // We'll handle it's messages in this case.
- pManager->SetMessageHandler(this);
- CFOptionFlags detectionResult;
- const char* detectionMessage;
- do
- {
- // Release Sensor/HMD in case this is a retry.
- pSensor.Clear();
- pHMD.Clear();
- RenderParams.MonitorName.Clear();
- pHMD = *pManager->EnumerateDevices<HMDDevice>().CreateDevice();
- if (pHMD)
- {
- pSensor = *pHMD->GetSensor();
- // This will initialize HMDInfo with information about configured IPD,
- // screen size and other variables needed for correct projection.
- // We pass HMD DisplayDeviceName into the renderer to select the
- // correct monitor in full-screen mode.
- if (pHMD->GetDeviceInfo(&HMDInfo))
- {
- RenderParams.MonitorName = HMDInfo.DisplayDeviceName;
- RenderParams.DisplayId = HMDInfo.DisplayId;
- SConfig.SetHMDInfo(HMDInfo);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // If we didn't detect an HMD, try to create the sensor directly.
- // This is useful for debugging sensor interaction; it is not needed in
- // a shipping app.
- pSensor = *pManager->EnumerateDevices<SensorDevice>().CreateDevice();
- }
- // If there was a problem detecting the Rift, display appropriate message.
- detectionResult = kCFUserNotificationAlternateResponse;
- if (!pHMD && !pSensor)
- detectionMessage = "Oculus Rift not detected.";
- else if (!pHMD)
- detectionMessage = "Oculus Sensor detected; HMD Display not detected.";
- else if (!pSensor)
- detectionMessage = "Oculus HMD Display detected; Sensor not detected.";
- else if (HMDInfo.DisplayDeviceName[0] == '\0')
- detectionMessage = "Oculus Sensor detected; HMD display EDID not detected.";
- else
- detectionMessage = 0;
- if (detectionMessage)
- {
- String messageText(detectionMessage);
- messageText += "\n\n"
- "Press 'Try Again' to run retry detection.\n"
- "Press 'Continue' to run full-screen anyway.";
- CFStringRef headerStrRef = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, "Oculus Rift Detection", kCFStringEncodingMacRoman);
- CFStringRef messageStrRef = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, messageText, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman);
- //launch the message box
- CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert(0,
- kCFUserNotificationNoteAlertLevel,
- headerStrRef, // header text
- messageStrRef, // message text
- CFSTR("Try again"),
- CFSTR("Continue"),
- CFSTR("Cancel"),
- &detectionResult);
- //Clean up the strings
- CFRelease(headerStrRef);
- CFRelease(messageStrRef);
- if (detectionResult == kCFUserNotificationCancelResponse ||
- detectionResult == kCFUserNotificationOtherResponse)
- return 1;
- }
- } while (detectionResult != kCFUserNotificationAlternateResponse);
- if (HMDInfo.HResolution > 0)
- {
- Width = HMDInfo.HResolution;
- Height = HMDInfo.VResolution;
- }
- if (!setupWindow())
- return 1;
- if (pSensor)
- {
- // We need to attach sensor to SensorFusion object for it to receive
- // body frame messages and update orientation. SFusion.GetOrientation()
- // is used in OnIdle() to orient the view.
- SFusion.AttachToSensor(pSensor);
- SFusion.SetDelegateMessageHandler(this);
- SFusion.SetPredictionEnabled(true);
- }
- // *** Initialize Rendering
- // Enable multi-sampling by default.
- RenderParams.Multisample = 4;
- RenderParams.Fullscreen = false;//true; //?
- // Setup Graphics.
- pRender = *OSX::RenderDevice::CreateDevice(RenderParams, (void*)View);
- if (!pRender)
- return 1;
- // *** Configure Stereo settings.
- SConfig.SetFullViewport(Viewport(0,0, Width, Height));
- SConfig.SetStereoMode(Stereo_LeftRight_Multipass);
- // Configure proper Distortion Fit.
- // For 7" screen, fit to touch left side of the view, leaving a bit of invisible
- // screen on the top (saves on rendering cost).
- // For smaller screens (5.5"), fit to the top.
- if (HMDInfo.HScreenSize > 0.0f)
- {
- if (HMDInfo.HScreenSize > 0.140f) // 7"
- SConfig.SetDistortionFitPointVP(-1.0f, 0.0f);
- else
- SConfig.SetDistortionFitPointVP(0.0f, 1.0f);
- }
- pRender->SetSceneRenderScale(SConfig.GetDistortionScale());
- SConfig.Set2DAreaFov(DegreeToRad(85.0f));
- // *** Populate Room Scene
- // This creates lights and models.
- PopulateRoomScene(&Scene, pRender);
- LastUpdate = GetAppTime();
- return 0;
-void OculusRoomTinyApp::OnMessage(const Message& msg)
- if (msg.Type == Message_DeviceAdded && msg.pDevice == pManager)
- {
- LogText("DeviceManager reported device added.\n");
- }
- else if (msg.Type == Message_DeviceRemoved && msg.pDevice == pManager)
- {
- LogText("DeviceManager reported device removed.\n");
- }
- else if (msg.Type == Message_DeviceAdded && msg.pDevice == pSensor)
- {
- LogText("Sensor reported device added.\n");
- }
- else if (msg.Type == Message_DeviceRemoved && msg.pDevice == pSensor)
- {
- LogText("Sensor reported device removed.\n");
- }
-bool OculusRoomTinyApp::setupWindow()
- NSRect winrect;
- winrect.origin.x = 0;
- winrect.origin.y = 1000;
- winrect.size.width = Width;
- winrect.size.height = Height;
- NSWindow* win = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:winrect styleMask:NSTitledWindowMask|NSClosableWindowMask backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO];
- OVRView* view = [[OVRView alloc] initWithFrame:winrect];
- [win setContentView:view];
- [win setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES];
- [win setDelegate:view];
- [view setApp:pApp];
- Win = win;
- View = view;
- const char* title = "OculusRoomTiny";
- [((NSWindow*)Win) setTitle:[[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:title length:strlen(title) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
- [NSCursor hide];
- [view warpMouseToCenter];
- CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition(false);
- SetFullscreen(RenderParams, true);
- return true;
-void OculusRoomTinyApp::destroyWindow()
- SetFullscreen(RenderParams, false);
- [((NSWindow*)Win) close];
-void OculusRoomTinyApp::OnMouseMove(int x, int y, int modifiers)
- OVR_UNUSED(modifiers);
- // Mouse motion here is always relative.
- int dx = x, dy = y;
- const float maxPitch = ((3.1415f/2)*0.98f);
- // Apply to rotation. Subtract for right body frame rotation,
- // since yaw rotation is positive CCW when looking down on XZ plane.
- EyeYaw -= (Sensitivity * dx)/ 360.0f;
- if (!pSensor)
- {
- EyePitch -= (Sensitivity * dy)/ 360.0f;
- if (EyePitch > maxPitch)
- EyePitch = maxPitch;
- if (EyePitch < -maxPitch)
- EyePitch = -maxPitch;
- }
-void OculusRoomTinyApp::OnKey(unsigned vk, bool down)
- switch (vk)
- {
- case 'Q':
- if (down && ControlDown)
- Exit();;
- break;
- case Key_Escape:
- if (!down)
- Exit();
- break;
- // Handle player movement keys.
- // We just update movement state here, while the actual translation is done in OnIdle()
- // based on time.
- case 'W': MoveForward = down ? (MoveForward | 1) : (MoveForward & ~1); break;
- case 'S': MoveBack = down ? (MoveBack | 1) : (MoveBack & ~1); break;
- case 'A': MoveLeft = down ? (MoveLeft | 1) : (MoveLeft & ~1); break;
- case 'D': MoveRight = down ? (MoveRight | 1) : (MoveRight & ~1); break;
- case Key_Up: MoveForward = down ? (MoveForward | 2) : (MoveForward & ~2); break;
- case Key_Down: MoveBack = down ? (MoveBack | 2) : (MoveBack & ~2); break;
- case 'R':
- SFusion.Reset();
- break;
- case 'P':
- if (down)
- {
- // Toggle chromatic aberration correction on/off.
- RenderDevice::PostProcessShader shader = pRender->GetPostProcessShader();
- if (shader == RenderDevice::PostProcessShader_Distortion)
- {
- pRender->SetPostProcessShader(RenderDevice::PostProcessShader_DistortionAndChromAb);
- }
- else if (shader == RenderDevice::PostProcessShader_DistortionAndChromAb)
- {
- pRender->SetPostProcessShader(RenderDevice::PostProcessShader_Distortion);
- }
- else
- OVR_ASSERT(false);
- }
- break;
- // Switch rendering modes/distortion.
- case Key_F1:
- SConfig.SetStereoMode(Stereo_None);
- PostProcess = PostProcess_None;
- break;
- case Key_F2:
- SConfig.SetStereoMode(Stereo_LeftRight_Multipass);
- PostProcess = PostProcess_None;
- break;
- case Key_F3:
- SConfig.SetStereoMode(Stereo_LeftRight_Multipass);
- PostProcess = PostProcess_Distortion;
- break;
- // Stereo IPD adjustments, in meter (default IPD is 64mm).
- case '+':
- case '=':
- if (down)
- SConfig.SetIPD(SConfig.GetIPD() + 0.0005f * (ShiftDown ? 5.0f : 1.0f));
- break;
- case '-':
- case '_':
- if (down)
- SConfig.SetIPD(SConfig.GetIPD() - 0.0005f * (ShiftDown ? 5.0f : 1.0f));
- break;
- // Holding down Shift key accelerates adjustment velocity.
- case Key_Shift:
- ShiftDown = down;
- break;
- case Key_Meta:
- ControlDown = down;
- break;
- }
-void OculusRoomTinyApp::OnIdle()
- double curtime = GetAppTime();
- float dt = float(curtime - LastUpdate);
- LastUpdate = curtime;
- // Handle Sensor motion.
- // We extract Yaw, Pitch, Roll instead of directly using the orientation
- // to allow "additional" yaw manipulation with mouse/controller.
- if (pSensor)
- {
- Quatf hmdOrient = SFusion.GetOrientation();
- float yaw = 0.0f;
- hmdOrient.GetEulerAngles<Axis_Y, Axis_X, Axis_Z>(&yaw, &EyePitch, &EyeRoll);
- EyeYaw += (yaw - LastSensorYaw);
- LastSensorYaw = yaw;
- }
- if (!pSensor)
- {
- const float maxPitch = ((3.1415f/2)*0.98f);
- if (EyePitch > maxPitch)
- EyePitch = maxPitch;
- if (EyePitch < -maxPitch)
- EyePitch = -maxPitch;
- }
- // Handle keyboard movement.
- // This translates EyePos based on Yaw vector direction and keys pressed.
- // Note that Pitch and Roll do not affect movement (they only affect view).
- if (MoveForward || MoveBack || MoveLeft || MoveRight)
- {
- Vector3f localMoveVector(0,0,0);
- Matrix4f yawRotate = Matrix4f::RotationY(EyeYaw);
- if (MoveForward)
- localMoveVector = ForwardVector;
- else if (MoveBack)
- localMoveVector = -ForwardVector;
- if (MoveRight)
- localMoveVector += RightVector;
- else if (MoveLeft)
- localMoveVector -= RightVector;
- // Normalize vector so we don't move faster diagonally.
- localMoveVector.Normalize();
- Vector3f orientationVector = yawRotate.Transform(localMoveVector);
- orientationVector *= MoveSpeed * dt * (ShiftDown ? 3.0f : 1.0f);
- EyePos += orientationVector;
- }
- // Rotate and position View Camera, using YawPitchRoll in BodyFrame coordinates.
- //
- Matrix4f rollPitchYaw = Matrix4f::RotationY(EyeYaw) * Matrix4f::RotationX(EyePitch) *
- Matrix4f::RotationZ(EyeRoll);
- Vector3f up = rollPitchYaw.Transform(UpVector);
- Vector3f forward = rollPitchYaw.Transform(ForwardVector);
- // Minimal head modelling.
- float headBaseToEyeHeight = 0.15f; // Vertical height of eye from base of head
- float headBaseToEyeProtrusion = 0.09f; // Distance forward of eye from base of head
- Vector3f eyeCenterInHeadFrame(0.0f, headBaseToEyeHeight, -headBaseToEyeProtrusion);
- Vector3f shiftedEyePos = EyePos + rollPitchYaw.Transform(eyeCenterInHeadFrame);
- shiftedEyePos.y -= eyeCenterInHeadFrame.y; // Bring the head back down to original height
- ViewMat = Matrix4f::LookAtRH(shiftedEyePos, shiftedEyePos + forward, up);
- // This is what transformation would be without head modeling.
- // View = Matrix4f::LookAtRH(EyePos, EyePos + forward, up);
- switch(SConfig.GetStereoMode())
- {
- case Stereo_None:
- Render(SConfig.GetEyeRenderParams(StereoEye_Center));
- break;
- case Stereo_LeftRight_Multipass:
- Render(SConfig.GetEyeRenderParams(StereoEye_Left));
- Render(SConfig.GetEyeRenderParams(StereoEye_Right));
- break;
- }
- pRender->Present();
- // Force GPU to flush the scene, resulting in the lowest possible latency.
- pRender->ForceFlushGPU();
-// Render the scene for one eye.
-void OculusRoomTinyApp::Render(const StereoEyeParams& stereo)
- pRender->BeginScene(PostProcess);
- // Apply Viewport/Projection for the eye.
- pRender->ApplyStereoParams(stereo);
- pRender->Clear();
- pRender->SetDepthMode(true, true);
- Scene.Render(pRender, stereo.ViewAdjust * ViewMat);
- pRender->FinishScene();
-void OculusRoomTinyApp::Exit()
- [NsApp stop:nil];
- Quit = true;
-bool OculusRoomTinyApp::SetFullscreen(const RenderTiny::RendererParams& rp, int fullscreen)
- if (fullscreen == RenderTiny::Display_Window)
- [(OVRView*)View exitFullScreenModeWithOptions:nil];
- else
- {
- NSScreen* usescreen = [NSScreen mainScreen];
- NSArray* screens = [NSScreen screens];
- for (int i = 0; i < [screens count]; i++)
- {
- NSScreen* s = (NSScreen*)[screens objectAtIndex:i];
- CGDirectDisplayID disp = [OVRView displayFromScreen:s];
- if (disp == rp.DisplayId)
- usescreen = s;
- }
- [(OVRView*)View enterFullScreenMode:usescreen withOptions:nil];
- }
- if (pRender)
- pRender->SetFullscreen((RenderTiny::DisplayMode)fullscreen);
- return 1;
-// ***** OS X-Specific Logic
-@implementation OVRApp
-- (void)dealloc
- [super dealloc];
-- (void)run
- NSAutoreleasePool* pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
- _running = YES;
- OculusRoomTinyApp* app;
- // Initializes LibOVR. This LogMask_All enables maximum logging.
- // Custom allocator can also be specified here.
- OVR::System::Init(OVR::Log::ConfigureDefaultLog(OVR::LogMask_All));
- int exitCode = 0;
- do
- {
- {
- using namespace OVR;
- // CreateApplication must be the first call since it does OVR::System::Initialize.
- app = new OculusRoomTinyApp(self);
- // The platform attached to an app will be deleted by DestroyApplication.
- [self setApp:app];
- const char* argv[] = {"OVRApp"};
- exitCode = app->OnStartup(argv[0]);
- if (exitCode)
- break;
- }
- [self finishLaunching];
- [pool drain];
- while ([self isRunning])
- {
- pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
- NSEvent* event = [self nextEventMatchingMask:NSAnyEventMask untilDate:nil inMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode dequeue:YES];
- if (event)
- {
- [self sendEvent:event];
- }
- _App->OnIdle();
- [pool drain];
- }
- } while(0);
- delete app;
- // No OVR functions involving memory are allowed after this.
- OVR::System::Destroy();
-static int KeyMap[][2] =
- { NSDeleteFunctionKey, OVR::Key_Delete },
- { '\t', OVR::Key_Tab },
- { '\n', OVR::Key_Return },
- { NSPauseFunctionKey, OVR::Key_Pause },
- { 27, OVR::Key_Escape },
- { 127, OVR::Key_Backspace },
- { ' ', OVR::Key_Space },
- { NSPageUpFunctionKey, OVR::Key_PageUp },
- { NSPageDownFunctionKey, OVR::Key_PageDown },
- { NSNextFunctionKey, OVR::Key_PageDown },
- { NSEndFunctionKey, OVR::Key_End },
- { NSHomeFunctionKey, OVR::Key_Home },
- { NSLeftArrowFunctionKey, OVR::Key_Left },
- { NSUpArrowFunctionKey, OVR::Key_Up },
- { NSRightArrowFunctionKey, OVR::Key_Right },
- { NSDownArrowFunctionKey, OVR::Key_Down },
- { NSInsertFunctionKey, OVR::Key_Insert },
- { NSDeleteFunctionKey, OVR::Key_Delete },
- { NSHelpFunctionKey, OVR::Key_Insert },
-static KeyCode MapToKeyCode(wchar_t vk)
- unsigned key = Key_None;
- if ((vk >= 'a') && (vk <= 'z'))
- {
- key = vk - 'a' + Key_A;
- }
- else if ((vk >= ' ') && (vk <= '~'))
- {
- key = vk;
- }
- else if ((vk >= '0') && (vk <= '9'))
- {
- key = vk - '0' + Key_Num0;
- }
- else if ((vk >= NSF1FunctionKey) && (vk <= NSF15FunctionKey))
- {
- key = vk - NSF1FunctionKey + Key_F1;
- }
- else
- {
- for (unsigned i = 0; i< (sizeof(KeyMap) / sizeof(KeyMap[1])); i++)
- {
- if (vk == KeyMap[i][0])
- {
- key = KeyMap[i][1];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return (KeyCode)key;
-@implementation OVRView
--(BOOL) acceptsFirstResponder
- return YES;
--(BOOL) acceptsFirstMouse:(NSEvent *)ev
- return YES;
-+(CGDirectDisplayID) displayFromScreen:(NSScreen *)s
- NSNumber* didref = (NSNumber*)[[s deviceDescription] objectForKey:@"NSScreenNumber"];
- CGDirectDisplayID disp = (CGDirectDisplayID)[didref longValue];
- return disp;
--(void) warpMouseToCenter
- NSPoint w;
- w.x = _App->GetWidth()/2.0f;
- w.y = _App->GetHeight()/2.0f;
- w = [[self window] convertBaseToScreen:w];
- CGDirectDisplayID disp = [OVRView displayFromScreen:[[self window] screen]];
- CGPoint p = {w.x, CGDisplayPixelsHigh(disp)-w.y};
- CGDisplayMoveCursorToPoint(disp, p);
--(void) keyDown:(NSEvent*)ev
- NSString* chars = [ev charactersIgnoringModifiers];
- if ([chars length])
- {
- wchar_t ch = [chars characterAtIndex:0];
- OVR::KeyCode key = MapToKeyCode(ch);
- _App->OnKey(key, true);
- }
--(void) keyUp:(NSEvent*)ev
- NSString* chars = [ev charactersIgnoringModifiers];
- if ([chars length])
- {
- wchar_t ch = [chars characterAtIndex:0];
- OVR::KeyCode key = MapToKeyCode(ch);
- _App->OnKey(key, false);
- }
--(void)flagsChanged:(NSEvent *)ev
- static const OVR::KeyCode ModifierKeys[] = {OVR::Key_None, OVR::Key_Shift, OVR::Key_Control, OVR::Key_Alt, OVR::Key_Meta};
- unsigned long cmods = [ev modifierFlags];
- if ((cmods & 0xffff0000) != _Modifiers)
- {
- uint32_t mods = 0;
- if (cmods & NSShiftKeyMask)
- mods |= 0x01;
- if (cmods & NSControlKeyMask)
- mods |= 0x02;
- if (cmods & NSAlternateKeyMask)
- mods |= 0x04;
- if (cmods & NSCommandKeyMask)
- mods |= 0x08;
- for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
- {
- unsigned long m = (1 << (16+i));
- if ((cmods & m) != (_Modifiers & m))
- {
- if (cmods & m)
- _App->OnKey(ModifierKeys[i], true);
- else
- _App->OnKey(ModifierKeys[i], false);
- }
- }
- _Modifiers = cmods & 0xffff0000;
- }
- switch ([ev type])
- {
- case NSLeftMouseDragged:
- case NSRightMouseDragged:
- case NSOtherMouseDragged:
- case NSMouseMoved:
- {
- int dx = [ev deltaX];
- int dy = [ev deltaY];
- if (dx != 0 || dy != 0)
- {
- _App->OnMouseMove(dx, dy, 0);
- [self warpMouseToCenter];
- }
- }
- break;
- case NSLeftMouseDown:
- case NSRightMouseDown:
- case NSOtherMouseDown:
- break;
- }
--(void) mouseMoved:(NSEvent*)ev
- [self ProcessMouse:ev];
--(void) mouseDragged:(NSEvent*)ev
- [self ProcessMouse:ev];
--(void) mouseDown:(NSEvent*)ev
- [self warpMouseToCenter];
- CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition(false);
- [NSCursor hide];
--(id) initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect
- NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute attr[] =
- {NSOpenGLPFAWindow, NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer, NSOpenGLPFADepthSize, 24, nil};
- NSOpenGLPixelFormat *pf = [[[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:attr] autorelease];
- self = [super initWithFrame:frameRect pixelFormat:pf];
- GLint swap = 0;
- [[self openGLContext] setValues:&swap forParameter:NSOpenGLCPSwapInterval];
- //[self setWantsBestResolutionOpenGLSurface:YES];
- return self;
- _App->Exit();
- return 1;
-// GL OSX-specific logic
-namespace OSX {
- RenderDevice::RenderDevice(const RendererParams& p, void* osview, void* context)
- : GL::RenderDevice(p), Context(context)
- {
- OVRView* view = (OVRView*)osview;
- NSRect bounds = [view bounds];
- WindowWidth = bounds.size.width;
- WindowHeight= bounds.size.height;
- }
- RenderDevice* RenderDevice::CreateDevice(const RendererParams& rp, void* osview)
- {
- OVRView* view = (OVRView*)osview;
- NSOpenGLContext *context = [view openGLContext];
- if (!context)
- return NULL;
- [context makeCurrentContext];
- [[view window] makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
- return new OSX::RenderDevice(rp, osview, context);
- }
- void RenderDevice::Present()
- {
- NSOpenGLContext *context = (NSOpenGLContext*)Context;
- [context flushBuffer];
- }
- void RenderDevice::Shutdown()
- {
- Context = NULL;
- }
- bool RenderDevice::SetFullscreen(DisplayMode fullscreen)
- {
- Params.Fullscreen = fullscreen;
- return 1;
- }
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- NSApplication* nsapp = [OVRApp sharedApplication];
- [nsapp run];
- return 0;