path: root/Samples/OculusWorldDemo/OculusWorldDemo.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'Samples/OculusWorldDemo/OculusWorldDemo.h')
1 files changed, 339 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Samples/OculusWorldDemo/OculusWorldDemo.h b/Samples/OculusWorldDemo/OculusWorldDemo.h
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+++ b/Samples/OculusWorldDemo/OculusWorldDemo.h
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+Filename : OculusWorldDemo.h
+Content : First-person view test application for Oculus Rift - Header file
+Created : October 4, 2012
+Authors : Michael Antonov, Andrew Reisse, Steve LaValle, Dov Katz
+ Peter Hoff, Dan Goodman, Bryan Croteau
+Copyright : Copyright 2012 Oculus VR, Inc. All Rights reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#ifndef INC_OculusWorldDemo_h
+#define INC_OculusWorldDemo_h
+#include "OVR.h"
+#include "../CommonSrc/Platform/Platform_Default.h"
+#include "../CommonSrc/Render/Render_Device.h"
+#include "../CommonSrc/Render/Render_XmlSceneLoader.h"
+#include "../CommonSrc/Platform/Gamepad.h"
+#include "Util/Util_Render_Stereo.h"
+using namespace OVR::Util::Render;
+#include <Kernel/OVR_SysFile.h>
+#include <Kernel/OVR_Log.h>
+#include <Kernel/OVR_Timer.h>
+#include "Player.h"
+#include "OVR_DeviceConstants.h"
+#include "OptionMenu.h"
+#include "RenderProfiler.h"
+// Filename to be loaded by default, searching specified paths.
+#define WORLDDEMO_ASSET_FILE "Tuscany.xml"
+#define WORLDDEMO_ASSET_PATH1 "Assets/Tuscany/"
+#define WORLDDEMO_ASSET_PATH2 "../../../Assets/Tuscany/"
+// This path allows the shortcut to work.
+#define WORLDDEMO_ASSET_PATH3 "Samples/OculusWorldDemo/Assets/Tuscany/"
+using namespace OVR;
+using namespace OVR::Platform;
+using namespace OVR::Render;
+// ***** OculusWorldDemo Description
+// This app renders a loaded scene allowing the user to move along the
+// floor and look around with an HMD, mouse and keyboard. The following keys work:
+// 'W', 'S', 'A', 'D' and Arrow Keys - Move forward, back; strafe left/right.
+// Space - Bring up status and help display.
+// Tab - Bring up/hide menu with editable options.
+// F4 - Toggle MSAA.
+// F9 - Cycle through fullscreen and windowed modes.
+// Necessary for previewing content with Rift.
+// Important Oculus-specific logic can be found at following locations:
+// OculusWorldDemoApp::OnStartup - This function will initialize the SDK, creating the Hmd
+// and delegating to CalculateHmdValues to initialize it.
+// OculusWorldDemoApp::OnIdle - Here we poll SensorFusion for orientation, apply it
+// to the scene and handle movement.
+// Stereo rendering is also done here, by delegating to
+// to the RenderEyeView() function for each eye.
+// ***** OculusWorldDemo Application class
+// An instance of this class is created on application startup (main/WinMain).
+// It then works as follows:
+// - Graphics and HMD setup is done OculusWorldDemoApp::OnStartup(). Much of
+// HMD configuration here is moved to CalculateHmdValues.
+// OnStartup also creates the room model from Slab declarations.
+// - Per-frame processing is done in OnIdle(). This function processes
+// sensor and movement input and then renders the frame.
+// - Additional input processing is done in OnMouse, OnKey.
+class OculusWorldDemoApp : public Application
+ OculusWorldDemoApp();
+ ~OculusWorldDemoApp();
+ virtual int OnStartup(int argc, const char** argv);
+ virtual void OnIdle();
+ virtual void OnMouseMove(int x, int y, int modifiers);
+ virtual void OnKey(OVR::KeyCode key, int chr, bool down, int modifiers);
+ virtual void OnResize(int width, int height);
+ bool SetupWindowAndRendering(int argc, const char** argv);
+ // Adds room model to scene.
+ void InitMainFilePath();
+ void PopulateScene(const char* fileName);
+ void PopulatePreloadScene();
+ void ClearScene();
+ void PopulateOptionMenu();
+ // Computes all of the Hmd values and configures render targets.
+ void CalculateHmdValues();
+ // Returns the actual size present.
+ Sizei EnsureRendertargetAtLeastThisBig (int rtNum, Sizei size);
+ // Renders full stereo scene for one eye.
+ void RenderEyeView(ovrEyeType eye);
+ // Renderes HUD overlay brough up by spacebar; 2D viewport must be set before call.
+ void RenderTextInfoHud(float textHeight);
+ void RenderAnimatedBlocks(ovrEyeType eye, double appTime);
+ void RenderGrid(ovrEyeType eye);
+ Matrix4f CalculateViewFromPose(const Posef& pose);
+ // Determine whether this frame needs rendering based on timewarp timing and flags.
+ bool FrameNeedsRendering(double curtime);
+ void ApplyDynamicResolutionScaling();
+ void UpdateFrameRateCounter(double curtime);
+ // Model creation and misc functions.
+ Model* CreateModel(Vector3f pos, struct SlabModel* sm);
+ Model* CreateBoundingModel(CollisionModel &cm);
+ void ChangeDisplay ( bool bBackToWindowed, bool bNextFullscreen, bool bFullWindowDebugging );
+ void GamepadStateChanged(const GamepadState& pad);
+ // Processes DeviceNotificationStatus queue to handles plug/unplug.
+ void ProcessDeviceNotificationQueue();
+ // ***** Callbacks for Menu option changes
+ // These contain extra actions to be taken in addition to switching the state.
+ void HmdSettingChange(OptionVar* = 0) { HmdSettingsChanged = true; }
+ void BlockShowChange(OptionVar* = 0) { BlocksCenter = ThePlayer.BodyPos; }
+ void EyeHeightChange(OptionVar* = 0) { ThePlayer.BodyPos.y = ThePlayer.UserEyeHeight; }
+ void HmdSettingChangeFreeRTs(OptionVar* = 0);
+ void MultisampleChange(OptionVar* = 0);
+ void CenterPupilDepthChange(OptionVar* = 0);
+ void DistortionClearColorChange(OptionVar* = 0);
+ RenderDevice* pRender;
+ RendererParams RenderParams;
+ Sizei WindowSize;
+ int ScreenNumber;
+ int FirstScreenInCycle;
+ struct RenderTarget
+ {
+ Ptr<Texture> pTex;
+ ovrTexture Tex;
+ };
+ enum RendertargetsEnum
+ {
+ Rendertarget_Left,
+ Rendertarget_Right,
+ Rendertarget_BothEyes, // Used when both eyes are rendered to the same target.
+ Rendertarget_LAST
+ };
+ RenderTarget RenderTargets[Rendertarget_LAST];
+ // ***** Oculus HMD Variables
+ ovrHmd Hmd;
+ ovrHmdDesc HmdDesc;
+ ovrEyeRenderDesc EyeRenderDesc[2];
+ Matrix4f Projection[2]; // Projection matrix for eye.
+ Matrix4f OrthoProjection[2]; // Projection for 2D.
+ ovrTexture EyeTexture[2];
+ // Sensor caps applied.
+ unsigned StartSensorCaps;
+ bool UsingDebugHmd;
+ // Frame timing logic.
+ enum { SecondsOfFpsMeasurement = 1 };
+ int FrameCounter;
+ double NextFPSUpdate;
+ float SecondsPerFrame;
+ float FPS;
+ double LastFpsUpdate;
+ // Times a single frame.
+ double LastUpdate;
+ // Loaded data.
+ String MainFilePath;
+ Array<Ptr<CollisionModel> > CollisionModels;
+ Array<Ptr<CollisionModel> > GroundCollisionModels;
+ // Loading process displays screenshot in first frame
+ // and then proceeds to load until finished.
+ enum LoadingStateType
+ {
+ LoadingState_Frame0,
+ LoadingState_DoLoad,
+ LoadingState_Finished
+ } LoadingState;
+ // Set when vision tracking is detected.
+ bool HaveVisionTracking;
+ GamepadState LastGamepadState;
+ Player ThePlayer;
+ Matrix4f View;
+ Scene MainScene;
+ Scene LoadingScene;
+ Scene SmallGreenCube;
+ Scene OculusCubesScene;
+ Scene RedCubesScene;
+ Scene BlueCubesScene;
+ // Last frame asn sensor data reported by BeginFrame().
+ ovrFrameTiming HmdFrameTiming;
+ unsigned HmdStatus;
+ // ***** Modifiable Menu Options
+ // This flag is set when HMD settings change, causing HMD to be re-initialized.
+ bool HmdSettingsChanged;
+ // Render Target - affecting state.
+ bool RendertargetIsSharedByBothEyes;
+ bool DynamicRezScalingEnabled;
+ bool ForceZeroIpd;
+ float DesiredPixelDensity;
+ float FovSideTanMax;
+ float FovSideTanLimit; // Limit value for Fov.
+ // Time-warp.
+ bool TimewarpEnabled;
+ float TimewarpRenderIntervalInSeconds;
+ bool FreezeEyeUpdate;
+ bool FreezeEyeOneFrameRendered;
+ // Other global settings.
+ float CenterPupilDepthMeters;
+ // float IPD;
+ bool ForceZeroHeadMovement;
+ bool VsyncEnabled;
+ bool MultisampleEnabled;
+ // DK2 only
+ bool IsLowPersistence;
+ bool DynamicPrediction;
+ bool PositionTrackingEnabled;
+ // Support toggling background color for distortion so that we can see
+ // the effect on the periphery.
+ int DistortionClearBlue;
+ // Stereo settings adjustment state.
+ bool ShiftDown;
+ bool CtrlDown;
+ // ***** Scene Rendering Modes
+ enum SceneRenderMode
+ {
+ Scene_World,
+ Scene_Cubes,
+ Scene_OculusCubes
+ };
+ SceneRenderMode SceneMode;
+ enum GridDispayModeType
+ {
+ GridDisplay_None,
+ GridDisplay_GridOnly,
+ GridDisplay_GridAndScene
+ };
+ GridDispayModeType GridDisplayMode;
+ // What type of grid to display.
+ enum GridModeType
+ {
+ Grid_Rendertarget4,
+ Grid_Rendertarget16,
+ Grid_Lens,
+ Grid_Last
+ };
+ GridModeType GridMode;
+ // What help screen we display, brought up by 'Spacebar'.
+ enum TextScreen
+ {
+ Text_None,
+ Text_Info,
+ Text_Timing,
+ Text_Help1,
+ Text_Help2,
+ Text_Count
+ };
+ TextScreen TextScreen;
+ // Whether we are displaying animated blocks and what type.
+ int BlocksShowType;
+ Vector3f BlocksCenter;
+ // User configurable options, brought up by 'Tab' key.
+ // Also handles shortcuts and pop-up overlay messages.
+ OptionSelectionMenu Menu;
+ // Profiler for rendering - displays timing stats.
+ RenderProfiler Profiler;
+#endif // INC_OculusWorldDemo_h