float2 EyeToSourceUVScale; float2 EyeToSourceUVOffset; float4x4 EyeRotationStart; float4x4 EyeRotationEnd; float2 TimewarpTexCoordToWarpedPos(float2 inTexCoord, float4x4 rotMat) { // Vertex inputs are in TanEyeAngle space for the R,G,B channels (i.e. after chromatic aberration and distortion). // These are now "real world" vectors in direction (x,y,1) relative to the eye of the HMD. // Apply the 3x3 timewarp rotation to these vectors. float3 transformed = float3( mul ( rotMat, float4(inTexCoord,1,1) ).xyz); // Project them back onto the Z=1 plane of the rendered images. float2 flattened = transformed.xy / transformed.z; // Scale them into ([0,0.5],[0,1]) or ([0.5,0],[0,1]) UV lookup space (depending on eye) return flattened * EyeToSourceUVScale + EyeToSourceUVOffset; } void main(in float2 Position : POSITION, in float4 Color : COLOR0, in float2 TexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0, out float4 oPosition : SV_Position, out float1 oColor : COLOR, out float2 oTexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0) { oPosition.x = Position.x; oPosition.y = Position.y; oPosition.z = 0.5; oPosition.w = 1.0; float timewarpLerpFactor = Color.a; float4x4 lerpedEyeRot = lerp(EyeRotationStart, EyeRotationEnd, timewarpLerpFactor); // Warped positions are a bit more involved, hence a separate function oTexCoord0 = TimewarpTexCoordToWarpedPos(TexCoord0, lerpedEyeRot); oColor = Color.r; // Used for vignette fade. }