/************************************************************************************ Filename : OVR_BitStream.cpp Content : A generic serialization toolkit for packing data to a binary stream. Created : June 10, 2014 Authors : Kevin Jenkins Copyright : Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, LLC All Rights reserved. Licensed under the Oculus VR Rift SDK License Version 3.2 (the "License"); you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License, which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.oculusvr.com/licenses/LICENSE-3.2 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ************************************************************************************/ #include "OVR_BitStream.h" #ifdef OVR_OS_WIN32 #if defined(_WINSOCKAPI_) && !defined(OVR_CC_MSVC) && !defined(_WINSOCK2API_) /** Silent warning using mingw64, _WINSOCKAPI_ is disabled in ./LibOVRKernel/Src/Kernel/OVR_Win32_IncludeWindows.h */ #undef _WINSOCKAPI_ #endif /* defined(_WINSOCKAPI_) && !defined(OVR_CC_MSVC) && !defined(_WINSOCK2API_) */ #include #else #include #endif namespace OVR { namespace Net { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BitStream BitStream::BitStream() { numberOfBitsUsed = 0; //numberOfBitsAllocated = 32 * 8; numberOfBitsAllocated = BITSTREAM_STACK_ALLOCATION_SIZE * 8; readOffset = 0; //data = ( unsigned char* ) OVR_ALLOC( 32); data = ( unsigned char* ) stackData; #ifdef _DEBUG // OVR_ASSERT( data ); #endif //memset(data, 0, 32); copyData = true; } BitStream::BitStream( const unsigned int initialBytesToAllocate ) { numberOfBitsUsed = 0; readOffset = 0; if (initialBytesToAllocate <= BITSTREAM_STACK_ALLOCATION_SIZE) { data = ( unsigned char* ) stackData; numberOfBitsAllocated = BITSTREAM_STACK_ALLOCATION_SIZE * 8; } else { data = ( unsigned char* ) OVR_ALLOC( (size_t) initialBytesToAllocate); numberOfBitsAllocated = initialBytesToAllocate << 3; } #ifdef _DEBUG OVR_ASSERT( data ); #endif // memset(data, 0, initialBytesToAllocate); copyData = true; } BitStream::BitStream( char* _data, const unsigned int lengthInBytes, bool _copyData ) { numberOfBitsUsed = lengthInBytes << 3; readOffset = 0; copyData = _copyData; numberOfBitsAllocated = lengthInBytes << 3; if ( copyData ) { if ( lengthInBytes > 0 ) { if (lengthInBytes < BITSTREAM_STACK_ALLOCATION_SIZE) { data = ( unsigned char* ) stackData; numberOfBitsAllocated = BITSTREAM_STACK_ALLOCATION_SIZE << 3; } else { data = ( unsigned char* ) OVR_ALLOC( (size_t) lengthInBytes); } #ifdef _DEBUG OVR_ASSERT( data ); #endif memcpy( data, _data, (size_t) lengthInBytes ); } else data = 0; } else data = ( unsigned char* ) _data; } void BitStream::WrapBuffer(unsigned char* _data, const unsigned int lengthInBytes) { if (copyData && numberOfBitsAllocated > (BITSTREAM_STACK_ALLOCATION_SIZE << 3)) OVR_FREE(data); // Use realloc and free so we are more efficient than delete and new for resizing numberOfBitsUsed = lengthInBytes << 3; readOffset = 0; copyData = false; numberOfBitsAllocated = lengthInBytes << 3; data = (unsigned char*)_data; } // Use this if you pass a pointer copy to the constructor (_copyData==false) and want to overallocate to prevent reallocation void BitStream::SetNumberOfBitsAllocated( const BitSize_t lengthInBits ) { #ifdef _DEBUG OVR_ASSERT( lengthInBits >= ( BitSize_t ) numberOfBitsAllocated ); #endif numberOfBitsAllocated = lengthInBits; } BitStream::~BitStream() { if ( copyData && numberOfBitsAllocated > (BITSTREAM_STACK_ALLOCATION_SIZE << 3)) OVR_FREE( data ); // Use realloc and free so we are more efficient than delete and new for resizing } void BitStream::Reset( void ) { // Note: Do NOT reallocate memory because BitStream is used // in places to serialize/deserialize a buffer. Reallocation // is a dangerous operation (may result in leaks). if ( numberOfBitsUsed > 0 ) { // memset(data, 0, BITS_TO_BYTES(numberOfBitsUsed)); } // Don't free memory here for speed efficiency //free(data); // Use realloc and free so we are more efficient than delete and new for resizing numberOfBitsUsed = 0; //numberOfBitsAllocated=8; readOffset = 0; //data=(unsigned char*)OVR_ALLOC(1, _FILE_AND_LINE_); // if (numberOfBitsAllocated>0) // memset(data, 0, BITS_TO_BYTES(numberOfBitsAllocated)); } // Write an array or casted stream void BitStream::Write( const char* inputByteArray, const unsigned int numberOfBytes ) { if (numberOfBytes==0) return; // Optimization: if ((numberOfBitsUsed & 7) == 0) { AddBitsAndReallocate( BYTES_TO_BITS(numberOfBytes) ); memcpy(data+BITS_TO_BYTES(numberOfBitsUsed), inputByteArray, (size_t) numberOfBytes); numberOfBitsUsed+=BYTES_TO_BITS(numberOfBytes); } else { WriteBits( ( unsigned char* ) inputByteArray, numberOfBytes * 8, true ); } } void BitStream::Write( BitStream *bitStream) { Write(bitStream, bitStream->GetNumberOfBitsUsed()-bitStream->GetReadOffset()); } void BitStream::Write( BitStream *bitStream, BitSize_t numberOfBits ) { AddBitsAndReallocate( numberOfBits ); BitSize_t numberOfBitsMod8; if ((bitStream->GetReadOffset()&7)==0 && (numberOfBitsUsed&7)==0) { int readOffsetBytes=bitStream->GetReadOffset()/8; int numBytes=numberOfBits/8; memcpy(data + (numberOfBitsUsed >> 3), bitStream->GetData()+readOffsetBytes, numBytes); numberOfBits-=BYTES_TO_BITS(numBytes); bitStream->SetReadOffset(BYTES_TO_BITS(numBytes+readOffsetBytes)); numberOfBitsUsed+=BYTES_TO_BITS(numBytes); } while (numberOfBits > 0 && bitStream->readOffset + 1 <= bitStream->numberOfBitsUsed) { --numberOfBits; numberOfBitsMod8 = numberOfBitsUsed & 7; if ( numberOfBitsMod8 == 0 ) { // New byte if (bitStream->data[ bitStream->readOffset >> 3 ] & ( 0x80 >> ( bitStream->readOffset & 7 ) ) ) { // Write 1 data[ numberOfBitsUsed >> 3 ] = 0x80; } else { // Write 0 data[ numberOfBitsUsed >> 3 ] = 0; } } else { // Existing byte if (bitStream->data[ bitStream->readOffset >> 3 ] & ( 0x80 >> ( bitStream->readOffset & 7 ) ) ) data[ numberOfBitsUsed >> 3 ] |= 0x80 >> ( numberOfBitsMod8 ); // Set the bit to 1 // else 0, do nothing } bitStream->readOffset++; numberOfBitsUsed++; } } void BitStream::Write( BitStream &bitStream, BitSize_t numberOfBits ) { Write(&bitStream, numberOfBits); } void BitStream::Write( BitStream &bitStream ) { Write(&bitStream); } bool BitStream::Read( BitStream *bitStream, BitSize_t numberOfBits ) { if (GetNumberOfUnreadBits() < numberOfBits) return false; bitStream->Write(this, numberOfBits); return true; } bool BitStream::Read( BitStream *bitStream ) { bitStream->Write(this); return true; } bool BitStream::Read( BitStream &bitStream, BitSize_t numberOfBits ) { if (GetNumberOfUnreadBits() < numberOfBits) return false; bitStream.Write(this, numberOfBits); return true; } bool BitStream::Read( BitStream &bitStream ) { bitStream.Write(this); return true; } // Read an array or casted stream bool BitStream::Read( char* outByteArray, const unsigned int numberOfBytes ) { // Optimization: if ((readOffset & 7) == 0) { if ( readOffset + ( numberOfBytes << 3 ) > numberOfBitsUsed ) return false; // Write the data memcpy( outByteArray, data + ( readOffset >> 3 ), (size_t) numberOfBytes ); readOffset += numberOfBytes << 3; return true; } else { return ReadBits( ( unsigned char* ) outByteArray, numberOfBytes * 8 ); } } // Sets the read pointer back to the beginning of your data. void BitStream::ResetReadPointer( void ) { readOffset = 0; } // Sets the write pointer back to the beginning of your data. void BitStream::ResetWritePointer( void ) { numberOfBitsUsed = 0; } // Write a 0 void BitStream::Write0( void ) { AddBitsAndReallocate( 1 ); // New bytes need to be zeroed if ( ( numberOfBitsUsed & 7 ) == 0 ) data[ numberOfBitsUsed >> 3 ] = 0; numberOfBitsUsed++; } // Write a 1 void BitStream::Write1( void ) { AddBitsAndReallocate( 1 ); BitSize_t numberOfBitsMod8 = numberOfBitsUsed & 7; if ( numberOfBitsMod8 == 0 ) data[ numberOfBitsUsed >> 3 ] = 0x80; else data[ numberOfBitsUsed >> 3 ] |= 0x80 >> ( numberOfBitsMod8 ); // Set the bit to 1 numberOfBitsUsed++; } // Returns true if the next data read is a 1, false if it is a 0 bool BitStream::ReadBit( void ) { bool result = ( data[ readOffset >> 3 ] & ( 0x80 >> ( readOffset & 7 ) ) ) !=0; readOffset++; return result; } // Align the bitstream to the byte boundary and then write the specified number of bits. // This is faster than WriteBits but wastes the bits to do the alignment and requires you to call // SetReadToByteAlignment at the corresponding read position void BitStream::WriteAlignedBytes( const unsigned char* inByteArray, const unsigned int numberOfBytesToWrite ) { AlignWriteToByteBoundary(); Write((const char*) inByteArray, numberOfBytesToWrite); } void BitStream::EndianSwapBytes( int byteOffset, int length ) { if (DoEndianSwap()) { ReverseBytesInPlace(data+byteOffset, length); } } /// Aligns the bitstream, writes inputLength, and writes input. Won't write beyond maxBytesToWrite void BitStream::WriteAlignedBytesSafe( const char *inByteArray, const unsigned int inputLength, const unsigned int maxBytesToWrite ) { if (inByteArray==0 || inputLength==0) { WriteCompressed((unsigned int)0); return; } WriteCompressed(inputLength); WriteAlignedBytes((const unsigned char*) inByteArray, inputLength < maxBytesToWrite ? inputLength : maxBytesToWrite); } // Read bits, starting at the next aligned bits. Note that the modulus 8 starting offset of the // sequence must be the same as was used with WriteBits. This will be a problem with packet coalescence // unless you byte align the coalesced packets. bool BitStream::ReadAlignedBytes( unsigned char* inOutByteArray, const unsigned int numberOfBytesToRead ) { #ifdef _DEBUG OVR_ASSERT( numberOfBytesToRead > 0 ); #endif if ( numberOfBytesToRead <= 0 ) return false; // Byte align AlignReadToByteBoundary(); if ( readOffset + ( numberOfBytesToRead << 3 ) > numberOfBitsUsed ) return false; // Write the data memcpy( inOutByteArray, data + ( readOffset >> 3 ), (size_t) numberOfBytesToRead ); readOffset += numberOfBytesToRead << 3; return true; } bool BitStream::ReadAlignedBytesSafe( char *inOutByteArray, int &inputLength, const int maxBytesToRead ) { return ReadAlignedBytesSafe(inOutByteArray,(unsigned int&) inputLength,(unsigned int)maxBytesToRead); } bool BitStream::ReadAlignedBytesSafe( char *inOutByteArray, unsigned int &inputLength, const unsigned int maxBytesToRead ) { if (ReadCompressed(inputLength)==false) return false; if (inputLength > maxBytesToRead) inputLength=maxBytesToRead; if (inputLength==0) return true; return ReadAlignedBytes((unsigned char*) inOutByteArray, inputLength); } bool BitStream::ReadAlignedBytesSafeAlloc( char **outByteArray, int &inputLength, const unsigned int maxBytesToRead ) { return ReadAlignedBytesSafeAlloc(outByteArray,(unsigned int&) inputLength, maxBytesToRead); } bool BitStream::ReadAlignedBytesSafeAlloc( char ** outByteArray, unsigned int &inputLength, const unsigned int maxBytesToRead ) { OVR_FREE(*outByteArray); *outByteArray=0; if (ReadCompressed(inputLength)==false) return false; if (inputLength > maxBytesToRead) inputLength=maxBytesToRead; if (inputLength==0) return true; *outByteArray = (char*) OVR_ALLOC( (size_t) inputLength); return ReadAlignedBytes((unsigned char*) *outByteArray, inputLength); } // Write numberToWrite bits from the input source void BitStream::WriteBits( const unsigned char* inByteArray, BitSize_t numberOfBitsToWrite, const bool rightAlignedBits ) { // if (numberOfBitsToWrite<=0) // return; AddBitsAndReallocate( numberOfBitsToWrite ); const BitSize_t numberOfBitsUsedMod8 = numberOfBitsUsed & 7; // If currently aligned and numberOfBits is a multiple of 8, just memcpy for speed if (numberOfBitsUsedMod8==0 && (numberOfBitsToWrite&7)==0) { memcpy( data + ( numberOfBitsUsed >> 3 ), inByteArray, numberOfBitsToWrite>>3); numberOfBitsUsed+=numberOfBitsToWrite; return; } unsigned char dataByte; const unsigned char* inputPtr=inByteArray; // Faster to put the while at the top surprisingly enough while ( numberOfBitsToWrite > 0 ) //do { dataByte = *( inputPtr++ ); if ( numberOfBitsToWrite < 8 && rightAlignedBits ) // rightAlignedBits means in the case of a partial byte, the bits are aligned from the right (bit 0) rather than the left (as in the normal internal representation) dataByte <<= 8 - numberOfBitsToWrite; // shift left to get the bits on the left, as in our internal representation // Writing to a new byte each time if ( numberOfBitsUsedMod8 == 0 ) * ( data + ( numberOfBitsUsed >> 3 ) ) = dataByte; else { // Copy over the new data. *( data + ( numberOfBitsUsed >> 3 ) ) |= dataByte >> ( numberOfBitsUsedMod8 ); // First half if ( 8 - ( numberOfBitsUsedMod8 ) < 8 && 8 - ( numberOfBitsUsedMod8 ) < numberOfBitsToWrite ) // If we didn't write it all out in the first half (8 - (numberOfBitsUsed%8) is the number we wrote in the first half) { *( data + ( numberOfBitsUsed >> 3 ) + 1 ) = (unsigned char) ( dataByte << ( 8 - ( numberOfBitsUsedMod8 ) ) ); // Second half (overlaps byte boundary) } } if ( numberOfBitsToWrite >= 8 ) { numberOfBitsUsed += 8; numberOfBitsToWrite -= 8; } else { numberOfBitsUsed += numberOfBitsToWrite; numberOfBitsToWrite=0; } } // } while(numberOfBitsToWrite>0); } // Set the stream to some initial data. For internal use void BitStream::SetData( unsigned char *inByteArray ) { data=inByteArray; copyData=false; } // Assume the input source points to a native type, compress and write it void BitStream::WriteCompressed( const unsigned char* inByteArray, const unsigned int size, const bool unsignedData ) { BitSize_t currentByte = ( size >> 3 ) - 1; // PCs unsigned char byteMatch; if ( unsignedData ) { byteMatch = 0; } else { byteMatch = 0xFF; } // Write upper bytes with a single 1 // From high byte to low byte, if high byte is a byteMatch then write a 1 bit. Otherwise write a 0 bit and then write the remaining bytes while ( currentByte > 0 ) { if ( inByteArray[ currentByte ] == byteMatch ) // If high byte is byteMatch (0 of 0xff) then it would have the same value shifted { bool b = true; Write( b ); } else { // Write the remainder of the data after writing 0 bool b = false; Write( b ); WriteBits( inByteArray, ( currentByte + 1 ) << 3, true ); // currentByte--; return ; } currentByte--; } // If the upper half of the last byte is a 0 (positive) or 16 (negative) then write a 1 and the remaining 4 bits. Otherwise write a 0 and the 8 bites. if ( ( unsignedData && ( ( *( inByteArray + currentByte ) ) & 0xF0 ) == 0x00 ) || ( unsignedData == false && ( ( *( inByteArray + currentByte ) ) & 0xF0 ) == 0xF0 ) ) { bool b = true; Write( b ); WriteBits( inByteArray + currentByte, 4, true ); } else { bool b = false; Write( b ); WriteBits( inByteArray + currentByte, 8, true ); } } // Read numberOfBitsToRead bits to the output source // alignBitsToRight should be set to true to convert internal bitstream data to userdata // It should be false if you used WriteBits with rightAlignedBits false bool BitStream::ReadBits( unsigned char *inOutByteArray, BitSize_t numberOfBitsToRead, const bool alignBitsToRight ) { #ifdef _DEBUG // OVR_ASSERT( numberOfBitsToRead > 0 ); #endif if (numberOfBitsToRead<=0) return false; if ( readOffset + numberOfBitsToRead > numberOfBitsUsed ) return false; const BitSize_t readOffsetMod8 = readOffset & 7; // If currently aligned and numberOfBits is a multiple of 8, just memcpy for speed if (readOffsetMod8==0 && (numberOfBitsToRead&7)==0) { memcpy( inOutByteArray, data + ( readOffset >> 3 ), numberOfBitsToRead>>3); readOffset+=numberOfBitsToRead; return true; } BitSize_t offset = 0; memset( inOutByteArray, 0, (size_t) BITS_TO_BYTES( numberOfBitsToRead ) ); while ( numberOfBitsToRead > 0 ) { *( inOutByteArray + offset ) |= *( data + ( readOffset >> 3 ) ) << ( readOffsetMod8 ); // First half if ( readOffsetMod8 > 0 && numberOfBitsToRead > 8 - ( readOffsetMod8 ) ) // If we have a second half, we didn't read enough bytes in the first half *( inOutByteArray + offset ) |= *( data + ( readOffset >> 3 ) + 1 ) >> ( 8 - ( readOffsetMod8 ) ); // Second half (overlaps byte boundary) if (numberOfBitsToRead>=8) { numberOfBitsToRead -= 8; readOffset += 8; offset++; } else { int neg = (int) numberOfBitsToRead - 8; if ( neg < 0 ) // Reading a partial byte for the last byte, shift right so the data is aligned on the right { if ( alignBitsToRight ) * ( inOutByteArray + offset ) >>= -neg; readOffset += 8 + neg; } else readOffset += 8; offset++; numberOfBitsToRead=0; } } return true; } // Assume the input source points to a compressed native type. Decompress and read it bool BitStream::ReadCompressed( unsigned char* inOutByteArray, const unsigned int size, const bool unsignedData ) { unsigned int currentByte = ( size >> 3 ) - 1; unsigned char byteMatch, halfByteMatch; if ( unsignedData ) { byteMatch = 0; halfByteMatch = 0; } else { byteMatch = 0xFF; halfByteMatch = 0xF0; } // Upper bytes are specified with a single 1 if they match byteMatch // From high byte to low byte, if high byte is a byteMatch then write a 1 bit. Otherwise write a 0 bit and then write the remaining bytes while ( currentByte > 0 ) { // If we read a 1 then the data is byteMatch. bool b; if ( Read( b ) == false ) return false; if ( b ) // Check that bit { inOutByteArray[ currentByte ] = byteMatch; currentByte--; } else { // Read the rest of the bytes if ( ReadBits( inOutByteArray, ( currentByte + 1 ) << 3 ) == false ) return false; return true; } } // All but the first bytes are byteMatch. If the upper half of the last byte is a 0 (positive) or 16 (negative) then what we read will be a 1 and the remaining 4 bits. // Otherwise we read a 0 and the 8 bytes //OVR_ASSERT(readOffset+1 <=numberOfBitsUsed); // If this assert is hit the stream wasn't long enough to read from if ( readOffset + 1 > numberOfBitsUsed ) return false; bool b=false; if ( Read( b ) == false ) return false; if ( b ) // Check that bit { if ( ReadBits( inOutByteArray + currentByte, 4 ) == false ) return false; inOutByteArray[ currentByte ] |= halfByteMatch; // We have to set the high 4 bits since these are set to 0 by ReadBits } else { if ( ReadBits( inOutByteArray + currentByte, 8 ) == false ) return false; } return true; } // Reallocates (if necessary) in preparation of writing numberOfBitsToWrite void BitStream::AddBitsAndReallocate( const BitSize_t numberOfBitsToWrite ) { BitSize_t newNumberOfBitsAllocated = numberOfBitsToWrite + numberOfBitsUsed; if ( numberOfBitsToWrite + numberOfBitsUsed > 0 && ( ( numberOfBitsAllocated - 1 ) >> 3 ) < ( ( newNumberOfBitsAllocated - 1 ) >> 3 ) ) // If we need to allocate 1 or more new bytes { #ifdef _DEBUG // If this assert hits then we need to specify true for the third parameter in the constructor // It needs to reallocate to hold all the data and can't do it unless we allocated to begin with // Often hits if you call Write or Serialize on a read-only bitstream OVR_ASSERT( copyData == true ); #endif // Less memory efficient but saves on news and deletes /// Cap to 1 meg buffer to save on huge allocations newNumberOfBitsAllocated = ( numberOfBitsToWrite + numberOfBitsUsed ) * 2; if (newNumberOfBitsAllocated - ( numberOfBitsToWrite + numberOfBitsUsed ) > 1048576 ) newNumberOfBitsAllocated = numberOfBitsToWrite + numberOfBitsUsed + 1048576; // BitSize_t newByteOffset = BITS_TO_BYTES( numberOfBitsAllocated ); // Use realloc and free so we are more efficient than delete and new for resizing BitSize_t amountToAllocate = BITS_TO_BYTES( newNumberOfBitsAllocated ); if (data==(unsigned char*)stackData) { if (amountToAllocate > BITSTREAM_STACK_ALLOCATION_SIZE) { data = ( unsigned char* ) OVR_ALLOC( (size_t) amountToAllocate); OVR_ASSERT(data); if (data) { // need to copy the stack data over to our new memory area too memcpy ((void *)data, (void *)stackData, (size_t) BITS_TO_BYTES( numberOfBitsAllocated )); } } } else { data = ( unsigned char* ) OVR_REALLOC( data, (size_t) amountToAllocate); } #ifdef _DEBUG OVR_ASSERT( data ); // Make sure realloc succeeded #endif // memset(data+newByteOffset, 0, ((newNumberOfBitsAllocated-1)>>3) - ((numberOfBitsAllocated-1)>>3)); // Set the new data block to 0 } if ( newNumberOfBitsAllocated > numberOfBitsAllocated ) numberOfBitsAllocated = newNumberOfBitsAllocated; } BitSize_t BitStream::GetNumberOfBitsAllocated(void) const { return numberOfBitsAllocated; } void BitStream::PadWithZeroToByteLength( unsigned int bytes ) { if (GetNumberOfBytesUsed() < bytes) { AlignWriteToByteBoundary(); unsigned int numToWrite = bytes - GetNumberOfBytesUsed(); AddBitsAndReallocate( BYTES_TO_BITS(numToWrite) ); memset(data+BITS_TO_BYTES(numberOfBitsUsed), 0, (size_t) numToWrite); numberOfBitsUsed+=BYTES_TO_BITS(numToWrite); } } /* // Julius Goryavsky's version of Harley's algorithm. // 17 elementary ops plus an indexed load, if the machine // has "and not." int nlz10b(unsigned x) { static char table[64] = {32,20,19, u, u,18, u, 7, 10,17, u, u,14, u, 6, u, u, 9, u,16, u, u, 1,26, u,13, u, u,24, 5, u, u, u,21, u, 8,11, u,15, u, u, u, u, 2,27, 0,25, u, 22, u,12, u, u, 3,28, u, 23, u, 4,29, u, u,30,31}; x = x | (x >> 1); // Propagate leftmost x = x | (x >> 2); // 1-bit to the right. x = x | (x >> 4); x = x | (x >> 8); x = x & ~(x >> 16); x = x*0xFD7049FF; // Activate this line or the following 3. // x = (x << 9) - x; // Multiply by 511. // x = (x << 11) - x; // Multiply by 2047. // x = (x << 14) - x; // Multiply by 16383. return table[x >> 26]; } */ int BitStream::NumberOfLeadingZeroes( int8_t x ) {return NumberOfLeadingZeroes((uint8_t)x);} int BitStream::NumberOfLeadingZeroes( uint8_t x ) { uint8_t y; int n; n = 8; y = x >> 4; if (y != 0) {n = n - 4; x = y;} y = x >> 2; if (y != 0) {n = n - 2; x = y;} y = x >> 1; if (y != 0) return n - 2; return (int)(n - x); } int BitStream::NumberOfLeadingZeroes( int16_t x ) {return NumberOfLeadingZeroes((uint16_t)x);} int BitStream::NumberOfLeadingZeroes( uint16_t x ) { uint16_t y; int n; n = 16; y = x >> 8; if (y != 0) {n = n - 8; x = y;} y = x >> 4; if (y != 0) {n = n - 4; x = y;} y = x >> 2; if (y != 0) {n = n - 2; x = y;} y = x >> 1; if (y != 0) return n - 2; return (int)(n - x); } int BitStream::NumberOfLeadingZeroes( int32_t x ) {return NumberOfLeadingZeroes((uint32_t)x);} int BitStream::NumberOfLeadingZeroes( uint32_t x ) { uint32_t y; int n; n = 32; y = x >>16; if (y != 0) {n = n -16; x = y;} y = x >> 8; if (y != 0) {n = n - 8; x = y;} y = x >> 4; if (y != 0) {n = n - 4; x = y;} y = x >> 2; if (y != 0) {n = n - 2; x = y;} y = x >> 1; if (y != 0) return n - 2; return (int)(n - x); } int BitStream::NumberOfLeadingZeroes( int64_t x ) {return NumberOfLeadingZeroes((uint64_t)x);} int BitStream::NumberOfLeadingZeroes( uint64_t x ) { uint64_t y; int n; n = 64; y = x >>32; if (y != 0) {n = n -32; x = y;} y = x >>16; if (y != 0) {n = n -16; x = y;} y = x >> 8; if (y != 0) {n = n - 8; x = y;} y = x >> 4; if (y != 0) {n = n - 4; x = y;} y = x >> 2; if (y != 0) {n = n - 2; x = y;} y = x >> 1; if (y != 0) return n - 2; return (int)(n - x); } // Should hit if reads didn't match writes void BitStream::AssertStreamEmpty( void ) { OVR_ASSERT( readOffset == numberOfBitsUsed ); } void BitStream::PrintBits( char *out ) const { if ( numberOfBitsUsed <= 0 ) { OVR_strcpy(out, 128, "No bits\n" ); return; } unsigned int strIndex=0; for ( BitSize_t counter = 0; counter < BITS_TO_BYTES( numberOfBitsUsed ) && strIndex < 2000 ; counter++ ) { BitSize_t stop; if ( counter == ( numberOfBitsUsed - 1 ) >> 3 ) stop = 8 - ( ( ( numberOfBitsUsed - 1 ) & 7 ) + 1 ); else stop = 0; for ( BitSize_t counter2 = 7; counter2 >= stop; counter2-- ) { if ( ( data[ counter ] >> counter2 ) & 1 ) out[strIndex++]='1'; else out[strIndex++]='0'; if (counter2==0) break; } out[strIndex++]=' '; } out[strIndex++]='\n'; out[strIndex++]=0; } void BitStream::PrintBits( void ) const { char out[2048]; PrintBits(out); printf("%s", out); } void BitStream::PrintHex( char *out ) const { BitSize_t i; for ( i=0; i < GetNumberOfBytesUsed(); i++) { OVR_sprintf(out+i*3, 128, "%02x ", data[i]); } } void BitStream::PrintHex( void ) const { char out[2048]; PrintHex(out); printf("%s", out); } // Exposes the data for you to look at, like PrintBits does. // Data will point to the stream. Returns the length in bits of the stream. BitSize_t BitStream::CopyData( unsigned char** _data ) const { #ifdef _DEBUG OVR_ASSERT( numberOfBitsUsed > 0 ); #endif *_data = (unsigned char*) OVR_ALLOC( (size_t) BITS_TO_BYTES( numberOfBitsUsed )); memcpy( *_data, data, sizeof(unsigned char) * (size_t) ( BITS_TO_BYTES( numberOfBitsUsed ) ) ); return numberOfBitsUsed; } // Ignore data we don't intend to read void BitStream::IgnoreBits( const BitSize_t numberOfBits ) { readOffset += numberOfBits; } void BitStream::IgnoreBytes( const unsigned int numberOfBytes ) { IgnoreBits(BYTES_TO_BITS(numberOfBytes)); } // Move the write pointer to a position on the array. Dangerous if you don't know what you are doing! // Doesn't work with non-aligned data! void BitStream::SetWriteOffset( const BitSize_t offset ) { numberOfBitsUsed = offset; } /* BitSize_t BitStream::GetWriteOffset( void ) const { return numberOfBitsUsed; } // Returns the length in bits of the stream BitSize_t BitStream::GetNumberOfBitsUsed( void ) const { return GetWriteOffset(); } // Returns the length in bytes of the stream BitSize_t BitStream::GetNumberOfBytesUsed( void ) const { return BITS_TO_BYTES( numberOfBitsUsed ); } // Returns the number of bits into the stream that we have read BitSize_t BitStream::GetReadOffset( void ) const { return readOffset; } // Sets the read bit index void BitStream::SetReadOffset( const BitSize_t newReadOffset ) { readOffset=newReadOffset; } // Returns the number of bits left in the stream that haven't been read BitSize_t BitStream::GetNumberOfUnreadBits( void ) const { return numberOfBitsUsed - readOffset; } // Exposes the internal data unsigned char* BitStream::GetData( void ) const { return data; } */ // If we used the constructor version with copy data off, this makes sure it is set to on and the data pointed to is copied. void BitStream::AssertCopyData( void ) { if ( copyData == false ) { copyData = true; if ( numberOfBitsAllocated > 0 ) { unsigned char * newdata = ( unsigned char* ) OVR_ALLOC( (size_t) BITS_TO_BYTES( numberOfBitsAllocated )); #ifdef _DEBUG OVR_ASSERT( data ); #endif memcpy( newdata, data, (size_t) BITS_TO_BYTES( numberOfBitsAllocated ) ); data = newdata; } else data = 0; } } bool BitStream::IsNetworkOrderInternal(void) { static unsigned long htonlValue = htonl(12345); return htonlValue == 12345; } void BitStream::ReverseBytes(unsigned char *inByteArray, unsigned char *inOutByteArray, const unsigned int length) { for (BitSize_t i=0; i < length; i++) inOutByteArray[i]=inByteArray[length-i-1]; } void BitStream::ReverseBytesInPlace(unsigned char *inOutData,const unsigned int length) { unsigned char temp; BitSize_t i; for (i=0; i < (length>>1); i++) { temp = inOutData[i]; inOutData[i]=inOutData[length-i-1]; inOutData[length-i-1]=temp; } } void BitStream::WriteAlignedVar8(const char *inByteArray) { OVR_ASSERT((numberOfBitsUsed&7)==0); AddBitsAndReallocate(1*8); data[( numberOfBitsUsed >> 3 ) + 0] = inByteArray[0]; numberOfBitsUsed+=1*8; } bool BitStream::ReadAlignedVar8(char *inOutByteArray) { OVR_ASSERT((readOffset&7)==0); if ( readOffset + 1*8 > numberOfBitsUsed ) return false; inOutByteArray[0] = data[( readOffset >> 3 ) + 0]; readOffset+=1*8; return true; } void BitStream::WriteAlignedVar16(const char *inByteArray) { OVR_ASSERT((numberOfBitsUsed&7)==0); AddBitsAndReallocate(2*8); #ifndef __BITSTREAM_NATIVE_END if (DoEndianSwap()) { data[( numberOfBitsUsed >> 3 ) + 0] = inByteArray[1]; data[( numberOfBitsUsed >> 3 ) + 1] = inByteArray[0]; } else #endif { data[( numberOfBitsUsed >> 3 ) + 0] = inByteArray[0]; data[( numberOfBitsUsed >> 3 ) + 1] = inByteArray[1]; } numberOfBitsUsed+=2*8; } bool BitStream::ReadAlignedVar16(char *inOutByteArray) { OVR_ASSERT((readOffset&7)==0); if ( readOffset + 2*8 > numberOfBitsUsed ) return false; #ifndef __BITSTREAM_NATIVE_END if (DoEndianSwap()) { inOutByteArray[0] = data[( readOffset >> 3 ) + 1]; inOutByteArray[1] = data[( readOffset >> 3 ) + 0]; } else #endif { inOutByteArray[0] = data[( readOffset >> 3 ) + 0]; inOutByteArray[1] = data[( readOffset >> 3 ) + 1]; } readOffset+=2*8; return true; } void BitStream::WriteAlignedVar32(const char *inByteArray) { OVR_ASSERT((numberOfBitsUsed&7)==0); AddBitsAndReallocate(4*8); #ifndef __BITSTREAM_NATIVE_END if (DoEndianSwap()) { data[( numberOfBitsUsed >> 3 ) + 0] = inByteArray[3]; data[( numberOfBitsUsed >> 3 ) + 1] = inByteArray[2]; data[( numberOfBitsUsed >> 3 ) + 2] = inByteArray[1]; data[( numberOfBitsUsed >> 3 ) + 3] = inByteArray[0]; } else #endif { data[( numberOfBitsUsed >> 3 ) + 0] = inByteArray[0]; data[( numberOfBitsUsed >> 3 ) + 1] = inByteArray[1]; data[( numberOfBitsUsed >> 3 ) + 2] = inByteArray[2]; data[( numberOfBitsUsed >> 3 ) + 3] = inByteArray[3]; } numberOfBitsUsed+=4*8; } bool BitStream::ReadAlignedVar32(char *inOutByteArray) { OVR_ASSERT((readOffset&7)==0); if ( readOffset + 4*8 > numberOfBitsUsed ) return false; #ifndef __BITSTREAM_NATIVE_END if (DoEndianSwap()) { inOutByteArray[0] = data[( readOffset >> 3 ) + 3]; inOutByteArray[1] = data[( readOffset >> 3 ) + 2]; inOutByteArray[2] = data[( readOffset >> 3 ) + 1]; inOutByteArray[3] = data[( readOffset >> 3 ) + 0]; } else #endif { inOutByteArray[0] = data[( readOffset >> 3 ) + 0]; inOutByteArray[1] = data[( readOffset >> 3 ) + 1]; inOutByteArray[2] = data[( readOffset >> 3 ) + 2]; inOutByteArray[3] = data[( readOffset >> 3 ) + 3]; } readOffset+=4*8; return true; } bool BitStream::ReadFloat16( float &outFloat, float floatMin, float floatMax ) { uint16_t percentile; if (Read(percentile)) { OVR_ASSERT(floatMax>floatMin); outFloat = floatMin + ((float) percentile / 65535.0f) * (floatMax-floatMin); if (outFloatfloatMax) outFloat=floatMax; return true; } return false; } bool BitStream::SerializeFloat16(bool writeToBitstream, float &inOutFloat, float floatMin, float floatMax) { if (writeToBitstream) WriteFloat16(inOutFloat, floatMin, floatMax); else return ReadFloat16(inOutFloat, floatMin, floatMax); return true; } void BitStream::WriteFloat16( float inOutFloat, float floatMin, float floatMax ) { OVR_ASSERT(floatMax>floatMin); if (inOutFloat>floatMax+.001) { OVR_ASSERT(inOutFloat<=floatMax+.001); } if (inOutFloat=floatMin-.001); } float percentile=65535.0f * (inOutFloat-floatMin)/(floatMax-floatMin); if (percentile<0.0) percentile=0.0; if (percentile>65535.0f) percentile=65535.0f; Write((uint16_t)percentile); } }} // OVR::Net