/************************************************************************************ PublicHeader: n/a Filename : OVR_Session.h Content : One network session that provides connection/disconnection events. Created : June 10, 2014 Authors : Kevin Jenkins, Chris Taylor Copyright : Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, Inc. All Rights reserved. Licensed under the Oculus VR Rift SDK License Version 3.1 (the "License"); you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License, which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.oculusvr.com/licenses/LICENSE-3.1 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ************************************************************************************/ #ifndef OVR_Session_h #define OVR_Session_h #include "OVR_Socket.h" #include "OVR_PacketizedTCPSocket.h" #include "../Kernel/OVR_Array.h" #include "../Kernel/OVR_Threads.h" #include "../Kernel/OVR_Atomic.h" #include "../Kernel/OVR_RefCount.h" namespace OVR { namespace Net { class Session; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Based on Semantic Versioning ( http://semver.org/ ) // // Please update changelog below: // 1.0.0 - [SDK 0.4.0] Initial version (July 21, 2014) // 1.1.0 - Add Get/SetDriverMode_1, HMDCountUpdate_1 // Version mismatch results (July 28, 2014) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const uint16_t RPCVersion_Major = 1; // MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes, static const uint16_t RPCVersion_Minor = 1; // MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and static const uint16_t RPCVersion_Patch = 0; // PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes. // Client starts communication by sending its version number. struct RPC_C2S_Hello { RPC_C2S_Hello() : MajorVersion(0), MinorVersion(0), PatchVersion(0) { } String HelloString; // Client version info uint16_t MajorVersion, MinorVersion, PatchVersion; void Serialize(Net::BitStream* bs) { bs->Write(HelloString); bs->Write(MajorVersion); bs->Write(MinorVersion); bs->Write(PatchVersion); } bool Deserialize(Net::BitStream* bs) { bs->Read(HelloString); bs->Read(MajorVersion); bs->Read(MinorVersion); return bs->Read(PatchVersion); } static void Generate(Net::BitStream* bs); bool Validate(); }; // Server responds with an authorization accepted message, including the server's version number struct RPC_S2C_Authorization { RPC_S2C_Authorization() : MajorVersion(0), MinorVersion(0), PatchVersion(0) { } String AuthString; // Server version info uint16_t MajorVersion, MinorVersion, PatchVersion; void Serialize(Net::BitStream* bs) { bs->Write(AuthString); bs->Write(MajorVersion); bs->Write(MinorVersion); bs->Write(PatchVersion); } bool Deserialize(Net::BitStream* bs) { bs->Read(AuthString); bs->Read(MajorVersion); bs->Read(MinorVersion); return bs->Read(PatchVersion); } static void Generate(Net::BitStream* bs, String errorString = ""); bool Validate(); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Result of a session function enum SessionResult { SessionResult_OK, SessionResult_BindFailure, SessionResult_ListenFailure, SessionResult_ConnectFailure, SessionResult_ConnectInProgress, SessionResult_AlreadyConnected, }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Connection state enum EConnectionState { State_Zombie, // Disconnected // Client-only: Client_Connecting, // Waiting for TCP connection Client_ConnectedWait, // Connected! Waiting for server to authorize // Server-only: Server_ConnectedWait, // Connected! Waiting for client handshake State_Connected // Connected }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generic connection over any transport class Connection : public RefCountBase { public: Connection() : Transport(TransportType_None), State(State_Zombie), RemoteMajorVersion(0), RemoteMinorVersion(0), RemotePatchVersion(0) { } virtual ~Connection() // Allow delete from base { } public: virtual void SetState(EConnectionState s) {State = s;} TransportType Transport; EConnectionState State; // Version number read from remote host just before connection completes int RemoteMajorVersion; int RemoteMinorVersion; int RemotePatchVersion; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generic network connection over any network transport class NetworkConnection : public Connection { protected: NetworkConnection() { } virtual ~NetworkConnection() { } public: virtual void SetState(EConnectionState s) { if (s != State) { Mutex::Locker locker(&StateMutex); if (s != State) { State = s; if (State != Client_Connecting) { ConnectingWait.NotifyAll(); } } } } void WaitOnConnecting() { Mutex::Locker locker(&StateMutex); while (State == Client_Connecting) { ConnectingWait.Wait(&StateMutex); } } SockAddr Address; Mutex StateMutex; WaitCondition ConnectingWait; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TCP Connection class TCPConnection : public NetworkConnection { public: TCPConnection() { } virtual ~TCPConnection() { } public: Ptr pSocket; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Packetized TCP Connection class PacketizedTCPConnection : public TCPConnection { public: PacketizedTCPConnection() { Transport = TransportType_PacketizedTCP; } virtual ~PacketizedTCPConnection() { } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generic socket listener description class ListenerDescription { public: ListenerDescription() : Transport(TransportType_None) { } TransportType Transport; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Description for a Berkley socket listener class BerkleyListenerDescription : public ListenerDescription { public: static const int DefaultMaxIncomingConnections = 64; static const int DefaultMaxConnections = 128; BerkleyListenerDescription() : MaxIncomingConnections(DefaultMaxIncomingConnections), MaxConnections(DefaultMaxConnections) { } Ptr BoundSocketToListenWith; int MaxIncomingConnections; int MaxConnections; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Receive payload struct ReceivePayload { Connection* pConnection; // Source connection uint8_t* pData; // Pointer to data received int Bytes; // Number of bytes of data received }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Broadcast parameters class BroadcastParameters { public: BroadcastParameters() : pData(NULL), Bytes(0) { } BroadcastParameters(const void* _pData, int _bytes) : pData(_pData), Bytes(_bytes) { } public: const void* pData; // Pointer to data to send int Bytes; // Number of bytes of data received }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Send parameters class SendParameters { public: SendParameters() : pData(NULL), Bytes(0) { } SendParameters(Ptr _pConnection, const void* _pData, int _bytes) : pConnection(_pConnection), pData(_pData), Bytes(_bytes) { } public: Ptr pConnection; // Connection to use const void* pData; // Pointer to data to send int Bytes; // Number of bytes of data received }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Parameters to connect struct ConnectParameters { public: ConnectParameters() : Transport(TransportType_None) { } TransportType Transport; }; struct ConnectParametersBerkleySocket : public ConnectParameters { SockAddr RemoteAddress; Ptr BoundSocketToConnectWith; bool Blocking; ConnectParametersBerkleySocket() { } ConnectParametersBerkleySocket(Socket* s, SockAddr* addr) : RemoteAddress(*addr) { BoundSocketToConnectWith = (BerkleySocket*)s; } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Listener receive result enum ListenerReceiveResult { /// The SessionListener used this message and it shouldn't be given to the user. LRR_RETURN = 0, /// The SessionListener is going to hold on to this message. Do not deallocate it but do not pass it to other plugins either. LRR_BREAK, /// This message will be processed by other SessionListeners, and at last by the user. LRR_CONTINUE, }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SessionListener // Callback interface for network events such as connecting, disconnecting, getting data, independent of the transport medium class SessionListener { public: // Data events virtual void OnReceive(ReceivePayload* pPayload, ListenerReceiveResult* lrrOut) { OVR_UNUSED2(pPayload, lrrOut); } // Connection was closed virtual void OnDisconnected(Connection* conn) = 0; // Connection was created (some data was exchanged to verify protocol compatibility too) virtual void OnConnected(Connection* conn) = 0; // Server accepted client virtual void OnNewIncomingConnection(Connection* conn) { OnConnected(conn); } // Client was accepted virtual void OnConnectionRequestAccepted(Connection* conn) { OnConnected(conn); } // Connection attempt failed for some reason virtual void OnConnectionAttemptFailed(Connection* conn) { OnDisconnected(conn); } // Incompatible protocol virtual void OnIncompatibleProtocol(Connection* conn) { OnConnectionAttemptFailed(conn); } // Disconnected during initial handshake virtual void OnHandshakeAttemptFailed(Connection* conn) { OnConnectionAttemptFailed(conn); } // Other virtual void OnAddedToSession(Session* session) { OVR_UNUSED(session); } virtual void OnRemovedFromSession(Session* session) { OVR_UNUSED(session); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Session // Interface for network events such as listening on a socket, sending data, connecting, and disconnecting. Works independently of the transport medium and also implements loopback class Session : public SocketEvent_TCP, public NewOverrideBase { public: Session() : HasLoopbackListener(false) { } virtual ~Session() { } virtual SessionResult Listen(ListenerDescription* pListenerDescription); virtual SessionResult Connect(ConnectParameters* cp); virtual int Send(SendParameters* payload); virtual void Broadcast(BroadcastParameters* payload); virtual void Poll(bool listeners = true); virtual void AddSessionListener(SessionListener* se); virtual void RemoveSessionListener(SessionListener* se); virtual SInt32 GetActiveSocketsCount(); // Packetized TCP convenience functions virtual SessionResult ListenPTCP(BerkleyBindParameters* bbp); virtual SessionResult ConnectPTCP(BerkleyBindParameters* bbp, SockAddr* RemoteAddress, bool blocking); // Closes all the sockets; useful for interrupting the socket polling during shutdown void Shutdown(); // Get count of successful connections (past handshake point) int GetConnectionCount() const { return FullConnections.GetSizeI(); } Ptr GetConnectionAtIndex(int index); protected: virtual Ptr AllocConnection(TransportType transportType); Lock SocketListenersLock, ConnectionsLock, SessionListenersLock; bool HasLoopbackListener; // Has loopback listener installed? Array< Ptr > SocketListeners; // List of active sockets Array< Ptr > AllConnections; // List of active connections stuck at the versioning handshake Array< Ptr > FullConnections; // List of active connections past the versioning handshake Array< SessionListener* > SessionListeners; // List of session listeners // Tools Ptr findConnectionBySocket(Array< Ptr >& connectionArray, Socket* s, int *connectionIndex = NULL); // Call with ConnectionsLock held Ptr findConnectionBySockAddr(SockAddr* address); // Call with ConnectionsLock held int invokeSessionListeners(ReceivePayload*); void invokeSessionEvent(void(SessionListener::*f)(Connection*), Connection* pConnection); // TCP virtual void TCP_OnRecv(Socket* pSocket, uint8_t* pData, int bytesRead); virtual void TCP_OnClosed(TCPSocket* pSocket); virtual void TCP_OnAccept(TCPSocket* pListener, SockAddr* pSockAddr, SocketHandle newSock); virtual void TCP_OnConnected(TCPSocket* pSocket); }; }} // OVR::Net #endif