@echo off setlocal REM run this script from an Admin shell to set up ETW tracing REM set SDK_MANIFEST_PATH to the SDK install path (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Oculus) for /f "delims=" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\OVRService" -v "ImagePath"') do set SDK_MANIFEST_PATH=%%a set SDK_MANIFEST_PATH=%SDK_MANIFEST_PATH:~34,-31%\Tools\ETW REM Add USERS Read & Execute privileges to the folder icacls . /grant BUILTIN\Users:(OI)(CI)(RX) >nul if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto CaclsOk echo Failed to set cacls, installation may fail :CaclsOk set OSTYPE=x64 set RIFTENABLER_SYS=%windir%\System32\drivers\RiftEnabler.sys set OCUSBVID_SYS=%windir%\System32\drivers\OCUSBVID.sys set OVRDISPLAYRT_DLL=%windir%\System32\OVRDisplayRT64.dll if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="AMD64" goto GotOSTYPE if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%"=="AMD64" goto GotOSTYPE set OSTYPE=x86 REM XXX is this right? set RIFTENABLER_SYS=%windir%\System32\drivers\RiftEnabler.sys set OCUSBVID_SYS=%windir%\System32\drivers\OCUSBVID.sys set OVRDISPLAYRT_DLL=%windir%\System32\OVRDisplayRT32.dll :GotOSTYPE REM disable paging on x64 systems if stack walks are desired if %OSTYPE% neq x64 goto SkipRegCheck for /f "delims=" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management" -v "DisablePagingExecutive"') do set REG_DPA=%%a if %REG_DPA:~-3% equ 0x1 goto SkipRegCheck echo ************************ echo DisablePagingExecutive should be set if you want stack tracing to work on %OSTYPE% echo To disable paging run the following as Administrator: echo reg add "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management" -v DisablePagingExecutive -d 0x1 -t REG_DWORD -f echo and reboot echo ************************ :SkipRegCheck set RIFTDISPLAYDRIVER_DIR=..\..\..\RiftDisplayDriver set RIFTCAMERADRIVER_DIR=..\..\..\RiftPTDriver if exist "%SDK_MANIFEST_PATH%\OVRKernelEvents.man" set KERNEL_EVENTS_MAN=%SDK_MANIFEST_PATH%\OVRKernelEvents.man if exist "%RIFTDISPLAYDRIVER_DIR%\RiftEnabler\OVRKernelEvents.man" set KERNEL_EVENTS_MAN=%RIFTDISPLAYDRIVER_DIR%\RiftEnabler\OVRKernelEvents.man if exist ".\OVRKernelEvents.man" set KERNEL_EVENTS_MAN=.\OVRKernelEvents.man echo Installing %RIFTENABLER_SYS% manifest... REM uninstall any existing manifest first wevtutil.exe uninstall-manifest "%KERNEL_EVENTS_MAN%" if %errorlevel% neq 0 echo WARNING: This step failed. wevtutil.exe install-manifest "%KERNEL_EVENTS_MAN%" /rf:%RIFTENABLER_SYS% /mf:%RIFTENABLER_SYS% REM make sure it worked wevtutil get-publisher OVR-Kernel > nul if %errorlevel% neq 0 echo WARNING: This step failed. echo Installed %KERNEL_EVENTS_MAN% if exist "%SDK_MANIFEST_PATH%\RTFilterEvents.man" set RFILTER_EVENTS_MAN=%SDK_MANIFEST_PATH%\RTFilterEvents.man if exist "%RIFTDISPLAYDRIVER_DIR%\rt_filter\RTFilterEvents.man" set RFILTER_EVENTS_MAN=%RIFTDISPLAYDRIVER_DIR%\rt_filter\RTFilterEvents.man if exist ".\RTFilterEvents.man" set RFILTER_EVENTS_MAN=.\RTFilterEvents.man echo Installing %OVRDISPLAYRT_DLL% manifest... REM uninstall any existing manifest first wevtutil.exe uninstall-manifest "%RFILTER_EVENTS_MAN%" if %errorlevel% neq 0 echo WARNING: This step failed. wevtutil.exe install-manifest "%RFILTER_EVENTS_MAN%" /rf:%OVRDISPLAYRT_DLL% /mf:%OVRDISPLAYRT_DLL% REM make sure it worked wevtutil get-publisher OVR-RTFilter > nul if %errorlevel% neq 0 echo WARNING: This step failed. echo Installed %RFILTER_EVENTS_MAN% if exist "%SDK_MANIFEST_PATH%\OVRUSBVidEvents.man" set USBVID_EVENTS_MAN=%SDK_MANIFEST_PATH%\OVRUSBVidEvents.man if exist "%RIFTCAMERADRIVER_DIR%\OCUSBVID\OVRUSBVidEvents.man" set USBVID_EVENTS_MAN=%RIFTCAMERADRIVER_DIR%\OCUSBVID\OVRUSBVidEvents.man if exist ".\OVRUSBVidEvents.man" set USBVID_EVENTS_MAN=.\OVRUSBVidEvents.man echo Installing %OCUSBVID_SYS% manifest... REM uninstall any existing manifest first wevtutil.exe uninstall-manifest "%USBVID_EVENTS_MAN%" if %errorlevel% neq 0 echo WARNING: This step failed. wevtutil.exe install-manifest "%USBVID_EVENTS_MAN%" /rf:%OCUSBVID_SYS% /mf:%OCUSBVID_SYS% REM make sure it worked wevtutil get-publisher OVR-USBVid > nul if %errorlevel% neq 0 echo WARNING: This step failed. echo Installed %USBVID_EVENTS_MAN% REM XXX eventually add OVR-Compositor here... if exist "%SDK_MANIFEST_PATH%\LibOVREvents.man" set LIBOVR_EVENTS_MAN=%SDK_MANIFEST_PATH%\LibOVREvents.man if exist ".\LibOVREvents.man" set LIBOVR_EVENTS_MAN=.\LibOVREvents.man REM this nightmare command copies the newest version of LibOVRRT*.dll into the current directory without prompting... forfiles /p:c:\Windows\System32 /m:LibOVRRT*.dll /c "cmd /c xcopy /y /f /d @path %cd% >nul" >nul 2>nul forfiles /s /p:..\..\..\LibOVR\Lib\Windows /m:LibOVRRT*.dll /c "cmd /c xcopy /y /f /d @path %cd% >nul" >nul 2>nul for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /o:d LibOVRRT*.dll') do set LIBOVR_DLL=%%a set LIBOVR_DLL=%cd%\%LIBOVR_DLL% echo Installing %LIBOVR_DLL% manifest... REM uninstall any existing manifest first wevtutil uninstall-manifest "%LIBOVR_EVENTS_MAN%" if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b 1 wevtutil install-manifest "%LIBOVR_EVENTS_MAN%" /rf:%LIBOVR_DLL% /mf:%LIBOVR_DLL% REM make sure it worked wevtutil get-publisher OVR-SDK-LibOVR > nul if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b 1 echo Installed %LIBOVR_EVENTS_MAN% echo You can now start/stop traces with the GUI: echo cd ..\..\..\Tools\TraceScript\ovrtap echo .\startovrtap.cmd echo or (command-line): echo cd ..\..\..\Tools\Xperf echo log