/************************************************************************************ Filename : OSX_OculusRoomTiny.h Content : Simplest possible first-person view test application for Oculus Rift Created : May 7, 2013 Authors : Michael Antonov, Andrew Reisse, Artem Bolgar Copyright : Copyright 2012 Oculus, Inc. All Rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *************************************************************************************/ #ifndef INC_OSX_OculusRoomTiny_h #define INC_OSX_OculusRoomTiny_h #import #import #import #include "OVR.h" #include "Util/Util_Render_Stereo.h" #include "../../LibOVR/Src/Kernel/OVR_Timer.h" #include "RenderTiny_GL_Device.h" using namespace OVR; using namespace OVR::RenderTiny; class OculusRoomTinyApp; @interface OVRApp : NSApplication @property (assign) IBOutlet NSWindow* win; @property (assign) OculusRoomTinyApp* App; -(void) run; @end @interface OVRView : NSOpenGLView //@property (assign) OVR::OvrPlatform::OSX::PlatformCore* Platform; @property (assign) OculusRoomTinyApp* App; @property unsigned long Modifiers; -(void)ProcessMouse:(NSEvent*)event; -(void)warpMouseToCenter; +(CGDirectDisplayID) displayFromScreen:(NSScreen*)s; @end //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ***** OculusRoomTiny Description // This app renders a simple flat-shaded room allowing the user to move along the // floor and look around with an HMD, mouse, keyboard and gamepad. // By default, the application will start full-screen on Oculus Rift. // // The following keys work: // // 'W', 'S', 'A', 'D' - Move forward, back; strafe left/right. // F1 - No stereo, no distortion. // F2 - Stereo, no distortion. // F3 - Stereo and distortion. // // The world RHS coordinate system is defines as follows (as seen in perspective view): // Y - Up // Z - Back // X - Right const Vector3f UpVector(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); const Vector3f ForwardVector(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); const Vector3f RightVector(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // We start out looking in the positive Z (180 degree rotation). const float YawInitial = 3.141592f; const float Sensitivity = 1.0f; const float MoveSpeed = 3.0f; // m/s namespace OSX { class RenderDevice : public GL::RenderDevice { public: void* Context; // NSOpenGLContext // osview = NSView* RenderDevice(const RendererParams& p, void* osview, void* context); virtual void Shutdown(); virtual void Present(); virtual bool SetFullscreen(DisplayMode fullscreen); // osview = NSView* static RenderDevice* CreateDevice(const RendererParams& rp, void* osview); }; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ***** OculusRoomTiny Application class // An instance of this class is created on application startup (main/WinMain). // // It then works as follows: // // OnStartup - Window, graphics and HMD setup is done here. // This function will initialize OVR::DeviceManager and HMD, // creating SensorDevice and attaching it to SensorFusion. // This needs to be done before obtaining sensor data. // // OnIdle - Does per-frame processing, processing SensorFusion and // movement input and rendering the frame. class OculusRoomTinyApp : public MessageHandler { friend class OSX::RenderDevice; public: OculusRoomTinyApp(OVRApp* nsapp); ~OculusRoomTinyApp(); // Initializes graphics, Rift input and creates world model. virtual int OnStartup(const char* args); // Called per frame to sample SensorFucion and render the world. virtual void OnIdle(); // Installed for Oculus device messages. Optional. virtual void OnMessage(const Message& msg); // Handle input events for movement. virtual void OnMouseMove(int x, int y, int modifiers); virtual void OnKey(unsigned vk, bool down); // Render the view for one eye. void Render(const StereoEyeParams& stereo); // Main application loop. int Run(); void Exit(); // Return amount of time passed since application started in seconds. double GetAppTime() const { return (OVR::Timer::GetTicks() - StartupTicks) * (1.0 / (double)OVR::Timer::MksPerSecond); } bool IsQuiting() const { return Quit; } int GetWidth() const { return Width; } int GetHeight() const { return Height; } bool SetFullscreen(const RendererParams& rp, int fullscreen); protected: bool setupWindow(); void destroyWindow(); NSView* View; NSWindow* Win; OVRApp* NsApp; static OculusRoomTinyApp* pApp; // *** Rendering Variables Ptr pRender; RendererParams RenderParams; int Width, Height; bool Quit; // *** Oculus HMD Variables Ptr pManager; Ptr pSensor; Ptr pHMD; SensorFusion SFusion; OVR::HMDInfo HMDInfo; // Last update seconds, used for move speed timing. double LastUpdate; OVR::UInt64 StartupTicks; // Position and look. The following apply: Vector3f EyePos; float EyeYaw; // Rotation around Y, CCW positive when looking at RHS (X,Z) plane. float EyePitch; // Pitch. If sensor is plugged in, only read from sensor. float EyeRoll; // Roll, only accessible from Sensor. float LastSensorYaw; // Stores previous Yaw value from to support computing delta. // Movement state; different bits may be set based on the state of keys. UByte MoveForward; UByte MoveBack; UByte MoveLeft; UByte MoveRight; Matrix4f ViewMat; RenderTiny::Scene Scene; // Stereo view parameters. StereoConfig SConfig; PostProcessType PostProcess; // Shift accelerates movement/adjustment velocity. bool ShiftDown; bool ControlDown; }; // Adds sample models and lights to the argument scene. void PopulateRoomScene(Scene* scene, RenderDevice* render); #endif