/************************************************************************************ Filename : OculusWorldDemo_Scene.cpp Content : Logic for loading, and creating rendered scene components, cube and grid overlays, etc. Created : October 4, 2012 Authors : Michael Antonov, Andrew Reisse, Steve LaValle, Dov Katz Peter Hoff, Dan Goodman, Bryan Croteau Copyright : Copyright 2012 Oculus VR, Inc. All Rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *************************************************************************************/ #include "OculusWorldDemo.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ***** Scene Creation / Loading void OculusWorldDemoApp::InitMainFilePath() { MainFilePath = WORLDDEMO_ASSET_FILE; // Try to modify path for correctness in case specified file is not found. if (!SysFile(MainFilePath).IsValid()) { String prefixPath1(pPlatform->GetContentDirectory() + "/" + WORLDDEMO_ASSET_PATH1), prefixPath2(WORLDDEMO_ASSET_PATH2), prefixPath3(WORLDDEMO_ASSET_PATH3), prefixPath4(WORLDDEMO_ASSET_PATH4); if (SysFile(prefixPath1 + MainFilePath).IsValid()) MainFilePath = prefixPath1 + MainFilePath; else if (SysFile(prefixPath2 + MainFilePath).IsValid()) MainFilePath = prefixPath2 + MainFilePath; else if (SysFile(prefixPath3 + MainFilePath).IsValid()) MainFilePath = prefixPath3 + MainFilePath; else if (SysFile(prefixPath4 + MainFilePath).IsValid()) MainFilePath = prefixPath4 + MainFilePath; } } // Creates a grid of cubes. void PopulateCubeFieldScene(Scene* scene, Fill* fill, int cubeCountX, int cubeCountY, int cubeCountZ, Vector3f offset, float cubeSpacing = 0.5f, float cubeSize = 0.1f) { Vector3f corner(-(((cubeCountX-1) * cubeSpacing) + cubeSize) * 0.5f, -(((cubeCountY-1) * cubeSpacing) + cubeSize) * 0.5f, -(((cubeCountZ-1) * cubeSpacing) + cubeSize) * 0.5f); corner += offset; Vector3f pos = corner; for (int i = 0; i < cubeCountX; i++) { // Create a new model for each 'plane' of cubes so we don't exceed // the vert size limit. Ptr model = *new Model(); scene->World.Add(model); if (fill) model->Fill = fill; for (int j = 0; j < cubeCountY; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < cubeCountZ; k++) { model->AddBox(0xFFFFFFFF, pos, Vector3f(cubeSize, cubeSize, cubeSize)); pos.z += cubeSpacing; } pos.z = corner.z; pos.y += cubeSpacing; } pos.y = corner.y; pos.x += cubeSpacing; } } Fill* CreateTextureFill(RenderDevice* prender, const String& filename) { Ptr imageFile = *new SysFile(filename); Ptr imageTex; if (imageFile->IsValid()) imageTex = *LoadTextureTga(prender, imageFile); // Image is rendered as a single quad. ShaderFill* fill = 0; if (imageTex) { imageTex->SetSampleMode(Sample_Anisotropic|Sample_Repeat); fill = new ShaderFill(*prender->CreateShaderSet()); fill->GetShaders()->SetShader(prender->LoadBuiltinShader(Shader_Vertex, VShader_MVP)); fill->GetShaders()->SetShader(prender->LoadBuiltinShader(Shader_Fragment, FShader_Texture)); fill->SetTexture(0, imageTex); } return fill; } // Loads the scene data void OculusWorldDemoApp::PopulateScene(const char *fileName) { XmlHandler xmlHandler; if(!xmlHandler.ReadFile(fileName, pRender, &MainScene, &CollisionModels, &GroundCollisionModels)) { Menu.SetPopupMessage("FILE LOAD FAILED"); Menu.SetPopupTimeout(10.0f, true); } MainScene.SetAmbient(Color4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); // Handy cube. Ptr smallGreenCubeModel = *Model::CreateBox(Color(0, 255, 0, 255), Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), Vector3f(0.004f, 0.004f, 0.004f)); SmallGreenCube.World.Add(smallGreenCubeModel); String mainFilePathNoExtension = MainFilePath; mainFilePathNoExtension.StripExtension(); // 10x10x10 cubes. Ptr fillR = *CreateTextureFill(pRender, mainFilePathNoExtension + "_redCube.tga"); PopulateCubeFieldScene(&RedCubesScene, fillR.GetPtr(), 10, 10, 10, Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0.4f); // 10x10x10 cubes. Ptr fillB = *CreateTextureFill(pRender, mainFilePathNoExtension + "_blueCube.tga"); PopulateCubeFieldScene(&BlueCubesScene, fillB.GetPtr(), 10, 10, 10, Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0.4f); // Anna: OculusWorldDemo/Assets/Tuscany/Tuscany_OculusCube.tga file needs to be added Ptr imageFill = *CreateTextureFill(pRender, mainFilePathNoExtension + "_OculusCube.tga"); PopulateCubeFieldScene(&OculusCubesScene, imageFill.GetPtr(), 11, 4, 35, Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, -6.0f), 0.5f); float r = 0.01f; Ptr purpleCubesModel = *new Model(Prim_Triangles); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) purpleCubesModel->AddSolidColorBox(i*0.25f-1.25f-r,j*0.25f-1.25f-r,k*0.25f-1.25f-r, i*0.25f-1.25f+r,j*0.25f-1.25f+r,k*0.25f-1.25f+r,0xFF9F009F); } void OculusWorldDemoApp::PopulatePreloadScene() { // Load-screen screen shot image String fileName = MainFilePath; fileName.StripExtension(); Ptr imageFile = *new SysFile(fileName + "_LoadScreen.tga"); Ptr imageTex; if (imageFile->IsValid()) imageTex = *LoadTextureTga(pRender, imageFile); // Image is rendered as a single quad. if (imageTex) { imageTex->SetSampleMode(Sample_Anisotropic|Sample_Repeat); Ptr m = *new Model(Prim_Triangles); m->AddVertex(-0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f, Color(255,255,255,255), 0.0f, 0.0f); m->AddVertex( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f, Color(255,255,255,255), 1.0f, 0.0f); m->AddVertex( 0.5f, -0.5f, 0.0f, Color(255,255,255,255), 1.0f, 1.0f); m->AddVertex(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0.0f, Color(255,255,255,255), 0.0f, 1.0f); m->AddTriangle(2,1,0); m->AddTriangle(0,3,2); Ptr fill = *new ShaderFill(*pRender->CreateShaderSet()); fill->GetShaders()->SetShader(pRender->LoadBuiltinShader(Shader_Vertex, VShader_MVP)); fill->GetShaders()->SetShader(pRender->LoadBuiltinShader(Shader_Fragment, FShader_Texture)); fill->SetTexture(0, imageTex); m->Fill = fill; LoadingScene.World.Add(m); } } void OculusWorldDemoApp::ClearScene() { MainScene.Clear(); SmallGreenCube.Clear(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ***** Rendering Content void OculusWorldDemoApp::RenderAnimatedBlocks(ovrEyeType eye, double appTime) { Matrix4f viewAdjust = Matrix4f::Translation(Vector3f(EyeRenderDesc[eye].ViewAdjust)); switch ( BlocksShowType ) { case 0: // No blocks; break; case 1: { // Horizontal circle around your head. int const numBlocks = 10; float const radius = 1.0f; Matrix4f scaleUp = Matrix4f::Scaling ( 20.0f ); double scaledTime = appTime * 0.1; float fracTime = (float)( scaledTime - floor ( scaledTime ) ); for ( int j = 0; j < 2; j++ ) { for ( int i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++ ) { float angle = ( ( (float)i / numBlocks ) + fracTime ) * ( MATH_FLOAT_PI * 2.0f ); Vector3f pos; pos.x = BlocksCenter.x + radius * cosf ( angle ); pos.y = BlocksCenter.y; pos.z = BlocksCenter.z + radius * sinf ( angle ); if ( j == 0 ) { pos.x = BlocksCenter.x - radius * cosf ( angle ); pos.y = BlocksCenter.y - 0.5f; } Matrix4f mat = Matrix4f::Translation ( pos ); SmallGreenCube.Render(pRender, viewAdjust * View * mat * scaleUp); } } }break; case 2: { // Vertical circle around your head. int const numBlocks = 10; float const radius = 1.0f; Matrix4f scaleUp = Matrix4f::Scaling ( 20.0f ); double scaledTime = appTime * 0.1; float fracTime = (float)( scaledTime - floor ( scaledTime ) ); for ( int j = 0; j < 2; j++ ) { for ( int i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++ ) { float angle = ( ( (float)i / numBlocks ) + fracTime ) * ( MATH_FLOAT_PI * 2.0f ); Vector3f pos; pos.x = BlocksCenter.x; pos.y = BlocksCenter.y + radius * cosf ( angle ); pos.z = BlocksCenter.z + radius * sinf ( angle ); if ( j == 0 ) { pos.x = BlocksCenter.x - 0.5f; pos.y = BlocksCenter.y - radius * cosf ( angle ); } Matrix4f mat = Matrix4f::Translation ( pos ); SmallGreenCube.Render(pRender, viewAdjust * View * mat * scaleUp); } } }break; case 3:{ // Bouncing. int const numBlocks = 10; Matrix4f scaleUp = Matrix4f::Scaling ( 20.0f ); for ( int i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++ ) { double scaledTime = 4.0f * appTime / (double)i; float fracTime = (float)( scaledTime - floor ( scaledTime ) ); Vector3f pos = BlocksCenter; pos.z += (float)i; pos.y += -1.5f + 4.0f * ( 2.0f * fracTime * ( 1.0f - fracTime ) ); Matrix4f mat = Matrix4f::Translation ( pos ); SmallGreenCube.Render(pRender, viewAdjust * View * mat * scaleUp); } }break; default: BlocksShowType = 0; break; } } void OculusWorldDemoApp::RenderGrid(ovrEyeType eye) { Recti renderViewport = EyeTexture[eye].Header.RenderViewport; // Draw actual pixel grid on the RT. // 1:1 mapping to screen pixels, origin in top-left. Matrix4f ortho; ortho.SetIdentity(); ortho.M[0][0] = 2.0f / (renderViewport.w); // X scale ortho.M[0][3] = -1.0f; // X offset ortho.M[1][1] = -2.0f / (renderViewport.h); // Y scale (for Y=down) ortho.M[1][3] = 1.0f; // Y offset (Y=down) ortho.M[2][2] = 0; pRender->SetProjection(ortho); pRender->SetDepthMode(false, false); Color cNormal ( 255, 0, 0 ); Color cSpacer ( 255, 255, 0 ); Color cMid ( 0, 128, 255 ); int lineStep = 1; int midX = 0; int midY = 0; int limitX = 0; int limitY = 0; switch ( GridMode ) { case Grid_Rendertarget4: lineStep = 4; midX = renderViewport.w / 2; midY = renderViewport.h / 2; limitX = renderViewport.w / 2; limitY = renderViewport.h / 2; break; case Grid_Rendertarget16: lineStep = 16; midX = renderViewport.w / 2; midY = renderViewport.h / 2; limitX = renderViewport.w / 2; limitY = renderViewport.h / 2; break; case Grid_Lens: { lineStep = 48; Vector2f rendertargetNDC = FovPort(EyeRenderDesc[eye].Fov).TanAngleToRendertargetNDC(Vector2f(0.0f)); midX = (int)( ( rendertargetNDC.x * 0.5f + 0.5f ) * (float)renderViewport.w + 0.5f ); midY = (int)( ( rendertargetNDC.y * 0.5f + 0.5f ) * (float)renderViewport.h + 0.5f ); limitX = Alg::Max ( renderViewport.w - midX, midX ); limitY = Alg::Max ( renderViewport.h - midY, midY ); } break; default: OVR_ASSERT ( false ); break; } int spacerMask = (lineStep<<2)-1; for ( int xp = 0; xp < limitX; xp += lineStep ) { float x[4]; float y[4]; x[0] = (float)( midX + xp ); y[0] = (float)0; x[1] = (float)( midX + xp ); y[1] = (float)renderViewport.h; x[2] = (float)( midX - xp ); y[2] = (float)0; x[3] = (float)( midX - xp ); y[3] = (float)renderViewport.h; if ( xp == 0 ) { pRender->RenderLines ( 1, cMid, x, y ); } else if ( ( xp & spacerMask ) == 0 ) { pRender->RenderLines ( 2, cSpacer, x, y ); } else { pRender->RenderLines ( 2, cNormal, x, y ); } } for ( int yp = 0; yp < limitY; yp += lineStep ) { float x[4]; float y[4]; x[0] = (float)0; y[0] = (float)( midY + yp ); x[1] = (float)renderViewport.w; y[1] = (float)( midY + yp ); x[2] = (float)0; y[2] = (float)( midY - yp ); x[3] = (float)renderViewport.w; y[3] = (float)( midY - yp ); if ( yp == 0 ) { pRender->RenderLines ( 1, cMid, x, y ); } else if ( ( yp & spacerMask ) == 0 ) { pRender->RenderLines ( 2, cSpacer, x, y ); } else { pRender->RenderLines ( 2, cNormal, x, y ); } } }