path: root/Alc/hrtf.c
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authorChris Robinson <[email protected]>2015-02-09 15:59:29 -0800
committerChris Robinson <[email protected]>2015-02-09 15:59:29 -0800
commita1d4847d078f4f807f5697f299eea834797f4287 (patch)
tree376b457d1655bd0db7747913cdf77be262a831f5 /Alc/hrtf.c
parent8933e21ef21c2084570eb9cb998a47053b686ed1 (diff)
Use B-Format for HRTF's virtual output format
This adds the ability to directly decode B-Format with HRTF, though only first- order (WXYZ) for now. Second- and third-order would be easilly doable, however we'd need to be able to up-mix first-order content (from the BFORMAT2D and BFORMAT3D buffer formats) since it would be inappropriate to decode lower-order content with a higher-order decoder.
Diffstat (limited to 'Alc/hrtf.c')
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/Alc/hrtf.c b/Alc/hrtf.c
index 54e16cc7..98bcefc2 100644
--- a/Alc/hrtf.c
+++ b/Alc/hrtf.c
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ static void CalcEvIndices(ALuint evcount, ALfloat ev, ALuint *evidx, ALfloat *ev
static void CalcAzIndices(ALuint azcount, ALfloat az, ALuint *azidx, ALfloat *azmu)
- az = (F_2PI + az) * azcount / (F_2PI);
+ az = (F_2PI + az) * azcount / F_2PI;
azidx[0] = fastf2u(az) % azcount;
azidx[1] = (azidx[0] + 1) % azcount;
*azmu = az - floorf(az);
@@ -312,6 +312,88 @@ ALuint GetMovingHrtfCoeffs(const struct Hrtf *Hrtf, ALfloat elevation, ALfloat a
+/* Calculates HRTF coefficients for a B-Format channel (first order only). */
+void GetBFormatHrtfCoeffs(const struct Hrtf *Hrtf, const ALfloat ambi_coeffs[4], ALfloat (*coeffs)[2], ALuint *delays)
+ ALuint elev_idx, azi_idx;
+ ALfloat scale;
+ ALuint i;
+ for(i = 0;i < Hrtf->irSize;i++)
+ {
+ coeffs[i][0] = 0.0f;
+ coeffs[i][1] = 0.0f;
+ }
+ delays[0] = 0;
+ delays[1] = 0;
+ /* NOTE: HRTF coefficients are generated by combining all the HRIRs in the
+ * dataset, with each entry scaled according to how much it contributes to
+ * the given B-Format channel based on its direction (including negative
+ * contributions!).
+ */
+ scale = 0.0f;
+ for(elev_idx = 0;elev_idx < Hrtf->evCount;elev_idx++)
+ {
+ ALfloat elev = (ALfloat)elev_idx/(ALfloat)(Hrtf->evCount-1)*F_PI - F_PI_2;
+ ALuint evoffset = Hrtf->evOffset[elev_idx];
+ ALuint azcount = Hrtf->azCount[elev_idx];
+ scale += (ALfloat)azcount;
+ for(azi_idx = 0;azi_idx < azcount;azi_idx++)
+ {
+ ALuint lidx, ridx;
+ ALfloat az;
+ ALfloat x, y, z;
+ ALfloat gain;
+ lidx = evoffset + azi_idx;
+ ridx = evoffset + ((azcount-azi_idx) % azcount);
+ /* NOTE: Always include the total delay average since the channels
+ * need to have matching delays. */
+ delays[0] += Hrtf->delays[lidx];
+ delays[1] += Hrtf->delays[ridx];
+ az = (ALfloat)azi_idx / (ALfloat)azcount * F_2PI;
+ if(az > F_PI) az -= F_2PI;
+ x = cosf(az) * cosf(elev);
+ y = -sinf(az) * cosf(elev);
+ z = sinf(elev);
+ gain = 0.0f;
+ gain += ambi_coeffs[0]*0.7071f; /* sqrt(1.0 / 2.0) */
+ gain += ambi_coeffs[1]*x; /* X */
+ gain += ambi_coeffs[2]*y; /* Y */
+ gain += ambi_coeffs[3]*z; /* Z */
+ if(!(fabsf(gain) > GAIN_SILENCE_THRESHOLD))
+ continue;
+ lidx *= Hrtf->irSize;
+ ridx *= Hrtf->irSize;
+ for(i = 0;i < Hrtf->irSize;i++)
+ {
+ coeffs[i][0] += Hrtf->coeffs[lidx + i]*(1.0f/32767.0f) * gain;
+ coeffs[i][1] += Hrtf->coeffs[ridx + i]*(1.0f/32767.0f) * gain;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ scale = 1.0f/scale;
+ delays[0] = minu((ALuint)((ALfloat)delays[0] * scale), HRTF_HISTORY_LENGTH-1)<<HRTFDELAY_BITS;
+ delays[1] = minu((ALuint)((ALfloat)delays[1] * scale), HRTF_HISTORY_LENGTH-1)<<HRTFDELAY_BITS;
+ for(i = 0;i < Hrtf->irSize;i++)
+ {
+ coeffs[i][0] *= scale;
+ coeffs[i][1] *= scale;
+ }
static struct Hrtf *LoadHrtf00(FILE *f, ALuint deviceRate)
const ALubyte maxDelay = HRTF_HISTORY_LENGTH-1;