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3 files changed, 107 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/alc/hrtf.cpp b/alc/hrtf.cpp
index 12d310d4..822ea54e 100644
--- a/alc/hrtf.cpp
+++ b/alc/hrtf.cpp
@@ -294,6 +294,12 @@ void BuildBFormatHrtf(const HrtfEntry *Hrtf, DirectHrtfState *state, const ALuin
const AngularPoint *AmbiPoints, const ALfloat (*RESTRICT AmbiMatrix)[MAX_AMBI_CHANNELS],
const size_t AmbiCount, const ALfloat *RESTRICT AmbiOrderHFGain)
+ using double2 = std::array<double,2>;
+ struct ImpulseResponse {
+ std::array<double2,HRIR_LENGTH> hrir;
+ ALuint ldelay, rdelay;
+ };
static constexpr int OrderFromChan[MAX_AMBI_CHANNELS]{
0, 1,1,1, 2,2,2,2,2, 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,
@@ -308,30 +314,66 @@ void BuildBFormatHrtf(const HrtfEntry *Hrtf, DirectHrtfState *state, const ALuin
ALuint min_delay{HRTF_HISTORY_LENGTH};
ALuint max_delay{0};
- auto idx = al::vector<ALuint>(AmbiCount);
- auto calc_idxs = [Hrtf,&max_delay,&min_delay](const AngularPoint &pt) noexcept -> ALuint
+ al::vector<ImpulseResponse> impres; impres.reserve(AmbiCount);
+ auto calc_res = [Hrtf,&max_delay,&min_delay](const AngularPoint &pt) -> ImpulseResponse
- auto &field = Hrtf->field[0];
- /* Calculate elevation index. */
- const auto ev_limit = static_cast<float>(field.evCount-1);
- const ALuint evidx{float2uint(clampf((90.0f+pt.Elev)/180.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)*ev_limit + 0.5f)};
- const ALuint azcount{Hrtf->elev[evidx].azCount};
- const ALuint iroffset{Hrtf->elev[evidx].irOffset};
+ ImpulseResponse res;
- /* Calculate azimuth index for this elevation. */
- const float az_norm{(360.0f+pt.Azim) / 360.0f};
- const ALuint azidx{float2uint(az_norm*static_cast<float>(azcount) + 0.5f) % azcount};
+ auto &field = Hrtf->field[0];
- /* Calculate the index for the impulse response. */
- const ALuint iridx{iroffset + azidx};
+ /* Calculate the elevation indices. */
+ const auto elev0 = CalcEvIndex(field.evCount, pt.Elev);
+ const ALsizei elev1_idx{mini(elev0.idx+1, field.evCount-1)};
+ const ALsizei ir0offset{Hrtf->elev[elev0.idx].irOffset};
+ const ALsizei ir1offset{Hrtf->elev[elev1_idx].irOffset};
+ /* Calculate azimuth indices. */
+ const auto az0 = CalcAzIndex(Hrtf->elev[elev0.idx].azCount, pt.Azim);
+ const auto az1 = CalcAzIndex(Hrtf->elev[elev1_idx].azCount, pt.Azim);
+ /* Calculate the HRIR indices to blend. */
+ const ALuint idx[4]{
+ static_cast<ALuint>(ir0offset + az0.idx),
+ static_cast<ALuint>(ir0offset + ((az0.idx+1) % Hrtf->elev[elev0.idx].azCount)),
+ static_cast<ALuint>(ir1offset + az1.idx),
+ static_cast<ALuint>(ir1offset + ((az1.idx+1) % Hrtf->elev[elev1_idx].azCount))};
+ /* Calculate bilinear blending weights. */
+ const ALfloat blend[4]{
+ (1.0f-elev0.blend) * (1.0f-az0.blend),
+ (1.0f-elev0.blend) * ( az0.blend),
+ ( elev0.blend) * (1.0f-az1.blend),
+ ( elev0.blend) * ( az1.blend)};
+ /* Calculate the blended HRIR delays. */
+ res.ldelay = fastf2u(
+ Hrtf->delays[idx[0]][0]*blend[0] + Hrtf->delays[idx[1]][0]*blend[1] +
+ Hrtf->delays[idx[2]][0]*blend[2] + Hrtf->delays[idx[3]][0]*blend[3]);
+ res.rdelay = fastf2u(
+ Hrtf->delays[idx[0]][1]*blend[0] + Hrtf->delays[idx[1]][1]*blend[1] +
+ Hrtf->delays[idx[2]][1]*blend[2] + Hrtf->delays[idx[3]][1]*blend[3]);
+ const size_t irSize{Hrtf->irSize};
+ ASSUME(irSize >= MIN_IR_SIZE);
+ /* Calculate the blended HRIR coefficients. */
+ double *coeffout{al::assume_aligned<16>(&res.hrir[0][0])};
+ std::fill(coeffout, coeffout + irSize*2, 0.0);
+ for(ALsizei c{0};c < 4;c++)
+ {
+ const ALfloat *srccoeffs{al::assume_aligned<16>(Hrtf->coeffs[idx[c]*irSize])};
+ const ALfloat mult{blend[c]};
+ auto blend_coeffs = [mult](const float src, const double coeff) noexcept -> double
+ { return src*mult + coeff; };
+ std::transform(srccoeffs, srccoeffs + irSize*2, coeffout, coeffout, blend_coeffs);
+ }
- min_delay = minu(min_delay, minu(Hrtf->delays[iridx][0], Hrtf->delays[iridx][1]));
- max_delay = maxu(max_delay, maxu(Hrtf->delays[iridx][0], Hrtf->delays[iridx][1]));
+ min_delay = minu(min_delay, minu(res.ldelay, res.rdelay));
+ max_delay = maxu(max_delay, maxu(res.ldelay, res.rdelay));
- return iridx;
+ return res;
- std::transform(AmbiPoints, AmbiPoints+AmbiCount, idx.begin(), calc_idxs);
+ std::transform(AmbiPoints, AmbiPoints+AmbiCount, std::back_inserter(impres), calc_res);
/* For dual-band processing, add a 16-sample delay to compensate for the HF
* scale on the minimum-phase response.
@@ -340,27 +382,26 @@ void BuildBFormatHrtf(const HrtfEntry *Hrtf, DirectHrtfState *state, const ALuin
const ALdouble xover_norm{400.0 / Hrtf->sampleRate};
BandSplitterR<double> splitter{xover_norm};
- auto tmpres = al::vector<std::array<std::array<ALdouble,2>,HRIR_LENGTH>>(NumChannels);
- auto tmpfilt = al::vector<std::array<ALdouble,HRIR_LENGTH*4>>(3);
+ auto tmpres = al::vector<std::array<double2,HRIR_LENGTH>>(NumChannels);
+ auto tmpflt = al::vector<std::array<double,HRIR_LENGTH*4>>(3);
for(size_t c{0u};c < AmbiCount;++c)
- const ALfloat (*fir)[2]{&Hrtf->coeffs[idx[c] * Hrtf->irSize]};
- const ALuint ldelay{Hrtf->delays[idx[c]][0] - min_delay + base_delay};
- const ALuint rdelay{Hrtf->delays[idx[c]][1] - min_delay + base_delay};
+ const al::span<const double2,HRIR_LENGTH> hrir{impres[c].hrir};
+ const ALuint ldelay{impres[c].ldelay - min_delay + base_delay};
+ const ALuint rdelay{impres[c].rdelay - min_delay + base_delay};
- if(!DualBand)
+ if /*constexpr*/(!DualBand)
/* For single-band decoding, apply the HF scale to the response. */
for(ALuint i{0u};i < NumChannels;++i)
- const ALdouble mult{ALdouble{AmbiOrderHFGain[OrderFromChan[i]]} *
- AmbiMatrix[c][i]};
+ const double mult{double{AmbiOrderHFGain[OrderFromChan[i]]} * AmbiMatrix[c][i]};
const ALuint numirs{minu(Hrtf->irSize, HRIR_LENGTH-maxu(ldelay, rdelay))};
ALuint lidx{ldelay}, ridx{rdelay};
for(ALuint j{0};j < numirs;++j)
- tmpres[i][lidx++][0] += fir[j][0] * mult;
- tmpres[i][ridx++][1] += fir[j][1] * mult;
+ tmpres[i][lidx++][0] += hrir[j][0] * mult;
+ tmpres[i][ridx++][1] += hrir[j][1] * mult;
@@ -373,24 +414,23 @@ void BuildBFormatHrtf(const HrtfEntry *Hrtf, DirectHrtfState *state, const ALuin
/* Load the (left) HRIR backwards, into a temp buffer with padding. */
- std::fill(tmpfilt[2].begin(), tmpfilt[2].end(), 0.0);
- std::transform(fir, fir+Hrtf->irSize, tmpfilt[2].rbegin() + HRIR_LENGTH*3,
- [](const ALfloat (&ir)[2]) noexcept -> ALdouble { return ir[0]; });
+ std::fill(tmpflt[2].begin(), tmpflt[2].end(), 0.0);
+ std::transform(hrir.begin(), hrir.begin()+Hrtf->irSize, tmpflt[2].rbegin() + HRIR_LENGTH*3,
+ [](const double2 &ir) noexcept -> double { return ir[0]; });
/* Apply the all-pass on the reversed signal and reverse the resulting
* sample array. This produces the forward response with a backwards
* phase-shift (+n degrees becomes -n degrees).
- splitter.applyAllpass(tmpfilt[2].data(), tmpfilt[2].size());
- std::reverse(tmpfilt[2].begin(), tmpfilt[2].end());
+ splitter.applyAllpass(tmpflt[2].data(), tmpflt[2].size());
+ std::reverse(tmpflt[2].begin(), tmpflt[2].end());
/* Now apply the band-splitter. This applies the normal phase-shift,
* which cancels out with the backwards phase-shift to get the original
* phase on the split signal.
- splitter.process(tmpfilt[0].data(), tmpfilt[1].data(), tmpfilt[2].data(),
- tmpfilt[2].size());
+ splitter.process(tmpflt[0].data(), tmpflt[1].data(), tmpflt[2].data(), tmpflt[2].size());
/* Apply left ear response with delay and HF scale. */
for(ALuint i{0u};i < NumChannels;++i)
@@ -399,20 +439,19 @@ void BuildBFormatHrtf(const HrtfEntry *Hrtf, DirectHrtfState *state, const ALuin
const ALdouble hfgain{AmbiOrderHFGain[OrderFromChan[i]]};
ALuint j{HRIR_LENGTH*3 - ldelay};
for(ALuint lidx{0};lidx < HRIR_LENGTH;++lidx,++j)
- tmpres[i][lidx][0] += (tmpfilt[0][j]*hfgain + tmpfilt[1][j]) * mult;
+ tmpres[i][lidx][0] += (tmpflt[0][j]*hfgain + tmpflt[1][j]) * mult;
/* Now run the same process on the right HRIR. */
- std::fill(tmpfilt[2].begin(), tmpfilt[2].end(), 0.0);
- std::transform(fir, fir+Hrtf->irSize, tmpfilt[2].rbegin() + HRIR_LENGTH*3,
- [](const ALfloat (&ir)[2]) noexcept -> ALdouble { return ir[1]; });
+ std::fill(tmpflt[2].begin(), tmpflt[2].end(), 0.0);
+ std::transform(hrir.begin(), hrir.begin()+Hrtf->irSize, tmpflt[2].rbegin() + HRIR_LENGTH*3,
+ [](const double2 &ir) noexcept -> double { return ir[1]; });
- splitter.applyAllpass(tmpfilt[2].data(), tmpfilt[2].size());
- std::reverse(tmpfilt[2].begin(), tmpfilt[2].end());
+ splitter.applyAllpass(tmpflt[2].data(), tmpflt[2].size());
+ std::reverse(tmpflt[2].begin(), tmpflt[2].end());
- splitter.process(tmpfilt[0].data(), tmpfilt[1].data(), tmpfilt[2].data(),
- tmpfilt[2].size());
+ splitter.process(tmpflt[0].data(), tmpflt[1].data(), tmpflt[2].data(), tmpflt[2].size());
for(ALuint i{0u};i < NumChannels;++i)
@@ -420,15 +459,15 @@ void BuildBFormatHrtf(const HrtfEntry *Hrtf, DirectHrtfState *state, const ALuin
const ALdouble hfgain{AmbiOrderHFGain[OrderFromChan[i]]};
ALuint j{HRIR_LENGTH*3 - rdelay};
for(ALuint ridx{0};ridx < HRIR_LENGTH;++ridx,++j)
- tmpres[i][ridx][1] += (tmpfilt[0][j]*hfgain + tmpfilt[1][j]) * mult;
+ tmpres[i][ridx][1] += (tmpflt[0][j]*hfgain + tmpflt[1][j]) * mult;
- tmpfilt.clear();
- idx.clear();
+ tmpflt.clear();
+ impres.clear();
for(ALuint i{0u};i < NumChannels;++i)
- auto copy_arr = [](const std::array<double,2> &in) noexcept -> float2
+ auto copy_arr = [](const double2 &in) noexcept -> float2
{ return float2{{static_cast<float>(in[0]), static_cast<float>(in[1])}}; };
std::transform(tmpres[i].begin(), tmpres[i].end(), state->Coeffs[i].begin(),
diff --git a/alc/hrtf.h b/alc/hrtf.h
index 20b3409d..c2f35f78 100644
--- a/alc/hrtf.h
+++ b/alc/hrtf.h
@@ -105,8 +105,7 @@ void GetHrtfCoeffs(const HrtfEntry *Hrtf, ALfloat elevation, ALfloat azimuth, AL
* Produces HRTF filter coefficients for decoding B-Format, given a set of
* virtual speaker positions, a matching decoding matrix, and per-order high-
* frequency gains for the decoder. The calculated impulse responses are
- * ordered and scaled according to the matrix input. Note the specified virtual
- * positions should be in degrees, not radians!
+ * ordered and scaled according to the matrix input.
void BuildBFormatHrtf(const HrtfEntry *Hrtf, DirectHrtfState *state, const ALuint NumChannels,
const AngularPoint *AmbiPoints, const ALfloat (*RESTRICT AmbiMatrix)[MAX_AMBI_CHANNELS],
diff --git a/alc/panning.cpp b/alc/panning.cpp
index cdec7759..a2f1bed8 100644
--- a/alc/panning.cpp
+++ b/alc/panning.cpp
@@ -522,28 +522,27 @@ void InitCustomPanning(ALCdevice *device, bool hqdec, const AmbDecConf *conf,
void InitHrtfPanning(ALCdevice *device)
- /* NOTE: In degrees, and azimuth goes clockwise. */
static constexpr AngularPoint AmbiPoints[]{
- { 35.264390f, -45.000000f },
- { 35.264390f, 45.000000f },
- { 35.264390f, 135.000000f },
- { 35.264390f, -135.000000f },
- { -35.264390f, -45.000000f },
- { -35.264390f, 45.000000f },
- { -35.264390f, 135.000000f },
- { -35.264390f, -135.000000f },
- { 0.000000f, -20.905157f },
- { 0.000000f, 20.905157f },
- { 0.000000f, 159.094843f },
- { 0.000000f, -159.094843f },
- { 20.905157f, -90.000000f },
- { -20.905157f, -90.000000f },
- { -20.905157f, 90.000000f },
- { 20.905157f, 90.000000f },
- { 69.094843f, 0.000000f },
- { -69.094843f, 0.000000f },
- { -69.094843f, 180.000000f },
- { 69.094843f, 180.000000f },
+ { Deg2Rad( 35.264390f), Deg2Rad( -45.000000f) },
+ { Deg2Rad( 35.264390f), Deg2Rad( 45.000000f) },
+ { Deg2Rad( 35.264390f), Deg2Rad( 135.000000f) },
+ { Deg2Rad( 35.264390f), Deg2Rad(-135.000000f) },
+ { Deg2Rad(-35.264390f), Deg2Rad( -45.000000f) },
+ { Deg2Rad(-35.264390f), Deg2Rad( 45.000000f) },
+ { Deg2Rad(-35.264390f), Deg2Rad( 135.000000f) },
+ { Deg2Rad(-35.264390f), Deg2Rad(-135.000000f) },
+ { Deg2Rad( 0.000000f), Deg2Rad( -20.905157f) },
+ { Deg2Rad( 0.000000f), Deg2Rad( 20.905157f) },
+ { Deg2Rad( 0.000000f), Deg2Rad( 159.094843f) },
+ { Deg2Rad( 0.000000f), Deg2Rad(-159.094843f) },
+ { Deg2Rad( 20.905157f), Deg2Rad( -90.000000f) },
+ { Deg2Rad(-20.905157f), Deg2Rad( -90.000000f) },
+ { Deg2Rad(-20.905157f), Deg2Rad( 90.000000f) },
+ { Deg2Rad( 20.905157f), Deg2Rad( 90.000000f) },
+ { Deg2Rad( 69.094843f), Deg2Rad( 0.000000f) },
+ { Deg2Rad(-69.094843f), Deg2Rad( 0.000000f) },
+ { Deg2Rad(-69.094843f), Deg2Rad( 180.000000f) },
+ { Deg2Rad( 69.094843f), Deg2Rad( 180.000000f) },
static constexpr ALfloat AmbiMatrix[][MAX_AMBI_CHANNELS]{
{ 5.00000000e-02f, 5.00000000e-02f, 5.00000000e-02f, 5.00000000e-02f, 6.45497224e-02f, 6.45497224e-02f, 0.00000000e+00f, 6.45497224e-02f, 0.00000000e+00f, 1.48264644e-02f, 6.33865691e-02f, 1.01126676e-01f, -7.36485380e-02f, -1.09260065e-02f, 7.08683387e-02f, -1.01622099e-01f },