path: root/Alc
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2 files changed, 92 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/Alc/ALu.c b/Alc/ALu.c
index e7b53763..ebfd0817 100644
--- a/Alc/ALu.c
+++ b/Alc/ALu.c
@@ -269,8 +269,6 @@ ALvoid CalcNonAttnSourceParams(ALsource *ALSource, const ALCcontext *ALContext)
for(c = 0;c < num_channels;c++)
- const ALshort *hrtf_left, *hrtf_right;
if(chans[c] == LFE)
/* Skip LFE */
@@ -284,17 +282,10 @@ ALvoid CalcNonAttnSourceParams(ALsource *ALSource, const ALCcontext *ALContext)
- GetHrtfCoeffs(0.0, angles[c] * (M_PI/180.0),
- &hrtf_left, &hrtf_right,
- &ALSource->Params.HrtfDelay[c][0],
- &ALSource->Params.HrtfDelay[c][1]);
- for(i = 0;i < HRIR_LENGTH;i++)
- {
- ALSource->Params.HrtfCoeffs[c][i][0] =
- hrtf_left[i]*(1.0/32767.0)*DryGain*ListenerGain;
- ALSource->Params.HrtfCoeffs[c][i][1] =
- hrtf_right[i]*(1.0/32767.0)*DryGain*ListenerGain;
- }
+ GetLerpedHrtfCoeffs(0.0, angles[c] * (M_PI/180.0),
+ DryGain*ListenerGain,
+ ALSource->Params.HrtfCoeffs[c],
+ ALSource->Params.HrtfDelay[c]);
@@ -692,11 +683,9 @@ ALvoid CalcSourceParams(ALsource *ALSource, const ALCcontext *ALContext)
BufferListItem = BufferListItem->next;
- // Use energy-preserving panning algorithm for multi-speaker playback
- const ALshort *hrtf_left, *hrtf_right;
+ // Use a binaural HRTF algorithm for stereo headphone playback
if(Distance > 0.0f)
ALfloat invlen = 1.0f/Distance;
@@ -705,18 +694,14 @@ ALvoid CalcSourceParams(ALsource *ALSource, const ALCcontext *ALContext)
Position[2] *= invlen;
- GetHrtfCoeffs(asin(Position[1]), atan2(Position[0], -Position[2]*ZScale),
- &hrtf_left, &hrtf_right,
- &ALSource->Params.HrtfDelay[0][0],
- &ALSource->Params.HrtfDelay[0][1]);
- for(i = 0;i < HRIR_LENGTH;i++)
- {
- ALSource->Params.HrtfCoeffs[0][i][0] = hrtf_left[i]*(1.0/32767.0) * DryGain;
- ALSource->Params.HrtfCoeffs[0][i][1] = hrtf_right[i]*(1.0/32767.0) * DryGain;
- }
+ GetLerpedHrtfCoeffs(asin(Position[1]),
+ atan2(Position[0], -Position[2]*ZScale), DryGain,
+ ALSource->Params.HrtfCoeffs[0],
+ ALSource->Params.HrtfDelay[0]);
+ // Use energy-preserving panning algorithm for multi-speaker playback
ALfloat DirGain, AmbientGain;
const ALfloat *SpeakerGain;
ALfloat length;
diff --git a/Alc/hrtf.c b/Alc/hrtf.c
index 801e26b9..a4232079 100644
--- a/Alc/hrtf.c
+++ b/Alc/hrtf.c
@@ -39,34 +39,96 @@ static struct HRTF {
#include "hrtf_tables.inc"
-static ALuint CalcEvIndex(ALdouble ev)
+// Calculate the elevation indices given the polar elevation in radians.
+// This will return two indices between 0 and (evCount - 1) and an
+// interpolation factor between 0.0 and 1.0.
+static void CalcEvIndices (ALfloat ev, ALuint evidx [2], ALfloat * evmu)
- ev = (M_PI/2.0 + ev) * (evCount-1) / M_PI;
- return (ALuint)(ev+0.5);
+ ev = (M_PI/2.0f + ev) * (evCount-1) / M_PI;
+ evidx[0] = (ALuint)ev;
+ evidx[1] = __min(evidx[0] + 1, evCount - 1);
+ *evmu = ev - evidx[0];
-static ALuint CalcAzIndex(ALint evidx, ALdouble az)
+// Calculate the azimuth indices given the polar azimuth in radians. This
+// will return two indices between 0 and (azCount [ei] - 1) and an
+// interpolation factor between 0.0 and 1.0.
+static void CalcAzIndices (ALuint evidx, ALfloat az, ALuint azidx [2], ALfloat * azmu)
- az = (M_PI*2.0 + az) * azCount[evidx] / (M_PI*2.0);
- return (ALuint)(az+0.5) % azCount[evidx];
+ az = (M_PI*2.0f + az) * azCount[evidx] / (M_PI*2.0f);
+ azidx[0] = (ALuint)az % azCount[evidx];
+ azidx[1] = (azidx[0] + 1) % azCount[evidx];
+ *azmu = az - (ALuint)az;
-void GetHrtfCoeffs(ALfloat elevation, ALfloat angle, const ALshort **left, const ALshort **right, ALuint *ldelay, ALuint *rdelay)
+// Calculates static HRIR coefficients and delays for the given polar
+// elevation and azimuth in radians. Linear interpolation is used to
+// increase the apparent resolution of the HRIR dataset. The coefficients
+// are also normalized and attenuated by the specified gain.
+void GetLerpedHrtfCoeffs(ALfloat elevation, ALfloat azimuth, ALfloat gain, ALfloat (*coeffs)[2], ALuint *delays)
- ALuint lidx, ridx;
- ALuint evidx, azidx;
- evidx = CalcEvIndex(elevation);
- azidx = CalcAzIndex(evidx, angle);
- lidx = evOffset[evidx] + azidx;
- ridx = evOffset[evidx] + ((azCount[evidx]-azidx) % azCount[evidx]);
- *ldelay = Hrtf.delays[lidx];
- *rdelay = Hrtf.delays[ridx];
+ ALuint evidx[2], azidx[2];
+ ALfloat mu[3];
+ ALuint lidx[4], ridx[4];
+ ALuint i;
+ // Claculate elevation indices and interpolation factor.
+ CalcEvIndices(elevation, evidx, &mu[2]);
+ // Calculate azimuth indices and interpolation factor for the first
+ // elevation.
+ CalcAzIndices(evidx[0], azimuth, azidx, &mu[0]);
+ // Calculate the first set of linear HRIR indices for left and right
+ // channels.
+ lidx[0] = evOffset[evidx[0]] + azidx[0];
+ lidx[1] = evOffset[evidx[0]] + azidx[1];
+ ridx[0] = evOffset[evidx[0]] + ((azCount[evidx[0]]-azidx[0]) % azCount[evidx[0]]);
+ ridx[1] = evOffset[evidx[0]] + ((azCount[evidx[0]]-azidx[1]) % azCount[evidx[0]]);
+ // Calculate azimuth indices and interpolation factor for the second
+ // elevation.
+ CalcAzIndices (evidx[1], azimuth, azidx, &mu[1]);
+ // Calculate the second set of linear HRIR indices for left and right
+ // channels.
+ lidx[2] = evOffset[evidx[1]] + azidx[0];
+ lidx[3] = evOffset[evidx[1]] + azidx[1];
+ ridx[2] = evOffset[evidx[1]] + ((azCount[evidx[1]]-azidx[0]) % azCount[evidx[1]]);
+ ridx[3] = evOffset[evidx[1]] + ((azCount[evidx[1]]-azidx[1]) % azCount[evidx[1]]);
+ // Calculate the normalized and attenuated HRIR coefficients using linear
+ // interpolation when there is enough gain to warrant it. Zero the
+ // coefficients if gain is too low.
+ if(gain > 0.0001f)
+ {
+ ALdouble scale = gain * (1.0/32767.0);
+ for(i = 0;i < HRIR_LENGTH;i++)
+ {
+ coeffs[i][0] = lerp(lerp(Hrtf.coeffs[lidx[0]][i], Hrtf.coeffs[lidx[1]][i], mu[0]),
+ lerp(Hrtf.coeffs[lidx[2]][i], Hrtf.coeffs[lidx[3]][i], mu[1]),
+ mu[2]) * scale;
+ coeffs[i][1] = lerp(lerp(Hrtf.coeffs[ridx[0]][i], Hrtf.coeffs[ridx[1]][i], mu[0]),
+ lerp(Hrtf.coeffs[ridx[2]][i], Hrtf.coeffs[ridx[3]][i], mu[1]),
+ mu[2]) * scale;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(i = 0;i < HRIR_LENGTH;i++)
+ {
+ coeffs[i][0] = 0.0f;
+ coeffs[i][1] = 0.0f;
+ }
+ }
- *left = Hrtf.coeffs[lidx];
- *right = Hrtf.coeffs[ridx];
+ // Calculate the HRIR delays using linear interpolation.
+ delays[0] = (ALuint)(lerp(lerp(Hrtf.delays[lidx[0]], Hrtf.delays[lidx[1]], mu[0]),
+ lerp(Hrtf.delays[lidx[2]], Hrtf.delays[lidx[3]], mu[1]),
+ mu[2]) + 0.5f);
+ delays[1] = (ALuint)(lerp(lerp(Hrtf.delays[ridx[0]], Hrtf.delays[ridx[1]], mu[0]),
+ lerp(Hrtf.delays[ridx[2]], Hrtf.delays[ridx[3]], mu[1]),
+ mu[2]) + 0.5f);
ALCboolean IsHrtfCompatible(ALCdevice *device)