path: root/Alc
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diff --git a/Alc/hrtf.cpp b/Alc/hrtf.cpp
index 655aff1f..0165ed23 100644
--- a/Alc/hrtf.cpp
+++ b/Alc/hrtf.cpp
@@ -173,28 +173,27 @@ public:
+struct IdxBlend { ALsizei idx; ALfloat blend; };
/* Calculate the elevation index given the polar elevation in radians. This
* will return an index between 0 and (evcount - 1).
-ALsizei CalcEvIndex(ALsizei evcount, ALfloat ev, ALfloat *mu)
+IdxBlend CalcEvIndex(ALsizei evcount, ALfloat ev)
ev = (al::MathDefs<float>::Pi()*0.5f + ev) * (evcount-1) / al::MathDefs<float>::Pi();
ALsizei idx{float2int(ev)};
- *mu = ev - idx;
- return mini(idx, evcount-1);
+ return IdxBlend{mini(idx, evcount-1), ev-idx};
/* Calculate the azimuth index given the polar azimuth in radians. This will
* return an index between 0 and (azcount - 1).
-ALsizei CalcAzIndex(ALsizei azcount, ALfloat az, ALfloat *mu)
+IdxBlend CalcAzIndex(ALsizei azcount, ALfloat az)
az = (al::MathDefs<float>::Tau()+az) * azcount / al::MathDefs<float>::Tau();
ALsizei idx{float2int(az)};
- *mu = az - idx;
- return idx % azcount;
+ return IdxBlend{idx%azcount, az-idx};
} // namespace
@@ -209,50 +208,40 @@ void GetHrtfCoeffs(const HrtfEntry *Hrtf, ALfloat elevation, ALfloat azimuth, AL
const ALfloat dirfact{1.0f - (spread / al::MathDefs<float>::Tau())};
/* Claculate the lower elevation index. */
- ALfloat emu;
- ALsizei evidx{CalcEvIndex(Hrtf->evCount, elevation, &emu)};
- ALsizei evoffset{Hrtf->evOffset[evidx]};
+ const auto elev = CalcEvIndex(Hrtf->evCount, elevation);
+ ALsizei ev0offset{Hrtf->evOffset[elev.idx]};
+ ALsizei ev1offset{ev0offset};
/* Calculate lower azimuth index. */
- ALfloat amu[2];
- ALsizei azidx{CalcAzIndex(Hrtf->azCount[evidx], azimuth, &amu[0])};
+ const auto az0 = CalcAzIndex(Hrtf->azCount[elev.idx], azimuth);
+ auto az1 = az0;
- /* Calculate the lower HRIR indices. */
- ALsizei idx[4]{
- evoffset + azidx,
- evoffset + ((azidx+1) % Hrtf->azCount[evidx])
- };
- if(evidx < Hrtf->evCount-1)
+ if(LIKELY(elev.idx < Hrtf->evCount-1))
/* Increment elevation to the next (upper) index. */
- evidx++;
- evoffset = Hrtf->evOffset[evidx];
+ ALsizei evidx{elev.idx+1};
+ ev1offset = Hrtf->evOffset[evidx];
/* Calculate upper azimuth index. */
- azidx = CalcAzIndex(Hrtf->azCount[evidx], azimuth, &amu[1]);
- /* Calculate the upper HRIR indices. */
- idx[2] = evoffset + azidx;
- idx[3] = evoffset + ((azidx+1) % Hrtf->azCount[evidx]);
- }
- else
- {
- /* If the lower elevation is the top index, the upper elevation is the
- * same as the lower.
- */
- amu[1] = amu[0];
- idx[2] = idx[0];
- idx[3] = idx[1];
+ az1 = CalcAzIndex(Hrtf->azCount[evidx], azimuth);
+ /* Calculate the HRIR indices to blend. */
+ ALsizei idx[4]{
+ ev0offset + az0.idx,
+ ev0offset + ((az0.idx+1) % Hrtf->azCount[elev.idx]),
+ ev1offset + az1.idx,
+ ev1offset + ((az1.idx+1) % Hrtf->azCount[elev.idx])
+ };
/* Calculate bilinear blending weights, attenuated according to the
* directional panning factor.
const ALfloat blend[4]{
- (1.0f-emu) * (1.0f-amu[0]) * dirfact,
- (1.0f-emu) * ( amu[0]) * dirfact,
- ( emu) * (1.0f-amu[1]) * dirfact,
- ( emu) * ( amu[1]) * dirfact
+ (1.0f-elev.blend) * (1.0f-az0.blend) * dirfact,
+ (1.0f-elev.blend) * ( az0.blend) * dirfact,
+ ( elev.blend) * (1.0f-az1.blend) * dirfact,
+ ( elev.blend) * ( az1.blend) * dirfact
/* Calculate the blended HRIR delays. */