path: root/core
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'core')
3 files changed, 318 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/effects/base.h b/core/effects/base.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3094f627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/effects/base.h
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "albyte.h"
+#include "almalloc.h"
+#include "alspan.h"
+#include "atomic.h"
+#include "core/bufferline.h"
+#include "intrusive_ptr.h"
+struct BufferStorage;
+struct ContextBase;
+struct DeviceBase;
+struct EffectSlot;
+struct MixParams;
+struct RealMixParams;
+/** Target gain for the reverb decay feedback reaching the decay time. */
+constexpr float ReverbDecayGain{0.001f}; /* -60 dB */
+constexpr float ReverbMaxReflectionsDelay{0.3f};
+constexpr float ReverbMaxLateReverbDelay{0.1f};
+enum class ChorusWaveform {
+ Sinusoid,
+ Triangle
+constexpr float ChorusMaxDelay{0.016f};
+constexpr float FlangerMaxDelay{0.004f};
+constexpr float EchoMaxDelay{0.207f};
+constexpr float EchoMaxLRDelay{0.404f};
+enum class FShifterDirection {
+ Down,
+ Up,
+ Off
+enum class ModulatorWaveform {
+ Sinusoid,
+ Sawtooth,
+ Square
+enum class VMorpherPhenome {
+ A, E, I, O, U,
+ AA, AE, AH, AO, EH, ER, IH, IY, UH, UW,
+ B, D, F, G, J, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, T, V, Z
+enum class VMorpherWaveform {
+ Sinusoid,
+ Triangle,
+ Sawtooth
+union EffectProps {
+ struct {
+ // Shared Reverb Properties
+ float Density;
+ float Diffusion;
+ float Gain;
+ float GainHF;
+ float DecayTime;
+ float DecayHFRatio;
+ float ReflectionsGain;
+ float ReflectionsDelay;
+ float LateReverbGain;
+ float LateReverbDelay;
+ float AirAbsorptionGainHF;
+ float RoomRolloffFactor;
+ bool DecayHFLimit;
+ // Additional EAX Reverb Properties
+ float GainLF;
+ float DecayLFRatio;
+ float ReflectionsPan[3];
+ float LateReverbPan[3];
+ float EchoTime;
+ float EchoDepth;
+ float ModulationTime;
+ float ModulationDepth;
+ float HFReference;
+ float LFReference;
+ } Reverb;
+ struct {
+ float AttackTime;
+ float ReleaseTime;
+ float Resonance;
+ float PeakGain;
+ } Autowah;
+ struct {
+ ChorusWaveform Waveform;
+ int Phase;
+ float Rate;
+ float Depth;
+ float Feedback;
+ float Delay;
+ } Chorus; /* Also Flanger */
+ struct {
+ bool OnOff;
+ } Compressor;
+ struct {
+ float Edge;
+ float Gain;
+ float LowpassCutoff;
+ float EQCenter;
+ float EQBandwidth;
+ } Distortion;
+ struct {
+ float Delay;
+ float LRDelay;
+ float Damping;
+ float Feedback;
+ float Spread;
+ } Echo;
+ struct {
+ float LowCutoff;
+ float LowGain;
+ float Mid1Center;
+ float Mid1Gain;
+ float Mid1Width;
+ float Mid2Center;
+ float Mid2Gain;
+ float Mid2Width;
+ float HighCutoff;
+ float HighGain;
+ } Equalizer;
+ struct {
+ float Frequency;
+ FShifterDirection LeftDirection;
+ FShifterDirection RightDirection;
+ } Fshifter;
+ struct {
+ float Frequency;
+ float HighPassCutoff;
+ ModulatorWaveform Waveform;
+ } Modulator;
+ struct {
+ int CoarseTune;
+ int FineTune;
+ } Pshifter;
+ struct {
+ float Rate;
+ VMorpherPhenome PhonemeA;
+ VMorpherPhenome PhonemeB;
+ int PhonemeACoarseTuning;
+ int PhonemeBCoarseTuning;
+ VMorpherWaveform Waveform;
+ } Vmorpher;
+ struct {
+ float Gain;
+ } Dedicated;
+struct EffectTarget {
+ MixParams *Main;
+ RealMixParams *RealOut;
+struct EffectState : public al::intrusive_ref<EffectState> {
+ struct Buffer {
+ const BufferStorage *storage;
+ al::span<const al::byte> samples;
+ };
+ al::span<FloatBufferLine> mOutTarget;
+ virtual ~EffectState() = default;
+ virtual void deviceUpdate(const DeviceBase *device, const Buffer &buffer) = 0;
+ virtual void update(const ContextBase *context, const EffectSlot *slot,
+ const EffectProps *props, const EffectTarget target) = 0;
+ virtual void process(const size_t samplesToDo, const al::span<const FloatBufferLine> samplesIn,
+ const al::span<FloatBufferLine> samplesOut) = 0;
+struct EffectStateFactory {
+ virtual ~EffectStateFactory() = default;
+ virtual al::intrusive_ptr<EffectState> create() = 0;
+#endif /* CORE_EFFECTS_BASE_H */
diff --git a/core/effectslot.cpp b/core/effectslot.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..51fb8d46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/effectslot.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#include "config.h"
+#include "effectslot.h"
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "almalloc.h"
+#include "context.h"
+EffectSlotArray *EffectSlot::CreatePtrArray(size_t count) noexcept
+ /* Allocate space for twice as many pointers, so the mixer has scratch
+ * space to store a sorted list during mixing.
+ */
+ void *ptr{al_calloc(alignof(EffectSlotArray), EffectSlotArray::Sizeof(count*2))};
+ return al::construct_at(static_cast<EffectSlotArray*>(ptr), count);
+ if(mWetBuffer)
+ mWetBuffer->mInUse = false;
diff --git a/core/effectslot.h b/core/effectslot.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b7b977c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/effectslot.h
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#include <atomic>
+#include "almalloc.h"
+#include "device.h"
+#include "effects/base.h"
+#include "intrusive_ptr.h"
+struct EffectSlot;
+struct WetBuffer;
+using EffectSlotArray = al::FlexArray<EffectSlot*>;
+enum class EffectSlotType : unsigned char {
+ None,
+ Reverb,
+ Chorus,
+ Distortion,
+ Echo,
+ Flanger,
+ FrequencyShifter,
+ VocalMorpher,
+ PitchShifter,
+ RingModulator,
+ Autowah,
+ Compressor,
+ Equalizer,
+ EAXReverb,
+ DedicatedLFE,
+ DedicatedDialog,
+ Convolution
+struct EffectSlotProps {
+ float Gain;
+ bool AuxSendAuto;
+ EffectSlot *Target;
+ EffectSlotType Type;
+ EffectProps Props;
+ al::intrusive_ptr<EffectState> State;
+ std::atomic<EffectSlotProps*> next;
+ DEF_NEWDEL(EffectSlotProps)
+struct EffectSlot {
+ std::atomic<EffectSlotProps*> Update{nullptr};
+ /* Wet buffer configuration is ACN channel order with N3D scaling.
+ * Consequently, effects that only want to work with mono input can use
+ * channel 0 by itself. Effects that want multichannel can process the
+ * ambisonics signal and make a B-Format source pan.
+ */
+ MixParams Wet;
+ float Gain{1.0f};
+ bool AuxSendAuto{true};
+ EffectSlot *Target{nullptr};
+ EffectSlotType EffectType{EffectSlotType::None};
+ EffectProps mEffectProps{};
+ EffectState *mEffectState{nullptr};
+ float RoomRolloff{0.0f}; /* Added to the source's room rolloff, not multiplied. */
+ float DecayTime{0.0f};
+ float DecayLFRatio{0.0f};
+ float DecayHFRatio{0.0f};
+ bool DecayHFLimit{false};
+ float AirAbsorptionGainHF{1.0f};
+ /* Mixing buffer used by the Wet mix. */
+ WetBuffer *mWetBuffer{nullptr};
+ ~EffectSlot();
+ static EffectSlotArray *CreatePtrArray(size_t count) noexcept;
+#endif /* CORE_EFFECTSLOT_H */