/** * OpenAL cross platform audio library * Copyright (C) 1999-2007 by authors. * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * Or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html */ #include "config.h" #if defined(HAVE_GUIDDEF_H) || defined(HAVE_INITGUID_H) #define INITGUID #include #ifdef HAVE_GUIDDEF_H #include #else #include #endif DEFINE_GUID(KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM, 0x00000001, 0x0000, 0x0010, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x38, 0x9b, 0x71); DEFINE_GUID(KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_IEEE_FLOAT, 0x00000003, 0x0000, 0x0010, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x38, 0x9b, 0x71); DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator, 0xbcde0395, 0xe52f, 0x467c, 0x8e,0x3d, 0xc4,0x57,0x92,0x91,0x69,0x2e); DEFINE_GUID(IID_IMMDeviceEnumerator, 0xa95664d2, 0x9614, 0x4f35, 0xa7,0x46, 0xde,0x8d,0xb6,0x36,0x17,0xe6); DEFINE_GUID(IID_IAudioClient, 0x1cb9ad4c, 0xdbfa, 0x4c32, 0xb1,0x78, 0xc2,0xf5,0x68,0xa7,0x03,0xb2); DEFINE_GUID(IID_IAudioRenderClient, 0xf294acfc, 0x3146, 0x4483, 0xa7,0xbf, 0xad,0xdc,0xa7,0xc2,0x60,0xe2); #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "alMain.h" #include "alSource.h" #include "AL/al.h" #include "AL/alc.h" #include "alThunk.h" #include "alSource.h" #include "alBuffer.h" #include "alAuxEffectSlot.h" #include "alDatabuffer.h" #include "bs2b.h" #include "alu.h" #define EmptyFuncs { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } typedef struct BackendInfo { const char *name; void (*Init)(BackendFuncs*); void (*Deinit)(void); void (*Probe)(int); BackendFuncs Funcs; } BackendInfo; static BackendInfo BackendList[] = { #ifdef HAVE_PULSEAUDIO { "pulse", alc_pulse_init, alc_pulse_deinit, alc_pulse_probe, EmptyFuncs }, #endif #ifdef HAVE_ALSA { "alsa", alc_alsa_init, alc_alsa_deinit, alc_alsa_probe, EmptyFuncs }, #endif #ifdef HAVE_COREAUDIO { "core", alc_ca_init, alc_ca_deinit, alc_ca_probe, EmptyFuncs }, #endif #ifdef HAVE_OSS { "oss", alc_oss_init, alc_oss_deinit, alc_oss_probe, EmptyFuncs }, #endif #ifdef HAVE_SOLARIS { "solaris", alc_solaris_init, alc_solaris_deinit, alc_solaris_probe, EmptyFuncs }, #endif #ifdef HAVE_MMDEVAPI { "mmdevapi", alcMMDevApiInit, alcMMDevApiDeinit, alcMMDevApiProbe, EmptyFuncs }, #endif #ifdef HAVE_DSOUND { "dsound", alcDSoundInit, alcDSoundDeinit, alcDSoundProbe, EmptyFuncs }, #endif #ifdef HAVE_WINMM { "winmm", alcWinMMInit, alcWinMMDeinit, alcWinMMProbe, EmptyFuncs }, #endif #ifdef HAVE_PORTAUDIO { "port", alc_pa_init, alc_pa_deinit, alc_pa_probe, EmptyFuncs }, #endif { "null", alc_null_init, alc_null_deinit, alc_null_probe, EmptyFuncs }, #ifdef HAVE_WAVE { "wave", alc_wave_init, alc_wave_deinit, alc_wave_probe, EmptyFuncs }, #endif { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, EmptyFuncs } }; static BackendInfo BackendLoopback = { "loopback", alc_loopback_init, alc_loopback_deinit, alc_loopback_probe, EmptyFuncs }; #undef EmptyFuncs /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // STRING and EXTENSIONS typedef struct ALCfunction { const ALCchar *funcName; ALCvoid *address; } ALCfunction; typedef struct ALCenums { const ALCchar *enumName; ALCenum value; } ALCenums; static const ALCfunction alcFunctions[] = { { "alcCreateContext", (ALCvoid *) alcCreateContext }, { "alcMakeContextCurrent", (ALCvoid *) alcMakeContextCurrent }, { "alcProcessContext", (ALCvoid *) alcProcessContext }, { "alcSuspendContext", (ALCvoid *) alcSuspendContext }, { "alcDestroyContext", (ALCvoid *) alcDestroyContext }, { "alcGetCurrentContext", (ALCvoid *) alcGetCurrentContext }, { "alcGetContextsDevice", (ALCvoid *) alcGetContextsDevice }, { "alcOpenDevice", (ALCvoid *) alcOpenDevice }, { "alcCloseDevice", (ALCvoid *) alcCloseDevice }, { "alcGetError", (ALCvoid *) alcGetError }, { "alcIsExtensionPresent", (ALCvoid *) alcIsExtensionPresent }, { "alcGetProcAddress", (ALCvoid *) alcGetProcAddress }, { "alcGetEnumValue", (ALCvoid *) alcGetEnumValue }, { "alcGetString", (ALCvoid *) alcGetString }, { "alcGetIntegerv", (ALCvoid *) alcGetIntegerv }, { "alcCaptureOpenDevice", (ALCvoid *) alcCaptureOpenDevice }, { "alcCaptureCloseDevice", (ALCvoid *) alcCaptureCloseDevice }, { "alcCaptureStart", (ALCvoid *) alcCaptureStart }, { "alcCaptureStop", (ALCvoid *) alcCaptureStop }, { "alcCaptureSamples", (ALCvoid *) alcCaptureSamples }, { "alcSetThreadContext", (ALCvoid *) alcSetThreadContext }, { "alcGetThreadContext", (ALCvoid *) alcGetThreadContext }, { "alcLoopbackOpenDeviceSOFT", (ALCvoid *) alcLoopbackOpenDeviceSOFT}, { "alcIsRenderFormatSupportedSOFT",(ALCvoid *) alcIsRenderFormatSupportedSOFT}, { "alcRenderSamplesSOFT", (ALCvoid *) alcRenderSamplesSOFT }, { "alEnable", (ALCvoid *) alEnable }, { "alDisable", (ALCvoid *) alDisable }, { "alIsEnabled", (ALCvoid *) alIsEnabled }, { "alGetString", (ALCvoid *) alGetString }, { "alGetBooleanv", (ALCvoid *) alGetBooleanv }, { "alGetIntegerv", (ALCvoid *) alGetIntegerv }, { "alGetFloatv", (ALCvoid *) alGetFloatv }, { "alGetDoublev", (ALCvoid *) alGetDoublev }, { "alGetBoolean", (ALCvoid *) alGetBoolean }, { "alGetInteger", (ALCvoid *) alGetInteger }, { "alGetFloat", (ALCvoid *) alGetFloat }, { "alGetDouble", (ALCvoid *) alGetDouble }, { "alGetError", (ALCvoid *) alGetError }, { "alIsExtensionPresent", (ALCvoid *) alIsExtensionPresent }, { "alGetProcAddress", (ALCvoid *) alGetProcAddress }, { "alGetEnumValue", (ALCvoid *) alGetEnumValue }, { "alListenerf", (ALCvoid *) alListenerf }, { "alListener3f", (ALCvoid *) alListener3f }, { "alListenerfv", (ALCvoid *) alListenerfv }, { "alListeneri", (ALCvoid *) alListeneri }, { "alListener3i", (ALCvoid *) alListener3i }, { "alListeneriv", (ALCvoid *) alListeneriv }, { "alGetListenerf", (ALCvoid *) alGetListenerf }, { "alGetListener3f", (ALCvoid *) alGetListener3f }, { "alGetListenerfv", (ALCvoid *) alGetListenerfv }, { "alGetListeneri", (ALCvoid *) alGetListeneri }, { "alGetListener3i", (ALCvoid *) alGetListener3i }, { "alGetListeneriv", (ALCvoid *) alGetListeneriv }, { "alGenSources", (ALCvoid *) alGenSources }, { "alDeleteSources", (ALCvoid *) alDeleteSources }, { "alIsSource", (ALCvoid *) alIsSource }, { "alSourcef", (ALCvoid *) alSourcef }, { "alSource3f", (ALCvoid *) alSource3f }, { "alSourcefv", (ALCvoid *) alSourcefv }, { "alSourcei", (ALCvoid *) alSourcei }, { "alSource3i", (ALCvoid *) alSource3i }, { "alSourceiv", (ALCvoid *) alSourceiv }, { "alGetSourcef", (ALCvoid *) alGetSourcef }, { "alGetSource3f", (ALCvoid *) alGetSource3f }, { "alGetSourcefv", (ALCvoid *) alGetSourcefv }, { "alGetSourcei", (ALCvoid *) alGetSourcei }, { "alGetSource3i", (ALCvoid *) alGetSource3i }, { "alGetSourceiv", (ALCvoid *) alGetSourceiv }, { "alSourcePlayv", (ALCvoid *) alSourcePlayv }, { "alSourceStopv", (ALCvoid *) alSourceStopv }, { "alSourceRewindv", (ALCvoid *) alSourceRewindv }, { "alSourcePausev", (ALCvoid *) alSourcePausev }, { "alSourcePlay", (ALCvoid *) alSourcePlay }, { "alSourceStop", (ALCvoid *) alSourceStop }, { "alSourceRewind", (ALCvoid *) alSourceRewind }, { "alSourcePause", (ALCvoid *) alSourcePause }, { "alSourceQueueBuffers", (ALCvoid *) alSourceQueueBuffers }, { "alSourceUnqueueBuffers", (ALCvoid *) alSourceUnqueueBuffers }, { "alGenBuffers", (ALCvoid *) alGenBuffers }, { "alDeleteBuffers", (ALCvoid *) alDeleteBuffers }, { "alIsBuffer", (ALCvoid *) alIsBuffer }, { "alBufferData", (ALCvoid *) alBufferData }, { "alBufferf", (ALCvoid *) alBufferf }, { "alBuffer3f", (ALCvoid *) alBuffer3f }, { "alBufferfv", (ALCvoid *) alBufferfv }, { "alBufferi", (ALCvoid *) alBufferi }, { "alBuffer3i", (ALCvoid *) alBuffer3i }, { "alBufferiv", (ALCvoid *) alBufferiv }, { "alGetBufferf", (ALCvoid *) alGetBufferf }, { "alGetBuffer3f", (ALCvoid *) alGetBuffer3f }, { "alGetBufferfv", (ALCvoid *) alGetBufferfv }, { "alGetBufferi", (ALCvoid *) alGetBufferi }, { "alGetBuffer3i", (ALCvoid *) alGetBuffer3i }, { "alGetBufferiv", (ALCvoid *) alGetBufferiv }, { "alDopplerFactor", (ALCvoid *) alDopplerFactor }, { "alDopplerVelocity", (ALCvoid *) alDopplerVelocity }, { "alSpeedOfSound", (ALCvoid *) alSpeedOfSound }, { "alDistanceModel", (ALCvoid *) alDistanceModel }, { "alGenFilters", (ALCvoid *) alGenFilters }, { "alDeleteFilters", (ALCvoid *) alDeleteFilters }, { "alIsFilter", (ALCvoid *) alIsFilter }, { "alFilteri", (ALCvoid *) alFilteri }, { "alFilteriv", (ALCvoid *) alFilteriv }, { "alFilterf", (ALCvoid *) alFilterf }, { "alFilterfv", (ALCvoid *) alFilterfv }, { "alGetFilteri", (ALCvoid *) alGetFilteri }, { "alGetFilteriv", (ALCvoid *) alGetFilteriv }, { "alGetFilterf", (ALCvoid *) alGetFilterf }, { "alGetFilterfv", (ALCvoid *) alGetFilterfv }, { "alGenEffects", (ALCvoid *) alGenEffects }, { "alDeleteEffects", (ALCvoid *) alDeleteEffects }, { "alIsEffect", (ALCvoid *) alIsEffect }, { "alEffecti", (ALCvoid *) alEffecti }, { "alEffectiv", (ALCvoid *) alEffectiv }, { "alEffectf", (ALCvoid *) alEffectf }, { "alEffectfv", (ALCvoid *) alEffectfv }, { "alGetEffecti", (ALCvoid *) alGetEffecti }, { "alGetEffectiv", (ALCvoid *) alGetEffectiv }, { "alGetEffectf", (ALCvoid *) alGetEffectf }, { "alGetEffectfv", (ALCvoid *) alGetEffectfv }, { "alGenAuxiliaryEffectSlots", (ALCvoid *) alGenAuxiliaryEffectSlots}, { "alDeleteAuxiliaryEffectSlots",(ALCvoid *) alDeleteAuxiliaryEffectSlots}, { "alIsAuxiliaryEffectSlot", (ALCvoid *) alIsAuxiliaryEffectSlot }, { "alAuxiliaryEffectSloti", (ALCvoid *) alAuxiliaryEffectSloti }, { "alAuxiliaryEffectSlotiv", (ALCvoid *) alAuxiliaryEffectSlotiv }, { "alAuxiliaryEffectSlotf", (ALCvoid *) alAuxiliaryEffectSlotf }, { "alAuxiliaryEffectSlotfv", (ALCvoid *) alAuxiliaryEffectSlotfv }, { "alGetAuxiliaryEffectSloti", (ALCvoid *) alGetAuxiliaryEffectSloti}, { "alGetAuxiliaryEffectSlotiv", (ALCvoid *) alGetAuxiliaryEffectSlotiv}, { "alGetAuxiliaryEffectSlotf", (ALCvoid *) alGetAuxiliaryEffectSlotf}, { "alGetAuxiliaryEffectSlotfv", (ALCvoid *) alGetAuxiliaryEffectSlotfv}, { "alBufferSubDataSOFT", (ALCvoid *) alBufferSubDataSOFT }, { "alBufferSamplesSOFT", (ALCvoid *) alBufferSamplesSOFT }, { "alBufferSubSamplesSOFT", (ALCvoid *) alBufferSubSamplesSOFT }, { "alGetBufferSamplesSOFT", (ALCvoid *) alGetBufferSamplesSOFT }, { "alIsBufferFormatSupportedSOFT",(ALCvoid *) alIsBufferFormatSupportedSOFT}, #if 0 { "alGenDatabuffersEXT", (ALCvoid *) alGenDatabuffersEXT }, { "alDeleteDatabuffersEXT", (ALCvoid *) alDeleteDatabuffersEXT }, { "alIsDatabufferEXT", (ALCvoid *) alIsDatabufferEXT }, { "alDatabufferDataEXT", (ALCvoid *) alDatabufferDataEXT }, { "alDatabufferSubDataEXT", (ALCvoid *) alDatabufferSubDataEXT }, { "alGetDatabufferSubDataEXT", (ALCvoid *) alGetDatabufferSubDataEXT}, { "alDatabufferfEXT", (ALCvoid *) alDatabufferfEXT }, { "alDatabufferfvEXT", (ALCvoid *) alDatabufferfvEXT }, { "alDatabufferiEXT", (ALCvoid *) alDatabufferiEXT }, { "alDatabufferivEXT", (ALCvoid *) alDatabufferivEXT }, { "alGetDatabufferfEXT", (ALCvoid *) alGetDatabufferfEXT }, { "alGetDatabufferfvEXT", (ALCvoid *) alGetDatabufferfvEXT }, { "alGetDatabufferiEXT", (ALCvoid *) alGetDatabufferiEXT }, { "alGetDatabufferivEXT", (ALCvoid *) alGetDatabufferivEXT }, { "alSelectDatabufferEXT", (ALCvoid *) alSelectDatabufferEXT }, { "alMapDatabufferEXT", (ALCvoid *) alMapDatabufferEXT }, { "alUnmapDatabufferEXT", (ALCvoid *) alUnmapDatabufferEXT }, #endif { NULL, (ALCvoid *) NULL } }; static const ALCenums enumeration[] = { // Types { "ALC_INVALID", ALC_INVALID }, { "ALC_FALSE", ALC_FALSE }, { "ALC_TRUE", ALC_TRUE }, // ALC Properties { "ALC_MAJOR_VERSION", ALC_MAJOR_VERSION }, { "ALC_MINOR_VERSION", ALC_MINOR_VERSION }, { "ALC_ATTRIBUTES_SIZE", ALC_ATTRIBUTES_SIZE }, { "ALC_ALL_ATTRIBUTES", ALC_ALL_ATTRIBUTES }, { "ALC_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER", ALC_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER }, { "ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER", ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER }, { "ALC_ALL_DEVICES_SPECIFIER", ALC_ALL_DEVICES_SPECIFIER }, { "ALC_DEFAULT_ALL_DEVICES_SPECIFIER", ALC_DEFAULT_ALL_DEVICES_SPECIFIER }, { "ALC_EXTENSIONS", ALC_EXTENSIONS }, { "ALC_FREQUENCY", ALC_FREQUENCY }, { "ALC_REFRESH", ALC_REFRESH }, { "ALC_SYNC", ALC_SYNC }, { "ALC_MONO_SOURCES", ALC_MONO_SOURCES }, { "ALC_STEREO_SOURCES", ALC_STEREO_SOURCES }, { "ALC_CAPTURE_DEVICE_SPECIFIER", ALC_CAPTURE_DEVICE_SPECIFIER }, { "ALC_CAPTURE_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER", ALC_CAPTURE_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER}, { "ALC_CAPTURE_SAMPLES", ALC_CAPTURE_SAMPLES }, { "ALC_CONNECTED", ALC_CONNECTED }, // EFX Properties { "ALC_EFX_MAJOR_VERSION", ALC_EFX_MAJOR_VERSION }, { "ALC_EFX_MINOR_VERSION", ALC_EFX_MINOR_VERSION }, { "ALC_MAX_AUXILIARY_SENDS", ALC_MAX_AUXILIARY_SENDS }, // Loopback device Properties { "ALC_FORMAT_CHANNELS_SOFT", ALC_FORMAT_CHANNELS_SOFT }, { "ALC_FORMAT_TYPE_SOFT", ALC_FORMAT_TYPE_SOFT }, // ALC Error Message { "ALC_NO_ERROR", ALC_NO_ERROR }, { "ALC_INVALID_DEVICE", ALC_INVALID_DEVICE }, { "ALC_INVALID_CONTEXT", ALC_INVALID_CONTEXT }, { "ALC_INVALID_ENUM", ALC_INVALID_ENUM }, { "ALC_INVALID_VALUE", ALC_INVALID_VALUE }, { "ALC_OUT_OF_MEMORY", ALC_OUT_OF_MEMORY }, { NULL, (ALCenum)0 } }; // Error strings static const ALCchar alcNoError[] = "No Error"; static const ALCchar alcErrInvalidDevice[] = "Invalid Device"; static const ALCchar alcErrInvalidContext[] = "Invalid Context"; static const ALCchar alcErrInvalidEnum[] = "Invalid Enum"; static const ALCchar alcErrInvalidValue[] = "Invalid Value"; static const ALCchar alcErrOutOfMemory[] = "Out of Memory"; /* Device lists. Sizes only include the first ending null character, not the * second */ static ALCchar *alcDeviceList; static size_t alcDeviceListSize; static ALCchar *alcAllDeviceList; static size_t alcAllDeviceListSize; static ALCchar *alcCaptureDeviceList; static size_t alcCaptureDeviceListSize; // Default is always the first in the list static ALCchar *alcDefaultDeviceSpecifier; static ALCchar *alcDefaultAllDeviceSpecifier; static ALCchar *alcCaptureDefaultDeviceSpecifier; static const ALCchar alcNoDeviceExtList[] = "ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE " "ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFTX_loopback_device"; static const ALCchar alcExtensionList[] = "ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE " "ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX " "ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFTX_loopback_device"; static const ALCint alcMajorVersion = 1; static const ALCint alcMinorVersion = 1; static const ALCint alcEFXMajorVersion = 1; static const ALCint alcEFXMinorVersion = 0; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Global Variables static CRITICAL_SECTION g_csMutex; static CRITICAL_SECTION ListLock; /* Device List */ static ALCdevice *g_pDeviceList = NULL; static ALCuint g_ulDeviceCount = 0; // Context List static ALCcontext *g_pContextList = NULL; static ALCuint g_ulContextCount = 0; // Thread-local current context static tls_type LocalContext; // Process-wide current context static ALCcontext *GlobalContext; // Context Error static ALCenum g_eLastNullDeviceError = ALC_NO_ERROR; // Default context extensions static const ALchar alExtList[] = "AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 " "AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW " "AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model " "AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFTX_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data " "AL_SOFT_loop_points"; // Mixing Priority Level static ALint RTPrioLevel; // Output Log File static FILE *LogFile; // Cone scalar ALdouble ConeScale = 0.5; // Localized Z scalar for mono sources ALdouble ZScale = 1.0; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ALC Related helper functions static void ReleaseALC(void); #ifdef HAVE_GCC_DESTRUCTOR static void alc_init(void) __attribute__((constructor)); static void alc_deinit(void) __attribute__((destructor)); #else #ifdef _WIN32 static void alc_init(void); static void alc_deinit(void); #ifndef AL_LIBTYPE_STATIC BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hModule,DWORD ul_reason_for_call,LPVOID lpReserved) { (void)lpReserved; // Perform actions based on the reason for calling. switch(ul_reason_for_call) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hModule); alc_init(); break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: alc_deinit(); break; } return TRUE; } #elif defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma section(".CRT$XCU",read) static void alc_constructor(void); static void alc_destructor(void); __declspec(allocate(".CRT$XCU")) void (__cdecl* alc_constructor_)(void) = alc_constructor; static void alc_constructor(void) { atexit(alc_destructor); alc_init(); } static void alc_destructor(void) { alc_deinit(); } #endif #endif #endif static void alc_init(void) { int i; const char *devs, *str; str = getenv("ALSOFT_LOGFILE"); if(str && str[0]) { LogFile = fopen(str, "w"); if(!LogFile) fprintf(stderr, "AL lib: Failed to open log file '%s'\n", str); } if(!LogFile) LogFile = stderr; str = getenv("__ALSOFT_HALF_ANGLE_CONES"); if(str && (strcasecmp(str, "true") == 0 || strtol(str, NULL, 0) == 1)) ConeScale = 1.0; str = getenv("__ALSOFT_REVERSE_Z"); if(str && (strcasecmp(str, "true") == 0 || strtol(str, NULL, 0) == 1)) ZScale = -1.0; InitializeCriticalSection(&g_csMutex); InitializeCriticalSection(&ListLock); ALTHUNK_INIT(); ReadALConfig(); tls_create(&LocalContext); RTPrioLevel = GetConfigValueInt(NULL, "rt-prio", 0); DefaultResampler = GetConfigValueInt(NULL, "resampler", RESAMPLER_DEFAULT); if(DefaultResampler >= RESAMPLER_MAX || DefaultResampler <= RESAMPLER_MIN) DefaultResampler = RESAMPLER_DEFAULT; devs = GetConfigValue(NULL, "drivers", ""); if(devs[0]) { int n; size_t len; const char *next = devs; int endlist, delitem; i = 0; do { devs = next; next = strchr(devs, ','); delitem = (devs[0] == '-'); if(devs[0] == '-') devs++; if(!devs[0] || devs[0] == ',') { endlist = 0; continue; } endlist = 1; len = (next ? ((size_t)(next-devs)) : strlen(devs)); for(n = i;BackendList[n].Init;n++) { if(len == strlen(BackendList[n].name) && strncmp(BackendList[n].name, devs, len) == 0) { if(delitem) { do { BackendList[n] = BackendList[n+1]; ++n; } while(BackendList[n].Init); } else { BackendInfo Bkp = BackendList[n]; while(n > i) { BackendList[n] = BackendList[n-1]; --n; } BackendList[n] = Bkp; i++; } break; } } } while(next++); if(endlist) { BackendList[i].name = NULL; BackendList[i].Init = NULL; BackendList[i].Deinit = NULL; BackendList[i].Probe = NULL; } } for(i = 0;BackendList[i].Init;i++) BackendList[i].Init(&BackendList[i].Funcs); BackendLoopback.Init(&BackendLoopback.Funcs); str = GetConfigValue(NULL, "excludefx", ""); if(str[0]) { int n; size_t len; const char *next = str; do { str = next; next = strchr(str, ','); if(!str[0] || next == str) continue; len = (next ? ((size_t)(next-str)) : strlen(str)); for(n = 0;EffectList[n].name;n++) { if(len == strlen(EffectList[n].name) && strncmp(EffectList[n].name, str, len) == 0) DisabledEffects[EffectList[n].type] = AL_TRUE; } } while(next++); } } static void alc_deinit(void) { int i; ReleaseALC(); for(i = 0;BackendList[i].Deinit;i++) BackendList[i].Deinit(); BackendLoopback.Deinit(); tls_delete(LocalContext); FreeALConfig(); ALTHUNK_EXIT(); DeleteCriticalSection(&ListLock); DeleteCriticalSection(&g_csMutex); if(LogFile != stderr) fclose(LogFile); LogFile = NULL; } static void ProbeDeviceList() { ALint i; free(alcDeviceList); alcDeviceList = NULL; alcDeviceListSize = 0; for(i = 0;BackendList[i].Probe;i++) BackendList[i].Probe(DEVICE_PROBE); } static void ProbeAllDeviceList() { ALint i; free(alcAllDeviceList); alcAllDeviceList = NULL; alcAllDeviceListSize = 0; for(i = 0;BackendList[i].Probe;i++) BackendList[i].Probe(ALL_DEVICE_PROBE); } static void ProbeCaptureDeviceList() { ALint i; free(alcCaptureDeviceList); alcCaptureDeviceList = NULL; alcCaptureDeviceListSize = 0; for(i = 0;BackendList[i].Probe;i++) BackendList[i].Probe(CAPTURE_DEVICE_PROBE); } static void AppendList(const ALCchar *name, ALCchar **List, size_t *ListSize) { size_t len = strlen(name); void *temp; if(len == 0) return; temp = realloc(*List, (*ListSize) + len + 2); if(!temp) { AL_PRINT("Realloc failed to add %s!\n", name); return; } *List = temp; memcpy((*List)+(*ListSize), name, len+1); *ListSize += len+1; (*List)[*ListSize] = 0; } #define DECL_APPEND_LIST_FUNC(type) \ void Append##type##List(const ALCchar *name) \ { AppendList(name, &alc##type##List, &alc##type##ListSize); } DECL_APPEND_LIST_FUNC(Device) DECL_APPEND_LIST_FUNC(AllDevice) DECL_APPEND_LIST_FUNC(CaptureDevice) #undef DECL_APPEND_LIST_FUNC void al_print(const char *fname, unsigned int line, const char *fmt, ...) { const char *fn; char str[256]; int i; fn = strrchr(fname, '/'); if(!fn) fn = strrchr(fname, '\\'); if(!fn) fn = fname; else fn += 1; i = snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "AL lib: %s:%d: ", fn, line); if(i < (int)sizeof(str) && i > 0) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(str+i, sizeof(str)-i, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } str[sizeof(str)-1] = 0; fprintf(LogFile, "%s", str); fflush(LogFile); } void SetRTPriority(void) { ALboolean failed; #ifdef _WIN32 if(RTPrioLevel > 0) failed = !SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL); else failed = !SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL); #elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_SETSCHEDPARAM) struct sched_param param; if(RTPrioLevel > 0) { /* Use the minimum real-time priority possible for now (on Linux this * should be 1 for SCHED_RR) */ param.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_RR); failed = !!pthread_setschedparam(pthread_self(), SCHED_RR, ¶m); } else { param.sched_priority = 0; failed = !!pthread_setschedparam(pthread_self(), SCHED_OTHER, ¶m); } #else /* Real-time priority not available */ failed = (RTPrioLevel>0); #endif if(failed) AL_PRINT("Failed to set priority level for thread\n"); } void InitUIntMap(UIntMap *map) { map->array = NULL; map->size = 0; map->maxsize = 0; } void ResetUIntMap(UIntMap *map) { free(map->array); map->array = NULL; map->size = 0; map->maxsize = 0; } ALenum InsertUIntMapEntry(UIntMap *map, ALuint key, ALvoid *value) { ALsizei pos = 0; if(map->size > 0) { ALsizei low = 0; ALsizei high = map->size - 1; while(low < high) { ALsizei mid = low + (high-low)/2; if(map->array[mid].key < key) low = mid + 1; else high = mid; } if(map->array[low].key < key) low++; pos = low; } if(pos == map->size || map->array[pos].key != key) { if(map->size == map->maxsize) { ALvoid *temp; ALsizei newsize; newsize = (map->maxsize ? (map->maxsize<<1) : 4); if(newsize < map->maxsize) return AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY; temp = realloc(map->array, newsize*sizeof(map->array[0])); if(!temp) return AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY; map->array = temp; map->maxsize = newsize; } map->size++; if(pos < map->size-1) memmove(&map->array[pos+1], &map->array[pos], (map->size-1-pos)*sizeof(map->array[0])); } map->array[pos].key = key; map->array[pos].value = value; return AL_NO_ERROR; } void RemoveUIntMapKey(UIntMap *map, ALuint key) { if(map->size > 0) { ALsizei low = 0; ALsizei high = map->size - 1; while(low < high) { ALsizei mid = low + (high-low)/2; if(map->array[mid].key < key) low = mid + 1; else high = mid; } if(map->array[low].key == key) { if(low < map->size-1) memmove(&map->array[low], &map->array[low+1], (map->size-1-low)*sizeof(map->array[0])); map->size--; } } } ALvoid *LookupUIntMapKey(UIntMap *map, ALuint key) { if(map->size > 0) { ALsizei low = 0; ALsizei high = map->size - 1; while(low < high) { ALsizei mid = low + (high-low)/2; if(map->array[mid].key < key) low = mid + 1; else high = mid; } if(map->array[low].key == key) return map->array[low].value; } return NULL; } const ALCchar *DevFmtTypeString(enum DevFmtType type) { switch(type) { case DevFmtByte: return "Signed Byte"; case DevFmtUByte: return "Unsigned Byte"; case DevFmtShort: return "Signed Short"; case DevFmtUShort: return "Unsigned Short"; case DevFmtFloat: return "Float"; } return "(unknown type)"; } const ALCchar *DevFmtChannelsString(enum DevFmtChannels chans) { switch(chans) { case DevFmtMono: return "Mono"; case DevFmtStereo: return "Stereo"; case DevFmtQuad: return "Quadraphonic"; case DevFmtX51: return "5.1 Surround"; case DevFmtX51Side: return "5.1 Side"; case DevFmtX61: return "6.1 Surround"; case DevFmtX71: return "7.1 Surround"; } return "(unknown channels)"; } ALuint BytesFromDevFmt(enum DevFmtType type) { switch(type) { case DevFmtByte: return sizeof(ALbyte); case DevFmtUByte: return sizeof(ALubyte); case DevFmtShort: return sizeof(ALshort); case DevFmtUShort: return sizeof(ALushort); case DevFmtFloat: return sizeof(ALfloat); } return 0; } ALuint ChannelsFromDevFmt(enum DevFmtChannels chans) { switch(chans) { case DevFmtMono: return 1; case DevFmtStereo: return 2; case DevFmtQuad: return 4; case DevFmtX51: return 6; case DevFmtX51Side: return 6; case DevFmtX61: return 7; case DevFmtX71: return 8; } return 0; } ALboolean DecomposeDevFormat(ALenum format, enum DevFmtChannels *chans, enum DevFmtType *type) { switch(format) { case AL_FORMAT_MONO8: *chans = DevFmtMono; *type = DevFmtUByte; return AL_TRUE; case AL_FORMAT_MONO16: *chans = DevFmtMono; *type = DevFmtShort; return AL_TRUE; case AL_FORMAT_MONO_FLOAT32: *chans = DevFmtMono; *type = DevFmtFloat; return AL_TRUE; case AL_FORMAT_STEREO8: *chans = DevFmtStereo; *type = DevFmtUByte; return AL_TRUE; case AL_FORMAT_STEREO16: *chans = DevFmtStereo; *type = DevFmtShort; return AL_TRUE; case AL_FORMAT_STEREO_FLOAT32: *chans = DevFmtStereo; *type = DevFmtFloat; return AL_TRUE; case AL_FORMAT_QUAD8: *chans = DevFmtQuad; *type = DevFmtUByte; return AL_TRUE; case AL_FORMAT_QUAD16: *chans = DevFmtQuad; *type = DevFmtShort; return AL_TRUE; case AL_FORMAT_QUAD32: *chans = DevFmtQuad; *type = DevFmtFloat; return AL_TRUE; case AL_FORMAT_51CHN8: *chans = DevFmtX51; *type = DevFmtUByte; return AL_TRUE; case AL_FORMAT_51CHN16: *chans = DevFmtX51; *type = DevFmtShort; return AL_TRUE; case AL_FORMAT_51CHN32: *chans = DevFmtX51; *type = DevFmtFloat; return AL_TRUE; case AL_FORMAT_61CHN8: *chans = DevFmtX61; *type = DevFmtUByte; return AL_TRUE; case AL_FORMAT_61CHN16: *chans = DevFmtX61; *type = DevFmtShort; return AL_TRUE; case AL_FORMAT_61CHN32: *chans = DevFmtX61; *type = DevFmtFloat; return AL_TRUE; case AL_FORMAT_71CHN8: *chans = DevFmtX71; *type = DevFmtUByte; return AL_TRUE; case AL_FORMAT_71CHN16: *chans = DevFmtX71; *type = DevFmtShort; return AL_TRUE; case AL_FORMAT_71CHN32: *chans = DevFmtX71; *type = DevFmtFloat; return AL_TRUE; } return AL_FALSE; } ALboolean IsValidType(ALenum type) { switch(type) { case AL_BYTE: case AL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: case AL_SHORT: case AL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: case AL_INT: case AL_UNSIGNED_INT: case AL_FLOAT: case AL_DOUBLE: case AL_MULAW: case AL_IMA4: case AL_BYTE3: case AL_UNSIGNED_BYTE3: return AL_TRUE; } return AL_FALSE; } ALboolean IsValidChannels(ALenum channels) { switch(channels) { case AL_MONO: case AL_STEREO: case AL_REAR: case AL_QUAD: case AL_5POINT1: case AL_6POINT1: case AL_7POINT1: return AL_TRUE; } return AL_FALSE; } #ifndef _WIN32 void InitializeCriticalSection(CRITICAL_SECTION *cs) { pthread_mutexattr_t attrib; int ret; ret = pthread_mutexattr_init(&attrib); assert(ret == 0); ret = pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attrib, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE); #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_NP_H if(ret != 0) ret = pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np(&attrib, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE); #endif assert(ret == 0); ret = pthread_mutex_init(cs, &attrib); assert(ret == 0); pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&attrib); } void DeleteCriticalSection(CRITICAL_SECTION *cs) { int ret; ret = pthread_mutex_destroy(cs); assert(ret == 0); } #endif static void LockLists(void) { EnterCriticalSection(&ListLock); } static void UnlockLists(void) { LeaveCriticalSection(&ListLock); } /* IsDevice Check pDevice is a valid Device pointer */ static ALCboolean IsDevice(ALCdevice *pDevice) { ALCdevice *pTempDevice; pTempDevice = g_pDeviceList; while(pTempDevice && pTempDevice != pDevice) pTempDevice = pTempDevice->next; return (pTempDevice ? ALC_TRUE : ALC_FALSE); } /* IsContext Check pContext is a valid Context pointer */ static ALCboolean IsContext(ALCcontext *pContext) { ALCcontext *pTempContext; pTempContext = g_pContextList; while (pTempContext && pTempContext != pContext) pTempContext = pTempContext->next; return (pTempContext ? ALC_TRUE : ALC_FALSE); } /* alcSetError Store latest ALC Error */ ALCvoid alcSetError(ALCdevice *device, ALenum errorCode) { LockLists(); if(IsDevice(device)) device->LastError = errorCode; else g_eLastNullDeviceError = errorCode; UnlockLists(); } /* UpdateDeviceParams: * * Updates device parameters according to the attribute list. */ static ALCboolean UpdateDeviceParams(ALCdevice *device, const ALCint *attrList) { ALCuint freq, numMono, numStereo, numSends; enum DevFmtChannels schans; enum DevFmtType stype; ALboolean running; ALuint attrIdx; ALuint i; running = ((device->NumContexts > 0) ? AL_TRUE : AL_FALSE); // Check for attributes if(attrList && attrList[0]) { // If a context is already running on the device, stop playback so the // device attributes can be updated if(running) { ALCdevice_StopPlayback(device); running = AL_FALSE; } freq = device->Frequency; schans = device->FmtChans; stype = device->FmtType; numMono = device->NumMonoSources; numStereo = device->NumStereoSources; numSends = device->NumAuxSends; freq = GetConfigValueInt(NULL, "frequency", freq); if(freq < 8000) freq = 8000; attrIdx = 0; while(attrList[attrIdx]) { if(attrList[attrIdx] == ALC_FORMAT_CHANNELS_SOFT && device->IsLoopbackDevice) { ALCint val = attrList[attrIdx + 1]; if(!IsValidChannels(val) || !ChannelsFromDevFmt(val)) { alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_VALUE); return ALC_FALSE; } schans = val; } if(attrList[attrIdx] == ALC_FORMAT_TYPE_SOFT && device->IsLoopbackDevice) { ALCint val = attrList[attrIdx + 1]; if(!IsValidType(val) || !BytesFromDevFmt(val)) { alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_VALUE); return ALC_FALSE; } stype = val; } if(attrList[attrIdx] == ALC_FREQUENCY) { if(device->IsLoopbackDevice) { freq = attrList[attrIdx + 1]; if(freq < 8000) { alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_VALUE); return ALC_FALSE; } } else if(!ConfigValueExists(NULL, "frequency")) { freq = attrList[attrIdx + 1]; if(freq < 8000) freq = 8000; device->Flags |= DEVICE_FREQUENCY_REQUEST; } } if(attrList[attrIdx] == ALC_STEREO_SOURCES) { numStereo = attrList[attrIdx + 1]; if(numStereo > device->MaxNoOfSources) numStereo = device->MaxNoOfSources; numMono = device->MaxNoOfSources - numStereo; } if(attrList[attrIdx] == ALC_MAX_AUXILIARY_SENDS && !ConfigValueExists(NULL, "sends")) { numSends = attrList[attrIdx + 1]; if(numSends > MAX_SENDS) numSends = MAX_SENDS; } attrIdx += 2; } device->UpdateSize = (ALuint64)device->UpdateSize * freq / device->Frequency; device->Frequency = freq; device->FmtChans = schans; device->FmtType = stype; device->NumMonoSources = numMono; device->NumStereoSources = numStereo; device->NumAuxSends = numSends; } if(!device->IsLoopbackDevice && GetConfigValueBool(NULL, "hrtf", AL_FALSE)) device->Flags |= DEVICE_USE_HRTF; if(running) return ALC_TRUE; SuspendContext(NULL); if(ALCdevice_ResetPlayback(device) == ALC_FALSE) { ProcessContext(NULL); return ALC_FALSE; } aluInitPanning(device); for(i = 0;i < MAXCHANNELS;i++) { device->ClickRemoval[i] = 0.0f; device->PendingClicks[i] = 0.0f; } if(device->FmtChans != DevFmtStereo || device->Frequency != 44100) { if((device->Flags&DEVICE_USE_HRTF)) AL_PRINT("HRTF disabled (format is %uhz %s)\n", device->Frequency, DevFmtChannelsString(device->FmtChans)); device->Flags &= ~DEVICE_USE_HRTF; } if(!(device->Flags&DEVICE_USE_HRTF) && device->Bs2bLevel > 0 && device->Bs2bLevel <= 6) { if(!device->Bs2b) { device->Bs2b = calloc(1, sizeof(*device->Bs2b)); bs2b_clear(device->Bs2b); } bs2b_set_srate(device->Bs2b, device->Frequency); bs2b_set_level(device->Bs2b, device->Bs2bLevel); } else { free(device->Bs2b); device->Bs2b = NULL; } device->Flags &= ~DEVICE_DUPLICATE_STEREO; switch(device->FmtChans) { case DevFmtMono: case DevFmtStereo: break; case DevFmtQuad: case DevFmtX51: case DevFmtX51Side: case DevFmtX61: case DevFmtX71: if(GetConfigValueBool(NULL, "stereodup", AL_TRUE)) device->Flags |= DEVICE_DUPLICATE_STEREO; break; } for(i = 0;i < device->NumContexts;i++) { ALCcontext *context = device->Contexts[i]; ALsizei pos; SuspendContext(context); for(pos = 0;pos < context->EffectSlotMap.size;pos++) { ALeffectslot *slot = context->EffectSlotMap.array[pos].value; if(ALEffect_DeviceUpdate(slot->EffectState, device) == AL_FALSE) { ProcessContext(context); ProcessContext(NULL); return ALC_FALSE; } ALEffect_Update(slot->EffectState, context, &slot->effect); } for(pos = 0;pos < context->SourceMap.size;pos++) { ALsource *source = context->SourceMap.array[pos].value; ALuint s = device->NumAuxSends; while(s < MAX_SENDS) { if(source->Send[s].Slot) source->Send[s].Slot->refcount--; source->Send[s].Slot = NULL; source->Send[s].WetFilter.type = 0; source->Send[s].WetFilter.filter = 0; s++; } ALsource_Update(source, context); source->NeedsUpdate = AL_FALSE; } ProcessContext(context); } ProcessContext(NULL); return ALC_TRUE; } /* SuspendContext Thread-safe entry */ ALCvoid SuspendContext(ALCcontext *pContext) { (void)pContext; EnterCriticalSection(&g_csMutex); } /* ProcessContext Thread-safe exit */ ALCvoid ProcessContext(ALCcontext *pContext) { (void)pContext; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csMutex); } /* GetContextSuspended Returns the currently active Context, in a locked state */ ALCcontext *GetContextSuspended(void) { ALCcontext *pContext = NULL; LockLists(); pContext = tls_get(LocalContext); if(pContext && !IsContext(pContext)) { tls_set(LocalContext, NULL); pContext = NULL; } if(!pContext) pContext = GlobalContext; if(pContext) SuspendContext(pContext); UnlockLists(); return pContext; } /* InitContext Initialize Context variables */ static ALvoid InitContext(ALCcontext *pContext) { //Initialise listener pContext->Listener.Gain = 1.0f; pContext->Listener.MetersPerUnit = 1.0f; pContext->Listener.Position[0] = 0.0f; pContext->Listener.Position[1] = 0.0f; pContext->Listener.Position[2] = 0.0f; pContext->Listener.Velocity[0] = 0.0f; pContext->Listener.Velocity[1] = 0.0f; pContext->Listener.Velocity[2] = 0.0f; pContext->Listener.Forward[0] = 0.0f; pContext->Listener.Forward[1] = 0.0f; pContext->Listener.Forward[2] = -1.0f; pContext->Listener.Up[0] = 0.0f; pContext->Listener.Up[1] = 1.0f; pContext->Listener.Up[2] = 0.0f; //Validate pContext pContext->LastError = AL_NO_ERROR; pContext->Suspended = AL_FALSE; pContext->ActiveSourceCount = 0; InitUIntMap(&pContext->SourceMap); InitUIntMap(&pContext->EffectSlotMap); //Set globals pContext->DistanceModel = AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE_CLAMPED; pContext->SourceDistanceModel = AL_FALSE; pContext->DopplerFactor = 1.0f; pContext->DopplerVelocity = 1.0f; pContext->flSpeedOfSound = SPEEDOFSOUNDMETRESPERSEC; pContext->ExtensionList = alExtList; } /* ExitContext Clean up Context, destroy any remaining Sources */ static ALCvoid ExitContext(ALCcontext *pContext) { //Invalidate context pContext->LastError = AL_NO_ERROR; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ALC Functions calls // This should probably move to another c file but for now ... ALC_API ALCdevice* ALC_APIENTRY alcCaptureOpenDevice(const ALCchar *deviceName, ALCuint frequency, ALCenum format, ALCsizei SampleSize) { ALCboolean DeviceFound = ALC_FALSE; ALCdevice *device = NULL; ALCint i; if(SampleSize <= 0) { alcSetError(NULL, ALC_INVALID_VALUE); return NULL; } if(deviceName && !deviceName[0]) deviceName = NULL; device = calloc(1, sizeof(ALCdevice)); if(!device) { alcSetError(NULL, ALC_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return NULL; } //Validate device device->Connected = ALC_TRUE; device->IsCaptureDevice = AL_TRUE; device->IsLoopbackDevice = AL_FALSE; device->szDeviceName = NULL; device->Flags |= DEVICE_FREQUENCY_REQUEST; device->Frequency = frequency; device->Flags |= DEVICE_CHANNELS_REQUEST; if(DecomposeDevFormat(format, &device->FmtChans, &device->FmtType) == AL_FALSE) { free(device); alcSetError(NULL, ALC_INVALID_ENUM); return NULL; } device->UpdateSize = SampleSize; device->NumUpdates = 1; LockLists(); for(i = 0;BackendList[i].Init;i++) { device->Funcs = &BackendList[i].Funcs; if(ALCdevice_OpenCapture(device, deviceName)) { device->next = g_pDeviceList; g_pDeviceList = device; g_ulDeviceCount++; DeviceFound = ALC_TRUE; break; } } UnlockLists(); if(!DeviceFound) { alcSetError(NULL, ALC_INVALID_VALUE); free(device); device = NULL; } return device; } ALC_API ALCboolean ALC_APIENTRY alcCaptureCloseDevice(ALCdevice *pDevice) { ALCdevice **list; LockLists(); if(!IsDevice(pDevice) || !pDevice->IsCaptureDevice) { alcSetError(pDevice, ALC_INVALID_DEVICE); UnlockLists(); return ALC_FALSE; } list = &g_pDeviceList; while(*list != pDevice) list = &(*list)->next; *list = (*list)->next; g_ulDeviceCount--; UnlockLists(); ALCdevice_CloseCapture(pDevice); free(pDevice->szDeviceName); pDevice->szDeviceName = NULL; free(pDevice); return ALC_TRUE; } ALC_API void ALC_APIENTRY alcCaptureStart(ALCdevice *device) { LockLists(); if(!IsDevice(device) || !device->IsCaptureDevice) alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_DEVICE); else if(device->Connected) ALCdevice_StartCapture(device); UnlockLists(); } ALC_API void ALC_APIENTRY alcCaptureStop(ALCdevice *device) { LockLists(); if(!IsDevice(device) || !device->IsCaptureDevice) alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_DEVICE); else ALCdevice_StopCapture(device); UnlockLists(); } ALC_API void ALC_APIENTRY alcCaptureSamples(ALCdevice *device, ALCvoid *buffer, ALCsizei samples) { LockLists(); if(!IsDevice(device) || !device->IsCaptureDevice) alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_DEVICE); else ALCdevice_CaptureSamples(device, buffer, samples); UnlockLists(); } /* alcGetError Return last ALC generated error code */ ALC_API ALCenum ALC_APIENTRY alcGetError(ALCdevice *device) { ALCenum errorCode; LockLists(); if(IsDevice(device)) { errorCode = device->LastError; device->LastError = ALC_NO_ERROR; } else { errorCode = g_eLastNullDeviceError; g_eLastNullDeviceError = ALC_NO_ERROR; } UnlockLists(); return errorCode; } /* alcSuspendContext Not functional */ ALC_API ALCvoid ALC_APIENTRY alcSuspendContext(ALCcontext *pContext) { LockLists(); if(IsContext(pContext)) pContext->Suspended = AL_TRUE; UnlockLists(); } /* alcProcessContext Not functional */ ALC_API ALCvoid ALC_APIENTRY alcProcessContext(ALCcontext *pContext) { LockLists(); if(IsContext(pContext)) pContext->Suspended = AL_FALSE; UnlockLists(); } /* alcGetString Returns information about the Device, and error strings */ ALC_API const ALCchar* ALC_APIENTRY alcGetString(ALCdevice *pDevice,ALCenum param) { const ALCchar *value = NULL; switch (param) { case ALC_NO_ERROR: value = alcNoError; break; case ALC_INVALID_ENUM: value = alcErrInvalidEnum; break; case ALC_INVALID_VALUE: value = alcErrInvalidValue; break; case ALC_INVALID_DEVICE: value = alcErrInvalidDevice; break; case ALC_INVALID_CONTEXT: value = alcErrInvalidContext; break; case ALC_OUT_OF_MEMORY: value = alcErrOutOfMemory; break; case ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER: LockLists(); if(IsDevice(pDevice)) value = pDevice->szDeviceName; else { ProbeDeviceList(); value = alcDeviceList; } UnlockLists(); break; case ALC_ALL_DEVICES_SPECIFIER: ProbeAllDeviceList(); value = alcAllDeviceList; break; case ALC_CAPTURE_DEVICE_SPECIFIER: LockLists(); if(IsDevice(pDevice)) value = pDevice->szDeviceName; else { ProbeCaptureDeviceList(); value = alcCaptureDeviceList; } UnlockLists(); break; /* Default devices are always first in the list */ case ALC_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER: if(!alcDeviceList) ProbeDeviceList(); free(alcDefaultDeviceSpecifier); alcDefaultDeviceSpecifier = strdup(alcDeviceList ? alcDeviceList : ""); if(!alcDefaultDeviceSpecifier) alcSetError(pDevice, ALC_OUT_OF_MEMORY); value = alcDefaultDeviceSpecifier; break; case ALC_DEFAULT_ALL_DEVICES_SPECIFIER: if(!alcAllDeviceList) ProbeAllDeviceList(); free(alcDefaultAllDeviceSpecifier); alcDefaultAllDeviceSpecifier = strdup(alcAllDeviceList ? alcAllDeviceList : ""); if(!alcDefaultAllDeviceSpecifier) alcSetError(pDevice, ALC_OUT_OF_MEMORY); value = alcDefaultAllDeviceSpecifier; break; case ALC_CAPTURE_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER: if(!alcCaptureDeviceList) ProbeCaptureDeviceList(); free(alcCaptureDefaultDeviceSpecifier); alcCaptureDefaultDeviceSpecifier = strdup(alcCaptureDeviceList ? alcCaptureDeviceList : ""); if(!alcCaptureDefaultDeviceSpecifier) alcSetError(pDevice, ALC_OUT_OF_MEMORY); value = alcCaptureDefaultDeviceSpecifier; break; case ALC_EXTENSIONS: LockLists(); if(IsDevice(pDevice)) value = alcExtensionList; else value = alcNoDeviceExtList; UnlockLists(); break; default: alcSetError(pDevice, ALC_INVALID_ENUM); break; } return value; } /* alcGetIntegerv Returns information about the Device and the version of Open AL */ ALC_API ALCvoid ALC_APIENTRY alcGetIntegerv(ALCdevice *device,ALCenum param,ALsizei size,ALCint *data) { if(size == 0 || data == NULL) { alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_VALUE); return; } LockLists(); if(IsDevice(device) && device->IsCaptureDevice) { // Capture device switch (param) { case ALC_CAPTURE_SAMPLES: *data = ALCdevice_AvailableSamples(device); break; case ALC_CONNECTED: *data = device->Connected; break; default: alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_ENUM); break; } UnlockLists(); return; } // Playback Device switch (param) { case ALC_MAJOR_VERSION: *data = alcMajorVersion; break; case ALC_MINOR_VERSION: *data = alcMinorVersion; break; case ALC_EFX_MAJOR_VERSION: *data = alcEFXMajorVersion; break; case ALC_EFX_MINOR_VERSION: *data = alcEFXMinorVersion; break; case ALC_MAX_AUXILIARY_SENDS: if(!IsDevice(device)) alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_DEVICE); else *data = device->NumAuxSends; break; case ALC_ATTRIBUTES_SIZE: if(!IsDevice(device)) alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_DEVICE); else *data = 13; break; case ALC_ALL_ATTRIBUTES: if(!IsDevice(device)) alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_DEVICE); else if (size < 13) alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_VALUE); else { int i = 0; data[i++] = ALC_FREQUENCY; data[i++] = device->Frequency; if(!device->IsLoopbackDevice) { data[i++] = ALC_REFRESH; data[i++] = device->Frequency / device->UpdateSize; data[i++] = ALC_SYNC; data[i++] = ALC_FALSE; } else { data[i++] = ALC_FORMAT_CHANNELS_SOFT; data[i++] = device->FmtChans; data[i++] = ALC_FORMAT_TYPE_SOFT; data[i++] = device->FmtType; } data[i++] = ALC_MONO_SOURCES; data[i++] = device->NumMonoSources; data[i++] = ALC_STEREO_SOURCES; data[i++] = device->NumStereoSources; data[i++] = ALC_MAX_AUXILIARY_SENDS; data[i++] = device->NumAuxSends; data[i++] = 0; } break; case ALC_FREQUENCY: if(!IsDevice(device)) alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_DEVICE); else *data = device->Frequency; break; case ALC_REFRESH: if(!IsDevice(device) || device->IsLoopbackDevice) alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_DEVICE); else *data = device->Frequency / device->UpdateSize; break; case ALC_SYNC: if(!IsDevice(device) || device->IsLoopbackDevice) alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_DEVICE); else *data = ALC_FALSE; break; case ALC_FORMAT_CHANNELS_SOFT: if(!IsDevice(device) || !device->IsLoopbackDevice) alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_DEVICE); else *data = device->FmtChans; break; case ALC_FORMAT_TYPE_SOFT: if(!IsDevice(device) || !device->IsLoopbackDevice) alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_DEVICE); else *data = device->FmtType; break; case ALC_MONO_SOURCES: if(!IsDevice(device)) alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_DEVICE); else *data = device->NumMonoSources; break; case ALC_STEREO_SOURCES: if(!IsDevice(device)) alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_DEVICE); else *data = device->NumStereoSources; break; case ALC_CONNECTED: if(!IsDevice(device)) alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_DEVICE); else *data = device->Connected; break; default: alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_ENUM); break; } UnlockLists(); } /* alcIsExtensionPresent Determines if there is support for a particular extension */ ALC_API ALCboolean ALC_APIENTRY alcIsExtensionPresent(ALCdevice *device, const ALCchar *extName) { ALCboolean bResult = ALC_FALSE; const char *ptr; size_t len; if(!extName) { alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_VALUE); return ALC_FALSE; } len = strlen(extName); LockLists(); ptr = (IsDevice(device) ? alcExtensionList : alcNoDeviceExtList); UnlockLists(); while(ptr && *ptr) { if(strncasecmp(ptr, extName, len) == 0 && (ptr[len] == '\0' || isspace(ptr[len]))) { bResult = ALC_TRUE; break; } if((ptr=strchr(ptr, ' ')) != NULL) { do { ++ptr; } while(isspace(*ptr)); } } return bResult; } /* alcGetProcAddress Retrieves the function address for a particular extension function */ ALC_API ALCvoid* ALC_APIENTRY alcGetProcAddress(ALCdevice *device, const ALCchar *funcName) { ALsizei i = 0; if(!funcName) { alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_VALUE); return NULL; } while(alcFunctions[i].funcName && strcmp(alcFunctions[i].funcName,funcName) != 0) i++; return alcFunctions[i].address; } /* alcGetEnumValue Get the value for a particular ALC Enumerated Value */ ALC_API ALCenum ALC_APIENTRY alcGetEnumValue(ALCdevice *device, const ALCchar *enumName) { ALsizei i = 0; if(!enumName) { alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_VALUE); return (ALCenum)0; } while(enumeration[i].enumName && strcmp(enumeration[i].enumName,enumName) != 0) i++; return enumeration[i].value; } /* alcCreateContext Create and attach a Context to a particular Device. */ ALC_API ALCcontext* ALC_APIENTRY alcCreateContext(ALCdevice *device, const ALCint *attrList) { ALCcontext *ALContext; void *temp; LockLists(); if(!IsDevice(device) || device->IsCaptureDevice || !device->Connected) { alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_DEVICE); UnlockLists(); return NULL; } // Reset Context Last Error code device->LastError = ALC_NO_ERROR; if(UpdateDeviceParams(device, attrList) == ALC_FALSE) { alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_DEVICE); aluHandleDisconnect(device); ALCdevice_StopPlayback(device); UnlockLists(); return NULL; } SuspendContext(NULL); ALContext = NULL; temp = realloc(device->Contexts, (device->NumContexts+1) * sizeof(*device->Contexts)); if(temp) { device->Contexts = temp; ALContext = calloc(1, sizeof(ALCcontext)); if(ALContext) { ALContext->MaxActiveSources = 256; ALContext->ActiveSources = malloc(sizeof(ALContext->ActiveSources[0]) * ALContext->MaxActiveSources); } } if(!ALContext || !ALContext->ActiveSources) { free(ALContext); alcSetError(device, ALC_OUT_OF_MEMORY); ProcessContext(NULL); if(device->NumContexts == 0) ALCdevice_StopPlayback(device); UnlockLists(); return NULL; } device->Contexts[device->NumContexts++] = ALContext; ALContext->Device = device; InitContext(ALContext); ProcessContext(NULL); ALContext->next = g_pContextList; g_pContextList = ALContext; g_ulContextCount++; UnlockLists(); return ALContext; } /* alcDestroyContext Remove a Context */ ALC_API ALCvoid ALC_APIENTRY alcDestroyContext(ALCcontext *context) { ALCdevice *Device; ALCcontext **list; ALuint i; LockLists(); if(!IsContext(context)) { alcSetError(NULL, ALC_INVALID_CONTEXT); UnlockLists(); return; } list = &g_pContextList; while(*list != context) list = &(*list)->next; *list = (*list)->next; g_ulContextCount--; Device = context->Device; if(Device->NumContexts == 1) ALCdevice_StopPlayback(Device); if(context == GlobalContext) GlobalContext = NULL; SuspendContext(NULL); for(i = 0;i < Device->NumContexts;i++) { if(Device->Contexts[i] == context) { Device->Contexts[i] = Device->Contexts[Device->NumContexts-1]; Device->NumContexts--; break; } } // Lock context SuspendContext(context); if(context->SourceMap.size > 0) { #ifdef _DEBUG AL_PRINT("alcDestroyContext(): deleting %d Source(s)\n", context->SourceMap.size); #endif ReleaseALSources(context); } ResetUIntMap(&context->SourceMap); if(context->EffectSlotMap.size > 0) { #ifdef _DEBUG AL_PRINT("alcDestroyContext(): deleting %d AuxiliaryEffectSlot(s)\n", context->EffectSlotMap.size); #endif ReleaseALAuxiliaryEffectSlots(context); } ResetUIntMap(&context->EffectSlotMap); free(context->ActiveSources); context->ActiveSources = NULL; context->MaxActiveSources = 0; context->ActiveSourceCount = 0; // Unlock context ProcessContext(context); ProcessContext(NULL); UnlockLists(); ExitContext(context); // Free memory (MUST do this after ProcessContext) memset(context, 0, sizeof(ALCcontext)); free(context); } /* alcGetCurrentContext Returns the currently active Context */ ALC_API ALCcontext* ALC_APIENTRY alcGetCurrentContext(ALCvoid) { ALCcontext *pContext; if((pContext=GetContextSuspended()) != NULL) ProcessContext(pContext); return pContext; } /* alcGetThreadContext Returns the currently active thread-local Context */ ALC_API ALCcontext* ALC_APIENTRY alcGetThreadContext(void) { ALCcontext *pContext = NULL; LockLists(); pContext = tls_get(LocalContext); if(pContext && !IsContext(pContext)) { tls_set(LocalContext, NULL); pContext = NULL; } UnlockLists(); return pContext; } /* alcGetContextsDevice Returns the Device that a particular Context is attached to */ ALC_API ALCdevice* ALC_APIENTRY alcGetContextsDevice(ALCcontext *pContext) { ALCdevice *pDevice = NULL; LockLists(); if(IsContext(pContext)) pDevice = pContext->Device; else alcSetError(NULL, ALC_INVALID_CONTEXT); UnlockLists(); return pDevice; } /* alcMakeContextCurrent Makes the given Context the active Context */ ALC_API ALCboolean ALC_APIENTRY alcMakeContextCurrent(ALCcontext *context) { ALboolean bReturn = AL_TRUE; LockLists(); // context must be a valid Context or NULL if(context == NULL || IsContext(context)) { GlobalContext = context; tls_set(LocalContext, NULL); } else { alcSetError(NULL, ALC_INVALID_CONTEXT); bReturn = AL_FALSE; } UnlockLists(); return bReturn; } /* alcSetThreadContext Makes the given Context the active Context for the current thread */ ALC_API ALCboolean ALC_APIENTRY alcSetThreadContext(ALCcontext *context) { ALboolean bReturn = AL_TRUE; LockLists(); // context must be a valid Context or NULL if(context == NULL || IsContext(context)) tls_set(LocalContext, context); else { alcSetError(NULL, ALC_INVALID_CONTEXT); bReturn = AL_FALSE; } UnlockLists(); return bReturn; } // Sets the default channel order used by most non-WaveFormatEx-based APIs void SetDefaultChannelOrder(ALCdevice *device) { switch(device->FmtChans) { case DevFmtMono: device->DevChannels[FRONT_CENTER] = 0; break; case DevFmtStereo: device->DevChannels[FRONT_LEFT] = 0; device->DevChannels[FRONT_RIGHT] = 1; break; case DevFmtQuad: device->DevChannels[FRONT_LEFT] = 0; device->DevChannels[FRONT_RIGHT] = 1; device->DevChannels[BACK_LEFT] = 2; device->DevChannels[BACK_RIGHT] = 3; break; case DevFmtX51: device->DevChannels[FRONT_LEFT] = 0; device->DevChannels[FRONT_RIGHT] = 1; device->DevChannels[BACK_LEFT] = 2; device->DevChannels[BACK_RIGHT] = 3; device->DevChannels[FRONT_CENTER] = 4; device->DevChannels[LFE] = 5; break; case DevFmtX51Side: device->DevChannels[FRONT_LEFT] = 0; device->DevChannels[FRONT_RIGHT] = 1; device->DevChannels[FRONT_CENTER] = 2; device->DevChannels[LFE] = 3; device->DevChannels[SIDE_LEFT] = 4; device->DevChannels[SIDE_RIGHT] = 5; break; case DevFmtX61: device->DevChannels[FRONT_LEFT] = 0; device->DevChannels[FRONT_RIGHT] = 1; device->DevChannels[FRONT_CENTER] = 2; device->DevChannels[LFE] = 3; device->DevChannels[BACK_CENTER] = 4; device->DevChannels[SIDE_LEFT] = 5; device->DevChannels[SIDE_RIGHT] = 6; break; case DevFmtX71: device->DevChannels[FRONT_LEFT] = 0; device->DevChannels[FRONT_RIGHT] = 1; device->DevChannels[BACK_LEFT] = 2; device->DevChannels[BACK_RIGHT] = 3; device->DevChannels[FRONT_CENTER] = 4; device->DevChannels[LFE] = 5; device->DevChannels[SIDE_LEFT] = 6; device->DevChannels[SIDE_RIGHT] = 7; break; } } // Sets the default order used by WaveFormatEx void SetDefaultWFXChannelOrder(ALCdevice *device) { switch(device->FmtChans) { case DevFmtMono: device->DevChannels[FRONT_CENTER] = 0; break; case DevFmtStereo: device->DevChannels[FRONT_LEFT] = 0; device->DevChannels[FRONT_RIGHT] = 1; break; case DevFmtQuad: device->DevChannels[FRONT_LEFT] = 0; device->DevChannels[FRONT_RIGHT] = 1; device->DevChannels[BACK_LEFT] = 2; device->DevChannels[BACK_RIGHT] = 3; break; case DevFmtX51: device->DevChannels[FRONT_LEFT] = 0; device->DevChannels[FRONT_RIGHT] = 1; device->DevChannels[FRONT_CENTER] = 2; device->DevChannels[LFE] = 3; device->DevChannels[BACK_LEFT] = 4; device->DevChannels[BACK_RIGHT] = 5; break; case DevFmtX51Side: device->DevChannels[FRONT_LEFT] = 0; device->DevChannels[FRONT_RIGHT] = 1; device->DevChannels[FRONT_CENTER] = 2; device->DevChannels[LFE] = 3; device->DevChannels[SIDE_LEFT] = 4; device->DevChannels[SIDE_RIGHT] = 5; break; case DevFmtX61: device->DevChannels[FRONT_LEFT] = 0; device->DevChannels[FRONT_RIGHT] = 1; device->DevChannels[FRONT_CENTER] = 2; device->DevChannels[LFE] = 3; device->DevChannels[BACK_CENTER] = 4; device->DevChannels[SIDE_LEFT] = 5; device->DevChannels[SIDE_RIGHT] = 6; break; case DevFmtX71: device->DevChannels[FRONT_LEFT] = 0; device->DevChannels[FRONT_RIGHT] = 1; device->DevChannels[FRONT_CENTER] = 2; device->DevChannels[LFE] = 3; device->DevChannels[BACK_LEFT] = 4; device->DevChannels[BACK_RIGHT] = 5; device->DevChannels[SIDE_LEFT] = 6; device->DevChannels[SIDE_RIGHT] = 7; break; } } static void GetFormatFromString(const char *str, enum DevFmtChannels *chans, enum DevFmtType *type) { if(strcasecmp(str, "AL_FORMAT_MONO32") == 0) { *chans = DevFmtMono; *type = DevFmtFloat; return; } if(strcasecmp(str, "AL_FORMAT_STEREO32") == 0) { *chans = DevFmtStereo; *type = DevFmtFloat; return; } if(strcasecmp(str, "AL_FORMAT_QUAD32") == 0) { *chans = DevFmtQuad; *type = DevFmtFloat; return; } if(strcasecmp(str, "AL_FORMAT_51CHN32") == 0) { *chans = DevFmtX51; *type = DevFmtFloat; return; } if(strcasecmp(str, "AL_FORMAT_61CHN32") == 0) { *chans = DevFmtX61; *type = DevFmtFloat; return; } if(strcasecmp(str, "AL_FORMAT_71CHN32") == 0) { *chans = DevFmtX71; *type = DevFmtFloat; return; } if(strcasecmp(str, "AL_FORMAT_MONO16") == 0) { *chans = DevFmtMono; *type = DevFmtShort; return; } if(strcasecmp(str, "AL_FORMAT_STEREO16") == 0) { *chans = DevFmtStereo; *type = DevFmtShort; return; } if(strcasecmp(str, "AL_FORMAT_QUAD16") == 0) { *chans = DevFmtQuad; *type = DevFmtShort; return; } if(strcasecmp(str, "AL_FORMAT_51CHN16") == 0) { *chans = DevFmtX51; *type = DevFmtShort; return; } if(strcasecmp(str, "AL_FORMAT_61CHN16") == 0) { *chans = DevFmtX61; *type = DevFmtShort; return; } if(strcasecmp(str, "AL_FORMAT_71CHN16") == 0) { *chans = DevFmtX71; *type = DevFmtShort; return; } if(strcasecmp(str, "AL_FORMAT_MONO8") == 0) { *chans = DevFmtMono; *type = DevFmtByte; return; } if(strcasecmp(str, "AL_FORMAT_STEREO8") == 0) { *chans = DevFmtStereo; *type = DevFmtByte; return; } if(strcasecmp(str, "AL_FORMAT_QUAD8") == 0) { *chans = DevFmtQuad; *type = DevFmtByte; return; } if(strcasecmp(str, "AL_FORMAT_51CHN8") == 0) { *chans = DevFmtX51; *type = DevFmtByte; return; } if(strcasecmp(str, "AL_FORMAT_61CHN8") == 0) { *chans = DevFmtX61; *type = DevFmtByte; return; } if(strcasecmp(str, "AL_FORMAT_71CHN8") == 0) { *chans = DevFmtX71; *type = DevFmtByte; return; } AL_PRINT("Unknown format: \"%s\"\n", str); *chans = DevFmtStereo; *type = DevFmtShort; } /* alcOpenDevice Open the Device specified. */ ALC_API ALCdevice* ALC_APIENTRY alcOpenDevice(const ALCchar *deviceName) { ALboolean bDeviceFound = AL_FALSE; const ALCchar *fmt; ALCdevice *device; ALint i; if(deviceName && !deviceName[0]) deviceName = NULL; device = calloc(1, sizeof(ALCdevice)); if(!device) { alcSetError(NULL, ALC_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return NULL; } //Validate device device->Connected = ALC_TRUE; device->IsCaptureDevice = AL_FALSE; device->IsLoopbackDevice = AL_FALSE; device->LastError = ALC_NO_ERROR; device->Flags = 0; device->Bs2b = NULL; device->szDeviceName = NULL; device->Contexts = NULL; device->NumContexts = 0; InitUIntMap(&device->BufferMap); InitUIntMap(&device->EffectMap); InitUIntMap(&device->FilterMap); InitUIntMap(&device->DatabufferMap); //Set output format if(ConfigValueExists(NULL, "frequency")) device->Flags |= DEVICE_FREQUENCY_REQUEST; device->Frequency = GetConfigValueInt(NULL, "frequency", DEFAULT_OUTPUT_RATE); if(device->Frequency < 8000) device->Frequency = 8000; if(ConfigValueExists(NULL, "format")) device->Flags |= DEVICE_CHANNELS_REQUEST; fmt = GetConfigValue(NULL, "format", "AL_FORMAT_STEREO16"); GetFormatFromString(fmt, &device->FmtChans, &device->FmtType); device->NumUpdates = GetConfigValueInt(NULL, "periods", 4); if(device->NumUpdates < 2) device->NumUpdates = 4; device->UpdateSize = GetConfigValueInt(NULL, "period_size", 1024); if(device->UpdateSize <= 0) device->UpdateSize = 1024; device->MaxNoOfSources = GetConfigValueInt(NULL, "sources", 256); if((ALint)device->MaxNoOfSources <= 0) device->MaxNoOfSources = 256; device->AuxiliaryEffectSlotMax = GetConfigValueInt(NULL, "slots", 4); if((ALint)device->AuxiliaryEffectSlotMax <= 0) device->AuxiliaryEffectSlotMax = 4; device->NumStereoSources = 1; device->NumMonoSources = device->MaxNoOfSources - device->NumStereoSources; device->NumAuxSends = GetConfigValueInt(NULL, "sends", 1); if(device->NumAuxSends > MAX_SENDS) device->NumAuxSends = MAX_SENDS; device->Bs2bLevel = GetConfigValueInt(NULL, "cf_level", 0); // Find a playback device to open LockLists(); for(i = 0;BackendList[i].Init;i++) { device->Funcs = &BackendList[i].Funcs; if(ALCdevice_OpenPlayback(device, deviceName)) { device->next = g_pDeviceList; g_pDeviceList = device; g_ulDeviceCount++; bDeviceFound = AL_TRUE; break; } } UnlockLists(); if(!bDeviceFound) { // No suitable output device found alcSetError(NULL, ALC_INVALID_VALUE); free(device); device = NULL; } return device; } /* alcCloseDevice Close the specified Device */ ALC_API ALCboolean ALC_APIENTRY alcCloseDevice(ALCdevice *pDevice) { ALCdevice **list; LockLists(); if(!IsDevice(pDevice) || pDevice->IsCaptureDevice) { alcSetError(pDevice, ALC_INVALID_DEVICE); UnlockLists(); return ALC_FALSE; } list = &g_pDeviceList; while(*list != pDevice) list = &(*list)->next; *list = (*list)->next; g_ulDeviceCount--; UnlockLists(); if(pDevice->NumContexts > 0) { #ifdef _DEBUG AL_PRINT("alcCloseDevice(): destroying %u Context(s)\n", pDevice->NumContexts); #endif while(pDevice->NumContexts > 0) alcDestroyContext(pDevice->Contexts[0]); } ALCdevice_ClosePlayback(pDevice); if(pDevice->BufferMap.size > 0) { #ifdef _DEBUG AL_PRINT("alcCloseDevice(): deleting %d Buffer(s)\n", pDevice->BufferMap.size); #endif ReleaseALBuffers(pDevice); } ResetUIntMap(&pDevice->BufferMap); if(pDevice->EffectMap.size > 0) { #ifdef _DEBUG AL_PRINT("alcCloseDevice(): deleting %d Effect(s)\n", pDevice->EffectMap.size); #endif ReleaseALEffects(pDevice); } ResetUIntMap(&pDevice->EffectMap); if(pDevice->FilterMap.size > 0) { #ifdef _DEBUG AL_PRINT("alcCloseDevice(): deleting %d Filter(s)\n", pDevice->FilterMap.size); #endif ReleaseALFilters(pDevice); } ResetUIntMap(&pDevice->FilterMap); if(pDevice->DatabufferMap.size > 0) { #ifdef _DEBUG AL_PRINT("alcCloseDevice(): deleting %d Databuffer(s)\n", pDevice->DatabufferMap.size); #endif ReleaseALDatabuffers(pDevice); } ResetUIntMap(&pDevice->DatabufferMap); free(pDevice->Bs2b); pDevice->Bs2b = NULL; free(pDevice->szDeviceName); pDevice->szDeviceName = NULL; free(pDevice->Contexts); pDevice->Contexts = NULL; //Release device structure memset(pDevice, 0, sizeof(ALCdevice)); free(pDevice); return ALC_TRUE; } ALC_API ALCdevice* ALC_APIENTRY alcLoopbackOpenDeviceSOFT(void) { ALCdevice *device; device = calloc(1, sizeof(ALCdevice)); if(!device) { alcSetError(NULL, ALC_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return NULL; } //Validate device device->Connected = ALC_TRUE; device->IsCaptureDevice = AL_FALSE; device->IsLoopbackDevice = AL_TRUE; device->LastError = ALC_NO_ERROR; device->Flags = 0; device->Bs2b = NULL; device->szDeviceName = NULL; device->Contexts = NULL; device->NumContexts = 0; InitUIntMap(&device->BufferMap); InitUIntMap(&device->EffectMap); InitUIntMap(&device->FilterMap); InitUIntMap(&device->DatabufferMap); //Set output format device->Frequency = 44100; device->FmtChans = DevFmtStereo; device->FmtType = DevFmtShort; device->NumUpdates = 0; device->UpdateSize = 0; device->MaxNoOfSources = GetConfigValueInt(NULL, "sources", 256); if((ALint)device->MaxNoOfSources <= 0) device->MaxNoOfSources = 256; device->AuxiliaryEffectSlotMax = GetConfigValueInt(NULL, "slots", 4); if((ALint)device->AuxiliaryEffectSlotMax <= 0) device->AuxiliaryEffectSlotMax = 4; device->NumStereoSources = 1; device->NumMonoSources = device->MaxNoOfSources - device->NumStereoSources; device->NumAuxSends = GetConfigValueInt(NULL, "sends", 1); if(device->NumAuxSends > MAX_SENDS) device->NumAuxSends = MAX_SENDS; device->Bs2bLevel = GetConfigValueInt(NULL, "cf_level", 0); // Open the "backend" LockLists(); device->Funcs = &BackendLoopback.Funcs; ALCdevice_OpenPlayback(device, "Loopback"); device->next = g_pDeviceList; g_pDeviceList = device; g_ulDeviceCount++; UnlockLists(); return device; } ALC_API ALCboolean ALC_APIENTRY alcIsRenderFormatSupportedSOFT(ALCdevice *device, ALCsizei freq, ALenum channels, ALenum type) { ALCboolean ret = ALC_FALSE; LockLists(); if(!IsDevice(device) || !device->IsLoopbackDevice) alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_DEVICE); else if(freq <= 0) alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_VALUE); else if(IsValidType(type) == AL_FALSE || IsValidChannels(channels) == AL_FALSE) alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_ENUM); else { if((type == DevFmtByte || type == DevFmtUByte || type == DevFmtShort || type == DevFmtUShort || type == DevFmtFloat) && (channels == DevFmtMono || channels == DevFmtStereo || channels == DevFmtQuad || channels == DevFmtX51 || channels == DevFmtX61 || channels == DevFmtX71) && freq >= 8000) ret = ALC_TRUE; } UnlockLists(); return ret; } ALC_API void ALC_APIENTRY alcRenderSamplesSOFT(ALCdevice *device, ALCvoid *buffer, ALCsizei samples) { LockLists(); if(!IsDevice(device) || !device->IsLoopbackDevice) alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_DEVICE); else if(samples < 0) alcSetError(device, ALC_INVALID_VALUE); else aluMixData(device, buffer, samples); UnlockLists(); } static void ReleaseALC(void) { free(alcDeviceList); alcDeviceList = NULL; alcDeviceListSize = 0; free(alcAllDeviceList); alcAllDeviceList = NULL; alcAllDeviceListSize = 0; free(alcCaptureDeviceList); alcCaptureDeviceList = NULL; alcCaptureDeviceListSize = 0; free(alcDefaultDeviceSpecifier); alcDefaultDeviceSpecifier = NULL; free(alcDefaultAllDeviceSpecifier); alcDefaultAllDeviceSpecifier = NULL; free(alcCaptureDefaultDeviceSpecifier); alcCaptureDefaultDeviceSpecifier = NULL; #ifdef _DEBUG if(g_ulDeviceCount > 0) AL_PRINT("exit(): closing %u Device%s\n", g_ulDeviceCount, (g_ulDeviceCount>1)?"s":""); #endif while(g_pDeviceList) { if(g_pDeviceList->IsCaptureDevice) alcCaptureCloseDevice(g_pDeviceList); else alcCloseDevice(g_pDeviceList); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////