/** * OpenAL cross platform audio library * Copyright (C) 1999-2007 by authors. * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * Or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "alMain.h" #include "AL/al.h" #include "AL/alc.h" #include "alSource.h" #include "alBuffer.h" #include "alThunk.h" #include "alListener.h" #include "alAuxEffectSlot.h" #include "alu.h" #include "bs2b.h" #if defined(HAVE_STDINT_H) #include typedef int64_t ALint64; #elif defined(HAVE___INT64) typedef __int64 ALint64; #elif (SIZEOF_LONG == 8) typedef long ALint64; #elif (SIZEOF_LONG_LONG == 8) typedef long long ALint64; #endif #define FRACTIONBITS 14 #define FRACTIONMASK ((1L< 0.f) return Value/32767.f; return 0.f; } static __inline ALshort aluF2S(ALfloat Value) { ALint i; i = (ALint)Value; i = __min( 32767, i); i = __max(-32768, i); return ((ALshort)i); } static __inline ALubyte aluF2UB(ALfloat Value) { ALshort i = aluF2S(Value); return (i>>8)+128; } static __inline ALvoid aluCrossproduct(const ALfloat *inVector1, const ALfloat *inVector2, ALfloat *outVector) { outVector[0] = inVector1[1]*inVector2[2] - inVector1[2]*inVector2[1]; outVector[1] = inVector1[2]*inVector2[0] - inVector1[0]*inVector2[2]; outVector[2] = inVector1[0]*inVector2[1] - inVector1[1]*inVector2[0]; } static __inline ALfloat aluDotproduct(const ALfloat *inVector1, const ALfloat *inVector2) { return inVector1[0]*inVector2[0] + inVector1[1]*inVector2[1] + inVector1[2]*inVector2[2]; } static __inline ALvoid aluNormalize(ALfloat *inVector) { ALfloat length, inverse_length; length = aluSqrt(aluDotproduct(inVector, inVector)); if(length != 0.0f) { inverse_length = 1.0f/length; inVector[0] *= inverse_length; inVector[1] *= inverse_length; inVector[2] *= inverse_length; } } static __inline ALvoid aluMatrixVector(ALfloat *vector,ALfloat matrix[3][3]) { ALfloat result[3]; result[0] = vector[0]*matrix[0][0] + vector[1]*matrix[1][0] + vector[2]*matrix[2][0]; result[1] = vector[0]*matrix[0][1] + vector[1]*matrix[1][1] + vector[2]*matrix[2][1]; result[2] = vector[0]*matrix[0][2] + vector[1]*matrix[1][2] + vector[2]*matrix[2][2]; memcpy(vector, result, sizeof(result)); } static ALvoid SetSpeakerArrangement(const char *name, ALfloat SpeakerAngle[OUTPUTCHANNELS], ALint Speaker2Chan[OUTPUTCHANNELS], ALint chans) { const char *confkey; const char *next; const char *sep; const char *end; int i, val; confkey = GetConfigValue(NULL, name, ""); next = confkey; while(next && *next) { confkey = next; next = strchr(confkey, ','); if(next) { do { next++; } while(isspace(*next)); } sep = strchr(confkey, '='); if(!sep || confkey == sep) continue; end = sep - 1; while(isspace(*end) && end != confkey) end--; end++; if(strncmp(confkey, "fl", end-confkey) == 0) val = FRONT_LEFT; else if(strncmp(confkey, "fr", end-confkey) == 0) val = FRONT_RIGHT; else if(strncmp(confkey, "fc", end-confkey) == 0) val = FRONT_CENTER; else if(strncmp(confkey, "bl", end-confkey) == 0) val = BACK_LEFT; else if(strncmp(confkey, "br", end-confkey) == 0) val = BACK_RIGHT; else if(strncmp(confkey, "bc", end-confkey) == 0) val = BACK_CENTER; else if(strncmp(confkey, "sl", end-confkey) == 0) val = SIDE_LEFT; else if(strncmp(confkey, "sr", end-confkey) == 0) val = SIDE_RIGHT; else { AL_PRINT("Unknown speaker for %s: \"%c%c\"\n", name, confkey[0], confkey[1]); continue; } sep++; while(isspace(*sep)) sep++; for(i = 0;i < chans;i++) { if(Speaker2Chan[i] == val) { val = strtol(sep, NULL, 10); if(val >= -180 && val <= 180) SpeakerAngle[i] = val * M_PI/180.0f; else AL_PRINT("Invalid angle for speaker \"%c%c\": %d\n", confkey[0], confkey[1], val); break; } } } for(i = 1;i < chans;i++) { if(SpeakerAngle[i] <= SpeakerAngle[i-1]) { AL_PRINT("Speaker %d of %d does not follow previous: %f > %f\n", i, chans, SpeakerAngle[i-1] * 180.0f/M_PI, SpeakerAngle[i] * 180.0f/M_PI); SpeakerAngle[i] = SpeakerAngle[i-1] + 1 * 180.0f/M_PI; } } } static __inline ALfloat aluLUTpos2Angle(ALint pos) { if(pos < QUADRANT_NUM) return aluAtan((ALfloat)pos / (ALfloat)(QUADRANT_NUM - pos)); if(pos < 2 * QUADRANT_NUM) return M_PI_2 + aluAtan((ALfloat)(pos - QUADRANT_NUM) / (ALfloat)(2 * QUADRANT_NUM - pos)); if(pos < 3 * QUADRANT_NUM) return aluAtan((ALfloat)(pos - 2 * QUADRANT_NUM) / (ALfloat)(3 * QUADRANT_NUM - pos)) - M_PI; return aluAtan((ALfloat)(pos - 3 * QUADRANT_NUM) / (ALfloat)(4 * QUADRANT_NUM - pos)) - M_PI_2; } ALvoid aluInitPanning(ALCcontext *Context) { ALint pos, offset, s; ALfloat Alpha, Theta; ALfloat SpeakerAngle[OUTPUTCHANNELS]; ALint Speaker2Chan[OUTPUTCHANNELS]; for(s = 0;s < OUTPUTCHANNELS;s++) { int s2; for(s2 = 0;s2 < OUTPUTCHANNELS;s2++) Context->ChannelMatrix[s][s2] = ((s==s2) ? 1.0f : 0.0f); } switch(Context->Device->Format) { /* Mono is rendered as stereo, then downmixed during post-process */ case AL_FORMAT_MONO8: case AL_FORMAT_MONO16: case AL_FORMAT_MONO_FLOAT32: Context->ChannelMatrix[FRONT_CENTER][FRONT_LEFT] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->ChannelMatrix[FRONT_CENTER][FRONT_RIGHT] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->ChannelMatrix[SIDE_LEFT][FRONT_LEFT] = 1.0f; Context->ChannelMatrix[SIDE_RIGHT][FRONT_RIGHT] = 1.0f; Context->ChannelMatrix[BACK_LEFT][FRONT_LEFT] = 1.0f; Context->ChannelMatrix[BACK_RIGHT][FRONT_RIGHT] = 1.0f; Context->ChannelMatrix[BACK_CENTER][FRONT_LEFT] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->ChannelMatrix[BACK_CENTER][FRONT_RIGHT] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->NumChan = 2; Speaker2Chan[0] = FRONT_LEFT; Speaker2Chan[1] = FRONT_RIGHT; SpeakerAngle[0] = -90.0f * M_PI/180.0f; SpeakerAngle[1] = 90.0f * M_PI/180.0f; break; case AL_FORMAT_STEREO8: case AL_FORMAT_STEREO16: case AL_FORMAT_STEREO_FLOAT32: Context->ChannelMatrix[FRONT_CENTER][FRONT_LEFT] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->ChannelMatrix[FRONT_CENTER][FRONT_RIGHT] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->ChannelMatrix[SIDE_LEFT][FRONT_LEFT] = 1.0f; Context->ChannelMatrix[SIDE_RIGHT][FRONT_RIGHT] = 1.0f; Context->ChannelMatrix[BACK_LEFT][FRONT_LEFT] = 1.0f; Context->ChannelMatrix[BACK_RIGHT][FRONT_RIGHT] = 1.0f; Context->ChannelMatrix[BACK_CENTER][FRONT_LEFT] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->ChannelMatrix[BACK_CENTER][FRONT_RIGHT] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->NumChan = 2; Speaker2Chan[0] = FRONT_LEFT; Speaker2Chan[1] = FRONT_RIGHT; SpeakerAngle[0] = -90.0f * M_PI/180.0f; SpeakerAngle[1] = 90.0f * M_PI/180.0f; SetSpeakerArrangement("layout_STEREO", SpeakerAngle, Speaker2Chan, Context->NumChan); break; case AL_FORMAT_QUAD8: case AL_FORMAT_QUAD16: case AL_FORMAT_QUAD32: Context->ChannelMatrix[FRONT_CENTER][FRONT_LEFT] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->ChannelMatrix[FRONT_CENTER][FRONT_RIGHT] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->ChannelMatrix[SIDE_LEFT][FRONT_LEFT] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->ChannelMatrix[SIDE_LEFT][BACK_LEFT] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->ChannelMatrix[SIDE_RIGHT][FRONT_RIGHT] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->ChannelMatrix[SIDE_RIGHT][BACK_RIGHT] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->ChannelMatrix[BACK_CENTER][BACK_LEFT] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->ChannelMatrix[BACK_CENTER][BACK_RIGHT] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->NumChan = 4; Speaker2Chan[0] = BACK_LEFT; Speaker2Chan[1] = FRONT_LEFT; Speaker2Chan[2] = FRONT_RIGHT; Speaker2Chan[3] = BACK_RIGHT; SpeakerAngle[0] = -135.0f * M_PI/180.0f; SpeakerAngle[1] = -45.0f * M_PI/180.0f; SpeakerAngle[2] = 45.0f * M_PI/180.0f; SpeakerAngle[3] = 135.0f * M_PI/180.0f; SetSpeakerArrangement("layout_QUAD", SpeakerAngle, Speaker2Chan, Context->NumChan); break; case AL_FORMAT_51CHN8: case AL_FORMAT_51CHN16: case AL_FORMAT_51CHN32: Context->ChannelMatrix[SIDE_LEFT][FRONT_LEFT] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->ChannelMatrix[SIDE_LEFT][BACK_LEFT] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->ChannelMatrix[SIDE_RIGHT][FRONT_RIGHT] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->ChannelMatrix[SIDE_RIGHT][BACK_RIGHT] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->ChannelMatrix[BACK_CENTER][BACK_LEFT] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->ChannelMatrix[BACK_CENTER][BACK_RIGHT] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->NumChan = 5; Speaker2Chan[0] = BACK_LEFT; Speaker2Chan[1] = FRONT_LEFT; Speaker2Chan[2] = FRONT_CENTER; Speaker2Chan[3] = FRONT_RIGHT; Speaker2Chan[4] = BACK_RIGHT; SpeakerAngle[0] = -110.0f * M_PI/180.0f; SpeakerAngle[1] = -30.0f * M_PI/180.0f; SpeakerAngle[2] = 0.0f * M_PI/180.0f; SpeakerAngle[3] = 30.0f * M_PI/180.0f; SpeakerAngle[4] = 110.0f * M_PI/180.0f; SetSpeakerArrangement("layout_51CHN", SpeakerAngle, Speaker2Chan, Context->NumChan); break; case AL_FORMAT_61CHN8: case AL_FORMAT_61CHN16: case AL_FORMAT_61CHN32: Context->ChannelMatrix[BACK_LEFT][BACK_CENTER] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->ChannelMatrix[BACK_LEFT][SIDE_LEFT] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->ChannelMatrix[BACK_RIGHT][BACK_CENTER] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->ChannelMatrix[BACK_RIGHT][SIDE_RIGHT] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->NumChan = 6; Speaker2Chan[0] = SIDE_LEFT; Speaker2Chan[1] = FRONT_LEFT; Speaker2Chan[2] = FRONT_CENTER; Speaker2Chan[3] = FRONT_RIGHT; Speaker2Chan[4] = SIDE_RIGHT; Speaker2Chan[5] = BACK_CENTER; SpeakerAngle[0] = -90.0f * M_PI/180.0f; SpeakerAngle[1] = -30.0f * M_PI/180.0f; SpeakerAngle[2] = 0.0f * M_PI/180.0f; SpeakerAngle[3] = 30.0f * M_PI/180.0f; SpeakerAngle[4] = 90.0f * M_PI/180.0f; SpeakerAngle[5] = 180.0f * M_PI/180.0f; SetSpeakerArrangement("layout_61CHN", SpeakerAngle, Speaker2Chan, Context->NumChan); break; case AL_FORMAT_71CHN8: case AL_FORMAT_71CHN16: case AL_FORMAT_71CHN32: Context->ChannelMatrix[BACK_CENTER][BACK_LEFT] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->ChannelMatrix[BACK_CENTER][BACK_RIGHT] = aluSqrt(0.5); Context->NumChan = 7; Speaker2Chan[0] = BACK_LEFT; Speaker2Chan[1] = SIDE_LEFT; Speaker2Chan[2] = FRONT_LEFT; Speaker2Chan[3] = FRONT_CENTER; Speaker2Chan[4] = FRONT_RIGHT; Speaker2Chan[5] = SIDE_RIGHT; Speaker2Chan[6] = BACK_RIGHT; SpeakerAngle[0] = -150.0f * M_PI/180.0f; SpeakerAngle[1] = -90.0f * M_PI/180.0f; SpeakerAngle[2] = -30.0f * M_PI/180.0f; SpeakerAngle[3] = 0.0f * M_PI/180.0f; SpeakerAngle[4] = 30.0f * M_PI/180.0f; SpeakerAngle[5] = 90.0f * M_PI/180.0f; SpeakerAngle[6] = 150.0f * M_PI/180.0f; SetSpeakerArrangement("layout_71CHN", SpeakerAngle, Speaker2Chan, Context->NumChan); break; default: assert(0); } for(pos = 0; pos < LUT_NUM; pos++) { /* source angle */ Theta = aluLUTpos2Angle(pos); /* clear all values */ offset = OUTPUTCHANNELS * pos; for(s = 0; s < OUTPUTCHANNELS; s++) Context->PanningLUT[offset+s] = 0.0f; /* set panning values */ for(s = 0; s < Context->NumChan - 1; s++) { if(Theta >= SpeakerAngle[s] && Theta < SpeakerAngle[s+1]) { /* source between speaker s and speaker s+1 */ Alpha = M_PI_2 * (Theta-SpeakerAngle[s]) / (SpeakerAngle[s+1]-SpeakerAngle[s]); Context->PanningLUT[offset + Speaker2Chan[s]] = cos(Alpha); Context->PanningLUT[offset + Speaker2Chan[s+1]] = sin(Alpha); break; } } if(s == Context->NumChan - 1) { /* source between last and first speaker */ if(Theta < SpeakerAngle[0]) Theta += 2.0f * M_PI; Alpha = M_PI_2 * (Theta-SpeakerAngle[s]) / (2.0f * M_PI + SpeakerAngle[0]-SpeakerAngle[s]); Context->PanningLUT[offset + Speaker2Chan[s]] = cos(Alpha); Context->PanningLUT[offset + Speaker2Chan[0]] = sin(Alpha); } } } static __inline ALint aluCart2LUTpos(ALfloat re, ALfloat im) { ALint pos = 0; ALfloat denom = aluFabs(re) + aluFabs(im); if(denom > 0.0f) pos = (ALint)(QUADRANT_NUM*aluFabs(im) / denom + 0.5); if(re < 0.0) pos = 2 * QUADRANT_NUM - pos; if(im < 0.0) pos = LUT_NUM - pos; return pos%LUT_NUM; } static ALvoid CalcSourceParams(const ALCcontext *ALContext, ALsource *ALSource, ALboolean isMono) { ALfloat InnerAngle,OuterAngle,Angle,Distance,DryMix; ALfloat Direction[3],Position[3],SourceToListener[3]; ALfloat MinVolume,MaxVolume,MinDist,MaxDist,Rolloff,OuterGainHF; ALfloat ConeVolume,ConeHF,SourceVolume,ListenerGain; ALfloat U[3],V[3],N[3]; ALfloat DopplerFactor, DopplerVelocity, flSpeedOfSound; ALfloat Matrix[3][3]; ALfloat flAttenuation; ALfloat RoomAttenuation[MAX_SENDS]; ALfloat MetersPerUnit; ALfloat RoomRolloff[MAX_SENDS]; ALfloat DryGainHF = 1.0f; ALfloat WetGain[MAX_SENDS]; ALfloat WetGainHF[MAX_SENDS]; ALfloat DirGain, AmbientGain; ALfloat length; const ALfloat *SpeakerGain; ALuint Frequency; ALint NumSends; ALint pos, s, i; ALfloat cw, a, g; //Get context properties DopplerFactor = ALContext->DopplerFactor * ALSource->DopplerFactor; DopplerVelocity = ALContext->DopplerVelocity; flSpeedOfSound = ALContext->flSpeedOfSound; NumSends = ALContext->Device->NumAuxSends; Frequency = ALContext->Device->Frequency; //Get listener properties ListenerGain = ALContext->Listener.Gain; MetersPerUnit = ALContext->Listener.MetersPerUnit; //Get source properties SourceVolume = ALSource->flGain; memcpy(Position, ALSource->vPosition, sizeof(ALSource->vPosition)); memcpy(Direction, ALSource->vOrientation, sizeof(ALSource->vOrientation)); MinVolume = ALSource->flMinGain; MaxVolume = ALSource->flMaxGain; MinDist = ALSource->flRefDistance; MaxDist = ALSource->flMaxDistance; Rolloff = ALSource->flRollOffFactor; InnerAngle = ALSource->flInnerAngle; OuterAngle = ALSource->flOuterAngle; OuterGainHF = ALSource->OuterGainHF; //Only apply 3D calculations for mono buffers if(isMono == AL_FALSE) { //1. Multi-channel buffers always play "normal" ALSource->Params.Pitch = ALSource->flPitch; DryMix = SourceVolume; DryMix = __min(DryMix,MaxVolume); DryMix = __max(DryMix,MinVolume); switch(ALSource->DirectFilter.type) { case AL_FILTER_LOWPASS: DryMix *= ALSource->DirectFilter.Gain; DryGainHF *= ALSource->DirectFilter.GainHF; break; } ALSource->Params.DryGains[FRONT_LEFT] = DryMix * ListenerGain; ALSource->Params.DryGains[FRONT_RIGHT] = DryMix * ListenerGain; ALSource->Params.DryGains[SIDE_LEFT] = DryMix * ListenerGain; ALSource->Params.DryGains[SIDE_RIGHT] = DryMix * ListenerGain; ALSource->Params.DryGains[BACK_LEFT] = DryMix * ListenerGain; ALSource->Params.DryGains[BACK_RIGHT] = DryMix * ListenerGain; ALSource->Params.DryGains[FRONT_CENTER] = DryMix * ListenerGain; ALSource->Params.DryGains[BACK_CENTER] = DryMix * ListenerGain; ALSource->Params.DryGains[LFE] = DryMix * ListenerGain; for(i = 0;i < MAX_SENDS;i++) ALSource->Params.WetGains[i] = 0.0f; /* Update filter coefficients. Calculations based on the I3DL2 * spec. */ cw = cos(2.0*M_PI * LOWPASSFREQCUTOFF / Frequency); /* We use two chained one-pole filters, so we need to take the * square root of the squared gain, which is the same as the base * gain. */ g = __max(DryGainHF, 0.01f); a = 0.0f; /* Be careful with gains < 0.0001, as that causes the coefficient * head towards 1, which will flatten the signal */ if(g < 0.9999f) /* 1-epsilon */ a = (1 - g*cw - aluSqrt(2*g*(1-cw) - g*g*(1 - cw*cw))) / (1 - g); ALSource->Params.iirFilter.coeff = a; for(i = 0;i < MAX_SENDS;i++) ALSource->Params.Send[i].iirFilter.coeff = 0.0f; return; } //1. Translate Listener to origin (convert to head relative) // Note that Direction and SourceToListener are *not* transformed. // SourceToListener is used with the source and listener velocities, // which are untransformed, and Direction is used with SourceToListener // for the sound cone if(ALSource->bHeadRelative==AL_FALSE) { // Build transform matrix aluCrossproduct(ALContext->Listener.Forward, ALContext->Listener.Up, U); // Right-vector aluNormalize(U); // Normalized Right-vector memcpy(V, ALContext->Listener.Up, sizeof(V)); // Up-vector aluNormalize(V); // Normalized Up-vector memcpy(N, ALContext->Listener.Forward, sizeof(N)); // At-vector aluNormalize(N); // Normalized At-vector Matrix[0][0] = U[0]; Matrix[0][1] = V[0]; Matrix[0][2] = -N[0]; Matrix[1][0] = U[1]; Matrix[1][1] = V[1]; Matrix[1][2] = -N[1]; Matrix[2][0] = U[2]; Matrix[2][1] = V[2]; Matrix[2][2] = -N[2]; // Translate source position into listener space Position[0] -= ALContext->Listener.Position[0]; Position[1] -= ALContext->Listener.Position[1]; Position[2] -= ALContext->Listener.Position[2]; SourceToListener[0] = -Position[0]; SourceToListener[1] = -Position[1]; SourceToListener[2] = -Position[2]; // Transform source position into listener space aluMatrixVector(Position, Matrix); } else { SourceToListener[0] = -Position[0]; SourceToListener[1] = -Position[1]; SourceToListener[2] = -Position[2]; } aluNormalize(SourceToListener); aluNormalize(Direction); //2. Calculate distance attenuation Distance = aluSqrt(aluDotproduct(Position, Position)); flAttenuation = 1.0f; for(i = 0;i < MAX_SENDS;i++) { RoomAttenuation[i] = 1.0f; RoomRolloff[i] = ALSource->RoomRolloffFactor; if(ALSource->Send[i].Slot && ALSource->Send[i].Slot->effect.type == AL_EFFECT_REVERB) RoomRolloff[i] += ALSource->Send[i].Slot->effect.Reverb.RoomRolloffFactor; } switch(ALSource->DistanceModel) { case AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE_CLAMPED: Distance=__max(Distance,MinDist); Distance=__min(Distance,MaxDist); if(MaxDist < MinDist) break; //fall-through case AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE: if(MinDist > 0.0f) { if((MinDist + (Rolloff * (Distance - MinDist))) > 0.0f) flAttenuation = MinDist / (MinDist + (Rolloff * (Distance - MinDist))); for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++) { if((MinDist + (RoomRolloff[i] * (Distance - MinDist))) > 0.0f) RoomAttenuation[i] = MinDist / (MinDist + (RoomRolloff[i] * (Distance - MinDist))); } } break; case AL_LINEAR_DISTANCE_CLAMPED: Distance=__max(Distance,MinDist); Distance=__min(Distance,MaxDist); if(MaxDist < MinDist) break; //fall-through case AL_LINEAR_DISTANCE: Distance=__min(Distance,MaxDist); if(MaxDist != MinDist) { flAttenuation = 1.0f - (Rolloff*(Distance-MinDist)/(MaxDist - MinDist)); for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++) RoomAttenuation[i] = 1.0f - (RoomRolloff[i]*(Distance-MinDist)/(MaxDist - MinDist)); } break; case AL_EXPONENT_DISTANCE_CLAMPED: Distance=__max(Distance,MinDist); Distance=__min(Distance,MaxDist); if(MaxDist < MinDist) break; //fall-through case AL_EXPONENT_DISTANCE: if(Distance > 0.0f && MinDist > 0.0f) { flAttenuation = (ALfloat)pow(Distance/MinDist, -Rolloff); for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++) RoomAttenuation[i] = (ALfloat)pow(Distance/MinDist, -RoomRolloff[i]); } break; case AL_NONE: break; } // Source Gain + Attenuation and clamp to Min/Max Gain DryMix = SourceVolume * flAttenuation; DryMix = __min(DryMix,MaxVolume); DryMix = __max(DryMix,MinVolume); for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++) { ALfloat WetMix = SourceVolume * RoomAttenuation[i]; WetMix = __min(WetMix,MaxVolume); WetGain[i] = __max(WetMix,MinVolume); WetGainHF[i] = 1.0f; } // Distance-based air absorption if(ALSource->AirAbsorptionFactor > 0.0f && ALSource->DistanceModel != AL_NONE) { ALfloat dist = Distance-MinDist; ALfloat absorb; if(dist < 0.0f) dist = 0.0f; // Absorption calculation is done in dB absorb = (ALSource->AirAbsorptionFactor*AIRABSORBGAINDBHF) * (dist*MetersPerUnit); // Convert dB to linear gain before applying absorb = pow(10.0, absorb/20.0); DryGainHF *= absorb; for(i = 0;i < MAX_SENDS;i++) WetGainHF[i] *= absorb; } //3. Apply directional soundcones Angle = aluAcos(aluDotproduct(Direction,SourceToListener)) * 180.0f/M_PI; if(Angle >= InnerAngle && Angle <= OuterAngle) { ALfloat scale = (Angle-InnerAngle) / (OuterAngle-InnerAngle); ConeVolume = (1.0f+(ALSource->flOuterGain-1.0f)*scale); ConeHF = (1.0f+(OuterGainHF-1.0f)*scale); DryMix *= ConeVolume; if(ALSource->DryGainHFAuto) DryGainHF *= ConeHF; } else if(Angle > OuterAngle) { ConeVolume = (1.0f+(ALSource->flOuterGain-1.0f)); ConeHF = (1.0f+(OuterGainHF-1.0f)); DryMix *= ConeVolume; if(ALSource->DryGainHFAuto) DryGainHF *= ConeHF; } else { ConeVolume = 1.0f; ConeHF = 1.0f; } //4. Calculate Velocity if(DopplerFactor != 0.0f) { ALfloat flVSS, flVLS = 0.0f; ALfloat flMaxVelocity = (DopplerVelocity * flSpeedOfSound) / DopplerFactor; flVSS = aluDotproduct(ALSource->vVelocity, SourceToListener); if(flVSS >= flMaxVelocity) flVSS = (flMaxVelocity - 1.0f); else if(flVSS <= -flMaxVelocity) flVSS = -flMaxVelocity + 1.0f; if(ALSource->bHeadRelative == AL_FALSE) { flVLS = aluDotproduct(ALContext->Listener.Velocity, SourceToListener); if(flVLS >= flMaxVelocity) flVLS = (flMaxVelocity - 1.0f); else if(flVLS <= -flMaxVelocity) flVLS = -flMaxVelocity + 1.0f; } ALSource->Params.Pitch = ALSource->flPitch * ((flSpeedOfSound * DopplerVelocity) - (DopplerFactor * flVLS)) / ((flSpeedOfSound * DopplerVelocity) - (DopplerFactor * flVSS)); } else ALSource->Params.Pitch = ALSource->flPitch; for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++) { if(ALSource->Send[i].Slot && ALSource->Send[i].Slot->effect.type != AL_EFFECT_NULL) { if(ALSource->Send[i].Slot->AuxSendAuto) { if(ALSource->WetGainAuto) WetGain[i] *= ConeVolume; if(ALSource->WetGainHFAuto) WetGainHF[i] *= ConeHF; // Apply minimal attenuation in place of missing // statistical reverb model. WetGain[i] *= pow(DryMix, 1.0f / 2.0f); } else { // If the slot's auxiliary send auto is off, the data sent to // the effect slot is the same as the dry path, sans filter // effects WetGain[i] = DryMix; WetGainHF[i] = DryGainHF; } switch(ALSource->Send[i].WetFilter.type) { case AL_FILTER_LOWPASS: WetGain[i] *= ALSource->Send[i].WetFilter.Gain; WetGainHF[i] *= ALSource->Send[i].WetFilter.GainHF; break; } ALSource->Params.WetGains[i] = WetGain[i] * ListenerGain; } else { ALSource->Params.WetGains[i] = 0.0f; WetGainHF[i] = 1.0f; } } for(i = NumSends;i < MAX_SENDS;i++) { ALSource->Params.WetGains[i] = 0.0f; WetGainHF[i] = 1.0f; } //5. Apply filter gains and filters switch(ALSource->DirectFilter.type) { case AL_FILTER_LOWPASS: DryMix *= ALSource->DirectFilter.Gain; DryGainHF *= ALSource->DirectFilter.GainHF; break; } DryMix *= ListenerGain; // Use energy-preserving panning algorithm for multi-speaker playback length = aluSqrt(Position[0]*Position[0] + Position[1]*Position[1] + Position[2]*Position[2]); length = __max(length, MinDist); if(length > 0.0f) { ALfloat invlen = 1.0f/length; Position[0] *= invlen; Position[1] *= invlen; Position[2] *= invlen; } pos = aluCart2LUTpos(-Position[2], Position[0]); SpeakerGain = &ALContext->PanningLUT[OUTPUTCHANNELS * pos]; DirGain = aluSqrt(Position[0]*Position[0] + Position[2]*Position[2]); // elevation adjustment for directional gain. this sucks, but // has low complexity AmbientGain = 1.0/aluSqrt(ALContext->NumChan) * (1.0-DirGain); for(s = 0; s < OUTPUTCHANNELS; s++) { ALfloat gain = SpeakerGain[s]*DirGain + AmbientGain; ALSource->Params.DryGains[s] = DryMix * gain; } /* Update filter coefficients. */ cw = cos(2.0*M_PI * LOWPASSFREQCUTOFF / Frequency); /* Spatialized sources use four chained one-pole filters, so we need to * take the fourth root of the squared gain, which is the same as the * square root of the base gain. */ g = aluSqrt(__max(DryGainHF, 0.0001f)); a = 0.0f; if(g < 0.9999f) /* 1-epsilon */ a = (1 - g*cw - aluSqrt(2*g*(1-cw) - g*g*(1 - cw*cw))) / (1 - g); ALSource->Params.iirFilter.coeff = a; for(i = 0;i < NumSends;i++) { /* The wet path uses two chained one-pole filters, so take the * base gain (square root of the squared gain) */ g = __max(WetGainHF[i], 0.01f); a = 0.0f; if(g < 0.9999f) /* 1-epsilon */ a = (1 - g*cw - aluSqrt(2*g*(1-cw) - g*g*(1 - cw*cw))) / (1 - g); ALSource->Params.Send[i].iirFilter.coeff = a; } } static __inline ALshort lerp(ALshort val1, ALshort val2, ALint frac) { return val1 + (((val2-val1)*frac)>>FRACTIONBITS); } static void MixSomeSources(ALCcontext *ALContext, float (*DryBuffer)[OUTPUTCHANNELS], ALuint SamplesToDo) { static float DummyBuffer[BUFFERSIZE]; ALfloat *WetBuffer[MAX_SENDS]; ALfloat (*Matrix)[OUTPUTCHANNELS] = ALContext->ChannelMatrix; ALfloat DrySend[OUTPUTCHANNELS]; ALfloat dryGainStep[OUTPUTCHANNELS]; ALfloat wetGainStep[MAX_SENDS]; ALuint i, j, k, out; ALsource *ALSource; ALfloat value; ALbufferlistitem *BufferListItem; ALint64 DataSize64,DataPos64; FILTER *DryFilter, *WetFilter[MAX_SENDS]; ALfloat WetSend[MAX_SENDS]; ALuint rampLength; ALuint DeviceFreq; ALint increment; ALuint DataPosInt, DataPosFrac; ALuint Channels, Bytes; ALuint Frequency; ALuint BuffersPlayed; ALfloat Pitch; ALenum State; if(!(ALSource=ALContext->Source)) return; DeviceFreq = ALContext->Device->Frequency; rampLength = DeviceFreq * MIN_RAMP_LENGTH / 1000; rampLength = max(rampLength, SamplesToDo); another_source: State = ALSource->state; if(State != AL_PLAYING) { if((ALSource=ALSource->next) != NULL) goto another_source; return; } j = 0; /* Find buffer format */ Frequency = 0; Channels = 0; Bytes = 0; BufferListItem = ALSource->queue; while(BufferListItem != NULL) { ALbuffer *ALBuffer; if((ALBuffer=BufferListItem->buffer) != NULL) { Channels = aluChannelsFromFormat(ALBuffer->format); Bytes = aluBytesFromFormat(ALBuffer->format); Frequency = ALBuffer->frequency; break; } BufferListItem = BufferListItem->next; } /* Get source info */ BuffersPlayed = ALSource->BuffersPlayed; DataPosInt = ALSource->position; DataPosFrac = ALSource->position_fraction; CalcSourceParams(ALContext, ALSource, (Channels==1)?AL_TRUE:AL_FALSE); /* Compute 18.14 fixed point step */ Pitch = (ALSource->Params.Pitch*Frequency) / DeviceFreq; if(Pitch > (float)MAX_PITCH) Pitch = (float)MAX_PITCH; increment = (ALint)(Pitch*(ALfloat)(1L<FirstStart) { for(i = 0;i < OUTPUTCHANNELS;i++) DrySend[i] = ALSource->Params.DryGains[i]; for(i = 0;i < MAX_SENDS;i++) WetSend[i] = ALSource->Params.WetGains[i]; } else { for(i = 0;i < OUTPUTCHANNELS;i++) DrySend[i] = ALSource->DryGains[i]; for(i = 0;i < MAX_SENDS;i++) WetSend[i] = ALSource->WetGains[i]; } DryFilter = &ALSource->Params.iirFilter; for(i = 0;i < MAX_SENDS;i++) { WetFilter[i] = &ALSource->Params.Send[i].iirFilter; WetBuffer[i] = (ALSource->Send[i].Slot ? ALSource->Send[i].Slot->WetBuffer : DummyBuffer); } if(DuplicateStereo && Channels == 2) { Matrix[FRONT_LEFT][SIDE_LEFT] = 1.0f; Matrix[FRONT_RIGHT][SIDE_RIGHT] = 1.0f; Matrix[FRONT_LEFT][BACK_LEFT] = 1.0f; Matrix[FRONT_RIGHT][BACK_RIGHT] = 1.0f; } else if(DuplicateStereo) { Matrix[FRONT_LEFT][SIDE_LEFT] = 0.0f; Matrix[FRONT_RIGHT][SIDE_RIGHT] = 0.0f; Matrix[FRONT_LEFT][BACK_LEFT] = 0.0f; Matrix[FRONT_RIGHT][BACK_RIGHT] = 0.0f; } /* Get current buffer queue item */ BufferListItem = ALSource->queue; for(i = 0;i < BuffersPlayed && BufferListItem;i++) BufferListItem = BufferListItem->next; while(State == AL_PLAYING && j < SamplesToDo) { ALuint DataSize = 0; ALbuffer *ALBuffer; ALshort *Data; ALuint BufferSize; /* Get buffer info */ if((ALBuffer=BufferListItem->buffer) != NULL) { Data = ALBuffer->data; DataSize = ALBuffer->size; DataSize /= Channels * Bytes; } if(DataPosInt >= DataSize) goto skipmix; if(BufferListItem->next) { ALbuffer *NextBuf = BufferListItem->next->buffer; if(NextBuf && NextBuf->data) { ALint ulExtraSamples = BUFFER_PADDING*Channels*Bytes; ulExtraSamples = min(NextBuf->size, ulExtraSamples); memcpy(&Data[DataSize*Channels], NextBuf->data, ulExtraSamples); } } else if(ALSource->bLooping) { ALbuffer *NextBuf = ALSource->queue->buffer; if(NextBuf && NextBuf->data) { ALint ulExtraSamples = BUFFER_PADDING*Channels*Bytes; ulExtraSamples = min(NextBuf->size, ulExtraSamples); memcpy(&Data[DataSize*Channels], NextBuf->data, ulExtraSamples); } } else memset(&Data[DataSize*Channels], 0, (BUFFER_PADDING*Channels*Bytes)); /* Compute the gain steps for each output channel */ for(i = 0;i < OUTPUTCHANNELS;i++) dryGainStep[i] = (ALSource->Params.DryGains[i]- DrySend[i]) / rampLength; for(i = 0;i < MAX_SENDS;i++) wetGainStep[i] = (ALSource->Params.WetGains[i]- WetSend[i]) / rampLength; /* Figure out how many samples we can mix. */ DataSize64 = DataSize; DataSize64 <<= FRACTIONBITS; DataPos64 = DataPosInt; DataPos64 <<= FRACTIONBITS; DataPos64 += DataPosFrac; BufferSize = (ALuint)((DataSize64-DataPos64+(increment-1)) / increment); BufferSize = min(BufferSize, (SamplesToDo-j)); /* Actual sample mixing loop */ k = 0; Data += DataPosInt*Channels; if(Channels == 1) /* Mono */ { ALfloat outsamp; while(BufferSize--) { for(i = 0;i < OUTPUTCHANNELS;i++) DrySend[i] += dryGainStep[i]; for(i = 0;i < MAX_SENDS;i++) WetSend[i] += wetGainStep[i]; /* First order interpolator */ value = lerp(Data[k], Data[k+1], DataPosFrac); /* Direct path final mix buffer and panning */ outsamp = lpFilter4P(DryFilter, 0, value); DryBuffer[j][FRONT_LEFT] += outsamp*DrySend[FRONT_LEFT]; DryBuffer[j][FRONT_RIGHT] += outsamp*DrySend[FRONT_RIGHT]; DryBuffer[j][SIDE_LEFT] += outsamp*DrySend[SIDE_LEFT]; DryBuffer[j][SIDE_RIGHT] += outsamp*DrySend[SIDE_RIGHT]; DryBuffer[j][BACK_LEFT] += outsamp*DrySend[BACK_LEFT]; DryBuffer[j][BACK_RIGHT] += outsamp*DrySend[BACK_RIGHT]; DryBuffer[j][FRONT_CENTER] += outsamp*DrySend[FRONT_CENTER]; DryBuffer[j][BACK_CENTER] += outsamp*DrySend[BACK_CENTER]; /* Room path final mix buffer and panning */ for(i = 0;i < MAX_SENDS;i++) { outsamp = lpFilter2P(WetFilter[i], 0, value); WetBuffer[i][j] += outsamp*WetSend[i]; } DataPosFrac += increment; k += DataPosFrac>>FRACTIONBITS; DataPosFrac &= FRACTIONMASK; j++; } } else if(Channels == 2) /* Stereo */ { const int chans[] = { FRONT_LEFT, FRONT_RIGHT }; #define DO_MIX() do { \ for(i = 0;i < MAX_SENDS;i++) \ WetSend[i] += wetGainStep[i]*BufferSize; \ while(BufferSize--) \ { \ for(i = 0;i < OUTPUTCHANNELS;i++) \ DrySend[i] += dryGainStep[i]; \ \ for(i = 0;i < Channels;i++) \ { \ value = lerp(Data[k*Channels + i], Data[(k+1)*Channels + i], DataPosFrac); \ value = lpFilter2P(DryFilter, chans[i]*2, value)*DrySend[chans[i]]; \ for(out = 0;out < OUTPUTCHANNELS;out++) \ DryBuffer[j][out] += value*Matrix[chans[i]][out]; \ } \ \ DataPosFrac += increment; \ k += DataPosFrac>>FRACTIONBITS; \ DataPosFrac &= FRACTIONMASK; \ j++; \ } \ } while(0) DO_MIX(); } else if(Channels == 4) /* Quad */ { const int chans[] = { FRONT_LEFT, FRONT_RIGHT, BACK_LEFT, BACK_RIGHT }; DO_MIX(); } else if(Channels == 6) /* 5.1 */ { const int chans[] = { FRONT_LEFT, FRONT_RIGHT, FRONT_CENTER, LFE, BACK_LEFT, BACK_RIGHT }; DO_MIX(); } else if(Channels == 7) /* 6.1 */ { const int chans[] = { FRONT_LEFT, FRONT_RIGHT, FRONT_CENTER, LFE, BACK_CENTER, SIDE_LEFT, SIDE_RIGHT }; DO_MIX(); } else if(Channels == 8) /* 7.1 */ { const int chans[] = { FRONT_LEFT, FRONT_RIGHT, FRONT_CENTER, LFE, BACK_LEFT, BACK_RIGHT, SIDE_LEFT, SIDE_RIGHT }; DO_MIX(); #undef DO_MIX } else /* Unknown? */ { for(i = 0;i < OUTPUTCHANNELS;i++) DrySend[i] += dryGainStep[i]*BufferSize; for(i = 0;i < MAX_SENDS;i++) WetSend[i] += wetGainStep[i]*BufferSize; while(BufferSize--) { DataPosFrac += increment; k += DataPosFrac>>FRACTIONBITS; DataPosFrac &= FRACTIONMASK; j++; } } DataPosInt += k; skipmix: /* Handle looping sources */ if(DataPosInt >= DataSize) { if(BuffersPlayed < (ALSource->BuffersInQueue-1)) { BufferListItem = BufferListItem->next; BuffersPlayed++; DataPosInt -= DataSize; } else { if(!ALSource->bLooping) { State = AL_STOPPED; BufferListItem = ALSource->queue; BuffersPlayed = ALSource->BuffersInQueue; DataPosInt = 0; DataPosFrac = 0; } else { BufferListItem = ALSource->queue; BuffersPlayed = 0; if(ALSource->BuffersInQueue == 1) DataPosInt %= DataSize; else DataPosInt -= DataSize; } } } } /* Update source info */ ALSource->state = State; ALSource->BuffersPlayed = BuffersPlayed; ALSource->position = DataPosInt; ALSource->position_fraction = DataPosFrac; ALSource->Buffer = BufferListItem->buffer; for(i = 0;i < OUTPUTCHANNELS;i++) ALSource->DryGains[i] = DrySend[i]; for(i = 0;i < MAX_SENDS;i++) ALSource->WetGains[i] = WetSend[i]; ALSource->FirstStart = AL_FALSE; if((ALSource=ALSource->next) != NULL) goto another_source; } ALvoid aluMixData(ALCdevice *device, ALvoid *buffer, ALsizei size) { float (*DryBuffer)[OUTPUTCHANNELS]; ALuint SamplesToDo; ALeffectslot *ALEffectSlot; ALCcontext *ALContext; int fpuState; ALuint i, c; SuspendContext(NULL); #if defined(HAVE_FESETROUND) fpuState = fegetround(); fesetround(FE_TOWARDZERO); #elif defined(HAVE__CONTROLFP) fpuState = _controlfp(0, 0); _controlfp(_RC_CHOP, _MCW_RC); #else (void)fpuState; #endif DryBuffer = device->DryBuffer; while(size > 0) { /* Setup variables */ SamplesToDo = min(size, BUFFERSIZE); /* Clear mixing buffer */ memset(DryBuffer, 0, SamplesToDo*OUTPUTCHANNELS*sizeof(ALfloat)); for(c = 0;c < device->NumContexts;c++) { ALContext = device->Contexts[c]; SuspendContext(ALContext); MixSomeSources(ALContext, DryBuffer, SamplesToDo); /* effect slot processing */ ALEffectSlot = ALContext->AuxiliaryEffectSlot; while(ALEffectSlot) { if(ALEffectSlot->EffectState) ALEffect_Process(ALEffectSlot->EffectState, ALEffectSlot, SamplesToDo, ALEffectSlot->WetBuffer, DryBuffer); for(i = 0;i < SamplesToDo;i++) ALEffectSlot->WetBuffer[i] = 0.0f; ALEffectSlot = ALEffectSlot->next; } ProcessContext(ALContext); } //Post processing loop switch(device->Format) { #define CHECK_WRITE_FORMAT(bits, type, func, isWin) \ case AL_FORMAT_MONO##bits: \ for(i = 0;i < SamplesToDo;i++) \ { \ ((type*)buffer)[0] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][FRONT_LEFT] + \ DryBuffer[i][FRONT_RIGHT]); \ buffer = ((type*)buffer) + 1; \ } \ break; \ case AL_FORMAT_STEREO##bits: \ if(device->Bs2b) \ { \ for(i = 0;i < SamplesToDo;i++) \ { \ float samples[2]; \ samples[0] = DryBuffer[i][FRONT_LEFT]; \ samples[1] = DryBuffer[i][FRONT_RIGHT]; \ bs2b_cross_feed(device->Bs2b, samples); \ ((type*)buffer)[0] = (func)(samples[0]); \ ((type*)buffer)[1] = (func)(samples[1]); \ buffer = ((type*)buffer) + 2; \ } \ } \ else \ { \ for(i = 0;i < SamplesToDo;i++) \ { \ ((type*)buffer)[0] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][FRONT_LEFT]); \ ((type*)buffer)[1] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][FRONT_RIGHT]); \ buffer = ((type*)buffer) + 2; \ } \ } \ break; \ case AL_FORMAT_QUAD##bits: \ for(i = 0;i < SamplesToDo;i++) \ { \ ((type*)buffer)[0] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][FRONT_LEFT]); \ ((type*)buffer)[1] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][FRONT_RIGHT]); \ ((type*)buffer)[2] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][BACK_LEFT]); \ ((type*)buffer)[3] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][BACK_RIGHT]); \ buffer = ((type*)buffer) + 4; \ } \ break; \ case AL_FORMAT_51CHN##bits: \ for(i = 0;i < SamplesToDo;i++) \ { \ ((type*)buffer)[0] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][FRONT_LEFT]); \ ((type*)buffer)[1] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][FRONT_RIGHT]); \ if(isWin) { \ /* Of course, Windows can't use the same ordering... */ \ ((type*)buffer)[2] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][FRONT_CENTER]); \ ((type*)buffer)[3] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][LFE]); \ ((type*)buffer)[4] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][BACK_LEFT]); \ ((type*)buffer)[5] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][BACK_RIGHT]); \ } else { \ ((type*)buffer)[2] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][BACK_LEFT]); \ ((type*)buffer)[3] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][BACK_RIGHT]); \ ((type*)buffer)[4] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][FRONT_CENTER]); \ ((type*)buffer)[5] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][LFE]); \ } \ buffer = ((type*)buffer) + 6; \ } \ break; \ case AL_FORMAT_61CHN##bits: \ for(i = 0;i < SamplesToDo;i++) \ { \ ((type*)buffer)[0] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][FRONT_LEFT]); \ ((type*)buffer)[1] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][FRONT_RIGHT]); \ ((type*)buffer)[2] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][FRONT_CENTER]); \ ((type*)buffer)[3] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][LFE]); \ ((type*)buffer)[4] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][BACK_CENTER]); \ ((type*)buffer)[5] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][SIDE_LEFT]); \ ((type*)buffer)[6] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][SIDE_RIGHT]); \ buffer = ((type*)buffer) + 7; \ } \ break; \ case AL_FORMAT_71CHN##bits: \ for(i = 0;i < SamplesToDo;i++) \ { \ ((type*)buffer)[0] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][FRONT_LEFT]); \ ((type*)buffer)[1] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][FRONT_RIGHT]); \ if(isWin) { \ ((type*)buffer)[2] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][FRONT_CENTER]); \ ((type*)buffer)[3] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][LFE]); \ ((type*)buffer)[4] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][BACK_LEFT]); \ ((type*)buffer)[5] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][BACK_RIGHT]); \ } else { \ ((type*)buffer)[2] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][BACK_LEFT]); \ ((type*)buffer)[3] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][BACK_RIGHT]); \ ((type*)buffer)[4] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][FRONT_CENTER]); \ ((type*)buffer)[5] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][LFE]); \ } \ ((type*)buffer)[6] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][SIDE_LEFT]); \ ((type*)buffer)[7] = (func)(DryBuffer[i][SIDE_RIGHT]); \ buffer = ((type*)buffer) + 8; \ } \ break; #define AL_FORMAT_MONO32 AL_FORMAT_MONO_FLOAT32 #define AL_FORMAT_STEREO32 AL_FORMAT_STEREO_FLOAT32 #ifdef _WIN32 CHECK_WRITE_FORMAT(8, ALubyte, aluF2UB, 1) CHECK_WRITE_FORMAT(16, ALshort, aluF2S, 1) CHECK_WRITE_FORMAT(32, ALfloat, aluF2F, 1) #else CHECK_WRITE_FORMAT(8, ALubyte, aluF2UB, 0) CHECK_WRITE_FORMAT(16, ALshort, aluF2S, 0) CHECK_WRITE_FORMAT(32, ALfloat, aluF2F, 0) #endif #undef AL_FORMAT_STEREO32 #undef AL_FORMAT_MONO32 #undef CHECK_WRITE_FORMAT default: break; } size -= SamplesToDo; } #if defined(HAVE_FESETROUND) fesetround(fpuState); #elif defined(HAVE__CONTROLFP) _controlfp(fpuState, 0xfffff); #endif ProcessContext(NULL); } ALvoid aluHandleDisconnect(ALCdevice *device) { ALuint i; SuspendContext(NULL); for(i = 0;i < device->NumContexts;i++) { ALsource *source; SuspendContext(device->Contexts[i]); source = device->Contexts[i]->Source; while(source) { if(source->state == AL_PLAYING) { source->state = AL_STOPPED; source->BuffersPlayed = source->BuffersInQueue; source->position = 0; source->position_fraction = 0; } source = source->next; } ProcessContext(device->Contexts[i]); } device->Connected = ALC_FALSE; ProcessContext(NULL); }