 * OpenAL cross platform audio library
 * Copyright (C) 2011 by Chris Robinson.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 *  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
 *  License along with this library; if not, write to the
 *  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 *  Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 * Or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html

#include "config.h"

#include <stdlib.h>

#include "alMain.h"
#include "alFilter.h"
#include "alAuxEffectSlot.h"
#include "alError.h"
#include "alu.h"

typedef struct ALdedicatedState {
    // Must be first in all effects!
    ALeffectState state;

    ALfloat gains[MAXCHANNELS];
} ALdedicatedState;

static ALvoid DedicatedDestroy(ALeffectState *effect)
    ALdedicatedState *state = (ALdedicatedState*)effect;

static ALboolean DedicatedDeviceUpdate(ALeffectState *effect, ALCdevice *Device)
    return AL_TRUE;

static ALvoid DedicatedDLGUpdate(ALeffectState *effect, ALCcontext *Context, const ALeffect *Effect)
    ALdedicatedState *state = (ALdedicatedState*)effect;
    ALCdevice *device = Context->Device;
    const ALfloat *SpeakerGain;
    ALint pos;
    ALsizei s;

    pos = aluCart2LUTpos(-1.0f, 0.0f);
    SpeakerGain = &device->PanningLUT[MAXCHANNELS * pos];

    for(s = 0;s < MAXCHANNELS;s++)
        state->gains[s] = SpeakerGain[s] * Effect->Dedicated.Gain;

static ALvoid DedicatedLFEUpdate(ALeffectState *effect, ALCcontext *Context, const ALeffect *Effect)
    ALdedicatedState *state = (ALdedicatedState*)effect;
    ALsizei s;

    for(s = 0;s < MAXCHANNELS;s++)
        state->gains[s] = 0.0f;
    state->gains[LFE] = Effect->Dedicated.Gain;

static ALvoid DedicatedProcess(ALeffectState *effect, const ALeffectslot *Slot, ALuint SamplesToDo, const ALfloat *SamplesIn, ALfloat (*SamplesOut)[MAXCHANNELS])
    ALdedicatedState *state = (ALdedicatedState*)effect;
    const ALfloat *gains = state->gains;
    ALuint i;

    for(i = 0;i < SamplesToDo;i++)
        ALsizei s;
        for(s = 0;s < MAXCHANNELS;s++)
            SamplesOut[i][s] = SamplesIn[i] * gains[s] * Slot->Gain;

ALeffectState *DedicatedDLGCreate(void)
    ALdedicatedState *state;
    ALsizei s;

    state = malloc(sizeof(*state));
        return NULL;

    state->state.Destroy = DedicatedDestroy;
    state->state.DeviceUpdate = DedicatedDeviceUpdate;
    state->state.Update = DedicatedDLGUpdate;
    state->state.Process = DedicatedProcess;

    for(s = 0;s < MAXCHANNELS;s++)
        state->gains[s] = 0.0f;

    return &state->state;

ALeffectState *DedicatedLFECreate(void)
    ALdedicatedState *state;
    ALsizei s;

    state = malloc(sizeof(*state));
        return NULL;

    state->state.Destroy = DedicatedDestroy;
    state->state.DeviceUpdate = DedicatedDeviceUpdate;
    state->state.Update = DedicatedLFEUpdate;
    state->state.Process = DedicatedProcess;

    for(s = 0;s < MAXCHANNELS;s++)
        state->gains[s] = 0.0f;

    return &state->state;