#include "config.h" #include #include "alMain.h" #include "alu.h" #include "backends/base.h" extern inline ALuint64 GetDeviceClockTime(ALCdevice *device); extern inline void ALCdevice_Lock(ALCdevice *device); extern inline void ALCdevice_Unlock(ALCdevice *device); /* Base ALCbackend method implementations. */ void ALCbackend_Construct(ALCbackend *self, ALCdevice *device) { int ret = almtx_init(&self->mMutex, almtx_recursive); assert(ret == althrd_success); self->mDevice = device; } void ALCbackend_Destruct(ALCbackend *self) { almtx_destroy(&self->mMutex); } ALCboolean ALCbackend_reset(ALCbackend* UNUSED(self)) { return ALC_FALSE; } ALCenum ALCbackend_captureSamples(ALCbackend* UNUSED(self), void* UNUSED(buffer), ALCuint UNUSED(samples)) { return ALC_INVALID_DEVICE; } ALCuint ALCbackend_availableSamples(ALCbackend* UNUSED(self)) { return 0; } ClockLatency ALCbackend_getClockLatency(ALCbackend *self) { ALCdevice *device = self->mDevice; ALuint refcount; ClockLatency ret; do { while(((refcount=ATOMIC_LOAD(&device->MixCount, almemory_order_acquire))&1)) althrd_yield(); ret.ClockTime = GetDeviceClockTime(device); ATOMIC_THREAD_FENCE(almemory_order_acquire); } while(refcount != ATOMIC_LOAD(&device->MixCount, almemory_order_relaxed)); /* NOTE: The device will generally have about all but one periods filled at * any given time during playback. Without a more accurate measurement from * the output, this is an okay approximation. */ ret.Latency = device->UpdateSize * DEVICE_CLOCK_RES / device->Frequency * maxu(device->NumUpdates-1, 1); return ret; } void ALCbackend_lock(ALCbackend *self) { int ret = almtx_lock(&self->mMutex); assert(ret == althrd_success); } void ALCbackend_unlock(ALCbackend *self) { int ret = almtx_unlock(&self->mMutex); assert(ret == althrd_success); } /* Base ALCbackendFactory method implementations. */ void ALCbackendFactory_deinit(ALCbackendFactory* UNUSED(self)) { }