#ifndef ALMIDI_H #define ALMIDI_H #include "alMain.h" #include "atomic.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef struct ALsfgenerator { ALenum Generator; ALint Value; } ALsfgenerator; typedef struct ALsfmodulator { ALenum SourceOp; ALenum DestOp; ALint Amount; ALenum AmountSourceOp; ALenum TransformOp; } ALsfmodulator; typedef struct ALsfzone { ALsfgenerator *Generators; ALsizei NumGenerators; ALsizei GeneratorsMax; ALsfmodulator *Modulators; ALsizei NumModulators; ALsizei ModulatorsMax; /* NOTE: Preset zones may have a reference to an ALsfinstrument. Instrument * zones may have a reference to an ALsfsample. */ ALvoid *Object; } ALsfzone; void ALsfzone_Construct(ALsfzone *self); void ALsfzone_Destruct(ALsfzone *self); ALenum ALsfzone_addGenerator(ALsfzone *self, ALenum generator, ALint value); ALenum ALsfzone_addModulator(ALsfzone *self, ALenum sourceop, ALenum destop, ALint amount, ALenum amtsourceop, ALenum transop); /* Stores a new object pointer in the zone. Returns the old object pointer. */ ALvoid *ALsfzone_setRefObject(ALsfzone *self, ALvoid *object); typedef struct ALsfsample { volatile RefCount ref; ALuint Start; ALuint End; ALuint LoopStart; ALuint LoopEnd; ALuint SampleRate; ALubyte PitchKey; ALbyte PitchCorrection; ALushort SampleLink; ALenum SampleType; ALuint id; } ALsfsample; void ALsfsample_Construct(ALsfsample *self); void ALsfsample_Destruct(ALsfsample *self); typedef struct ALsfinstrument { volatile RefCount ref; ALsfzone *Zones; ALsizei NumZones; ALuint id; } ALsfinstrument; void ALsfinstrument_Construct(ALsfinstrument *self); void ALsfinstrument_Destruct(ALsfinstrument *self); inline struct ALsfinstrument *LookupInstrument(ALCdevice *device, ALuint id) { return (struct ALsfinstrument*)LookupUIntMapKey(&device->InstrumentMap, id); } inline struct ALsfinstrument *RemoveInstrument(ALCdevice *device, ALuint id) { return (struct ALsfinstrument*)RemoveUIntMapKey(&device->InstrumentMap, id); } void ReleaseALInstruments(ALCdevice *device); typedef struct ALfontsound { volatile RefCount ref; ALint MinKey, MaxKey; ALint MinVelocity, MaxVelocity; ALsfgenerator *Generators; ALsizei NumGenerators; ALsizei GeneratorsMax; ALsfmodulator *Modulators; ALsizei NumModulators; ALsizei ModulatorsMax; ALuint Start; ALuint End; ALuint LoopStart; ALuint LoopEnd; ALuint SampleRate; ALubyte PitchKey; ALbyte PitchCorrection; ALint SampleLink; ALenum SampleType; ALuint id; } ALfontsound; void ALfontsound_Construct(ALfontsound *self); void ALfontsound_Destruct(ALfontsound *self); ALenum ALfontsound_addGenerator(ALfontsound *self, ALenum generator, ALint value); ALenum ALfontsound_addModulator(ALfontsound *self, ALenum sourceop, ALenum destop, ALint amount, ALenum amtsourceop, ALenum transop); inline struct ALfontsound *LookupFontsound(ALCdevice *device, ALuint id) { return (struct ALfontsound*)LookupUIntMapKey(&device->FontsoundMap, id); } inline struct ALfontsound *RemoveFontsound(ALCdevice *device, ALuint id) { return (struct ALfontsound*)RemoveUIntMapKey(&device->FontsoundMap, id); } void ReleaseALFontsounds(ALCdevice *device); typedef struct ALsfpreset { volatile RefCount ref; ALint Preset; /* a.k.a. MIDI program number */ ALint Bank; /* MIDI bank 0...127, or percussion (bank 128) */ ALsfzone *Zones; ALsizei NumZones; ALuint id; } ALsfpreset; void ALsfpreset_Construct(ALsfpreset *self); void ALsfpreset_Destruct(ALsfpreset *self); inline struct ALsfpreset *LookupPreset(ALCdevice *device, ALuint id) { return (struct ALsfpreset*)LookupUIntMapKey(&device->PresetMap, id); } inline struct ALsfpreset *RemovePreset(ALCdevice *device, ALuint id) { return (struct ALsfpreset*)RemoveUIntMapKey(&device->PresetMap, id); } void ReleaseALPresets(ALCdevice *device); typedef struct ALsoundfont { volatile RefCount ref; ALsfpreset **Presets; ALsizei NumPresets; ALshort *Samples; ALint NumSamples; RWLock Lock; volatile ALenum Mapped; ALuint id; } ALsoundfont; void ALsoundfont_Construct(ALsoundfont *self); void ALsoundfont_Destruct(ALsoundfont *self); inline struct ALsoundfont *LookupSfont(ALCdevice *device, ALuint id) { return (struct ALsoundfont*)LookupUIntMapKey(&device->SfontMap, id); } inline struct ALsoundfont *RemoveSfont(ALCdevice *device, ALuint id) { return (struct ALsoundfont*)RemoveUIntMapKey(&device->SfontMap, id); } void ReleaseALSoundfonts(ALCdevice *device); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* ALMIDI_H */