#include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "alMidi.h" #include "alMain.h" #include "alError.h" #include "evtqueue.h" #include "rwlock.h" #include "alu.h" /* Microsecond resolution */ #define TICKS_PER_SECOND (1000000) static void MidiSynth_Construct(MidiSynth *self, ALCdevice *device); static void MidiSynth_Destruct(MidiSynth *self); static inline void MidiSynth_setState(MidiSynth *self, ALenum state); static inline void MidiSynth_reset(MidiSynth *self); ALuint64 MidiSynth_getTime(const MidiSynth *self); static inline ALuint64 MidiSynth_getNextEvtTime(const MidiSynth *self); static inline void MidiSynth_update(MidiSynth *self, ALCdevice *device); static void MidiSynth_setSampleRate(MidiSynth *self, ALdouble srate); static ALenum MidiSynth_insertEvent(MidiSynth *self, ALuint64 time, ALuint event, ALsizei param1, ALsizei param2); static void MidiSynth_Construct(MidiSynth *self, ALCdevice *device) { InitEvtQueue(&self->EventQueue); RWLockInit(&self->Lock); self->State = AL_INITIAL; self->LastEvtTime = 0; self->NextEvtTime = UINT64_MAX; self->SamplesSinceLast = 0.0; self->SamplesToNext = 0.0; self->SamplesPerTick = (ALdouble)device->Frequency / TICKS_PER_SECOND; } static void MidiSynth_Destruct(MidiSynth *self) { ResetEvtQueue(&self->EventQueue); } static inline void MidiSynth_setState(MidiSynth *self, ALenum state) { ExchangeInt(&self->State, state); } static inline void MidiSynth_reset(MidiSynth *self) { ResetEvtQueue(&self->EventQueue); self->LastEvtTime = 0; self->NextEvtTime = UINT64_MAX; self->SamplesSinceLast = 0.0; self->SamplesToNext = 0.0; } ALuint64 MidiSynth_getTime(const MidiSynth *self) { ALuint64 time = self->LastEvtTime + (self->SamplesSinceLast/self->SamplesPerTick); return clampu(time, self->LastEvtTime, self->NextEvtTime); } static inline ALuint64 MidiSynth_getNextEvtTime(const MidiSynth *self) { if(self->EventQueue.pos == self->EventQueue.size) return UINT64_MAX; return self->EventQueue.events[self->EventQueue.pos].time; } static inline void MidiSynth_update(MidiSynth *self, ALCdevice *device) { MidiSynth_setSampleRate(self, device->Frequency); } static void MidiSynth_setSampleRate(MidiSynth *self, ALdouble srate) { ALdouble sampletickrate = srate / TICKS_PER_SECOND; self->SamplesSinceLast = self->SamplesSinceLast * sampletickrate / self->SamplesPerTick; self->SamplesToNext = self->SamplesToNext * sampletickrate / self->SamplesPerTick; self->SamplesPerTick = sampletickrate; } static ALenum MidiSynth_insertEvent(MidiSynth *self, ALuint64 time, ALuint event, ALsizei param1, ALsizei param2) { MidiEvent entry = { time, event, { param1, param2 } }; ALenum err; err = InsertEvtQueue(&self->EventQueue, &entry); if(err != AL_NO_ERROR) return err; if(entry.time < self->NextEvtTime) { self->NextEvtTime = entry.time; self->SamplesToNext = (self->NextEvtTime - self->LastEvtTime) * self->SamplesPerTick; self->SamplesToNext -= self->SamplesSinceLast; } return AL_NO_ERROR; } #ifdef HAVE_FLUIDSYNTH #include typedef struct FSynth { DERIVE_FROM_TYPE(MidiSynth); fluid_settings_t *Settings; fluid_synth_t *Synth; int FontID; } FSynth; static void FSynth_Construct(FSynth *self, ALCdevice *device); static void FSynth_Destruct(FSynth *self); static ALboolean FSynth_init(FSynth *self, ALCdevice *device); static ALenum FSynth_loadSoundfont(FSynth *self, const char *filename); static void FSynth_setState(FSynth *self, ALenum state); static void FSynth_reset(FSynth *self); static void FSynth_update(FSynth *self, ALCdevice *device); static void FSynth_process(FSynth *self, ALuint SamplesToDo, ALfloat (*restrict DryBuffer)[BUFFERSIZE]); static void FSynth_Delete(FSynth *self); DEFINE_MIDISYNTH_VTABLE(FSynth); static void FSynth_Construct(FSynth *self, ALCdevice *device) { MidiSynth_Construct(STATIC_CAST(MidiSynth, self), device); SET_VTABLE2(FSynth, MidiSynth, self); self->Settings = NULL; self->Synth = NULL; self->FontID = FLUID_FAILED; } static void FSynth_Destruct(FSynth *self) { if(self->FontID != FLUID_FAILED) fluid_synth_sfunload(self->Synth, self->FontID, 0); self->FontID = FLUID_FAILED; if(self->Synth != NULL) delete_fluid_synth(self->Synth); self->Synth = NULL; if(self->Settings != NULL) delete_fluid_settings(self->Settings); self->Settings = NULL; MidiSynth_Destruct(STATIC_CAST(MidiSynth, self)); } static ALboolean FSynth_init(FSynth *self, ALCdevice *device) { self->Settings = new_fluid_settings(); if(!self->Settings) { ERR("Failed to create FluidSettings\n"); return AL_FALSE; } fluid_settings_setint(self->Settings, "synth.reverb.active", 1); fluid_settings_setint(self->Settings, "synth.chorus.active", 1); fluid_settings_setint(self->Settings, "synth.polyphony", 256); fluid_settings_setstr(self->Settings, "synth.midi-bank-select", "mma"); fluid_settings_setnum(self->Settings, "synth.sample-rate", device->Frequency); self->Synth = new_fluid_synth(self->Settings); if(!self->Synth) { ERR("Failed to create FluidSynth\n"); return AL_FALSE; } return AL_TRUE; } static ALenum FSynth_loadSoundfont(FSynth *self, const char *filename) { int fontid; fontid = fluid_synth_sfload(self->Synth, filename, 1); if(fontid == FLUID_FAILED) { ERR("Failed to load soundfont '%s'\n", filename); return AL_INVALID_VALUE; } if(self->FontID != FLUID_FAILED) fluid_synth_sfunload(self->Synth, self->FontID, 1); self->FontID = fontid; return AL_NO_ERROR; } static void FSynth_setState(FSynth *self, ALenum state) { if(state == AL_PLAYING) { if(self->FontID == FLUID_FAILED) { const char *filename = GetConfigValue("midi", "soundfont", ""); if(!filename[0]) ERR("No default soundfont found!\n"); else { self->FontID = fluid_synth_sfload(self->Synth, filename, 1); if(self->FontID == FLUID_FAILED) ERR("Failed to load soundfont '%s'\n", filename); } } } MidiSynth_setState(STATIC_CAST(MidiSynth, self), state); } static void FSynth_reset(FSynth *self) { ALsizei chan; for(chan = 0;chan < 16;chan++) { /* All sounds off + reset all controllers */ fluid_synth_cc(self->Synth, chan, 120, 0); fluid_synth_cc(self->Synth, chan, 121, 0); } MidiSynth_reset(STATIC_CAST(MidiSynth, self)); } static void FSynth_update(FSynth *self, ALCdevice *device) { fluid_settings_setnum(self->Settings, "synth.sample-rate", device->Frequency); fluid_synth_set_sample_rate(self->Synth, device->Frequency); MidiSynth_update(STATIC_CAST(MidiSynth, self), device); } static void FSynth_processQueue(FSynth *self, ALuint64 time) { EvtQueue *queue = &STATIC_CAST(MidiSynth, self)->EventQueue; while(queue->pos < queue->size && queue->events[queue->pos].time <= time) { const MidiEvent *evt = &queue->events[queue->pos]; switch((evt->event&0xF0)) { case AL_NOTEOFF_SOFT: fluid_synth_noteoff(self->Synth, (evt->event&0x0F), evt->param[0]); break; case AL_NOTEON_SOFT: fluid_synth_noteon(self->Synth, (evt->event&0x0F), evt->param[0], evt->param[1]); break; case AL_AFTERTOUCH_SOFT: break; case AL_CONTROLLERCHANGE_SOFT: fluid_synth_cc(self->Synth, (evt->event&0x0F), evt->param[0], evt->param[1]); break; case AL_PROGRAMCHANGE_SOFT: fluid_synth_program_change(self->Synth, (evt->event&0x0F), evt->param[0]); break; case AL_CHANNELPRESSURE_SOFT: fluid_synth_channel_pressure(self->Synth, (evt->event&0x0F), evt->param[0]); break; case AL_PITCHBEND_SOFT: fluid_synth_pitch_bend(self->Synth, (evt->event&0x0F), (evt->param[0]&0x7F) | ((evt->param[1]&0x7F)<<7)); break; } queue->pos++; } if(queue->pos == queue->size) { queue->pos = 0; queue->size = 0; } } static void FSynth_process(FSynth *self, ALuint SamplesToDo, ALfloat (*restrict DryBuffer)[BUFFERSIZE]) { MidiSynth *synth = STATIC_CAST(MidiSynth, self); ALenum state = synth->State; ALuint total = 0; if(state != AL_PLAYING) { if(state == AL_PAUSED) fluid_synth_write_float(self->Synth, SamplesToDo, DryBuffer[FrontLeft], 0, 1, DryBuffer[FrontRight], 0, 1); return; } while(total < SamplesToDo) { if(synth->SamplesToNext >= 1.0) { ALuint todo = minu(SamplesToDo - total, fastf2u(synth->SamplesToNext)); fluid_synth_write_float(self->Synth, todo, &DryBuffer[FrontLeft][total], 0, 1, &DryBuffer[FrontRight][total], 0, 1); total += todo; synth->SamplesSinceLast += todo; synth->SamplesToNext -= todo; } else { ALuint64 time = synth->NextEvtTime; if(time == UINT64_MAX) { synth->SamplesSinceLast += SamplesToDo-total; fluid_synth_write_float(self->Synth, SamplesToDo-total, &DryBuffer[FrontLeft][total], 0, 1, &DryBuffer[FrontRight][total], 0, 1); break; } synth->SamplesSinceLast -= (time - synth->LastEvtTime) * synth->SamplesPerTick; synth->SamplesSinceLast = maxd(synth->SamplesSinceLast, 0.0); synth->LastEvtTime = time; FSynth_processQueue(self, time); synth->NextEvtTime = MidiSynth_getNextEvtTime(synth); if(synth->NextEvtTime != UINT64_MAX) synth->SamplesToNext += (synth->NextEvtTime - synth->LastEvtTime) * synth->SamplesPerTick; } } } static void FSynth_Delete(FSynth *self) { free(self); } #endif /* HAVE_FLUIDSYNTH */ typedef struct DSynth { DERIVE_FROM_TYPE(MidiSynth); } DSynth; static void DSynth_Construct(DSynth *self, ALCdevice *device); static DECLARE_FORWARD(DSynth, MidiSynth, void, Destruct) static ALenum DSynth_loadSoundfont(DSynth *self, const char *filename); static DECLARE_FORWARD1(DSynth, MidiSynth, void, setState, ALenum) static DECLARE_FORWARD(DSynth, MidiSynth, void, reset) static DECLARE_FORWARD1(DSynth, MidiSynth, void, update, ALCdevice*) static void DSynth_process(DSynth *self, ALuint SamplesToDo, ALfloat (*restrict DryBuffer)[BUFFERSIZE]); static void DSynth_Delete(DSynth *self); DEFINE_MIDISYNTH_VTABLE(DSynth); static void DSynth_Construct(DSynth *self, ALCdevice *device) { MidiSynth_Construct(STATIC_CAST(MidiSynth, self), device); SET_VTABLE2(DSynth, MidiSynth, self); } static ALenum DSynth_loadSoundfont(DSynth* UNUSED(self), const char* UNUSED(filename)) { return AL_NO_ERROR; } static void DSynth_processQueue(DSynth *self, ALuint64 time) { EvtQueue *queue = &STATIC_CAST(MidiSynth, self)->EventQueue; while(queue->pos < queue->size && queue->events[queue->pos].time <= time) queue->pos++; if(queue->pos == queue->size) { queue->pos = 0; queue->size = 0; } } static void DSynth_process(DSynth *self, ALuint SamplesToDo, ALfloatBUFFERSIZE*restrict UNUSED(DryBuffer)) { MidiSynth *synth = STATIC_CAST(MidiSynth, self); ALuint total = 0; if(synth->State == AL_INITIAL) return; if(synth->State == AL_PAUSED) return; while(total < SamplesToDo) { if(synth->SamplesToNext >= 1.0) { ALuint todo = minu(SamplesToDo - total, fastf2u(synth->SamplesToNext)); total += todo; synth->SamplesSinceLast += todo; synth->SamplesToNext -= todo; } else { ALuint64 time = synth->NextEvtTime; if(time == UINT64_MAX) { synth->SamplesSinceLast += SamplesToDo-total; break; } synth->SamplesSinceLast -= (time - synth->LastEvtTime) * synth->SamplesPerTick; synth->SamplesSinceLast = maxd(synth->SamplesSinceLast, 0.0); synth->LastEvtTime = time; DSynth_processQueue(self, time); synth->NextEvtTime = MidiSynth_getNextEvtTime(synth); if(synth->NextEvtTime != UINT64_MAX) synth->SamplesToNext += (synth->NextEvtTime - synth->LastEvtTime) * synth->SamplesPerTick; } } } static void DSynth_Delete(DSynth *self) { free(self); } MidiSynth *SynthCreate(ALCdevice *device) { #ifdef HAVE_FLUIDSYNTH { FSynth *synth = calloc(1, sizeof(*synth)); if(!synth) ERR("Failed to allocate FSynth\n"); else { FSynth_Construct(synth, device); if(FSynth_init(synth, device)) return STATIC_CAST(MidiSynth, synth); DELETE_OBJ(STATIC_CAST(MidiSynth, synth)); } } #endif { DSynth *synth = calloc(1, sizeof(*synth)); if(!synth) ERR("Failed to allocate DSynth\n"); else { DSynth_Construct(synth, device); return STATIC_CAST(MidiSynth, synth); } } return NULL; } AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alMidiSoundfontSOFT(const char *filename) { ALCcontext *context; ALenum err; context = GetContextRef(); if(!context) return; if(!(filename && filename[0])) alSetError(context, AL_INVALID_VALUE); else { ALCdevice *device = context->Device; MidiSynth *synth = device->Synth; WriteLock(&synth->Lock); if(synth->State == AL_PLAYING || synth->State == AL_PAUSED) alSetError(context, AL_INVALID_OPERATION); else { err = V(synth,loadSoundfont)(filename); if(err != AL_NO_ERROR) alSetError(context, err); } WriteUnlock(&synth->Lock); } ALCcontext_DecRef(context); } AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alMidiEventSOFT(ALuint64SOFT time, ALenum event, ALsizei channel, ALsizei param1, ALsizei param2) { ALCdevice *device; ALCcontext *context; ALenum err; context = GetContextRef(); if(!context) return; if(!(event == AL_NOTEOFF_SOFT || event == AL_NOTEON_SOFT || event == AL_AFTERTOUCH_SOFT || event == AL_CONTROLLERCHANGE_SOFT || event == AL_PROGRAMCHANGE_SOFT || event == AL_CHANNELPRESSURE_SOFT || event == AL_PITCHBEND_SOFT)) SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_ENUM, done); if(!(channel >= 0 && channel <= 15)) SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, done); if(!(param1 >= 0 && param1 <= 127)) SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, done); if(!(param2 >= 0 && param2 <= 127)) SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, done); device = context->Device; ALCdevice_Lock(device); err = MidiSynth_insertEvent(device->Synth, time, event|channel, param1, param2); ALCdevice_Unlock(device); if(err != AL_NO_ERROR) alSetError(context, err); done: ALCcontext_DecRef(context); } AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alMidiPlaySOFT(void) { ALCcontext *context; MidiSynth *synth; context = GetContextRef(); if(!context) return; synth = context->Device->Synth; WriteLock(&synth->Lock); V(synth,setState)(AL_PLAYING); WriteUnlock(&synth->Lock); ALCcontext_DecRef(context); } AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alMidiPauseSOFT(void) { ALCcontext *context; MidiSynth *synth; context = GetContextRef(); if(!context) return; synth = context->Device->Synth; WriteLock(&synth->Lock); V(synth,setState)(AL_PAUSED); WriteUnlock(&synth->Lock); ALCcontext_DecRef(context); } AL_API void AL_APIENTRY alMidiStopSOFT(void) { ALCdevice *device; ALCcontext *context; MidiSynth *synth; context = GetContextRef(); if(!context) return; device = context->Device; synth = device->Synth; WriteLock(&synth->Lock); V(synth,setState)(AL_STOPPED); ALCdevice_Lock(device); V0(synth,reset)(); ALCdevice_Unlock(device); WriteUnlock(&synth->Lock); ALCcontext_DecRef(context); } void InitEvtQueue(EvtQueue *queue) { queue->events = NULL; queue->maxsize = 0; queue->size = 0; queue->pos = 0; } void ResetEvtQueue(EvtQueue *queue) { free(queue->events); queue->events = NULL; queue->maxsize = 0; queue->size = 0; queue->pos = 0; } ALenum InsertEvtQueue(EvtQueue *queue, const MidiEvent *evt) { ALsizei pos; if(queue->maxsize == queue->size) { if(queue->pos > 0) { /* Queue has some stale entries, remove them to make space for more * events. */ memmove(&queue->events[0], &queue->events[queue->pos], (queue->size-queue->pos)*sizeof(queue->events[0])); queue->size -= queue->pos; queue->pos = 0; } else { /* Queue is full, double the allocated space. */ void *temp = NULL; ALsizei newsize; newsize = (queue->maxsize ? (queue->maxsize<<1) : 16); if(newsize > queue->maxsize) temp = realloc(queue->events, newsize * sizeof(queue->events[0])); if(!temp) return AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY; queue->events = temp; queue->maxsize = newsize; } } pos = queue->pos; if(queue->size > 0) { ALsizei high = queue->size - 1; while(pos < high) { ALsizei mid = pos + (high-pos)/2; if(queue->events[mid].time < evt->time) pos = mid + 1; else high = mid; } while(pos < queue->size && queue->events[pos].time <= evt->time) pos++; if(pos < queue->size) memmove(&queue->events[pos+1], &queue->events[pos], (queue->size-pos)*sizeof(queue->events[0])); } queue->events[pos] = *evt; queue->size++; return AL_NO_ERROR; }