#ifndef EFFECTS_BASE_H #define EFFECTS_BASE_H #include #include "alcmain.h" #include "alexcpt.h" #include "almalloc.h" #include "alspan.h" #include "atomic.h" #include "buffer_storage.h" #include "intrusive_ptr.h" struct ALeffectslot; union EffectProps { struct { // Shared Reverb Properties float Density; float Diffusion; float Gain; float GainHF; float DecayTime; float DecayHFRatio; float ReflectionsGain; float ReflectionsDelay; float LateReverbGain; float LateReverbDelay; float AirAbsorptionGainHF; float RoomRolloffFactor; bool DecayHFLimit; // Additional EAX Reverb Properties float GainLF; float DecayLFRatio; float ReflectionsPan[3]; float LateReverbPan[3]; float EchoTime; float EchoDepth; float ModulationTime; float ModulationDepth; float HFReference; float LFReference; } Reverb; struct { float AttackTime; float ReleaseTime; float Resonance; float PeakGain; } Autowah; struct { int Waveform; int Phase; float Rate; float Depth; float Feedback; float Delay; } Chorus; /* Also Flanger */ struct { bool OnOff; } Compressor; struct { float Edge; float Gain; float LowpassCutoff; float EQCenter; float EQBandwidth; } Distortion; struct { float Delay; float LRDelay; float Damping; float Feedback; float Spread; } Echo; struct { float LowCutoff; float LowGain; float Mid1Center; float Mid1Gain; float Mid1Width; float Mid2Center; float Mid2Gain; float Mid2Width; float HighCutoff; float HighGain; } Equalizer; struct { float Frequency; int LeftDirection; int RightDirection; } Fshifter; struct { float Frequency; float HighPassCutoff; int Waveform; } Modulator; struct { int CoarseTune; int FineTune; } Pshifter; struct { float Rate; int PhonemeA; int PhonemeB; int PhonemeACoarseTuning; int PhonemeBCoarseTuning; int Waveform; } Vmorpher; struct { float Gain; } Dedicated; }; class effect_exception final : public al::base_exception { public: [[gnu::format(printf, 3, 4)]] effect_exception(ALenum code, const char *msg, ...); }; struct EffectVtable { void (*const setParami)(EffectProps *props, ALenum param, int val); void (*const setParamiv)(EffectProps *props, ALenum param, const int *vals); void (*const setParamf)(EffectProps *props, ALenum param, float val); void (*const setParamfv)(EffectProps *props, ALenum param, const float *vals); void (*const getParami)(const EffectProps *props, ALenum param, int *val); void (*const getParamiv)(const EffectProps *props, ALenum param, int *vals); void (*const getParamf)(const EffectProps *props, ALenum param, float *val); void (*const getParamfv)(const EffectProps *props, ALenum param, float *vals); }; #define DEFINE_ALEFFECT_VTABLE(T) \ const EffectVtable T##_vtable = { \ T##_setParami, T##_setParamiv, \ T##_setParamf, T##_setParamfv, \ T##_getParami, T##_getParamiv, \ T##_getParamf, T##_getParamfv, \ } struct EffectBufferBase : public al::intrusive_ref { virtual ~EffectBufferBase() = default; }; struct EffectTarget { MixParams *Main; RealMixParams *RealOut; }; struct EffectState : public al::intrusive_ref { al::span mOutTarget; virtual ~EffectState() = default; virtual void deviceUpdate(const ALCdevice *device) = 0; /* Implementations are currently required to copy the buffer data if they * wish to hold on to it, as there's no guarantee the buffer won't be * detached and deleted or altered during a mix. */ virtual EffectBufferBase *createBuffer(const ALCdevice */*device*/, const al::byte */*sampleData*/, ALuint /*sampleRate*/, FmtType /*sampleType*/, FmtChannels /*channelType*/, ALuint /*numSamples*/) { return nullptr; } virtual void update(const ALCcontext *context, const ALeffectslot *slot, const EffectProps *props, const EffectTarget target) = 0; virtual void process(const size_t samplesToDo, const al::span samplesIn, const al::span samplesOut) = 0; }; struct EffectStateFactory { virtual ~EffectStateFactory() { } virtual EffectState *create() = 0; virtual EffectProps getDefaultProps() const noexcept = 0; virtual const EffectVtable *getEffectVtable() const noexcept = 0; }; EffectStateFactory *NullStateFactory_getFactory(void); EffectStateFactory *ReverbStateFactory_getFactory(void); EffectStateFactory *StdReverbStateFactory_getFactory(void); EffectStateFactory *AutowahStateFactory_getFactory(void); EffectStateFactory *ChorusStateFactory_getFactory(void); EffectStateFactory *CompressorStateFactory_getFactory(void); EffectStateFactory *DistortionStateFactory_getFactory(void); EffectStateFactory *EchoStateFactory_getFactory(void); EffectStateFactory *EqualizerStateFactory_getFactory(void); EffectStateFactory *FlangerStateFactory_getFactory(void); EffectStateFactory *FshifterStateFactory_getFactory(void); EffectStateFactory *ModulatorStateFactory_getFactory(void); EffectStateFactory *PshifterStateFactory_getFactory(void); EffectStateFactory* VmorpherStateFactory_getFactory(void); EffectStateFactory *DedicatedStateFactory_getFactory(void); EffectStateFactory *ConvolutionStateFactory_getFactory(void); #endif /* EFFECTS_BASE_H */