/* * OpenAL Convolution Reverb Example * * Copyright (c) 2020 by Chris Robinson * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ /* This file contains an example for applying convolution reverb to a source. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sndfile.h" #include "AL/al.h" #include "AL/alext.h" #include "common/alhelpers.h" #ifndef AL_SOFT_convolution_reverb #define AL_SOFT_convolution_reverb #define AL_EFFECT_CONVOLUTION_REVERB_SOFT 0xA000 #endif /* Effect object functions */ static LPALGENEFFECTS alGenEffects; static LPALDELETEEFFECTS alDeleteEffects; static LPALISEFFECT alIsEffect; static LPALEFFECTI alEffecti; static LPALEFFECTIV alEffectiv; static LPALEFFECTF alEffectf; static LPALEFFECTFV alEffectfv; static LPALGETEFFECTI alGetEffecti; static LPALGETEFFECTIV alGetEffectiv; static LPALGETEFFECTF alGetEffectf; static LPALGETEFFECTFV alGetEffectfv; /* Auxiliary Effect Slot object functions */ static LPALGENAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTS alGenAuxiliaryEffectSlots; static LPALDELETEAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTS alDeleteAuxiliaryEffectSlots; static LPALISAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOT alIsAuxiliaryEffectSlot; static LPALAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTI alAuxiliaryEffectSloti; static LPALAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTIV alAuxiliaryEffectSlotiv; static LPALAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTF alAuxiliaryEffectSlotf; static LPALAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTFV alAuxiliaryEffectSlotfv; static LPALGETAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTI alGetAuxiliaryEffectSloti; static LPALGETAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTIV alGetAuxiliaryEffectSlotiv; static LPALGETAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTF alGetAuxiliaryEffectSlotf; static LPALGETAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTFV alGetAuxiliaryEffectSlotfv; /* This stuff defines a simple streaming player object, the same as alstream.c. * Comments are removed for brevity, see alstream.c for more details. */ #define NUM_BUFFERS 4 #define BUFFER_SAMPLES 8192 typedef struct StreamPlayer { ALuint buffers[NUM_BUFFERS]; ALuint source; SNDFILE *sndfile; SF_INFO sfinfo; float *membuf; ALenum format; } StreamPlayer; static StreamPlayer *NewPlayer(void) { StreamPlayer *player; player = calloc(1, sizeof(*player)); assert(player != NULL); alGenBuffers(NUM_BUFFERS, player->buffers); assert(alGetError() == AL_NO_ERROR && "Could not create buffers"); alGenSources(1, &player->source); assert(alGetError() == AL_NO_ERROR && "Could not create source"); alSource3i(player->source, AL_POSITION, 0, 0, -1); alSourcei(player->source, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_TRUE); alSourcei(player->source, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, 0); assert(alGetError() == AL_NO_ERROR && "Could not set source parameters"); return player; } static void ClosePlayerFile(StreamPlayer *player) { if(player->sndfile) sf_close(player->sndfile); player->sndfile = NULL; free(player->membuf); player->membuf = NULL; } static void DeletePlayer(StreamPlayer *player) { ClosePlayerFile(player); alDeleteSources(1, &player->source); alDeleteBuffers(NUM_BUFFERS, player->buffers); if(alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) fprintf(stderr, "Failed to delete object IDs\n"); memset(player, 0, sizeof(*player)); free(player); } static int OpenPlayerFile(StreamPlayer *player, const char *filename) { size_t frame_size; ClosePlayerFile(player); player->sndfile = sf_open(filename, SFM_READ, &player->sfinfo); if(!player->sndfile) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open audio in %s: %s\n", filename, sf_strerror(NULL)); return 0; } if(player->sfinfo.channels == 1) player->format = AL_FORMAT_MONO_FLOAT32; else if(player->sfinfo.channels == 2) player->format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO_FLOAT32; else if(player->sfinfo.channels == 6) player->format = AL_FORMAT_51CHN32; else { fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported channel count: %d\n", player->sfinfo.channels); sf_close(player->sndfile); player->sndfile = NULL; return 0; } frame_size = (size_t)(BUFFER_SAMPLES * player->sfinfo.channels) * sizeof(float); player->membuf = malloc(frame_size); return 1; } static int StartPlayer(StreamPlayer *player) { ALsizei i; alSourceRewind(player->source); alSourcei(player->source, AL_BUFFER, 0); for(i = 0;i < NUM_BUFFERS;i++) { sf_count_t slen = sf_readf_float(player->sndfile, player->membuf, BUFFER_SAMPLES); if(slen < 1) break; slen *= player->sfinfo.channels * (sf_count_t)sizeof(float); alBufferData(player->buffers[i], player->format, player->membuf, (ALsizei)slen, player->sfinfo.samplerate); } if(alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "Error buffering for playback\n"); return 0; } alSourceQueueBuffers(player->source, i, player->buffers); alSourcePlay(player->source); if(alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "Error starting playback\n"); return 0; } return 1; } static int UpdatePlayer(StreamPlayer *player) { ALint processed, state; alGetSourcei(player->source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); alGetSourcei(player->source, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed); if(alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "Error checking source state\n"); return 0; } while(processed > 0) { ALuint bufid; sf_count_t slen; alSourceUnqueueBuffers(player->source, 1, &bufid); processed--; slen = sf_readf_float(player->sndfile, player->membuf, BUFFER_SAMPLES); if(slen > 0) { slen *= player->sfinfo.channels * (sf_count_t)sizeof(float); alBufferData(bufid, player->format, player->membuf, (ALsizei)slen, player->sfinfo.samplerate); alSourceQueueBuffers(player->source, 1, &bufid); } if(alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "Error buffering data\n"); return 0; } } if(state != AL_PLAYING && state != AL_PAUSED) { ALint queued; alGetSourcei(player->source, AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED, &queued); if(queued == 0) return 0; alSourcePlay(player->source); if(alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "Error restarting playback\n"); return 0; } } return 1; } /* CreateEffect creates a new OpenAL effect object with a convolution reverb * type, and returns the new effect ID. */ static ALuint CreateEffect(void) { ALuint effect = 0; ALenum err; printf("Using Convolution Reverb\n"); /* Create the effect object and set the convolution reverb effect type. */ alGenEffects(1, &effect); alEffecti(effect, AL_EFFECT_TYPE, AL_EFFECT_CONVOLUTION_REVERB_SOFT); /* Check if an error occured, and clean up if so. */ err = alGetError(); if(err != AL_NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "OpenAL error: %s\n", alGetString(err)); if(alIsEffect(effect)) alDeleteEffects(1, &effect); return 0; } return effect; } /* LoadBuffer loads the named audio file into an OpenAL buffer object, and * returns the new buffer ID. */ static ALuint LoadSound(const char *filename) { ALenum err, format; ALuint buffer; SNDFILE *sndfile; SF_INFO sfinfo; float *membuf; sf_count_t num_frames; ALsizei num_bytes; /* Open the audio file and check that it's usable. */ sndfile = sf_open(filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo); if(!sndfile) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open audio in %s: %s\n", filename, sf_strerror(sndfile)); return 0; } if(sfinfo.frames < 1 || sfinfo.frames > (sf_count_t)(INT_MAX/sizeof(float))/sfinfo.channels) { fprintf(stderr, "Bad sample count in %s (%" PRId64 ")\n", filename, sfinfo.frames); sf_close(sndfile); return 0; } /* Get the sound format, and figure out the OpenAL format. Use floats since * impulse responses will usually have more than 16-bit precision. */ if(sfinfo.channels == 1) format = AL_FORMAT_MONO_FLOAT32; else if(sfinfo.channels == 2) format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO_FLOAT32; else { fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported channel count: %d\n", sfinfo.channels); sf_close(sndfile); return 0; } /* Decode the whole audio file to a buffer. */ membuf = malloc((size_t)(sfinfo.frames * sfinfo.channels) * sizeof(float)); num_frames = sf_readf_float(sndfile, membuf, sfinfo.frames); if(num_frames < 1) { free(membuf); sf_close(sndfile); fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read samples in %s (%" PRId64 ")\n", filename, num_frames); return 0; } num_bytes = (ALsizei)(num_frames * sfinfo.channels) * (ALsizei)sizeof(float); /* Buffer the audio data into a new buffer object, then free the data and * close the file. */ buffer = 0; alGenBuffers(1, &buffer); alBufferData(buffer, format, membuf, num_bytes, sfinfo.samplerate); free(membuf); sf_close(sndfile); /* Check if an error occured, and clean up if so. */ err = alGetError(); if(err != AL_NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "OpenAL Error: %s\n", alGetString(err)); if(buffer && alIsBuffer(buffer)) alDeleteBuffers(1, &buffer); return 0; } return buffer; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { ALuint ir_buffer, effect, slot; StreamPlayer *player; int i; /* Print out usage if no arguments were specified */ if(argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-device ] \n", argv[0]); return 1; } argv++; argc--; if(InitAL(&argv, &argc) != 0) return 1; if(!alIsExtensionPresent("AL_SOFTX_convolution_reverb")) { CloseAL(); fprintf(stderr, "Error: Convolution revern not supported\n"); return 1; } if(argc < 2) { CloseAL(); fprintf(stderr, "Error: Missing impulse response or sound files\n"); return 1; } /* Define a macro to help load the function pointers. */ #define LOAD_PROC(T, x) ((x) = (T)alGetProcAddress(#x)) LOAD_PROC(LPALGENEFFECTS, alGenEffects); LOAD_PROC(LPALDELETEEFFECTS, alDeleteEffects); LOAD_PROC(LPALISEFFECT, alIsEffect); LOAD_PROC(LPALEFFECTI, alEffecti); LOAD_PROC(LPALEFFECTIV, alEffectiv); LOAD_PROC(LPALEFFECTF, alEffectf); LOAD_PROC(LPALEFFECTFV, alEffectfv); LOAD_PROC(LPALGETEFFECTI, alGetEffecti); LOAD_PROC(LPALGETEFFECTIV, alGetEffectiv); LOAD_PROC(LPALGETEFFECTF, alGetEffectf); LOAD_PROC(LPALGETEFFECTFV, alGetEffectfv); LOAD_PROC(LPALGENAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTS, alGenAuxiliaryEffectSlots); LOAD_PROC(LPALDELETEAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTS, alDeleteAuxiliaryEffectSlots); LOAD_PROC(LPALISAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOT, alIsAuxiliaryEffectSlot); LOAD_PROC(LPALAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTI, alAuxiliaryEffectSloti); LOAD_PROC(LPALAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTIV, alAuxiliaryEffectSlotiv); LOAD_PROC(LPALAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTF, alAuxiliaryEffectSlotf); LOAD_PROC(LPALAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTFV, alAuxiliaryEffectSlotfv); LOAD_PROC(LPALGETAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTI, alGetAuxiliaryEffectSloti); LOAD_PROC(LPALGETAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTIV, alGetAuxiliaryEffectSlotiv); LOAD_PROC(LPALGETAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTF, alGetAuxiliaryEffectSlotf); LOAD_PROC(LPALGETAUXILIARYEFFECTSLOTFV, alGetAuxiliaryEffectSlotfv); #undef LOAD_PROC /* Load the impulse response sound into a buffer. */ ir_buffer = LoadSound(argv[0]); if(!ir_buffer) { CloseAL(); return 1; } /* Load the reverb into an effect. */ effect = CreateEffect(); if(!effect) { alDeleteBuffers(1, &ir_buffer); CloseAL(); return 1; } /* Create the effect slot object. This is what "plays" an effect on sources * that connect to it. */ slot = 0; alGenAuxiliaryEffectSlots(1, &slot); /* Set the impulse response sound buffer on the effect slot. This allows * effects to access it as needed. In this case, convolution reverb uses it * as the filter source. NOTE: Unlike the effect object, the buffer *is* * kept referenced and may not be changed or deleted as long as it's set, * just like with a source. When another buffer is set, or the effect slot * is deleted, the buffer reference is released. * * The effect slot's gain is reduced because the impulse responses I've * tested with result in excessively loud reverb. Is that normal? Even with * this, it seems a bit on the loud side. * * Also note: unlike standard or EAX reverb, there is no automatic * attenuation of a source's reverb response with distance, so the reverb * will remain full volume regardless of a given sound's distance from the * listener. You can use a send filter to alter a given source's * contribution to reverb. */ alAuxiliaryEffectSloti(slot, AL_BUFFER, (ALint)ir_buffer); alAuxiliaryEffectSlotf(slot, AL_EFFECTSLOT_GAIN, 1.0f / 16.0f); alAuxiliaryEffectSloti(slot, AL_EFFECTSLOT_EFFECT, (ALint)effect); assert(alGetError()==AL_NO_ERROR && "Failed to set effect slot"); player = NewPlayer(); /* Connect the player's source to the effect slot. */ alSource3i(player->source, AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER, (ALint)slot, 0, AL_FILTER_NULL); assert(alGetError()==AL_NO_ERROR && "Failed to setup sound source"); /* Play each file listed on the command line */ for(i = 1;i < argc;i++) { const char *namepart; if(!OpenPlayerFile(player, argv[i])) continue; namepart = strrchr(argv[i], '/'); if(namepart || (namepart=strrchr(argv[i], '\\'))) namepart++; else namepart = argv[i]; printf("Playing: %s (%s, %dhz)\n", namepart, FormatName(player->format), player->sfinfo.samplerate); fflush(stdout); if(!StartPlayer(player)) { ClosePlayerFile(player); continue; } while(UpdatePlayer(player)) al_nssleep(10000000); ClosePlayerFile(player); } printf("Done.\n"); /* All files done. Delete the player and effect resources, and close down * OpenAL. */ DeletePlayer(player); player = NULL; alDeleteAuxiliaryEffectSlots(1, &slot); alDeleteEffects(1, &effect); alDeleteBuffers(1, &ir_buffer); CloseAL(); return 0; }