MainWindow 0 0 564 460 564 460 OpenAL Soft Configuration 470 405 81 21 Apply 10 0 541 401 5 Playback 110 50 78 21 The output sample type. Currently, all mixing is done with 32-bit float and converted to the output sample type as needed. QComboBox::AdjustToContents 0 50 101 21 Sample Format: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 0 20 101 21 Channels: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 110 20 78 21 The output channel configuration. Note that not all backends can properly detect the channel configuration and may default to stereo output. QComboBox::AdjustToContents 380 20 80 20 The playback/mixing sample rate. true QComboBox::NoInsert QComboBox::AdjustToContents Autodetect 8000 11025 16000 22050 32000 44100 48000 290 20 81 21 Sample Rate: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 290 50 81 21 Stereo Mode: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 380 50 78 21 How to treat stereo output. As headphones, HRTF or crossfeed filters may be used to improve binaural quality, which may not otherwise be suitable for speakers. -11 180 551 201 Advanced Settings Qt::AlignCenter 20 30 511 91 Buffer Metrics Qt::AlignCenter 260 20 241 51 The number of update periods. Higher values create a larger mix ahead, which helps protect against skips when the CPU is under load, but increases the delay between a sound getting mixed and being heard. 20 0 201 21 Period Count Qt::AlignCenter 80 20 160 21 1 16 1 2 1 true Qt::Horizontal QSlider::TicksBelow 1 20 20 51 21 3 10 20 241 51 The update period size, in sample frames. This is the number of frames needed for each mixing update. 60 20 160 21 0 8192 64 1024 0 true Qt::Horizontal QSlider::TicksBelow 512 10 0 201 21 Period Samples Qt::AlignCenter 0 20 51 21 1024 130 130 131 21 Pan Pot uses standard amplitude panning (aka pair-wise, stereo pair, etc) between -30 and +30 degrees, while UHJ creates a stereo-compatible two-channel UHJ mix, which encodes some surround sound information into stereo output that can be decoded with a surround sound receiver. 20 130 101 21 Stereo Encoding: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 270 130 111 21 Ambisonic Format: 390 130 131 21 30 160 231 20 Applies a gain limiter on the final mixed output. This reduces the volume when the output samples would otherwise be clamped, avoiding excessive clipping noise. Enable Gain Limiter true 270 160 261 21 Applies dithering on the final mix for 8- and 16-bit output. This replaces the distortion created by nearest-value quantization with low-level whitenoise. Enable Dithering true 60 80 421 81 Resampler Quality Qt::AlignCenter 50 50 321 21 Default Qt::AlignCenter 80 30 251 23 Qt::Horizontal 20 30 51 21 Speed Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 340 30 51 21 Quality Renderer 10 20 181 21 Enables high-quality ambisonic rendering. This mode is capable of frequency-dependent processing, creating a better reproduction of 3D sound rendering over surround sound speakers. Enabling this also requires specifying decoder configuration files for the appropriate speaker configuration you intend to use. Qt::RightToLeft High Quality Mode: 10 50 181 21 This applies the necessary delays and attenuation to make the speakers behave as though they are all equidistant, which is important for proper playback of 3D sound rendering. Requires the proper distances to be specified in the decoder configuration file. Qt::RightToLeft Distance Compensation: true -10 160 551 161 Decoder Configurations Qt::AlignCenter 120 30 311 21 20 30 91 21 Quadrophonic: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 440 30 91 21 Browse... 120 60 311 21 440 60 91 21 Browse... 20 60 91 21 5.1 Surround: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 20 90 91 21 6.1 Surround: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 120 90 311 21 440 90 91 21 Browse... 440 120 91 21 Browse... 120 120 311 21 20 120 91 21 7.1 Surround: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 10 80 181 21 Simulates and compensates for low-frequency effects caused by the curvature of nearby sound-waves, which creates a more realistic perception of sound distance. Note that the effect may be stronger or weaker than intended if the application doesn't use or specify an appropriate unit scale, or if incorrect speaker distances are set in the decoder configuration file. Requires High Quality Mode to be enabled. Qt::RightToLeft Near-Field Effects: true -10 110 281 21 The reference delay value for ambisonic output. When Channels is set to one of the Ambisonic formats, this option enables NFC-HOA output with the specified Reference Delay parameter. The specified value can then be shared with an appropriate NFC-HOA decoder to reproduce correct near-field effects. Keep in mind that despite being designed for higher-order ambisonics, this applies to first-order output all the same. When left unset, normal output is created with no near-field simulation. 20 0 151 21 Near-Field Reference Delay: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 180 0 91 21 sec 4 1000.000000000000000 0.010000000000000 HRTF -10 200 551 181 Advanced Settings Qt::AlignCenter false false 20 30 511 141 HRTF Profile Paths Qt::AlignCenter 20 20 391 81 A list of additional paths containing HRTF data sets. QAbstractItemView::InternalMove true QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection Qt::ElideNone 420 20 81 21 Add... false 180 110 151 21 Include the default system paths in addition to any listed above. Include Default Paths true 420 50 81 21 Remove 40 50 71 21 HRTF Mode: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 130 50 161 21 Forces HRTF processing on or off, or leaves it to the application or system to determine if it should be used. QComboBox::AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow Application preference Force on Force off 20 20 91 21 Preferred HRTF: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 130 20 161 21 The default HRTF to use if the application doesn't request one. Backends 0 11 111 361 true General PulseAudio JACK ALSA OSS Solaris Wave Writer 110 10 421 361 20 190 391 21 When checked, allows all other available backends not listed in the priority or disabled lists. Allow Other Backends true 220 30 191 151 Disabled backend driver list. 20 30 191 151 The backend driver list order. Unknown backends and duplicated names are ignored. QAbstractItemView::InternalMove 230 10 171 20 Disabled Backends: 30 10 171 20 Priority Backends: 20 10 141 21 Automatically spawn a PulseAudio server if one is not already running. AutoSpawn Server true 20 40 161 21 Allows moving PulseAudio streams to different devices during playback or capture. Note that the device specifier and device format will not change to match the new device. Allow Moving Streams 20 70 121 21 When checked, fix the OpenAL device's sample rate to match the PulseAudio device. Fix Sample Rate 20 10 141 21 AutoSpawn Server 10 40 401 80 The update buffer size, in samples, that the backend will keep buffered to handle the server's real-time processing requests. Must be a power of 2. Buffer Size Qt::AlignCenter 320 30 71 21 0 10 30 301 21 13 1 4 Qt::Horizontal QSlider::TicksBelow 1 10 30 141 21 Default Playback Device: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 160 30 231 21 default 10 60 141 21 Default Capture Device: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 160 60 231 21 default 20 100 191 21 Allow use of ALSA's software resampler. This lets the OpenAL device to be set to a different sample rate than the backend device, but incurs another resample pass on top of OpenAL's resampler. Allow Resampler 210 100 191 21 Accesses the audio device buffer through an mmap, potentially avoiding an extra sample buffer copy during updates. MMap Buffer true 10 30 141 21 Default Playback Device: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 160 30 151 21 /dev/dsp 10 60 141 21 Default Capture Device: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 160 60 151 21 /dev/dsp 320 30 91 21 Browse... 320 60 91 21 Browse... 160 30 151 21 /dev/audio 10 30 141 21 Default Playback Device: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 320 30 91 21 Browse... 10 30 71 21 Output File: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 90 30 221 21 0 90 421 71 <html><head/><body><p align="center"><span style=" font-style:italic;">Warning: The specified output file will be OVERWRITTEN WITHOUT</span></p><p align="center"><span style=" font-style:italic;">QUESTION when the Wave Writer device is opened.</span></p></body></html> 320 30 91 21 Browse... 120 60 191 21 Create .amb (B-Format) files Resources 190 20 51 21 The maximum number of allocatable sources. Lower values may help for systems with apps that try to play more sounds than the CPU can handle. 4 256 10 20 171 21 Number of Sound Sources: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 10 50 171 21 Number of Effect Slots: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 190 50 51 21 The maximum number of Auxiliary Effect Slots an app can create. A slot can use a non-negligible amount of CPU time if an effect is set on it even if no sources are feeding it, so this may help when apps use more than the system can handle. 3 64 10 80 171 21 Number of Source Sends: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 190 80 51 21 Limits the number of auxiliary sends allowed per source. Setting this higher than the default has no effect. 2 16 10 120 511 121 Enables use of specific CPU extensions. Certain methods may utilize CPU extensions when detected, and disabling these can be useful for preventing those extensions from being used. CPU Extensions 100 20 71 31 SSE true 180 20 71 31 SSE2 true 100 50 71 31 Neon true 340 20 71 31 SSE4.1 true 260 20 71 31 SSE3 true 101 80 311 31 <html><head/><body><p align="center"><span style=" font-style:italic;">No support enabled for CPU Extensions</span></p></body></html> Effects 10 100 511 231 Specifies which effects apps can recognize. Disabling effects can help for apps that try to use ones that are too intensive for the system to handle. Enabled Effects 70 30 131 21 EAX Reverb true 70 60 131 21 Standard Reverb true 70 90 131 21 Chorus true 70 150 131 21 Distortion true 320 30 131 21 Echo true 320 60 131 21 Equalizer true 320 90 131 21 Flanger true 320 120 131 21 Ring Modulator true 320 150 131 21 Enables both the Dedicated Dialog and Dedicated LFE effects added by the ALC_EXT_DEDICATED extension. Dedicated ... true 70 120 111 21 Compressor true 70 180 131 21 Pitch Shifter true 10 20 141 21 Default Reverb Effect: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 160 20 108 20 QComboBox::AdjustToContents None Generic PaddedCell Room Bathroom Livingroom Stoneroom Auditorium ConcertHall Cave Arena Hangar CarpetedHallway Hallway StoneCorridor Alley Forest City Mountains Quarry Plain ParkingLot SewerPipe Underwater Drugged Dizzy Psychotic 370 405 91 21 Cancel 0 0 564 21 &File &Help &Quit Save &As... Save Configuration As &Load... Load Configuration File &About... actionQuit activated() MainWindow close() -1 -1 267 181 backendListWidget currentRowChanged(int) backendStackedWidget setCurrentIndex(int) 69 233 329 232 ShowHRTFContextMenu(QPoint)