/** * Copyright 2012-2014 Julien Eluard and contributors * This project includes software developed by Julien Eluard: https://github.com/jeluard/ * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.semver; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.osjava.jardiff.AbstractInfo; import org.osjava.jardiff.ClassInfo; import org.semver.Delta.Difference; import org.semver.Delta.Change; /** * * Helper methods to dump {@link Delta}. * */ public class Dumper { private Dumper() { } protected static String extractActionType(final Difference difference) { final String actionType = difference.getClass().getSimpleName(); return actionType.endsWith("e")?actionType+"d":actionType+"ed"; } protected static String extractInfoType(final AbstractInfo info) { final String simpleClassName = info.getClass().getSimpleName(); return simpleClassName.substring(0, simpleClassName.indexOf("Info")); } protected static String extractDetails(final Difference difference) { if (difference instanceof Change) { final Change change = (Change) difference; return extractDetails(difference.getInfo())+", access "+extractAccessDetails(difference.getInfo(), change.getModifiedInfo()); } else { return extractDetails(difference.getInfo())+", access "+extractAccessDetails(difference.getInfo()); } } protected static String extractDetails(final AbstractInfo info) { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if (!(info instanceof ClassInfo)) { builder.append(info.getName()); if( null != info.getSignature() ) { builder.append(", sig ").append(info.getSignature()); } if( null != info.getDesc() ) { builder.append(", desc ").append(info.getDesc()); } } return builder.toString(); } protected static void accumulateAccessDetails(final String access, final boolean previousAccess, final boolean currentAccess, final List added, final List removed) { if (previousAccess != currentAccess) { if (previousAccess) { removed.add(access); } else { added.add(access); } } } protected static String extractAccessDetails(final AbstractInfo previousInfo, final AbstractInfo currentInfo) { final List added = new LinkedList(); final List removed = new LinkedList(); accumulateAccessDetails("abstract", previousInfo.isAbstract(), currentInfo.isAbstract(), added, removed); accumulateAccessDetails("annotation", previousInfo.isAnnotation(), currentInfo.isAnnotation(), added, removed); accumulateAccessDetails("bridge", previousInfo.isBridge(), currentInfo.isBridge(), added, removed); accumulateAccessDetails("enum", previousInfo.isEnum(), currentInfo.isEnum(), added, removed); accumulateAccessDetails("final", previousInfo.isFinal(), currentInfo.isFinal(), added, removed); accumulateAccessDetails("interface", previousInfo.isInterface(), currentInfo.isInterface(), added, removed); accumulateAccessDetails("native", previousInfo.isNative(), currentInfo.isNative(), added, removed); accumulateAccessDetails("package-private", previousInfo.isPackagePrivate(), currentInfo.isPackagePrivate(), added, removed); accumulateAccessDetails("private", previousInfo.isPrivate(), currentInfo.isPrivate(), added, removed); accumulateAccessDetails("protected", previousInfo.isProtected(), currentInfo.isProtected(), added, removed); accumulateAccessDetails("public", previousInfo.isPublic(), currentInfo.isPublic(), added, removed); accumulateAccessDetails("static", previousInfo.isStatic(), currentInfo.isStatic(), added, removed); accumulateAccessDetails("strict", previousInfo.isStrict(), currentInfo.isStrict(), added, removed); accumulateAccessDetails("super", previousInfo.isSuper(), currentInfo.isSuper(), added, removed); accumulateAccessDetails("synchronized", previousInfo.isSynchronized(), currentInfo.isSynchronized(), added, removed); accumulateAccessDetails("synthetic", previousInfo.isSynthetic(), currentInfo.isSynthetic(), added, removed); accumulateAccessDetails("transcient", previousInfo.isTransient(), currentInfo.isTransient(), added, removed); accumulateAccessDetails("varargs", previousInfo.isVarargs(), currentInfo.isVarargs(), added, removed); accumulateAccessDetails("volatile", previousInfo.isVolatile(), currentInfo.isVolatile(), added, removed); final StringBuilder details = new StringBuilder(); if (!added.isEmpty()) { details.append("added: "); for (final String access : added) { details.append(access).append(" "); } } if (!removed.isEmpty()) { details.append("removed: "); for (final String access : removed) { details.append(access).append(" "); } } return details.toString().trim(); } protected static void accumulateAccessDetails(final String access, final boolean hasAccess, final List accessList) { if (hasAccess) { accessList.add(access); } } protected static String extractAccessDetails(final AbstractInfo info) { final List accessList = new LinkedList(); accumulateAccessDetails("abstract", info.isAbstract(), accessList); accumulateAccessDetails("annotation", info.isAnnotation(), accessList); accumulateAccessDetails("bridge", info.isBridge(), accessList); accumulateAccessDetails("enum", info.isEnum(), accessList); accumulateAccessDetails("final", info.isFinal(), accessList); accumulateAccessDetails("interface", info.isInterface(), accessList); accumulateAccessDetails("native", info.isNative(), accessList); accumulateAccessDetails("package-private", info.isPackagePrivate(), accessList); accumulateAccessDetails("private", info.isPrivate(), accessList); accumulateAccessDetails("protected", info.isProtected(), accessList); accumulateAccessDetails("public", info.isPublic(), accessList); accumulateAccessDetails("static", info.isStatic(), accessList); accumulateAccessDetails("strict", info.isStrict(), accessList); accumulateAccessDetails("super", info.isSuper(), accessList); accumulateAccessDetails("synchronized", info.isSynchronized(), accessList); accumulateAccessDetails("synthetic", info.isSynthetic(), accessList); accumulateAccessDetails("transcient", info.isTransient(), accessList); accumulateAccessDetails("varargs", info.isVarargs(), accessList); accumulateAccessDetails("volatile", info.isVolatile(), accessList); final StringBuilder details = new StringBuilder(); if (!accessList.isEmpty()) { for (final String access : accessList) { details.append(access).append(" "); } } return details.toString().trim(); } /** * * Dumps on {@link System#out} all differences, sorted by class name. * * @param delta the delta to be dumped */ public static void dump(final Delta delta) { dump(delta, System.out); } /** * Dumps on out all differences, sorted by class name. * * @param delta the delta to be dumped * @param out */ public static void dump(final Delta delta, final PrintStream out) { final List sortedDifferences = new LinkedList(delta.getDifferences()); Collections.sort(sortedDifferences); dump(sortedDifferences, out); } /** * Dumps on out all of the given sorted differences. * * @param sortedDifferences the sorted differences to be dumped * @param out the print output stream */ public static void dump(final List sortedDifferences, final PrintStream out) { String currentClassName = ""; for (final Difference difference : sortedDifferences) { if (!currentClassName.equals(difference.getClassName())) { out.println("Class "+difference.getClassName()); } out.println(" "+extractActionType(difference)+" "+extractInfoType(difference.getInfo())+" "+extractDetails(difference)); currentClassName = difference.getClassName(); } } /** * Dumps on out all differences separated by its type in the order * remove, change, deprecate and add. *

* Prepends statistics per class regarding difference type. *

* @param delta the delta to be dumped * @param iwidth the integer width for formated integer counter * @param out the print output stream */ public static void dumpFullStats(final Delta delta, final int iwidth, final PrintStream out) { final Set diffs = delta.getDifferences(); final List diffsAdd = new ArrayList(); final List diffsChange = new ArrayList(); final List diffsDeprecate = new ArrayList(); final List diffsRemove = new ArrayList(); final Map className2DiffCount = new HashMap(); int maxClassNameLen = 0; for(final Iterator iter = diffs.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { final Difference diff = iter.next(); final String className = diff.getClassName(); maxClassNameLen = Math.max(maxClassNameLen, className.length()); DiffCount dc = className2DiffCount.get(className); if( null == dc ) { dc = new DiffCount(className); className2DiffCount.put(className, dc); } if( diff instanceof Delta.Add ) { diffsAdd.add(diff); dc.additions++; } else if( diff instanceof Delta.Change ) { diffsChange.add(diff); dc.changes++; } else if( diff instanceof Delta.Deprecate ) { diffsDeprecate.add(diff); dc.deprecates++; } else if( diff instanceof Delta.Remove ) { diffsRemove.add(diff); dc.removes++; } } Collections.sort(diffsAdd); Collections.sort(diffsChange); Collections.sort(diffsDeprecate); Collections.sort(diffsRemove); final List classNames = new ArrayList(className2DiffCount.keySet()); Collections.sort(classNames); System.err.println("Summary: "+diffs.size()+" differences in "+classNames.size()+" classes:"); System.err.println(" Remove "+diffsRemove.size()+ ", Change "+diffsChange.size()+ ", Deprecate "+diffsDeprecate.size()+ ", Add "+diffsAdd.size()); System.err.printf("%n"); int iterI = 0; for(final Iterator iter = classNames.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); iterI++) { final String className = iter.next(); final DiffCount dc = className2DiffCount.get(className); System.err.printf("%"+iwidth+"d/%"+iwidth+"d: %-"+maxClassNameLen+"s: %s%n", iterI, classNames.size(), className, dc.format(iwidth)); } System.err.printf("%n%nRemoves%n%n"); dump(diffsRemove, System.err); System.err.printf("%n%nChanges%n%n"); dump(diffsChange, System.err); System.err.printf("%n%nDeprecates%n%n"); dump(diffsDeprecate, System.err); System.err.printf("%n%nAdditions%n%n"); dump(diffsAdd, System.err); System.err.printf("%n%n"); } static class DiffCount { public DiffCount(String name) { this.name = name; } public final String name; public int removes; public int changes; public int deprecates; public int additions; public String toString() { return name+": Remove "+removes+", Change "+changes+", Deprecate "+deprecates+", Add "+additions; } public String format(final int iwidth) { return String.format("Remove %"+iwidth+"d, Change %"+iwidth+"d, Deprecate %"+iwidth+"d, Add %"+iwidth+"d", removes, changes, deprecates, additions); } } }