To build the Java 3D packages, you must have the following three CVS
NOTE: these three top-level directories must be named exactly as shown
above and they must be sibling directories.
NOTE: you must first build the javax.vecmath pacakge before building
the Java 3D core and utilities packages. See the README-build.html
file in the "vecmath" directory for instructions.
System Requirements
The following operating environments have been tested:
Solaris: Sparc (Ultra60 or better) running Solaris 9 with Forte C compiler
version 6.2 or GNU gcc version 3.3.2
Linux: i386/i586 running SuSE 9 or RedHat 9.0
Windows: Windows/XP with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 or the gcc that comes
with MinGW version 3.1.0-1 (Windows 2000
should work, but is untested)
Building Java
Before you start building, please check that your PATH must include the following
. <ant-root-dir>/bin
. <jdk-root_dir>/bin
. <compiler-root-dir>/bin
The default target, jar-opt, creates an optimized jar files and native
cd <java3d-root-dir>/j3d-core
The above steps build both the Java and native code for and
com.sun.j3d.* packages.
The build will be placed in j3d-core/build/<platform>/opt where <platform>
is determined from the ant echo command:
"ant echo".
To see other targets that are available, type "ant -projecthelp". Note
that ant must be run from the top-level directory.
The default compiler for native code compilation is set to "gcc". This value
is set in the file located
in the j3d-core directory. The compiler property is "build.comp".
On a Solaris platform with Forte compiler installed, build.comp can
be set to "forte". On a Windows platform installed Visual C++,
can be set to "vc".
SPECIAL: For Windows platform only, the property "build.rend" in
can be modified to use "d3d" (Direct3D API for rendering) besides the default
value "ogl".
NOTE: You can also modify the properties through ant property command options
e.g. "ant -Dbuild.comp=forte"
Running Java
To run Java 3D, please refer to j3d-examples/README-build.html for details
building Java 3D example programs.