The following ant targets are available ("jar-opt" is the default): all - execute targets jar-debug and dist. clean - removes build/ and dist/ for current platform clean-all - removes build/ and dist/ for all platforms clean-dist - removes dist. clean-javaonly - removes java portion of build for current platform compile - execute targets compile-debug and compile-opt. compile-debug - builds all classes and native layer in src into class files under build/${platform}/debug/classes/ and native files under build/${platform}/debug/native/ compile-opt - builds all classes and native layer in src into class files under build/${platform}/opt/classes/ and native files under build/${platform}/opt/native/ dist - THIS TARGET IS FOR RELEASE ENGINEERING ONLY; DEVELOPERS NEED NOT USE THIS TARGET. Copies the shared jars, and the platform-specific native libraries, src files, and javadoc to dist/${platform}. The dist-common target must be run first. dist-common - THIS TARGET IS FOR RELEASE ENGINEERING ONLY; DEVELOPERS NEED NOT USE THIS TARGET. This target must be run on a 32-bit Linux-x86 system. Creates the shared jar from the linux-i586 and windows-i586-vc build directories. The jar-opt target must be run first. docs - builds all classes in src into javadoc under build/javadocs. docs-jcp - builds JCP docs of all classes in src into javadoc under build/javadocs/docs-jcp. docs-private - builds private docs of all classes in src into javadoc under build/javadocs/docs-private. docs-public - builds public docs of all classes in src into javadoc under build/javadocs/docs-public. echo - echo some useful information, such as user.home, ant.home, java.home and platform. jar - execute targets jar-debug and jar-opt. jar-debug - creates build/${platform}/debug/lib for all jar files and libraries from class and native code files under build/${platform}/debug/classes and build/${platform}/debug/native. jar-debug-javaonly - compiles only the java portion of Java3D and builds jars in same locations as jar-debug jar-opt - creates build/${platform}/opt/lib for all jar files and libraries from class and native code files under build/${platform}/opt/classes and build/${platform}/opt/native. jar-opt-javaonly - compiles only the java portion of Java3D and builds jars in same location as jar-opt install-debug - installs the debug build into the JDK pointed to by JAVA_HOME src - generate a zip file Java 3D project source code. uninstall - uninstalls Java 3D from the JDK pointed to by JAVA_HOME