List of Proposed Vecmath 1.4 API Changes

This document conatains a list of the proposed API changes to the javax.vecmath 1.4 API that deviate from the 1.3 API.

Note: the most up-to-date version of this list is in the dev-1_4 branch of the docs/api-changes-1_4.txt file, which is updated to record the addition or deprecation of any public or protected class, interface, field, constructor, or method to the javax.vecmath API.

No incompatible changes to the javax.vecmath 1.3 API are allowed.

I. New/deprecated fields, constructors, methods


II. Reparented classes


III. New classes and interfaces (in javax.vecmath)

	public abstract class Tuple2i implements Serializable, Cloneable

	public class Point2i extends Tuple2i

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