3d.fog=Boira 3d.fog.backdistance=Dist\u00e0ncia d'opacitat total 3d.fog.density=Densitat: 3d.fog.exponential=Boira densa 3d.fog.frontdistance=Dist\u00e0ncia a la boira 3d.fog.linear=Boira lineal 3d.fog.none=Cap 3d.fog.type=Tipus de boira: 3d.light=Llum 3d.light.ambient=Llum ambient 3d.light.angle=Angle: 3d.light.apply=Aplicar 3d.light.direction=Direcci\u00f3 3d.light.directional=Llum direccional 3d.light.none=Apagar el llum 3d.light.point=Punt de llum 3d.light.position=Posici\u00f3 3d.light.spot=Focus de llum 3d.light.type=Tipus de llum: 3d.viewer=Visor 3D active_grid=Activa active_xaxis=Eix d'abscisses (Eix x) active_yaxis=Eix d'ordenades (Eix y) ajouter=Afegir animation_active=El mode animaci\u00f3 est\u00e0 activat. apercu=Vista pr\u00e8via attend_positif=espera un nombre positiu. backward=Endarrera bas=Baix bleu=Blau bordermotif=Motiu del marc: caractere_special1=Els noms dels procediments no poden incloure caractere_special2=car\u00e0cters com + - * / ( ) [ ] = < > & | : caractere_special3=Reanomena caractere_special_variable=Els noms de les variables no poden incloure carre=Quadrat chaine_trop_longue=No puc imprimir una paraula o una llista que tingui m\u00e9s de 32000 car\u00e0cters. chat=Xat chemin=Cam\u00ed color_3_arguments=necessita una llista de 3 arguments: [vermell verd blau] commande=Comanda: comme_parametre=] com a par\u00e0metre couleur_du_crayon=Color del llapis couleur_du_fond=Color del fons dans=En definir=Acabes de definir depassement_memoire=XLogo est\u00e0 usant el 90% de la mem\u00f2ria disponible. La comanda en curs ser\u00e0 aturada per a prevenir un eventual desbordament de la mem\u00f2ria. Verifiqueu que el vostre programa no entra en un bucle infinit. Si no \u00e9s el cas, augmenteu la mem\u00f2ria dedicada a XLogo. dernier=\u00daltim direction=Sentit division_par_zero=No pots dividir per zero! dossier_parent=Directori pare draw_grid=Quadr\u00edcula en el fons de pantalla echantillon=Mostra echantillon_texte=Mostra de text editeur=Editor editor.redo=Refer editor.undo=Desfer effacer_editeur=Borra la pantalla al sortir de l'editor element_dans_liste=paraules en la llista [ enlever=Eliminar enregistreimage=Desar la imatge com... enregistrer_espace=Eliminar les variables i els procediments? entre_zero_un=Ha d'estar compr\u00e8s entre 0 i 1. epaisseur_crayon=Tamany m\u00e0xim del llapis erreur=ERROR erreur_compteur=comptarepeteix no \u00e9s v\u00e0lid fora d'un bucle repeteix erreur_crochet=Error de claud\u00e0tors: s'esperava ] erreur_editeur=Impossible desar tots els procediments. Verifica els blocs PER...FI, i la definici\u00f3 correcta de variables :a :b etc erreur_fixestyle=fixaestil nom\u00e9s accepta les valors seg\u00fcents com a arguments: cap, negreta, subratllat, cursiva, barrat, sub\u00edndex, super\u00edndex erreur_format_image=Les extensions acceptades per a desar imatges s\u00f3n: *.png i *.jpg erreur_memoire=XLogo no t\u00e9 mem\u00f2ria suficient per crear la imatge requerida. En el tabulador "Opcions", augmenta el tamany dedicat a XLogo. erreur_nom_nombre_procedure=El nom d'un procediment no pot ser un nombre! erreur_nom_nombre_variable=El nom d'una variable no pot ser un nombre! erreur_pas_repertoire=no \u00e9s un directori v\u00e0lid! erreur_repetepour=ha de contenir tres o quatre elements [variable inici fi increment] erreur_retourne=No pots utilitzar retornar fora d'un procediment! erreur_sortie1=La tortuga ha sortit de la zona de dibuix. erreur_sortie2=Nombre de passos abans de sortir: erreur_stop=No pots utilitzar atura fora d'un procediment o d'un bucle! erreur_tcp=Problema de comunicaci\u00f3 de xarxa. erreur_variable=no \u00e9s una variable v\u00e0lida! error_bad_values=accepta nom\u00e9s els valors seg\u00fcents: error.3d.3vertex=Un pol\u00edgon ha de tenir almenys tres v\u00e8rtexs! error.3d.emptypolygon=L'\u00e0rea d'un pol\u00edgon ha de ser diferent de zero! error.ioecriture=Problema d'entrada-sortida, no puc gravar... error.iolecture=Impossible llegir el fitxer demanat. error.ne_peut_etre=no pot estar situat aqu\u00ed. error.novalue=no t\u00e9 valor. error.primitive2D=nom\u00e9s est\u00e0 disponible en mode 2D. error.primitive3D=nom\u00e9s est\u00e0 disponible en mode 3D. error.procedure.must.be=ha de ser el nom d'un procediment! error.whattodo=No s\u00e9 qu\u00e8 fer amb error.word=ha de ser una paraula. existe_deja=ja est\u00e0 definit. faux="fals ferme_editeur=Tanca la finestra de l'editor fichier_du_type=Arxius de format fichiers=Arxiu(s) fichiers_logo=Arxius Logo fichiers_rtf=Arxius RTF file_100K=Per evitar desbordaments de mem\u00f2ria, el tamany del fitxer no pot superar els 100kb fin=fi fin_flux=No hi ha m\u00e9s car\u00e0cters per llegir en el flux n. find=Cercar find_replace=Cercar/Reempla\u00e7ar flux_ecriture=No es pot escriure en aquest flux. flux_existant=ja designa un flux obert. Tanca el flux obert abans de reutilitzar aquest identificador. flux_lecture=No es pot llegir en aquest flux. flux_non_disponible=Aquest identificador no es correspon a cap flux obert. forme_crayon=Forma del llapis. forward=Endavant gui_exists=La component gr\u00e0fica seg\u00fcent ja ha estat definida: haut=Alt hollandais=Holand\u00e8s hsb=HSB hsbbleu=B hsbrouge=H hsbvert=S imagefile=Arxius d'imatges images=Imatges imprimer_editeur=Imprimeix l'editor interrompre_execution=Atura l'execuci\u00f3 en curs je_ne_sais_pas=No s\u00e9 com fer line=l\u00ednia lire_editeur=Desar els canvis i sortir liste_vide=La llista est\u00e0 buida. mainCommand=Comanda d'inici: memoire=Mem\u00f2ria destinada a XLogo (Mb): menu.edition=Edici\u00f3 menu.edition.copy=Copiar Ctrl+C menu.edition.cut=Retallar Ctrl+X menu.edition.paste=Enganxar Ctrl+V menu.edition.selectall=Seleccionar tot Ctrl+A menu.file=Fitxer menu.file.captureimage=Capturar la imatge menu.file.captureimage.clipboard=Copiar al portapapers menu.file.captureimage.print=Imprimir la imatge menu.file.open=Obrir menu.file.quit=Sortir menu.file.save=Desar menu.file.saveas=Anomenar i desar menu.file.textzone=Zona de text menu.file.textzone.rtf=Desar en format RTF menu.help=Ajuda menu.help.about=Sobre XLogo... menu.help.licence=Llic\u00e8ncia menu.help.online=Manual en l\u00ednia menu.help.translatedlicence=Traducci\u00f3 de la llic\u00e8ncia menu.help.translatexlogo=Traduir XLogo menu.tools=Eines menu.tools.eraser=Esborra procediment menu.tools.pencolor=Escollir color del llapis menu.tools.preferences=Prefer\u00e8ncies menu.tools.screencolor=Escollir color de fons menu.tools.startup=Definir els arxius d'inici menu.tools.translate=Traduir procediments message_a_propos1=Versi\u00f3 de XLogo: message_a_propos2=Lloc web: message_a_propos3=Pots escriure'm a: messages=Missatges mot_vide=La paraula ha de contenir almenys un car\u00e0cter n_aime_pas=no accepta [ nb_tortues=Nombre m\u00e0xim de tortugues ne_renvoie_pas=no d\u00f3na cap valor a no_gui=La component gr\u00e0fica seg\u00fcent no existeix o no s'ha definit no_host=Problema de comunicaci\u00f3 de xarxa amb l'ordinador d'adre\u00e7a: nom_du_fichier=Nom del fitxer: nombre_unicode=ha d'estar compr\u00e8s entre 0 i 65535. normal=Normal note.do=do note.fa=fa note.la=la note.mi=mi note.re=re note.si=si note.sol=sol nouveau=Nou nouveau_dossier=Crear un nou directori ouvrir_editeur=Obrir l'editor parcourir=Cercar... parenthese_fermante=S'esperava un par\u00e8ntesi ) parenthese_ouvrante=S'esperava un par\u00e8ntesi ( parenthese_vide=No hi ha res entre els par\u00e8ntesis! pas=Escala pas_argument=no \u00e9s un argument v\u00e0lid pas_assez_de=No hi ha suficient dades per pas_entier=no \u00e9s un enter! pas_liste=no \u00e9s una llista. pas_nombre=no \u00e9s un nombre! pas_predicat=ha de ser cert o fals. pb_port=Impossible connectar-se al port: pencolor=Color de llapis predeterminat pour=per pref.cancel=Cancel.lar pref.font=Font pref.general=General pref.general.arabic=\u00c0rab pref.general.aspect=Aspecte pref.general.asturian=Asturi\u00e0 pref.general.catalan=Catal\u00e0 pref.general.english=Angl\u00e8s pref.general.esperanto=Esperanto pref.general.fast=R\u00e0pid pref.general.french=Franc\u00e8s pref.general.galician=Gallec pref.general.german=Alemany pref.general.greek=Grec pref.general.hungarian=Hongar\u00e8s pref.general.italian=Itali\u00e0 pref.general.lang=Idioma pref.general.metal=Metall pref.general.motif=Motif pref.general.portuguese=Portugu\u00e8s pref.general.slow=Lent pref.general.spanish=Castell\u00e0 pref.general.speed=Velocitat de la tortuga pref.general.windows=Windows pref.highlight=Ressaltat pref.highlight.comment=Comentaris pref.highlight.enabled=Activa el ressaltat de la sintaxis pref.highlight.example=# Aix\u00f2 \u00e9s un comentari\nrepeteix 4 [avan\u00e7a 100 gd 90] pref.highlight.init=Predeterminat pref.highlight.operand=Variables, paraules, nombres pref.highlight.other=Un altre... pref.highlight.parenthesis=Par\u00e8ntesis, claud\u00e0tors pref.highlight.primitive=Primitives pref.options.tcp=Nombre del Port TCP pref.options.eraseVariables=Esborra les variables quan es tanca l'editor. pref.ok=D'acord pref.options=Opcions pref.sound=So pref.sound.instruments=Instruments disponibles pref.sound.problem=Problema al detectar el MIDI de l'ordinador pref.turtles=Tria de la tortuga primitives=Primitives probleme_sequence=No puc entendre la seq\u00fc\u00e8ncia musical, repassa-la! procedure_demarrage=Comanda per executar a l'inici: procedure_list=Llista de procediments: procedure_vide=El nom d'un procediment no pot ser buit! qualite_dessin=Qualitat de dibuix quit_editeur=Sortir de l'editor sense desar els canvis quitter?=Segur que vols sortir? rechercher_dans=Buscar a: relancer=Reinicia XLogo per aplicar els canvis. repertoire_accueil=Directori de dest\u00ed repertoires=Directori(s) replace=Reempla\u00e7ar replaceall=Reempla\u00e7ar tot replacewith=Reempla\u00e7ar per: restaurer=Restaurar rgb=VVB (RGB) rond=Rod\u00f3 rouge=Vermell screencolor=Color del fons de pantalla (predeterminat) seule_tortue_dispo=No pots eliminar l'\u00fanica tortuga activa! stop=Atura stop_chat=<<<<< Fi del xat >>>>> string_not_found=Element no trobat style.bold=Negreta style.exposant=Super\u00edndex style.italic=Cursiva style.none=Cap style.strike=Barrat style.subscript=Sub\u00edndex style.underline=Subratllat taille_dessin=Tamany de la finestra per dibuixar title_axis=Eixos cartesians titredialogue2=Guardant la imatge... too_much_arguments=Massa arguments entre els par\u00e8ntesis. tortue_inaccessible=Impossible crear una tortuga amb aquest nombre! traduire=Traduir! traduire_de=Traduir de: translatecomplete=Completar una traducci\u00f3 translateconsult=Consultar les traduccions existents translatecreate=Crear una nova traducci\u00f3 translatemessage=Quan tots els camps estiguin complerts en les dues taules, clica el bot\u00f3 "D'acord". Envia'm el fitxer generat a loic@xlogo.tuxfamily.org translatemodify=Modificar una traducci\u00f3 translatewant=Desitges: un_caractere=ha de contenir nom\u00e9s un car\u00e0cter. uniform_color=Color s\u00f2lid: variable_vide=El nom d'una variable no pot ser buit. vers=Cap a: vert=Verd vrai="cert xgrid=Amplada de la quadr\u00edcula: y_a_pas=No hi ha ygrid=Al\u00e7ada de la quadr\u00edcula: ws.settings.require_password=Protect these settings with a password. ws.settings.password=Password ws.settings.retype.password=Retype Password ws.settings.save.password=Save Password ws.settings.workspace=Workspace: ws.settings.location=Location: ws.settings.language=Language: ws.settings.backups=Number of Backups: ws.settings.user=User: ws.settings.add=Add ws.settings.remove=Remove ws.settings.import=Import ws.settings.enable.user.account.creation=Allow the users to create new user accounts? ws.settings.save.and.close=Save and close ws.settings.title=XLogo4Schools - Workspace Settings ws.settings.global=Global ws.settings.global.settings=Global Settings ws.settings.workspace=Workspace ws.settings.global.settings=Workspace Settings ws.settings.cannot.store.pw=Cannot store new password: ws.settings.pw.must.be.equal=Passwords must be equal. ws.settings.virtual.ws.not.stored=A virtual workspace is not stored on the file system. ws.settings.could.not.enter.wp=Could not enter workspace ws.settings.create.new.wp=Create a new workspace ws.settings.wp.name.non.empty=The workspace name cannot be empty. ws.settings.wp.exists.already=The specified workspace exists already. ws.settings.could.not.create.directory=Could not create the specified directory. ws.settings.need.dir.not.file=You need to specify a directory, not a file. ws.settings.could.not.create.ws=Could not create the workspace on the file system. ws.settings.want.delete.dir.1=Do you want to delete the directory ' ws.settings.want.delete.dir.2=' and its contents from the file system? ws.settings.could.not.enter.virtual.ws=Could not enter virtual workspace ws.settings.delete.from.fs=Delete from file system? ws.settings.not.legal.ws.dir= is not a legal workspace directory. ws.settings.enter.user.name=Enter user name ws.settings.create.new.user=Create new user account ws.settings.user.exists.already=The specified user exists in the workspace already. ws.settings.remove.user="Remove user from file system?" ws.settings.not.legal.user.dir= is not a legal user directory. ws.settings.choose.other.name= already exists in the workspace. Choose another name. ws.settings.name.conflict=Name Conflict ws.settings.could.not.import.user=Could not import user: ws.creation.panel.name=Workspace Name ws.creation.panel.location=Location ws.creation.panel.browse=Browse welcome.workspace=Workspace welcome.username=User welcome.settings=Settings welcome.enter=Enter welcome.title=XLogo4Schools welcome.wrong.pw=Wrong password. welcome.enter.pw=Enter Password welcome.could.not.enter.user=Could not enter user space: storage.could.not.store.gc=Could not store global configurations pref.general.abz.german.english=ABZ: English/German ws.settings.damaged=Workspace directory is damaged or missing: procedure.unititialized=The procedure is uninitialized procedure.executable=The procedure is executable procedure.not.executable=The procedure is not executable procedure.error=The procedure contains errors error.proc.does.not.exist=The procedure does not exist. ws.generated.procedure=generated_procedures ws.redefine.ambiguous.procedure= has more than one definition. I don't know which one to redefine. error.call.ambiguous.procedure.name= has more than one definition. I don't know which one to execute. ws.could.not.create.file=I could not create the file ws.error.title=Workspace Error ws.error.could.not.load.logo.files=Could not load some Logo files: i.am.sorry=I'm sorry, but... ws.error.userdir.not.dir=The specified source directory is not a directory and it could not be created. ws.error.could.not.store.configs=I Could not store the configuration files: ws.error.could.not.create.logo.file=Unfortunately I could not create a new file for the following reason: new.file=New File contest.error.could.not.record.file=I could not record your recent changes. Please show this message to the contest organizers. contest.mode.start=Start Contest Mode contest.mode.stop=Stop Contest Mode contest.mode.filename=Exercise contest.mode.bonus.filename=Bonus Exercise contest.error.title=Thank you! You just uncovered a nasty Bug! contest.could.not.create=Unfortunately I could not create the files for the Contest. Please show this message to the contest organizers. contest.could.not.store=Unfortunately I could not record your input. Please show this message to the contest organizers. ws.filename.exists.already=This file name exists already. please choose another one. ws.attempt.open.inexistent.file=Attempt to open file that cannot be found in user space: ws.attempt.close.not.open.file=Curious... I just tried to close a file which was never opened. ws.automatic.save.failed=Unfortunately I was not able to automatically save your file for the following reason: general.error.title=Oooops editor.display.procedure.not.found= is not defined. name.error.dialog.title=Oooops name.error.rename.inexistent.file=Unfortunately I cannot rename this file because I think that the file does not exist. name.error.empty.name=A file cannot have an empty name. color.blue=Blue color.dark=Dark color.gray=Gray color.green=Green color.light=Light color.orange=Orange color.purple=Purple color.red=Red color.yellow=Yellow logo.file.has.error=This file contains errors and it cannot be executed. error.while.creating.editor=Unfortunately I could not create the editor for the following reason : error.no.error=Hurray, the Procedure has no errors. Why do I bother you? Just to be consistent with my enum. error.missing.to=The document should always start with 'to' error.missing.name=I'm missing a procedure name. error.name.is.number=A procedure name cannot be a number. error.name.special=Procedure names should not contain special characters. error.var.white.after.colon=There is a white space after the colon of one of your variables. error.var.special=Variable names should not contain special characters. error.var.is.number=Variable names cannot be numbers. error.var.missing.colon=I'm missing a colon in the variable declaration. error.opt.var.bracket=There is a problem with the brackets for optional variables. error.var.extra.chars=I don't understand what you have written after the variable declaration. error.missing.expr=I am missing a default value for one of the optional variables. error.more.chars.after.end='End' should be alone on a new line. error.missing.end=Your last procedure is missing an end. error.to.before.end=I cannot find 'end' for the procedure error.name.is.key.word=One of your names is a reserved key word. error.procedure.ambiguous=There is another procedure with the same name. Every procedure should be called differently. hist.msg.procedures.undefined= I have forgotten : error.network.context=I don't understand the data received from the network. dialog.yes=Yes dialog.no=no us.could.not.store.recent.data=I could not store the recent user data : illegal.name.msg=The chosen name contains illegal characters. ws.does.not.exist=The specified workspace does not exist. ws.not.a.workspace.dir=is not a legal workspace directory for import. app.hello= Hello file.contains.errors=contains errors. us.import=Import File us.export=Export File us.save.image=Save Image us.export.msg=Choose a file to export: contest.number.of.files=Number of exercises: contest.number.of.bonus.files = Number of bonus exercises: ws.settings.syntax=Syntax Highlighting ws.settings.contest=Contest / Record Mode