/* XLogo4Schools - A Logo Interpreter specialized for use in schools, based on XLogo by Loic Le Coq * Copyright (C) 2013 Marko Zivkovic * * Contact Information: marko88zivkovic at gmail dot com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the * GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. * * * This Java source code belongs to XLogo4Schools, written by Marko Zivkovic * during his Bachelor thesis at the computer science department of ETH Zurich, * in the year 2013 and/or during future work. * * It is a reengineered version of XLogo written by Loic Le Coq, published * under the GPL License at http://xlogo.tuxfamily.org/ * * Contents of this file were initially written by Loic Le Coq, * modifications, extensions, refactorings might have been applied by Marko Zivkovic */ package xlogo.kernel.perspective; import java.math.BigDecimal; import xlogo.kernel.DrawPanel; /** * @author Marko : This is now decoupled from Application * */ public class Conic { private DrawPanel dp; BigDecimal a; BigDecimal b; BigDecimal c; BigDecimal d; BigDecimal e; BigDecimal f; BigDecimal deux = new BigDecimal(2); private final BigDecimal un = BigDecimal.ONE; private final BigDecimal zero = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal[][] A = new BigDecimal[2][2]; private BigDecimal[] eigenValue = new BigDecimal[2]; private BigDecimal[][] eigenVect = new BigDecimal[2][2]; private BigDecimal[] center = new BigDecimal[2]; private double halfXAxis; private double halfYAxis; public Conic(DrawPanel dp, BigDecimal[] v) { this.dp = dp; this.a = v[0]; this.b = v[1]; this.c = v[2]; this.d = v[3]; this.e = v[4]; this.f = v[5]; A[0][0] = a; A[1][1] = c; // b/2 A[0][1] = b.divide(deux); A[1][0] = b.divide(deux); drawConic(); } private void drawConic() { calculateEigenVect(); // ellipse BigDecimal det = det(A); if (det.compareTo(zero) == 1) { // Looking for center calculateCenter(); // The main equation becomes with the center as Origin: // aX^2+bXY+cY^2+omega=0 // double omega=a*Math.pow(center[0],2)+c*Math.pow(center[1],2) // +b*center[0]*center[1]+d*center[0]+e*center[1]+f; BigDecimal omega = a.multiply(center[0].pow(2)).add(c.multiply(center[1].pow(2))) .add(center[0].multiply(center[1]).multiply(b)).add(d.multiply(center[0])) .add(e.multiply(center[1])).add(f); // We apply the rotation with the Eigen Vect Matrix // Now the equation becomes: lambda*X^2+mu*Y^2+omega=0 // with lambda and mu the eigen Values // 1/sqrt(eigenValue[0]/-omega) halfXAxis = 1 / Math.sqrt(eigenValue[0].divide(omega.negate(), 20, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN) .doubleValue()); // 1/sqrt(eigenValue[1]/-omega) halfYAxis = 1 / Math.sqrt(eigenValue[1].divide(omega.negate(), 20, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN) .doubleValue()); double angle = Math.atan(eigenVect[1][0].divide(eigenVect[0][0], 20, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN) .doubleValue()); // System.out.println(toString()); dp.drawEllipseArc(halfXAxis, halfYAxis, angle, center[0].doubleValue(), center[1].doubleValue(), 0, 360); } // hyperbola else if (det.compareTo(zero) == -1) { calculateCenter(); } // parabola else {} } private void calculateEigenValue() { // Polynom: acX^2-(a+c)X+A[0][1]^2 // tmp=a+c BigDecimal tmp = A[0][0].add(A[1][1]); // Discriminant delta=(a-c)^2+4*A[0][1]^2 BigDecimal delta = A[0][0].subtract(A[1][1]).pow(2).add(new BigDecimal(4).multiply(A[0][1].pow(2))); // calculate the eigen Values eigenValue[0] = tmp.subtract(sqrt(delta)).divide(deux); eigenValue[1] = tmp.add(sqrt(delta)).divide(deux); } private void calculateEigenVect() { if (A[0][1].compareTo(zero) == 0) { eigenValue[0] = A[0][0]; eigenValue[1] = A[1][1]; eigenVect[0][0] = un; eigenVect[1][0] = zero; eigenVect[0][1] = zero; eigenVect[1][1] = un; } else { calculateEigenValue(); BigDecimal tmp = A[0][0].subtract(eigenValue[0]); eigenVect[0][0] = un; // System.out.println("pb: "+tmp+"\n"+A[0][1]); eigenVect[1][0] = tmp.negate().divide(A[0][1], 20, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN); // vector length and then normalize tmp = sqrt(eigenVect[0][0].pow(2).add(eigenVect[1][0].pow(2))); eigenVect[0][0] = eigenVect[0][0].divide(tmp, 20, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN); eigenVect[1][0] = eigenVect[1][0].divide(tmp, 20, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN); eigenVect[0][1] = eigenVect[1][0].negate(); eigenVect[1][1] = un; } } private void calculateCenter() { // System determinant // df/dx=0 and df/dy=0 // double det=4*a*c-Math.pow(b,2); BigDecimal det = new BigDecimal(4).multiply(a).multiply(c).subtract(b.pow(2)); // xCenter=(-2*c*d+b*e)/det; center[0] = (deux.negate().multiply(c).multiply(d).add(b.multiply(e))).divide(det, 20, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN); // yCenter=(-2*a*e+b*d)/det; center[1] = (deux.negate().multiply(a).multiply(e).add(b.multiply(d))).divide(det, 20, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN); } private BigDecimal det(BigDecimal[][] M) { return M[0][0].multiply(M[1][1]).subtract(M[0][1].multiply(M[1][0])); } public String toString() { String st = "centre: " + center[0] + " " + center[1] + "\n" + "Valeurs propres: " + eigenValue[0] + " " + eigenValue[1] + "\n" + "Vecteurs propres:\n" + eigenVect[0][0] + " " + eigenVect[0][1] + "\n" + eigenVect[1][0] + " " + eigenVect[1][1] + "\n" + "Demi Axe: X " + halfXAxis + " Y " + halfYAxis; return st; } private BigDecimal sqrt(BigDecimal b) { BigDecimal precision = new BigDecimal(0.00000000001); int scale = precision.scale(); if (b.scale() < scale) { b = b.setScale(scale); } // Initial guess // G = A/2 BigDecimal g = new BigDecimal(Math.sqrt(b.doubleValue())); // Iterate until we're done while (true) { // G* = ((A/G)+G)/2 BigDecimal gStar = b.divide(g, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN).add(g).divide(deux, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN); BigDecimal delta = gStar.subtract(g); delta = delta.abs(); if (delta.compareTo(precision) < 0) break; g = gStar; } return g; } }