/* * XLogo4Schools - A Logo Interpreter specialized for use in schools, based on XLogo by Loic Le Coq * Copyright (C) 2013 Marko Zivkovic * Contact Information: marko88zivkovic at gmail dot com * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the * GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. * This Java source code belongs to XLogo4Schools, written by Marko Zivkovic * during his Bachelor thesis at the computer science department of ETH Zurich, * in the year 2013 and/or during future work. * It is a reengineered version of XLogo written by Loic Le Coq, published * under the GPL License at http://xlogo.tuxfamily.org/ * Contents of this file were entirely written by Marko Zivkovic */ package xlogo.storage; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import xlogo.AppSettings; import xlogo.Logo; import xlogo.messages.MessageKeys; import xlogo.messages.async.dialog.DialogMessenger; import xlogo.storage.global.GlobalConfig; import xlogo.storage.global.GlobalConfig.GlobalProperty; import xlogo.storage.user.UserConfig; import xlogo.storage.user.UserConfig.UserProperty; import xlogo.storage.user.UserConfigJSONSerializer; import xlogo.storage.workspace.WorkspaceConfig; import xlogo.storage.workspace.WorkspaceConfig.WorkspaceProperty; import xlogo.storage.workspace.WorkspaceConfigJSONSerializer; import xlogo.utils.Utils; /** * Singleton Class for maintaining XLogo4Schools workspace, properties, reading and writing the various config files *

* The workspace can be entered without using a user account. in that case, one enters as a virtual user. * While working as virtual user, the changes of preferences and the programs are not stored persistently. * However, one can still export and import program files. This behavior is similar to XLogo's file management that uses the classic save/open machanisms. *


XLogo4Schools maintains the following files and directories on the file system *


  • user_home/X4S_GlobalConfig.ser - this file stores information about how to access the various workspaces ({@link GlobalConfig})
  • * *


  • workspaceLocation/ - the folder of a workspace on the file system
  • *
  • workspaceLocation/X4S_WorkspaceConfig.ser - Information about the workspace ({@link WorkspaceConfig})
  • *
  • workspaceLocation/user_i/ - Project folder of "user i" in the workspace
  • *
  • workspaceLocation/user_i/X4S_UserConfig.ser - User preferences and settings ({@link UserConfig})
  • *
  • workspaceLocation/user_i/file_j_v.lgo - Version v of file_j.lgo (the last n versions are kept)
  • *
  • workspaceLocation/user_i/competition_protocol_k.txt - the protocol of the k'th recorded competition/session of user i
  • *

    * The files with the ending .ser are serialized objects. They are loaded from the file system when a workspace or userspace is entered. * The files are (re-)written to the file system whenever a user space, a workspace or XLogo4Schools is left. *



    Invariant : there is always an active GlobalConfig, WorkspaceConfig, and UserConfig. *

    Upon creation or loading of some config, it decides which sub-config should be loaded. *

  • GlobalConfig tries to enter the last used workspace if possible, otherwise it enters the virtual workspace.
  • *
  • WorksspaceConfig tries to enter the last active userspace if possible, otherwise it enters the virtual userspace.
  • * * @author Marko */ public class WSManager { private static Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(WSManager.class.getSimpleName()); /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Singleton * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ private static WSManager instance; private static boolean isConstructingSingleton = false; public static WSManager getInstance() { if (instance == null) { if (isConstructingSingleton){ throw new IllegalStateException("Recursive Singleton Creation."); } isConstructingSingleton = true; instance = new WSManager(); isConstructingSingleton = false; } return instance; } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Config Access * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /** * This is a shortcut for {@code WSManager.getInstance().getWorkspaceConfigInstance()} * This is usually not null {@link WSManager}, * but it is for a short time while a workspace is being switched or the program fails to enter a workspace. * @return */ public static WorkspaceConfig getWorkspaceConfig() { return getInstance().getWorkspaceConfigInstance(); } /** * This is a shortcut for {@code WSManager.getInstance().getGlobalConfigInstance()} * This is never null by definition of {@link WSManager} * @return */ public static GlobalConfig getGlobalConfig() { return getInstance().getGlobalConfigInstance(); } /** * This is a shortcut for {@code WSManager.getInstance().getUserConfigInstance()} *

    Note that this might be null, if no user has entered his user space. * @return */ public static UserConfig getUserConfig() { return getInstance().getUserConfigInstance(); } /** * @return the instance of the GlobalConfig */ public GlobalConfig getGlobalConfigInstance() { return globalConfig.get(); } /** * @return the active workspace */ public WorkspaceConfig getWorkspaceConfigInstance() { if (getGlobalConfigInstance().getCurrentWorkspace() != null){ return getGlobalConfigInstance().getCurrentWorkspace().get(); } return null; } /** * @return the active user */ public UserConfig getUserConfigInstance() { WorkspaceConfig wc = getWorkspaceConfigInstance(); if (wc == null) return null; else return wc.getActiveUser().get(); } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Initialization * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ private USBWorkspaceManager usbManager; private StorableObject globalConfig; private boolean hasEnteredApplication = false; private WSManager() { usbManager = new USBWorkspaceManager(new USBWorkspaceManager.WorkspaceContainer(){ @Override public void add(StorableObject usbwc) { GlobalConfig gc = getGlobalConfigInstance(); if (!hasEnteredApplication){ gc.addWorkspace(usbwc); enterWorkspace(gc, usbwc); } } @Override public void remove(StorableObject usbwc) { GlobalConfig gc = getGlobalConfigInstance(); if (hasEnteredApplication){ if (usbwc.equals(gc.getCurrentWorkspace())){ // TODO translate DialogMessenger.getInstance().dispatchError( "USB Stick Removed", "I will not be able to remember your changes. Please reinsert your USB stick."); } // else ignore } else { gc.removeWorkspace(usbwc.get().getWorkspaceName()); enterInitialWorkspace(gc); } } }); globalConfig = new StorableObject(GlobalConfig.class, GlobalConfig.DEFAULT_LOCATION).withCreationInitializer(new StorableObject.Initializer(){ @Override public void init(GlobalConfig gc) { StorableObject wc = createWorkspace(gc, WorkspaceConfig.DEFAULT_DIRECTORY); createUser(wc, UserConfig.DEFAULT_DIRECTORY); initGc(gc); } }).withLoadInitializer(new StorableObject.Initializer(){ @Override public void init(GlobalConfig gc) { initGc(gc); } }); try { globalConfig = globalConfig.createOrLoad(); } catch (Exception e) { DialogMessenger.getInstance().dispatchError("Unable to Initilize Global Configuration", e.toString()); } } protected void initGc(GlobalConfig gc){ usbManager.init(); gc.cleanUpWorkspaces(); StorableObject wc = enterInitialWorkspace(gc); if (wc != null && wc.get() != null){ enterInitialUserSpace(wc); } } public void enterApplication(){ hasEnteredApplication = true; } /** * This is used to have a workspace ready at the beginning, without any user interaction. *

    * Tries to enter workspaces with the following priority. * 1. Last used workspace (if any) * 2. Default workspace, if there is no last used workspace * 3. Virtual Workspace, if entering or creating the default workspace failed for some reason. */ protected StorableObject enterInitialWorkspace(GlobalConfig gc) { logger.trace("Entering initial workspace."); if (gc.getAllWorkspaces().length == 0){ logger.warn("No workspaces available."); return null; } String initialWs = usbManager.getFirstUSBWorkspace(gc.getAllWorkspaces()); if (initialWs != null) { File wsDir = usbManager.getWorkspaceDirectory(initialWs); StorableObject wc = WorkspaceConfigJSONSerializer.createOrLoad(wsDir, true); return enterWorkspace(gc, wc); } initialWs = gc.getLastUsedWorkspace(); if (initialWs == null) { initialWs = gc.getAllWorkspaces()[0]; } return enterWorkspace(gc, initialWs); } public void enterInitialUserSpace(StorableObject wc) { String user = wc.get().getLastActiveUser(); if (user != null && wc.get().existsUserLogically(user)){ enterUserSpace(user); } } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WORKSPACE CONFIG : create, delete, enter * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /** * A new workspace is created in the defined directory. * All Necessary files and folders are created and the workspace is logically added to the globalConfig. * @see WorkspaceConfig#loadWorkspace(File) * @param location * @param name */ public void createWorkspace(File location, String name) { File wsDir = StorableObject.getDirectory(location, name); GlobalConfig gc = getGlobalConfig(); createWorkspace(gc, wsDir); enterInitialWorkspace(gc); } /** * * @param gc - The global config, where the new workspace should be registered * @param wsDir - the workspace directory * @return */ protected StorableObject createWorkspace(GlobalConfig gc, File wsDir){ StorableObject wc; wc = WorkspaceConfigJSONSerializer.createOrLoad(wsDir); if (wc != null){ gc.addWorkspace(wc); enterWorkspace(gc, wsDir.getName()); } return wc; } public void deleteWorkspace(String wsName, boolean deleteFromDisk) { GlobalConfig gc = getGlobalConfigInstance(); File wsDir = gc.getWorkspaceDirectory(wsName); gc.leaveWorkspace(); gc.removeWorkspace(wsName); if (deleteFromDisk) deleteFullyRecursive(wsDir); enterInitialWorkspace(gc); } /** * @param wsDir * @throws IllegalArgumentException if wsDir is not a legal workspace directory */ public void importWorkspace(File workspaceDir, String workspaceName) { logger.trace("Importing workspace '" + workspaceName + "' from " + workspaceDir.getAbsolutePath()); if (!isWorkspaceDirectory(workspaceDir)) { DialogMessenger.getInstance().dispatchError(Logo.messages.getString(MessageKeys.WS_ERROR_TITLE), workspaceDir + " " + Logo.messages.getString(MessageKeys.WS_NOT_A_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY)); return; } getGlobalConfigInstance().addWorkspace(workspaceName, workspaceDir.getParent()); enterWorkspace(workspaceName); } /** * Load the workspace *

    Always succeeds if workspaceName equals {@link WorkspaceConfig#VIRTUAL_WORKSPACE} * @param workspaceName - the workspace to load and enter * @throws IOException - if the old workspace could not be loaded */ public void enterWorkspace(String workspaceName) { GlobalConfig gc = getGlobalConfigInstance(); enterWorkspace(gc, workspaceName); } protected StorableObject enterWorkspace(GlobalConfig gc, String workspaceName) { StorableObject wc = gc.getCurrentWorkspace(); if(wc != null && workspaceName.equals(wc.get().getWorkspaceName())){ logger.trace("I'm already in workspace: " + workspaceName); return gc.getCurrentWorkspace(); } wc = null; if (usbManager.isUSBDrive(workspaceName)) { logger.trace("Retrieving USB workspace: " + workspaceName); wc = usbManager.createOrLoad(workspaceName); } if (wc == null){ File wsDir = gc.getWorkspaceDirectory(workspaceName); if (wsDir == null){ logger.error("Can't find workspace " + workspaceName); return gc.getCurrentWorkspace(); } wc = WorkspaceConfigJSONSerializer.createOrLoad(wsDir); } if (wc == null){ logger.error("Can't enter workspace because creation or laod failed for " + workspaceName); return gc.getCurrentWorkspace(); } return enterWorkspace(gc, wc); } protected StorableObject enterWorkspace(GlobalConfig gc, StorableObject wc) { gc.enterWorkspace(wc); enterInitialUserSpace(wc); return gc.getCurrentWorkspace(); } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * USER CONFIG : create, delete, enter * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /** * A new user is created in the current workspace. * All Necessary files and folders are created and the workspace is logically added to the globalConfig. * @param username */ public void createUser(String username) { StorableObject wc = globalConfig.get().getCurrentWorkspace(); if (wc == null || wc.get() == null){ throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot create a user directory outside of workspaces. Use createUser(File dir) for special cases."); } File userDir = StorableObject.getDirectory(wc.getLocation(), username); createUser(wc, userDir); } private void createUser(StorableObject wc, File userDir){ StorableObject duc = new StorableObject(UserConfig.class, userDir); try { duc = duc.createOrLoad(); } catch (Exception e) { } if (!duc.isPersisted()){ logger.warn("Could not persist user files."); } duc.get().setDirectory(userDir); wc.get().addUser(duc); enterUserSpace(wc.get(), duc); } /** * @param username * @param deleteFromDisk */ public void deleteUser(String username, boolean deleteFromDisk) { File location = StorableObject.getDirectory(getWorkspaceConfigInstance().getDirectory(), username); getWorkspaceConfigInstance().removeUser(username); if (deleteFromDisk) { try { deleteFullyRecursive(location); } catch (SecurityException e) { System.out.println("Files not deleted: " + e.toString()); } } } /** * Import a user directory from anywhere in the file system to this workspace. * All files in the user directory are copied. Already existing files might get overwritten. *

    This has no effect if this is virtual. * @param srcUserDir - a legal user directory anywhere on the file system * @param destUsername - Existing files of targetUser are overwritten. If targetUser does not exist, it will be created first. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @throws IOException * @see WSManager#isUserDirectory(File) */ public void importUser(File srcUserDir, String destUsername) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException { logger.trace("Importing user '" + destUsername + "' from " + srcUserDir.getAbsolutePath()); if (!isUserDirectory(srcUserDir)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target directory is not a user directory."); createUser(destUsername); File wsDir = getWorkspaceConfig().getDirectory(); File targetUserDir = StorableObject.getDirectory(wsDir, destUsername); copyFullyRecursive(srcUserDir, targetUserDir); enterUserSpace(destUsername); } /** * @throws IOException If the old userConfig could not be stored. */ public void enterUserSpace(String name) { WorkspaceConfig wc = getWorkspaceConfigInstance(); if (wc == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Must be in WorkspaceDirectory first to enter UserSpace."); enterUserSpace(wc, name); } protected void enterUserSpace(WorkspaceConfig wc, String username) { File userDir = StorableObject.getDirectory(wc.getDirectory(), username); StorableObject uc = UserConfigJSONSerializer.createOrLoad(userDir); if (uc != null){ enterUserSpace(wc, uc); } else { DialogMessenger.getInstance().dispatchError("Workspace Error", "Cannot enter workspace."); } } protected void enterUserSpace(WorkspaceConfig wc, StorableObject uc) { wc.enterUserSpace(uc); } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SHORTCUTS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ public void storeAllSettings() { globalConfig.store(); StorableObject swc = globalConfig.get().getCurrentWorkspace(); if (swc == null) { return; } swc.store(); StorableObject suc = swc.get().getActiveUser(); if (suc == null) { return; } suc.store(); } /** * Make sure all threads are stopped and open files saved and closed. */ public void stopEverything(){ usbManager.stop(); storeAllSettings(); } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DIRECTORIES & FILE MANIPULATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ public static File[] listDirectories(File dir) { File[] dirs = dir.listFiles(new java.io.FileFilter(){ public boolean accept(File pathname) { return pathname.isDirectory(); } }); if (dirs == null) { dirs = new File[0]; } return dirs; } /** * A directory is considered a workspace directory, * if it contains a file for {@link WorkspaceConfig}, as defined by {@link StorableObject#getFilePath(File, Class)} * @param dir * @return */ public static boolean isWorkspaceDirectory(File dir) { if (dir == null) return false; if (!dir.isDirectory()) return false; File wcf = StorableObject.getFilePath(dir, WorkspaceConfig.class); if (!wcf.isFile()) return false; return true; } /** * A directory is considered a user directory, * if it contains a file for {@link UserConfig}, as defined by {@link StorableObject#getFilePath(File, Class)} * @param dir * @return */ public static boolean isUserDirectory(File dir) { if (dir == null) return false; if (!dir.isDirectory()) return false; File ucf = StorableObject.getFilePath(dir, UserConfig.class); if (!ucf.isFile()) return false; return true; } /** * If "from" denotes a file, then "to" should be a file too. * The contents of file "from" are copied to file "to". * "to" is created, if it does not exists, using mkdirs. * *

    If "from" denotes a directory, then "to" should be a directory too. * The contents of directory "from" are copied recursively to directory "to". * "to" is created, if it does not exists, using mkdirs. * @param from - must exist * @param to - must not exist * @throws IOException */ public static void copyFullyRecursive(File from, File to) throws IOException { if (!from.exists()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("'from' (" + from.toString() + ") must exist."); if (from.isFile()) { copyFile(from, to); return; } // else to is directory to.mkdirs(); for (File src : from.listFiles()) { File dest = new File(to.toString() + File.separator + src.getName()); if (src.isFile()) { copyFile(src, dest); } else if (src.isDirectory()) { copyFullyRecursive(src, dest); } } } public static void copyFile(File from, File to) throws IOException { if (!from.isFile()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("File 'from' (" + from.toString() + ") must exist."); if (to.exists()) { if (!to.isFile()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("File 'to' (" + from.toString() + ") must be a file."); } else { File parent = to.getParentFile(); if (!parent.exists()) to.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } Utils.copyFile(from, to); } /** * @param victim * @throws SecurityException If one tries to delete some directory that is not under control of this application (Workspace or User) */ public static void deleteFullyRecursive(File victim) throws SecurityException { if (!victim.exists()) return; if (victim.isFile()) { victim.delete(); return; } if (!isGlobalConfigDirectory(victim) && !isWorkspaceDirectory(victim) && !isUserDirectory(victim)) { String title = AppSettings.getInstance().translate("error.security.violation.title"); String message = AppSettings.getInstance().translate("error.attempt.delete.non.x4s.file"); DialogMessenger.getInstance().dispatchError(title, message + ' ' + victim.toString()); throw new SecurityException(); } // Delete all sub-directories for (File f : victim.listFiles()) { uncheckedRecursiveDelete(f); victim.delete(); } // Delete directory itself victim.delete(); } /** * CAUTION : Don't use this unless you are sure that the directory you want to delete is a XLogo4Schools directory. * Otherwise it could delete just everything. * @param victim */ private static void uncheckedRecursiveDelete(File victim) { if (!victim.exists()) return; if (victim.isFile()) { victim.delete(); return; } // Delete all sub-directories for (File f : victim.listFiles()) { uncheckedRecursiveDelete(f); victim.delete(); } // Delete directory itself victim.delete(); } public static boolean isGlobalConfigDirectory(File dir) { if (!dir.isDirectory()) return false; String name = dir.getName(); if (!name.startsWith("X4S_")) return false; return true; } }