path: root/src/jake2/client/VID.java
diff options
authorHolger Zickner <[email protected]>2004-07-07 19:59:59 +0000
committerHolger Zickner <[email protected]>2004-07-07 19:59:59 +0000
commit6e23fc1074d1f0c2c2812f4c2e663f5a21a43c20 (patch)
tree46ecc6d0255c874ba4cd26dc3d0733f785019896 /src/jake2/client/VID.java
import of Jake2 version sunrisesunrise
Diffstat (limited to 'src/jake2/client/VID.java')
1 files changed, 915 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/jake2/client/VID.java b/src/jake2/client/VID.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dad6fc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/jake2/client/VID.java
@@ -0,0 +1,915 @@
+ * VID.java
+ * Copyright (C) 2003
+ *
+ * $Id: VID.java,v 1.1 2004-07-07 19:58:52 hzi Exp $
+ */
+Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+package jake2.client;
+import jake2.Defines;
+import jake2.Globals;
+import jake2.game.Cmd;
+import jake2.game.cvar_t;
+import jake2.qcommon.*;
+import jake2.render.Renderer;
+import jake2.sys.*;
+import jake2.sys.KBD;
+import jake2.sys.RW;
+import jake2.util.Vargs;
+import java.awt.Dimension;
+ * VID is a video driver.
+ *
+ * source: client/vid.h linux/vid_so.c
+ *
+ * @author cwei
+ */
+public class VID extends Globals {
+ // Main windowed and fullscreen graphics interface module. This module
+ // is used for both the software and OpenGL rendering versions of the
+ // Quake refresh engine.
+ // Global variables used internally by this module
+ // Globals.viddef
+ // global video state; used by other modules
+ // Structure containing functions exported from refresh DLL
+ // Globals.re;
+ // Console variables that we need to access from this module
+ static cvar_t vid_gamma;
+ static cvar_t vid_ref; // Name of Refresh DLL loaded
+ static cvar_t vid_xpos; // X coordinate of window position
+ static cvar_t vid_ypos; // Y coordinate of window position
+ static cvar_t vid_fullscreen;
+ // Global variables used internally by this module
+ // void *reflib_library; // Handle to refresh DLL
+ static boolean reflib_active = false;
+ // const char so_file[] = "/etc/quake2.conf";
+ /*
+ ==========================================================================
+ ==========================================================================
+ */
+ public static void Printf(int print_level, String fmt, Vargs vargs) {
+ // static qboolean inupdate;
+ if (print_level == Defines.PRINT_ALL)
+ Com.Printf(fmt, vargs);
+ else
+ Com.DPrintf(fmt, vargs);
+ }
+ public static void Error(int err_level, String fmt, Vargs vargs)
+ {
+ //static qboolean inupdate;
+ Com.Error(err_level, fmt, vargs);
+ }
+ // ==========================================================================
+ /*
+ ============
+ VID_Restart_f
+ Console command to re-start the video mode and refresh DLL. We do this
+ simply by setting the modified flag for the vid_ref variable, which will
+ cause the entire video mode and refresh DLL to be reset on the next frame.
+ ============
+ */
+ static void Restart_f()
+ {
+ vid_ref.modified = true;
+ }
+ /*
+ ** VID_GetModeInfo
+ */
+ static final vidmode_t vid_modes[] =
+ {
+ new vidmode_t("Mode 0: 320x240", 320, 240, 0),
+ new vidmode_t("Mode 1: 400x300", 400, 300, 1),
+ new vidmode_t("Mode 2: 512x384", 512, 384, 2),
+ new vidmode_t("Mode 3: 640x480", 640, 480, 3),
+ new vidmode_t("Mode 4: 800x600", 800, 600, 4),
+ new vidmode_t("Mode 5: 960x720", 960, 720, 5),
+ new vidmode_t("Mode 6: 1024x768", 1024, 768, 6),
+ new vidmode_t("Mode 7: 1152x864", 1152, 864, 7),
+ new vidmode_t("Mode 8: 1280x1024", 1280, 1024, 8),
+ new vidmode_t("Mode 9: 1600x1200", 1600, 1200, 9),
+ new vidmode_t("Mode 10: 2048x1536", 2048, 1536, 10)};
+ static final int NUM_MODES = vid_modes.length;
+ public static boolean GetModeInfo(Dimension dim, int mode) {
+ if (mode < 0 || mode >= NUM_MODES)
+ return false;
+ dim.width = vid_modes[mode].width;
+ dim.height = vid_modes[mode].height;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*
+ ** VID_NewWindow
+ */
+ public static void NewWindow(int width, int height) {
+ Globals.viddef.width = width;
+ Globals.viddef.height = height;
+ }
+ static void FreeReflib()
+ {
+ if (Globals.re != null) {
+ KBD.Close();
+ RW.IN_Shutdown();
+ }
+ Globals.re = null;
+ reflib_active = false;
+ }
+ /*
+ ==============
+ VID_LoadRefresh
+ ==============
+ */
+ static boolean LoadRefresh( String name )
+ {
+ if ( reflib_active )
+ {
+ KBD.Close();
+ RW.IN_Shutdown();
+ Globals.re.Shutdown();
+ FreeReflib();
+ }
+ Com.Printf( "------- Loading " + name + " -------\n");
+ boolean found = false;
+ String[] driverNames = Renderer.getDriverNames();
+ for (int i = 0; i < driverNames.length; i++) {
+ if (driverNames[i].equals(name)) {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ Com.Printf( "LoadLibrary(\"" + name +"\") failed\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ Com.Printf( "LoadLibrary(\"" + name +"\")\n" );
+ refimport_t ri = new refimport_t() {
+ public void Sys_Error(int err_level, String str) {
+ VID.Error(err_level, str, null);
+ }
+ public void Sys_Error(int err_level, String str, Vargs vargs) {
+ VID.Error(err_level, str, vargs);
+ }
+ public void Cmd_AddCommand(String name, xcommand_t cmd) {
+ Cmd.AddCommand(name, cmd);
+ }
+ public void Cmd_RemoveCommand(String name) {
+ Cmd.RemoveCommand(name);
+ }
+ public int Cmd_Argc() {
+ return Cmd.Argc();
+ }
+ public String Cmd_Argv(int i) {
+ return Cmd.Argv(i);
+ }
+ public void Cmd_ExecuteText(int exec_when, String text) {
+ Cbuf.ExecuteText(exec_when, text);
+ }
+ public void Con_Printf(int print_level, String str) {
+ VID.Printf(print_level, str, null);
+ }
+ public void Con_Printf(int print_level, String str, Vargs vargs) {
+ VID.Printf(print_level, str, vargs);
+ }
+ public byte[] FS_LoadFile(String name) {
+ return FS.LoadFile(name);
+ }
+ public int FS_FileLength(String name) {
+ return FS.FileLength(name);
+ }
+ public void FS_FreeFile(byte[] buf) {
+ FS.FreeFile(buf);
+ }
+ public String FS_Gamedir() {
+ return FS.Gamedir();
+ }
+ public cvar_t Cvar_Get(String name, String value, int flags) {
+ return Cvar.Get(name, value, flags);
+ }
+ public cvar_t Cvar_Set(String name, String value) {
+ return Cvar.Set(name, value);
+ }
+ public void Cvar_SetValue(String name, float value) {
+ Cvar.SetValue(name, value);
+ }
+ public boolean Vid_GetModeInfo(Dimension dim, int mode) {
+ return VID.GetModeInfo(dim, mode);
+ }
+ public void Vid_MenuInit() {
+ VID.MenuInit();
+ }
+ public void Vid_NewWindow(int width, int height) {
+ VID.NewWindow(width, height);
+ }
+ public void updateScreenCallback() {
+ SCR.UpdateScreen2();
+ }
+ };
+ Globals.re = Renderer.getDriver( name, ri );
+ if (Globals.re == null)
+ {
+ Com.Error(Defines.ERR_FATAL, name + " can't load but registered");
+ }
+ if (Globals.re.apiVersion() != Defines.API_VERSION)
+ {
+ FreeReflib();
+ Com.Error(Defines.ERR_FATAL, name + " has incompatible api_version");
+ }
+ /* Init IN (Mouse) */
+// in_state.IN_CenterView_fp = IN_CenterView;
+// in_state.Key_Event_fp = Do_Key_Event;
+// in_state.viewangles = cl.viewangles;
+// in_state.in_strafe_state = &in_strafe.state;
+ IN.Real_IN_Init();
+ if ( !Globals.re.Init((int)vid_xpos.value, (int)vid_ypos.value) )
+ {
+ Globals.re.Shutdown();
+ FreeReflib();
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* Init KBD */
+ KBD.Init();
+ Com.Printf( "------------------------------------\n");
+ reflib_active = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*
+ ============
+ VID_CheckChanges
+ This function gets called once just before drawing each frame, and it's sole purpose in life
+ is to check to see if any of the video mode parameters have changed, and if they have to
+ update the rendering DLL and/or video mode to match.
+ ============
+ */
+ public static void CheckChanges()
+ {
+ cvar_t gl_mode;
+ if ( vid_ref.modified )
+ {
+ S.StopAllSounds();
+ }
+ while (vid_ref.modified)
+ {
+ /*
+ ** refresh has changed
+ */
+ vid_ref.modified = false;
+ vid_fullscreen.modified = true;
+ Globals.cl.refresh_prepped = false;
+ Globals.cls.disable_screen = 1.0f; // true;
+ if ( !LoadRefresh( vid_ref.string ) )
+ {
+ if ( vid_ref.string.equals("jogl") ) {
+ Com.Printf("Refresh failed\n");
+ gl_mode = Cvar.Get( "gl_mode", "0", 0 );
+ if (gl_mode.value != 0.0f) {
+ Com.Printf("Trying mode 0\n");
+ Cvar.SetValue("gl_mode", 0);
+ if ( !LoadRefresh( vid_ref.string ) )
+ Com.Error(Defines.ERR_FATAL, "Couldn't fall back to jogl refresh!");
+ } else
+ Com.Error(Defines.ERR_FATAL, "Couldn't fall back to jogl refresh!");
+ }
+ Cvar.Set( "vid_ref", "jogl" );
+ /*
+ * drop the console if we fail to load a refresh
+ */
+ if ( Globals.cls.key_dest != Globals.key_console )
+ {
+ try {
+ Console.ToggleConsole_f.execute();
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Globals.cls.disable_screen = 0.0f; //false;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ ============
+ VID_Init
+ ============
+ */
+ public static void Init()
+ {
+ /* Create the video variables so we know how to start the graphics drivers */
+ vid_ref = Cvar.Get("vid_ref", "jogl", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
+ vid_xpos = Cvar.Get("vid_xpos", "3", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
+ vid_ypos = Cvar.Get("vid_ypos", "22", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
+ vid_fullscreen = Cvar.Get("vid_fullscreen", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
+ vid_gamma = Cvar.Get( "vid_gamma", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
+ /* Add some console commands that we want to handle */
+ Cmd.AddCommand ("vid_restart", new xcommand_t() {
+ public void execute() {
+ Restart_f();
+ }
+ });
+ /* Disable the 3Dfx splash screen */
+ // putenv("FX_GLIDE_NO_SPLASH=0");
+ /* Start the graphics mode and load refresh DLL */
+ CheckChanges();
+ }
+ /*
+ ============
+ VID_Shutdown
+ ============
+ */
+ public static void Shutdown()
+ {
+ if ( reflib_active )
+ {
+ KBD.Close();
+ RW.IN_Shutdown();
+ Globals.re.Shutdown();
+ FreeReflib();
+ }
+ }
+ // ==========================================================================
+ //
+ // vid_menu.c
+ //
+ // ==========================================================================
+// #define REF_SOFT 0
+// #define REF_SOFTX11 1
+// #define REF_MESA3D 2
+// #define REF_3DFXGL 3
+// #define REF_OPENGLX 4
+ static final int REF_OPENGL_JOGL = 0;
+// #define REF_MESA3DGLX 5
+// extern cvar_t *vid_ref;
+// extern cvar_t *vid_fullscreen;
+// extern cvar_t *vid_gamma;
+// extern cvar_t *scr_viewsize;
+ static cvar_t gl_mode;
+ static cvar_t gl_driver;
+ static cvar_t gl_picmip;
+ static cvar_t gl_ext_palettedtexture;
+ static cvar_t sw_mode;
+ static cvar_t sw_stipplealpha;
+ static cvar_t _windowed_mouse;
+ /*
+ ====================================================================
+ ====================================================================
+ */
+ static final int SOFTWARE_MENU = 0;
+ static final int OPENGL_MENU = 1;
+ static Menu.menuframework_s s_software_menu = new Menu.menuframework_s();
+ static Menu.menuframework_s s_opengl_menu = new Menu.menuframework_s();
+ static Menu.menuframework_s s_current_menu; // referenz
+ static int s_current_menu_index = 1; // default is the openGL menu
+ static Menu.menulist_s[] s_mode_list = new Menu.menulist_s[2];
+ static {
+ s_mode_list[0] = new Menu.menulist_s();
+ s_mode_list[1] = new Menu.menulist_s();
+ }
+ static Menu.menulist_s[] s_ref_list = new Menu.menulist_s[2];
+ static {
+ s_ref_list[0] = new Menu.menulist_s();
+ s_ref_list[1] = new Menu.menulist_s();
+ }
+ static Menu.menuslider_s s_tq_slider = new Menu.menuslider_s();
+ static Menu.menuslider_s[] s_screensize_slider = new Menu.menuslider_s[2];
+ static {
+ s_screensize_slider[0] = new Menu.menuslider_s();
+ s_screensize_slider[1] = new Menu.menuslider_s();
+ }
+ static Menu.menuslider_s[] s_brightness_slider = new Menu.menuslider_s[2];
+ static {
+ s_brightness_slider[0] = new Menu.menuslider_s();
+ s_brightness_slider[1] = new Menu.menuslider_s();
+ }
+ static Menu.menulist_s[] s_fs_box = new Menu.menulist_s[2];
+ static {
+ s_fs_box[0] = new Menu.menulist_s();
+ s_fs_box[1] = new Menu.menulist_s();
+ }
+ static Menu.menulist_s s_stipple_box = new Menu.menulist_s();
+ static Menu.menulist_s s_paletted_texture_box = new Menu.menulist_s();
+ static Menu.menulist_s s_windowed_mouse = new Menu.menulist_s();
+ static Menu.menuaction_s[] s_apply_action = new Menu.menuaction_s[2];
+ static {
+ s_apply_action[0] = new Menu.menuaction_s();
+ s_apply_action[1] = new Menu.menuaction_s();
+ }
+ static Menu.menuaction_s[] s_defaults_action= new Menu.menuaction_s[2];
+ static {
+ s_defaults_action[0] = new Menu.menuaction_s();
+ s_defaults_action[1] = new Menu.menuaction_s();
+ }
+ static void DriverCallback( Object unused )
+ {
+ s_ref_list[1 - s_current_menu_index].curvalue = s_ref_list[s_current_menu_index].curvalue;
+ if ( s_ref_list[s_current_menu_index].curvalue < 2 )
+ {
+ // we only use opengl today
+ s_current_menu = s_opengl_menu; // s_software_menu;
+ s_current_menu_index = 1; // 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s_current_menu = s_opengl_menu;
+ s_current_menu_index = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ static void ScreenSizeCallback( Object s )
+ {
+ Menu.menuslider_s slider = (Menu.menuslider_s) s;
+ Cvar.SetValue( "viewsize", slider.curvalue * 10 );
+ }
+ static void BrightnessCallback( Object s )
+ {
+ Menu.menuslider_s slider = (Menu.menuslider_s) s;
+ if ( s_current_menu_index == 0)
+ s_brightness_slider[1].curvalue = s_brightness_slider[0].curvalue;
+ else
+ s_brightness_slider[0].curvalue = s_brightness_slider[1].curvalue;
+ // if ( stricmp( vid_ref.string, "soft" ) == 0 ||
+ // stricmp( vid_ref.string, "softx" ) == 0 )
+ if ( vid_ref.string.equalsIgnoreCase("soft") ||
+ vid_ref.string.equalsIgnoreCase("softx") )
+ {
+ float gamma = ( 0.8f - ( slider.curvalue/10.0f - 0.5f ) ) + 0.5f;
+ Cvar.SetValue( "vid_gamma", gamma );
+ }
+ }
+ static void ResetDefaults( Object unused )
+ {
+ MenuInit();
+ }
+ static void ApplyChanges( Object unused )
+ {
+ /*
+ ** make values consistent
+ */
+ s_fs_box[1 - s_current_menu_index].curvalue = s_fs_box[s_current_menu_index].curvalue;
+ s_brightness_slider[1 - s_current_menu_index].curvalue = s_brightness_slider[s_current_menu_index].curvalue;
+ s_ref_list[1 - s_current_menu_index].curvalue = s_ref_list[s_current_menu_index].curvalue;
+ /*
+ ** invert sense so greater = brighter, and scale to a range of 0.5 to 1.3
+ */
+ float gamma = ( 0.8f - ( s_brightness_slider[s_current_menu_index].curvalue/10.0f - 0.5f ) ) + 0.5f;
+ Cvar.SetValue( "vid_gamma", gamma );
+ Cvar.SetValue( "sw_stipplealpha", s_stipple_box.curvalue );
+ Cvar.SetValue( "gl_picmip", 3 - s_tq_slider.curvalue );
+ Cvar.SetValue( "vid_fullscreen", s_fs_box[s_current_menu_index].curvalue );
+ Cvar.SetValue( "gl_ext_palettedtexture", s_paletted_texture_box.curvalue );
+ Cvar.SetValue( "sw_mode", s_mode_list[SOFTWARE_MENU].curvalue );
+ Cvar.SetValue( "gl_mode", s_mode_list[OPENGL_MENU].curvalue );
+ Cvar.SetValue( "_windowed_mouse", s_windowed_mouse.curvalue);
+ switch ( s_ref_list[s_current_menu_index].curvalue )
+ {
+// case REF_SOFT:
+// Cvar_Set( "vid_ref", "soft" );
+// break;
+// case REF_SOFTX11:
+// Cvar_Set( "vid_ref", "softx" );
+// break;
+// case REF_MESA3D :
+// Cvar_Set( "vid_ref", "gl" );
+// Cvar_Set( "gl_driver", "libMesaGL.so.2" );
+// if (gl_driver->modified)
+// vid_ref->modified = true;
+// break;
+// case REF_OPENGLX :
+// Cvar_Set( "vid_ref", "glx" );
+// Cvar_Set( "gl_driver", "libGL.so" );
+// if (gl_driver->modified)
+// vid_ref->modified = true;
+// break;
+// case REF_MESA3DGLX :
+// Cvar_Set( "vid_ref", "glx" );
+// Cvar_Set( "gl_driver", "libMesaGL.so.2" );
+// if (gl_driver->modified)
+// vid_ref->modified = true;
+// break;
+// case REF_3DFXGL :
+// Cvar_Set( "vid_ref", "gl" );
+// Cvar_Set( "gl_driver", "lib3dfxgl.so" );
+// if (gl_driver->modified)
+// vid_ref->modified = true;
+// break;
+ Cvar.Set( "vid_ref", "jogl" );
+ Cvar.Set( "gl_driver", "jogl" );
+ if (gl_driver.modified)
+ vid_ref.modified = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ Menu.ForceMenuOff();
+ }
+ static final String[] resolutions =
+ {
+ "[320 240 ]",
+ "[400 300 ]",
+ "[512 384 ]",
+ "[640 480 ]",
+ "[800 600 ]",
+ "[960 720 ]",
+ "[1024 768 ]",
+ "[1152 864 ]",
+ "[1280 1024]",
+ "[1600 1200]",
+ "[2048 1536]",
+ null
+ };
+ static final String[] refs =
+ {
+ // "[software ]",
+ // "[software X11 ]",
+ // "[Mesa 3-D 3DFX ]",
+ // "[3DFXGL Miniport]",
+ // "[OpenGL glX ]",
+ // "[Mesa 3-D glX ]",
+ "[OpenGL jogl ]",
+ null
+ };
+ static final String[] yesno_names =
+ {
+ "no",
+ "yes",
+ null
+ };
+ /*
+ ** VID_MenuInit
+ */
+ public static void MenuInit()
+ {
+ int i;
+ if ( gl_driver == null )
+ gl_driver = Cvar.Get( "gl_driver", "jogl", 0 );
+ if ( gl_picmip == null )
+ gl_picmip = Cvar.Get( "gl_picmip", "0", 0 );
+ if ( gl_mode == null)
+ gl_mode = Cvar.Get( "gl_mode", "3", 0 );
+ if ( sw_mode == null )
+ sw_mode = Cvar.Get( "sw_mode", "0", 0 );
+ if ( gl_ext_palettedtexture == null )
+ gl_ext_palettedtexture = Cvar.Get( "gl_ext_palettedtexture", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
+ if ( sw_stipplealpha == null )
+ sw_stipplealpha = Cvar.Get( "sw_stipplealpha", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
+ if ( _windowed_mouse == null)
+ _windowed_mouse = Cvar.Get( "_windowed_mouse", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
+ s_mode_list[SOFTWARE_MENU].curvalue = (int)sw_mode.value;
+ s_mode_list[OPENGL_MENU].curvalue = (int)gl_mode.value;
+ if ( SCR.scr_viewsize == null )
+ SCR.scr_viewsize = Cvar.Get ("viewsize", "100", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
+ s_screensize_slider[SOFTWARE_MENU].curvalue = (int)(SCR.scr_viewsize.value/10);
+ s_screensize_slider[OPENGL_MENU].curvalue = (int)(SCR.scr_viewsize.value/10);
+// if ( strcmp( vid_ref->string, "soft" ) == 0)
+// {
+// s_current_menu_index = SOFTWARE_MENU;
+// s_ref_list[0].curvalue = s_ref_list[1].curvalue = REF_SOFT;
+// }
+ if ( vid_ref.string.equalsIgnoreCase("jogl"))
+ {
+ s_current_menu_index = OPENGL_MENU;
+ s_ref_list[0].curvalue = s_ref_list[1].curvalue = REF_OPENGL_JOGL;
+ }
+// else if (strcmp( vid_ref->string, "softx" ) == 0 )
+// {
+// s_current_menu_index = SOFTWARE_MENU;
+// s_ref_list[0].curvalue = s_ref_list[1].curvalue = REF_SOFTX11;
+// }
+// else if ( strcmp( vid_ref->string, "gl" ) == 0 )
+// {
+// s_current_menu_index = OPENGL_MENU;
+// if ( strcmp( gl_driver->string, "lib3dfxgl.so" ) == 0 )
+// s_ref_list[s_current_menu_index].curvalue = REF_3DFXGL;
+// else
+// s_ref_list[s_current_menu_index].curvalue = REF_MESA3D;
+// }
+// else if ( strcmp( vid_ref->string, "glx" ) == 0 )
+// {
+// s_current_menu_index = OPENGL_MENU;
+// if ( strcmp( gl_driver->string, "libMesaGL.so.2" ) == 0 )
+// s_ref_list[s_current_menu_index].curvalue = REF_MESA3DGLX;
+// else
+// s_ref_list[s_current_menu_index].curvalue = REF_OPENGLX;
+// }
+ s_software_menu.x = (int)(viddef.width * 0.50f);
+ s_software_menu.nitems = 0;
+ s_opengl_menu.x = (int)(viddef.width * 0.50f);
+ s_opengl_menu.nitems = 0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
+ {
+ s_ref_list[i].type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL;
+ s_ref_list[i].name = "driver";
+ s_ref_list[i].x = 0;
+ s_ref_list[i].y = 0;
+ s_ref_list[i].callback = new Menu.mcallback() {
+ public void execute(Object self) {
+ DriverCallback(self);
+ }
+ };
+ s_ref_list[i].itemnames = refs;
+ s_mode_list[i].type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL;
+ s_mode_list[i].name = "video mode";
+ s_mode_list[i].x = 0;
+ s_mode_list[i].y = 10;
+ s_mode_list[i].itemnames = resolutions;
+ s_screensize_slider[i].type = MTYPE_SLIDER;
+ s_screensize_slider[i].x = 0;
+ s_screensize_slider[i].y = 20;
+ s_screensize_slider[i].name = "screen size";
+ s_screensize_slider[i].minvalue = 3;
+ s_screensize_slider[i].maxvalue = 12;
+ s_screensize_slider[i].callback = new Menu.mcallback() {
+ public void execute(Object self) {
+ ScreenSizeCallback(self);
+ }
+ };
+ s_brightness_slider[i].type = MTYPE_SLIDER;
+ s_brightness_slider[i].x = 0;
+ s_brightness_slider[i].y = 30;
+ s_brightness_slider[i].name = "brightness";
+ s_brightness_slider[i].callback = new Menu.mcallback() {
+ public void execute(Object self) {
+ BrightnessCallback(self);
+ }
+ };
+ s_brightness_slider[i].minvalue = 5;
+ s_brightness_slider[i].maxvalue = 13;
+ s_brightness_slider[i].curvalue = ( 1.3f - vid_gamma.value + 0.5f ) * 10;
+ s_fs_box[i].type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL;
+ s_fs_box[i].x = 0;
+ s_fs_box[i].y = 40;
+ s_fs_box[i].name = "fullscreen";
+ s_fs_box[i].itemnames = yesno_names;
+ s_fs_box[i].curvalue = (int)vid_fullscreen.value;
+ s_defaults_action[i].type = MTYPE_ACTION;
+ s_defaults_action[i].name = "reset to default";
+ s_defaults_action[i].x = 0;
+ s_defaults_action[i].y = 90;
+ s_defaults_action[i].callback = new Menu.mcallback() {
+ public void execute(Object self) {
+ ResetDefaults(self);
+ }
+ };
+ s_apply_action[i].type = MTYPE_ACTION;
+ s_apply_action[i].name = "apply";
+ s_apply_action[i].x = 0;
+ s_apply_action[i].y = 100;
+ s_apply_action[i].callback = new Menu.mcallback() {
+ public void execute(Object self) {
+ ApplyChanges(self);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ s_stipple_box.type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL;
+ s_stipple_box.x = 0;
+ s_stipple_box.y = 60;
+ s_stipple_box.name = "stipple alpha";
+ s_stipple_box.curvalue = (int)sw_stipplealpha.value;
+ s_stipple_box.itemnames = yesno_names;
+ s_windowed_mouse.type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL;
+ s_windowed_mouse.x = 0;
+ s_windowed_mouse.y = 72;
+ s_windowed_mouse.name = "windowed mouse";
+ s_windowed_mouse.curvalue = (int)_windowed_mouse.value;
+ s_windowed_mouse.itemnames = yesno_names;
+ s_tq_slider.type = MTYPE_SLIDER;
+ s_tq_slider.x = 0;
+ s_tq_slider.y = 60;
+ s_tq_slider.name = "texture quality";
+ s_tq_slider.minvalue = 0;
+ s_tq_slider.maxvalue = 3;
+ s_tq_slider.curvalue = 3 - gl_picmip.value;
+ s_paletted_texture_box.type = MTYPE_SPINCONTROL;
+ s_paletted_texture_box.x = 0;
+ s_paletted_texture_box.y = 70;
+ s_paletted_texture_box.name = "8-bit textures";
+ s_paletted_texture_box.itemnames = yesno_names;
+ s_paletted_texture_box.curvalue = (int)gl_ext_palettedtexture.value;
+ Menu.Menu_AddItem( s_software_menu, s_ref_list[SOFTWARE_MENU] );
+ Menu.Menu_AddItem( s_software_menu, s_mode_list[SOFTWARE_MENU] );
+ Menu.Menu_AddItem( s_software_menu, s_screensize_slider[SOFTWARE_MENU] );
+ Menu.Menu_AddItem( s_software_menu, s_brightness_slider[SOFTWARE_MENU] );
+ Menu.Menu_AddItem( s_software_menu, s_fs_box[SOFTWARE_MENU] );
+ Menu.Menu_AddItem( s_software_menu, s_stipple_box );
+ Menu.Menu_AddItem( s_software_menu, s_windowed_mouse );
+ Menu.Menu_AddItem( s_opengl_menu, s_ref_list[OPENGL_MENU] );
+ Menu.Menu_AddItem( s_opengl_menu, s_mode_list[OPENGL_MENU] );
+ Menu.Menu_AddItem( s_opengl_menu, s_screensize_slider[OPENGL_MENU] );
+ Menu.Menu_AddItem( s_opengl_menu, s_brightness_slider[OPENGL_MENU] );
+ Menu.Menu_AddItem( s_opengl_menu, s_fs_box[OPENGL_MENU] );
+ Menu.Menu_AddItem( s_opengl_menu, s_tq_slider );
+ Menu.Menu_AddItem( s_opengl_menu, s_paletted_texture_box );
+ Menu.Menu_AddItem( s_software_menu, s_defaults_action[SOFTWARE_MENU] );
+ Menu.Menu_AddItem( s_software_menu, s_apply_action[SOFTWARE_MENU] );
+ Menu.Menu_AddItem( s_opengl_menu, s_defaults_action[OPENGL_MENU] );
+ Menu.Menu_AddItem( s_opengl_menu, s_apply_action[OPENGL_MENU] );
+ Menu.Menu_Center( s_software_menu );
+ Menu.Menu_Center( s_opengl_menu );
+ s_opengl_menu.x -= 8;
+ s_software_menu.x -= 8;
+ }
+ /*
+ ================
+ VID_MenuDraw
+ ================
+ */
+ static void MenuDraw()
+ {
+ if ( s_current_menu_index == 0 )
+ s_current_menu = s_software_menu;
+ else
+ s_current_menu = s_opengl_menu;
+ /*
+ ** draw the banner
+ */
+ Dimension dim = new Dimension();
+ re.DrawGetPicSize( dim, "m_banner_video" );
+ re.DrawPic( viddef.width / 2 - dim.width / 2, viddef.height /2 - 110, "m_banner_video" );
+ /*
+ ** move cursor to a reasonable starting position
+ */
+ Menu.Menu_AdjustCursor( s_current_menu, 1 );
+ /*
+ ** draw the menu
+ */
+ Menu.Menu_Draw( s_current_menu );
+ }
+ /*
+ ================
+ VID_MenuKey
+ ================
+ */
+ static String MenuKey( int key )
+ {
+ Menu.menuframework_s m = s_current_menu;
+ final String sound = "misc/menu1.wav";
+ switch ( key )
+ {
+ case K_ESCAPE:
+ Menu.PopMenu();
+ return null;
+ case K_UPARROW:
+ m.cursor--;
+ Menu.Menu_AdjustCursor( m, -1 );
+ break;
+ m.cursor++;
+ Menu.Menu_AdjustCursor( m, 1 );
+ break;
+ Menu.Menu_SlideItem( m, -1 );
+ break;
+ Menu.Menu_SlideItem( m, 1 );
+ break;
+ case K_ENTER:
+ Menu.Menu_SelectItem( m );
+ break;
+ }
+ return sound;
+ }