path: root/src/jake2/game/PlayerHud.java
diff options
authorHolger Zickner <[email protected]>2004-07-07 19:59:59 +0000
committerHolger Zickner <[email protected]>2004-07-07 19:59:59 +0000
commit6e23fc1074d1f0c2c2812f4c2e663f5a21a43c20 (patch)
tree46ecc6d0255c874ba4cd26dc3d0733f785019896 /src/jake2/game/PlayerHud.java
import of Jake2 version sunrisesunrise
Diffstat (limited to 'src/jake2/game/PlayerHud.java')
1 files changed, 573 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/jake2/game/PlayerHud.java b/src/jake2/game/PlayerHud.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff02e75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/jake2/game/PlayerHud.java
@@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
+Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+// Created on 28.12.2003 by RST.
+// $Id: PlayerHud.java,v 1.1 2004-07-07 19:59:23 hzi Exp $
+package jake2.game;
+import jake2.*;
+import jake2.client.*;
+import jake2.qcommon.*;
+import jake2.render.*;
+import jake2.server.*;
+import jake2.util.Vargs;
+public class PlayerHud extends GameTarget {
+ /*
+ ======================================================================
+ ======================================================================
+ */
+ public static void MoveClientToIntermission(edict_t ent) {
+ if (deathmatch.value != 0 || coop.value != 0)
+ ent.client.showscores = true;
+ VectorCopy(level.intermission_origin, ent.s.origin);
+ ent.client.ps.pmove.origin[0] = (short) (level.intermission_origin[0] * 8);
+ ent.client.ps.pmove.origin[1] = (short) (level.intermission_origin[1] * 8);
+ ent.client.ps.pmove.origin[2] = (short) (level.intermission_origin[2] * 8);
+ VectorCopy(level.intermission_angle, ent.client.ps.viewangles);
+ ent.client.ps.pmove.pm_type = PM_FREEZE;
+ ent.client.ps.gunindex = 0;
+ ent.client.ps.blend[3] = 0;
+ ent.client.ps.rdflags &= ~RDF_UNDERWATER;
+ // clean up powerup info
+ ent.client.quad_framenum = 0;
+ ent.client.invincible_framenum = 0;
+ ent.client.breather_framenum = 0;
+ ent.client.enviro_framenum = 0;
+ ent.client.grenade_blew_up = false;
+ ent.client.grenade_time = 0;
+ ent.viewheight = 0;
+ ent.s.modelindex = 0;
+ ent.s.modelindex2 = 0;
+ ent.s.modelindex3 = 0;
+ ent.s.modelindex = 0;
+ ent.s.effects = 0;
+ ent.s.sound = 0;
+ ent.solid = SOLID_NOT;
+ // add the layout
+ if (deathmatch.value != 0 || coop.value != 0) {
+ DeathmatchScoreboardMessage(ent, null);
+ gi.unicast(ent, true);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void BeginIntermission(edict_t targ) {
+ int i, n;
+ edict_t ent, client;
+ if (level.intermissiontime != 0)
+ return; // already activated
+ game.autosaved = false;
+ // respawn any dead clients
+ for (i = 0; i < maxclients.value; i++) {
+ client = g_edicts[1 + i];
+ if (!client.inuse)
+ continue;
+ if (client.health <= 0)
+ PlayerClient.respawn(client);
+ }
+ level.intermissiontime = level.time;
+ level.changemap = targ.map;
+ if (level.changemap.indexOf('*') > -1) {
+ if (coop.value != 0) {
+ for (i = 0; i < maxclients.value; i++) {
+ client = g_edicts[1 + i];
+ if (!client.inuse)
+ continue;
+ // strip players of all keys between units
+ for (n = 0; n < MAX_ITEMS; n++) {
+ if ((itemlist[n].flags & IT_KEY) != 0)
+ client.client.pers.inventory[n] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (0 == deathmatch.value) {
+ level.exitintermission = true; // go immediately to the next level
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ level.exitintermission = false;
+ // find an intermission spot
+ ent = G_FindEdict(null, findByClass, "info_player_intermission");
+ if (ent == null) { // the map creator forgot to put in an intermission point...
+ ent = G_FindEdict(null, findByClass, "info_player_start");
+ if (ent == null)
+ ent = G_FindEdict(null, findByClass, "info_player_deathmatch");
+ }
+ else { // chose one of four spots
+ i = rand() & 3;
+ EdictIterator es = null;
+ while (i-- > 0) {
+ es = G_Find(es, findByClass, "info_player_intermission");
+ if (es == null) // wrap around the list
+ continue;
+ ent = es.o;
+ }
+ }
+ VectorCopy(ent.s.origin, level.intermission_origin);
+ VectorCopy(ent.s.angles, level.intermission_angle);
+ // move all clients to the intermission point
+ for (i = 0; i < maxclients.value; i++) {
+ client = g_edicts[1 + i];
+ if (!client.inuse)
+ continue;
+ MoveClientToIntermission(client);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ ==================
+ DeathmatchScoreboardMessage
+ ==================
+ */
+ public static void DeathmatchScoreboardMessage(edict_t ent, edict_t killer) {
+ StringBuffer string = new StringBuffer(1400);
+ //String string;
+ //char entry[1024];
+ //char string[1400];
+ int stringlength;
+ int i, j, k;
+ int sorted[] = new int[MAX_CLIENTS];
+ int sortedscores[] = new int[MAX_CLIENTS];
+ int score, total;
+ int picnum;
+ int x, y;
+ gclient_t cl;
+ edict_t cl_ent;
+ String tag;
+ // sort the clients by score
+ total = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < game.maxclients; i++) {
+ cl_ent = g_edicts[1 + i];
+ if (!cl_ent.inuse || game.clients[i].resp.spectator)
+ continue;
+ score = game.clients[i].resp.score;
+ for (j = 0; j < total; j++) {
+ if (score > sortedscores[j])
+ break;
+ }
+ for (k = total; k > j; k--) {
+ sorted[k] = sorted[k - 1];
+ sortedscores[k] = sortedscores[k - 1];
+ }
+ sorted[j] = i;
+ sortedscores[j] = score;
+ total++;
+ }
+ // print level name and exit rules
+ //string[0] = 0;
+ //stringlength = strlen(string);
+ // add the clients in sorted order
+ if (total > 12)
+ total = 12;
+ for (i = 0; i < total; i++) {
+ cl = game.clients[sorted[i]];
+ cl_ent = g_edicts[1 + sorted[i]];
+ picnum = gi.imageindex("i_fixme");
+ x = (i >= 6) ? 160 : 0;
+ y = 32 + 32 * (i % 6);
+ // add a dogtag
+ if (cl_ent == ent)
+ tag = "tag1";
+ else if (cl_ent == killer)
+ tag = "tag2";
+ else
+ tag = null;
+ if (tag != null) {
+ string.append("xv ").append(x + 32).append(" yv ").append(y).append(" picn ").append(tag);
+ /*
+ //Com_sprintf(entry, sizeof(entry), "xv %i yv %i picn %s ", x + 32, y, tag);
+ j = strlen(entry);
+ if (stringlength + j > 1024)
+ break;
+ strcpy(string + stringlength, entry);
+ stringlength += j;
+ */
+ }
+ // send the layout
+ string
+ .append("client ")
+ .append(x)
+ .append(" ")
+ .append(y)
+ .append(" ")
+ .append(sorted[i])
+ .append(" ")
+ .append(cl.resp.score)
+ .append(" ")
+ .append(cl.ping)
+ .append(" ")
+ .append((level.framenum - cl.resp.enterframe) / 600);
+ /*
+ Com_sprintf(
+ entry,
+ sizeof(entry),
+ "client %i %i %i %i %i %i ",
+ x,
+ y,
+ sorted[i],
+ cl.resp.score,
+ cl.ping,
+ (level.framenum - cl.resp.enterframe) / 600);
+ j = strlen(entry);
+ if (stringlength + j > 1024)
+ break;
+ strcpy(string + stringlength, entry);
+ stringlength += j;
+ */
+ }
+ gi.WriteByte(svc_layout);
+ gi.WriteString(string.toString());
+ }
+ /*
+ ==================
+ DeathmatchScoreboard
+ Draw instead of help message.
+ Note that it isn't that hard to overflow the 1400 byte message limit!
+ ==================
+ */
+ public static void DeathmatchScoreboard(edict_t ent) {
+ DeathmatchScoreboardMessage(ent, ent.enemy);
+ gi.unicast(ent, true);
+ }
+ /*
+ ==================
+ Cmd_Score_f
+ Display the scoreboard
+ ==================
+ */
+ public static void Cmd_Score_f(edict_t ent) {
+ ent.client.showinventory = false;
+ ent.client.showhelp = false;
+ if (0 == deathmatch.value && 0 == coop.value)
+ return;
+ if (ent.client.showscores) {
+ ent.client.showscores = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ ent.client.showscores = true;
+ DeathmatchScoreboard(ent);
+ }
+ /*
+ ==================
+ HelpComputer
+ Draw help computer.
+ ==================
+ */
+ public static void HelpComputer(edict_t ent) {
+ //char string[1024];
+ String string;
+ String sk;
+ if (skill.value == 0)
+ sk = "easy";
+ else if (skill.value == 1)
+ sk = "medium";
+ else if (skill.value == 2)
+ sk = "hard";
+ else
+ sk = "hard+";
+ // send the layout
+ string = Com.sprintf("xv 32 yv 8 picn help " + // background
+ "xv 202 yv 12 string2 \"%s\" " + // skill
+ "xv 0 yv 24 cstring2 \"%s\" " + // level name
+ "xv 0 yv 54 cstring2 \"%s\" " + // help 1
+ "xv 0 yv 110 cstring2 \"%s\" " + // help 2
+ "xv 50 yv 164 string2 \" kills goals secrets\" " + "xv 50 yv 172 string2 \"%3i/%3i %i/%i %i/%i\" ",
+ new Vargs()
+ .add(sk)
+ .add(level.level_name)
+ .add(game.helpmessage1)
+ .add(game.helpmessage2)
+ .add(level.killed_monsters)
+ .add(level.total_monsters)
+ .add(level.found_goals)
+ .add(level.total_goals)
+ .add(level.found_secrets)
+ .add(level.total_secrets));
+ gi.WriteByte(svc_layout);
+ gi.WriteString(string);
+ gi.unicast(ent, true);
+ }
+ /*
+ ==================
+ Cmd_Help_f
+ Display the current help message
+ ==================
+ */
+ public static void Cmd_Help_f(edict_t ent) {
+ // this is for backwards compatability
+ if (deathmatch.value != 0) {
+ Cmd_Score_f(ent);
+ return;
+ }
+ ent.client.showinventory = false;
+ ent.client.showscores = false;
+ if (ent.client.showhelp && (ent.client.pers.game_helpchanged == game.helpchanged)) {
+ ent.client.showhelp = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ ent.client.showhelp = true;
+ ent.client.pers.helpchanged = 0;
+ HelpComputer(ent);
+ }
+ //=======================================================================
+ /*
+ ===============
+ G_SetStats
+ ===============
+ */
+ public static void G_SetStats(edict_t ent) {
+ gitem_t item;
+ int index, cells = 0;
+ int power_armor_type;
+ //
+ // health
+ //
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH_ICON] = (short) level.pic_health;
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = (short) ent.health;
+ //
+ // ammo
+ //
+ if (0 == ent.client.ammo_index /* || !ent.client.pers.inventory[ent.client.ammo_index] */
+ ) {
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_AMMO_ICON] = 0;
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_AMMO] = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ item = itemlist[ent.client.ammo_index];
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_AMMO_ICON] = (short) gi.imageindex(item.icon);
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_AMMO] = (short) ent.client.pers.inventory[ent.client.ammo_index];
+ }
+ //
+ // armor
+ //
+ power_armor_type = PowerArmorType(ent);
+ if (power_armor_type != 0) {
+ cells = ent.client.pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(FindItem("cells"))];
+ if (cells == 0) { // ran out of cells for power armor
+ ent.flags &= ~FL_POWER_ARMOR;
+ gi.sound(ent, CHAN_ITEM, gi.soundindex("misc/power2.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
+ power_armor_type = 0;
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ index = ArmorIndex(ent);
+ if (power_armor_type != 0 && (0 == index || 0 != (level.framenum & 8))) { // flash between power armor and other armor icon
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR_ICON] = (short) gi.imageindex("i_powershield");
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR] = (short) cells;
+ }
+ else if (index != 0) {
+ item = GetItemByIndex(index);
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR_ICON] = (short) gi.imageindex(item.icon);
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR] = (short) ent.client.pers.inventory[index];
+ }
+ else {
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR_ICON] = 0;
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR] = 0;
+ }
+ //
+ // pickup message
+ //
+ if (level.time > ent.client.pickup_msg_time) {
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_PICKUP_ICON] = 0;
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_PICKUP_STRING] = 0;
+ }
+ //
+ // timers
+ //
+ if (ent.client.quad_framenum > level.framenum) {
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_TIMER_ICON] = (short) gi.imageindex("p_quad");
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_TIMER] = (short) ((ent.client.quad_framenum - level.framenum) / 10);
+ }
+ else if (ent.client.invincible_framenum > level.framenum) {
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_TIMER_ICON] = (short) gi.imageindex("p_invulnerability");
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_TIMER] = (short) ((ent.client.invincible_framenum - level.framenum) / 10);
+ }
+ else if (ent.client.enviro_framenum > level.framenum) {
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_TIMER_ICON] = (short) gi.imageindex("p_envirosuit");
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_TIMER] = (short) ((ent.client.enviro_framenum - level.framenum) / 10);
+ }
+ else if (ent.client.breather_framenum > level.framenum) {
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_TIMER_ICON] = (short) gi.imageindex("p_rebreather");
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_TIMER] = (short) ((ent.client.breather_framenum - level.framenum) / 10);
+ }
+ else {
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_TIMER_ICON] = 0;
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_TIMER] = 0;
+ }
+ //
+ // selected item
+ //
+ // bugfix rst
+ if (ent.client.pers.selected_item <= 0)
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_SELECTED_ICON] = 0;
+ else
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_SELECTED_ICON] = (short) gi.imageindex(itemlist[ent.client.pers.selected_item].icon);
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_SELECTED_ITEM] = (short) ent.client.pers.selected_item;
+ //
+ // layouts
+ //
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_LAYOUTS] = 0;
+ if (deathmatch.value != 0) {
+ if (ent.client.pers.health <= 0 || level.intermissiontime != 0 || ent.client.showscores)
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_LAYOUTS] |= 1;
+ if (ent.client.showinventory && ent.client.pers.health > 0)
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_LAYOUTS] |= 2;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (ent.client.showscores || ent.client.showhelp)
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_LAYOUTS] |= 1;
+ if (ent.client.showinventory && ent.client.pers.health > 0)
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_LAYOUTS] |= 2;
+ }
+ //
+ // frags
+ //
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_FRAGS] = (short) ent.client.resp.score;
+ //
+ // help icon / current weapon if not shown
+ //
+ if (ent.client.pers.helpchanged != 0 && (level.framenum & 8) != 0)
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_HELPICON] = (short) gi.imageindex("i_help");
+ else if ((ent.client.pers.hand == CENTER_HANDED || ent.client.ps.fov > 91) && ent.client.pers.weapon != null)
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_HELPICON] = (short) gi.imageindex(ent.client.pers.weapon.icon);
+ else
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_HELPICON] = 0;
+ ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_SPECTATOR] = 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ ===============
+ G_CheckChaseStats
+ ===============
+ */
+ public static void G_CheckChaseStats(edict_t ent) {
+ int i;
+ gclient_t cl;
+ for (i = 1; i <= maxclients.value; i++) {
+ cl = g_edicts[i].client;
+ if (!g_edicts[i].inuse || cl.chase_target != ent)
+ continue;
+ //memcpy(cl.ps.stats, ent.client.ps.stats, sizeof(cl.ps.stats));
+ System.arraycopy(ent.client.ps.stats, 0, cl.ps.stats, 0, Defines.MAX_STATS);
+ G_SetSpectatorStats(g_edicts[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ ===============
+ G_SetSpectatorStats
+ ===============
+ */
+ public static void G_SetSpectatorStats(edict_t ent) {
+ gclient_t cl = ent.client;
+ if (null == cl.chase_target)
+ G_SetStats(ent);
+ cl.ps.stats[STAT_SPECTATOR] = 1;
+ // layouts are independant in spectator
+ cl.ps.stats[STAT_LAYOUTS] = 0;
+ if (cl.pers.health <= 0 || level.intermissiontime != 0 || cl.showscores)
+ cl.ps.stats[STAT_LAYOUTS] |= 1;
+ if (cl.showinventory && cl.pers.health > 0)
+ cl.ps.stats[STAT_LAYOUTS] |= 2;
+ if (cl.chase_target != null && cl.chase_target.inuse)
+ //cl.ps.stats[STAT_CHASE] = (short) (CS_PLAYERSKINS + (cl.chase_target - g_edicts) - 1);
+ cl.ps.stats[STAT_CHASE] = (short) (CS_PLAYERSKINS + cl.chase_target.index - 1);
+ else
+ cl.ps.stats[STAT_CHASE] = 0;
+ }