Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* add setSwapInterval() for vsync (works on Win32 and Mac OS X) turn it off on...Carsten Weisse2007-01-118-12/+53
* cleanupCarsten Weisse2007-01-111-7/+3
* add glHint(int target, int mode) e.g. for perspective correction hintCarsten Weisse2007-01-107-66/+90
* set code style (java code conventions) for eclipse 3.2Carsten Weisse2007-01-102-0/+257
* original texture resampling (lesser memory garbage)Carsten Weisse2007-01-101-60/+50
* update to lwjgl 1.0 rc1 (org.lwjgl.util.GL was removed)Carsten Weisse2007-01-107-71/+69
* update to joal release 1.1.0Carsten Weisse2007-01-027-0/+0
* bugfix: TestMap works now. (re.EndRegistration() doesn't work in this context)Carsten Weisse2007-01-021-7/+5
* hide mouse on cinematicCarsten Weisse2006-12-122-5/+5
* add a better multitexturing checkCarsten Weisse2006-12-121-5/+13
* format onlyCarsten Weisse2006-12-121-40/+40
* simplifies the callback parameters (final values)Carsten Weisse2006-12-121-92/+64
* simplifies the callback parameters (final values)Carsten Weisse2006-12-121-90/+63
* NPE bugCarsten Weisse2006-12-111-2/+2
* exit thread removed because of linuxCarsten Weisse2006-12-111-35/+26
* hope this helps on win32 screen mode switchingCarsten Weisse2006-12-111-1/+7
* hope this helps on win32 screen mode switchingCarsten Weisse2006-12-111-8/+9
* hope this helps on win32 screen mode switchingCarsten Weisse2006-12-111-21/+33
* hope this helps on win32 screen mode switchingCarsten Weisse2006-12-111-27/+49
* destroy gl context in the canvas removeNotifyCarsten Weisse2006-12-111-9/+4
* destroy window in the main threadCarsten Weisse2006-12-111-5/+5
* use the default jsr231 renderer (testing)Carsten Weisse2006-12-111-2/+2
* destroy window in the awt event dispatcher threadCarsten Weisse2006-12-111-12/+21
* use the callback version of Jsr231Renderer only for Win32Carsten Weisse2006-12-111-2/+7
* typoCarsten Weisse2006-12-111-1/+1
* add a new renderer which uses the jsr231 callback interface (GLEventListener)Carsten Weisse2006-12-113-2/+722
* this is a hack for linux open the OpenAL device only once and never close at ...Carsten Weisse2006-12-082-71/+11
* add the ALut class from joal only for the current webstart version moved to j...Carsten Weisse2006-12-082-44/+1
* add the ALut class from joal only for the current webstart versionCarsten Weisse2006-12-081-0/+111
* update to new joal builds 2006-12-07Carsten Weisse2006-12-072-0/+0
* update to new joal builds 2006-12-07 ALut.alutExit()Carsten Weisse2006-12-076-82/+47
* unused resize removedCarsten Weisse2006-12-071-5/+1
* not compatible with java 1.4Carsten Weisse2006-11-301-2/+1
* hope this solves the pixel displacement problem on some Win32 systemsCarsten Weisse2006-11-301-2/+3
* hope this solves the pixel displacement problem on some Win32 systemsCarsten Weisse2006-11-301-2/+8
* try to solve the sound on/off/on bug on linuxCarsten Weisse2006-11-291-51/+74
* clear first and second buffer of GLContextCarsten Weisse2006-11-291-1/+7
* hope this solves the pixel flicker problem on some Win32 systemsCarsten Weisse2006-11-291-5/+11
* hope this solves the pixel flicker problem on some Win32 systemsCarsten Weisse2006-11-291-1/+8
* hope this solves the pixel flicker problem on some Win32 systemsCarsten Weisse2006-11-291-4/+14
* organize importsCarsten Weisse2006-11-291-2/+1
* magic linux openal handling removedCarsten Weisse2006-11-241-24/+2
* use a java.awt.Frame instead of swing JFrame (hope this solves the 2 Pixel bo...Carsten Weisse2006-11-231-5/+4
* add some context init code from jogl-demosCarsten Weisse2006-11-231-6/+13
* use a more stable EAX extension handlingCarsten Weisse2006-11-231-3/+8
* use the online version of lwjgl libs (webstart)Carsten Weisse2006-11-231-15/+1
* makes sound source buffer changing more stableCarsten Weisse2006-11-231-1/+7
* set the correct limit of sources IntBuffer for shutdown. (free only used soun...Carsten Weisse2006-11-231-2/+2
* reset the number of allocated channelsCarsten Weisse2006-11-232-2/+4
* bugfix: solves the alGenSources problem. the previous versions of lwjgl and ...Carsten Weisse2006-11-232-8/+18